Rating and TOP 10 best dental clinics in Moscow for dental implantation in 2022

The loss of one or more teeth is accompanied not only by poor aesthetics, but also by the appearance of problems from a functional point of view. There is a risk that the chewing load will be distributed unevenly. As a result, this will lead to deformation of the dentition and pathological changes in bone tissue.

To avoid such complications, doctors prescribe implantation. This is the most effective method of restoring lost teeth, during which a titanium root is implanted into the jaw bone. Implantation is a serious procedure, so it is important to be responsible when choosing a clinic that will perform it.

Implantation without risks: how to choose a clinic?

To avoid worsening your oral health and wasting your money, it is important to take the time to find a reliable clinic and doctor. It is recommended to consider the following criteria:

  1. Availability of documents (licenses, certificates). You should check in advance the license for all services indicated in the price list. The administrator must provide them.
  2. Location. Teeth should be implanted in the closest location to your place of residence. The procedure is carried out under local anesthesia, but after implantation there is often slight discomfort, so it is important to take into account the time spent traveling home. You will also have to visit the doctor several times during and after treatment.
  3. Equipped with modern equipment. Without modernized equipment (in particular, X-rays and tomographs), it will not be possible to carry out a high-quality procedure.
  4. Pricing policy and guarantees. Affordable prices do not mean that implantation will be performed poorly. Just like high prices are not a guarantee of quality. It is important to find out what is included in the cost of treatment and what will have to be paid separately. The agreed cost must be specified in the contract. Good clinics provide a guarantee for the services provided.
  5. Qualification of employees. It is important to choose a clinic that employs orthopedic doctors with extensive experience. Even with modern equipment, a low-skilled doctor will not be able to perform the procedure well.
  6. Reviews. After treatment, many clients leave positive reviews on the clinics’ websites. At the same time, the opposite situations also occur when, due to unfair treatment, a patient leaves a negative review to warn other potential clients.

Be sure to check the availability of licenses and certificates in the clinic

Rating of implant surgeons in Moscow

It is important to find not only a good clinic, but also an experienced, qualified doctor. Not in all cases, high-quality specialists are accepted in fashionable, expensive institutions with fabulous prices. Nikolay Vladimirovich Namdakov, an expert in the field of implantology and maxillofacial surgery at one of the leading dental clinics in Moscow, recommends paying attention to the following points when choosing a doctor:

“I believe that any dentist should be a highly qualified professional. When it comes to dental implantology in modern realities, a lot of other requirements arise here - this includes deep knowledge in areas such as maxillofacial surgery and orthopedics, and excellent knowledge of 3D modeling programs, and the presence of certificates that allow a doctor to work with implants of specific brands. So, for example, there are not many specialists in one-stage implantation protocols in Russia yet, and the patient may face the problem of finding a highly qualified and competent surgeon.”

The table below presents a rating of experienced and highly qualified practicing experts in the field of dental implantology (sorted by length of service).

Specialist nameWhere does it takeWork experience
Kutsev Vladimir Serafimovich"ASTRA-SMILE"28 years
Path Vladimir AnatolyevichSmile-at-Once27 years
Kanukoev Aslan Karalbievich"DentBerg"25 years
Ganiev Ziyadulla AmanovichNetwork of medical clinics "A-MEDIC"17 years
Namdakov Nikolay VladimirovichSmile-at-Once14 years

Remember that any rating is somewhat subjective and relies mainly on patient reviews. It is possible that a specialist who managed to win over some people will not be able to find a common language with you. Therefore, when considering the rating of specialists, also pay attention to significant characteristics, such as work experience, certificates and regalia.

Esthetic Classic Dent

Dental implantation is one of the leading areas of the clinic. During its existence, more than 1000 implants were installed. Dentistry has its own technological equipment (CAD/CAM). The clinic’s doctors carry out the procedure without complications, accurately selecting the most suitable materials and implantation technique.

The clinic has certificates and licenses (you can view them on the official website). The press regularly writes about “Esthetic Classic Dent” dentistry in its articles. The initial consultation is free for all clients.

Choose clinics with legal status, not individuals

You can say for sure where it is better to get dental implants – in dentists with legal status, and not in private offices. This is a very important point, because trusting health and expensive treatment to individuals is unsafe and short-sighted. In case of any disagreements or complications, when closing your account, you will have no one to ask. Then no insurance company will compensate for the damage. But with a legal status, all responsibility is no longer taken by a specific person (doctor), but by the clinic. In addition, good dentistry necessarily insures its liability, and patients undergoing treatment there are protected by law.

A good dentistry necessarily insures its liability, and patients undergoing treatment there are protected by law

Dr. Bon

The clinic has been providing good conditions for the full implantation cycle for more than 15 years. It is located next to the metro (on Bratislavskaya Street), so there will be no problems with the road. The cost of services is affordable, there is a loyalty program (for regular customers).

The Doctor Bon clinic has been operating for 15 years

Due to the high qualifications of doctors, it is possible to perform work of varying levels of complexity. This is confirmed by positive reviews from patients (you can read them on the clinic’s website). Customer trust is the main thing for Doctor Bon dentistry.

Characteristics of a reliable dental implant

Which implant will cope with its functions and will not be rejected by the patient’s native tissues? Its length is 10 mm. During installation, there is sufficient bone volume to support the artificial tooth. It is not easy to observe this rule in the lateral areas of the upper jaw. The maxillary sinuses are located nearby here. They border the upper jaw. The bone in this area is thin. If loss of bone tissue after tooth loss was not observed here, its existing thickness is not enough. To prevent possible damage to the sinuses, the doctor is simply obliged to perform a sinus lift. There is no point in insisting on using shorter length implants. Implantologists do not even consider this option.


Dentistry has existed for 20 years, during which time it has managed to gain regular clients. Qualified doctors work here who regularly participate in international seminars and dental exhibitions. This improves professional skills and has a beneficial effect on work.

The main advantages of Avanstom:

  • a wide range of dental services;
  • modern equipment;
  • implantation guarantee;
  • convenient location (clinic branches are located in different areas of the city).

Contraindications for prosthetics

In some cases, installation is impossible due to concomitant diseases. Local contraindications are:

  • the presence of foci of inflammation in the oral cavity;
  • insufficient hygiene;
  • bleeding gums.

The list of general contraindications includes:

  • pathologies limiting surgical intervention;
  • allergic reactions to anesthetics;
  • chronic diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • diabetes;
  • oncological diseases in the stage of decompensation;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • mental pathologies;
  • exhaustion of the body after long-term drug or chemotherapy.

In addition, it is recommended to postpone prosthetics during pregnancy and lactation.


The clinic has been occupying a leading position in the lists of the best dentists in the budget price segment for several years. Due to low prices, NovaDent always has a lot of clients. The initial appointment is free. Dentistry has many awards and achievements in the field of implantation.

The initial appointment at NovaDent is free

In addition to a flexible pricing policy, a significant advantage of the clinic is its 24-hour operation. This is very convenient for people with busy schedules who do not have the opportunity to visit dentistry during the day.

It is better for the treatment to be “turnkey”

Agree that dental implantation is an expensive service. And, alas, this is not only about installing an implant. In fact, in order to get the final result, that is, a beautiful smile, you have to go through a number of different manipulations, which the patient does not always know about, but understands only after the next appointment at the clinic. To avoid incidents on this topic, not to overpay and immediately plan your budget, initially choose dentistry with a transparent pricing policy. Turnkey institutions best meet these conditions. What it is? More details in our other material.

And finally, so that you are better armed with information on the question of where it is better to do dental implantation and place dental implants, we recommend reading a few more articles: TOP-20 clinics for dental implantation. And also the TOP 10 clinics for one-stage implantation with immediate loading of the prosthesis, when the patient receives new teeth 1-3 days after implantation of artificial roots.


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  1. Zotova A.A., Vdovenko K.D. The relevance of the use of 3D printers in modern dentistry. // Bulletin of medical Internet conferences. – 2015.

Expert “The more methods and treatment options doctors have, the more individualized the approach to the patient is. And this allows us to select a solution with maximum accuracy even in complex clinical cases (osteoporosis, diabetes, periodontitis, cardiovascular pathologies, acute bone atrophy), that is, taking into account all the characteristics of a particular patient and without risk to health.” Surgeon-implantologist Izhmukov Vitaly Vladimirovich

Consulting specialist

Izhmukov Vitaly Vladimirovich

Specialization: Implant surgeon Experience: 9 years


Dentistry operates at the Paveletskaya metro station and provides affordable services for the whole family. We have our own dental laboratory. Dentistry employs doctors with extensive experience (more than 15 years). In their practice, they use only high-quality materials and modernized equipment (treatment under a microscope is actively practiced).

During implantation, proven techniques and reliable systems are used (in particular, Astra Tech), which guarantees a positive result. During treatment, a formal contract is concluded with a detailed estimate. For the convenience of clients, there are many communication options (phones, instant messengers).

The best clinics – where they offer alternative options

Where is the best place to get dental implants? Where doctors give the patient the opportunity to choose from different treatment options. For example, they may offer different methods of one-stage dental implantation, classical and one-stage techniques, different types of fixed and removable structures.

It is very good if specialists tell you about all possible methods (suitable for your clinical situation), without hiding the pros and cons. And they will not impose only one solution or specific technology. This will allow you to make an informed choice and understand that the clinic has different protocols, and is also not interested in selling a “universal” service for all clinical cases (as the doctor can argue) for lack of a better one.

In a good clinic, doctors give the patient the opportunity to choose from different treatment options

Dental Center for New Technologies "NOVOSTOM"

He has been providing services for over 27 years. Currently it consists of 7 clinics, 3 of which are located in Moscow (near the Komsomolskaya, Prospekt Vernadskogo and Domodedovskaya metro stations). Thanks to affordable prices, high-quality treatment and friendly service from the administrative staff, people constantly turn to NOVOSTOM.

"NOVOSTOM" consists of 7 clinics, 3 of which are located in Moscow

During implantation, doctors use certified materials, which guarantees the wear resistance and durability of the implanted titanium pins.

Caring for your teeth after crowns are installed

Dentures are immune to tooth decay, but plaque can accumulate on them. With insufficient oral hygiene, it causes an unpleasant odor and the formation of tartar. As a result, healthy teeth may begin to decay.

Standard care for crowns boils down to preventative brushing of teeth twice a day and visiting the dentist once every six months. It is recommended to use pastes with a low abrasiveness coefficient, and remove food particles between the teeth using an irrigator or dental floss. It is also advisable to rinse your mouth after every meal.

Sudden temperature changes lead to the formation of microcracks in solid materials. To ensure that your crowns last as long as possible, you should avoid eating foods and drinks that are too hot or cold.

Beauty Line

Dental implantation is the leading one. Experienced doctors help patients restore their teeth using proven technologies and materials. They are able to cope with even advanced clinical cases, carry out implantation painlessly and in the shortest possible time.

Both the classical two-stage technique and express implantation are actively used. Thanks to the use of a laser, the risk of complications is reduced to zero, and the survival rate of the implant is accelerated. “Beauty Line” deservedly takes 3rd place in the ranking.

Free consultation by phone from 10:00 to 23:00

Doctor of Medical Sciences Prikuls Vladislav Frantsevich will advise you.
He will answer all your possible questions and suggest the appropriate specialist in your particular case. +7 Online registration


A good dentistry for dental implantation in Moscow has a variety of anesthetics to choose from: here you can be offered both general anesthesia and sedation or classical anesthesia. While the latter type of anesthesia can be performed by any dental specialist, only highly qualified, experienced doctors are allowed to administer anesthesia.

Since anesthesia is a process with an unpredictable outcome, it is necessary to take some precautions. In this case, the priority option would be the possibility of attracting emergency doctors.



The best dental implant clinic in Moscow, as reviews indicate, always offers guarantees to its visitors. These include:


In the premium dentistry segment, DentaVita occupies a leading position every year. There are 10 branches in Moscow, which are conveniently located (within the Garden Ring). You can get there both by personal and public transport.

DentaVita has 10 branches in Moscow

The clinic uses equipment and materials produced by leading companies in Europe, the USA and Japan. There are safe systems “Anti-AIDS” and “Anti-Hepatitis”. If necessary, you can get advice from an employee on the official website online.

When is prosthetics indicated?

Installing a crown on a tooth is a necessary procedure in situations where the patient:

  • the tooth is destroyed as a result of injury, abrasion of enamel or carious lesions,
  • extensions, fillings and other treatment methods are not possible,
  • the root remained intact.

Some defects, including discoloration of the enamel, lead to an unaesthetic appearance of the entire dentition. The crown will protect the tooth walls from external impacts. Tooth mobility is caused by various periodontal pathologies. In this case, the use of temporary crowns is considered, which make it possible to strengthen the teeth and make them more stable. Crowns are also placed on healthy teeth, which act as support for defects associated with the installation of bridges and dentures.

Technical base

Another criterion when choosing where to install dental implants is the presence of its own technical laboratory. The implant is in the gum, no one sees it, but the crown or artificial jaw is in plain sight. It is important not only to ensure high functional properties of the prosthesis, but also its aesthetic appearance. Third-party technicians will never put in as much effort, select a shade, or grind out small details as much as those who work in the center.

Installing dental implants is the job of the doctor, prosthetics is the responsibility of the technician.

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