How much does dental prosthetics cost?

In an era of huge information flow, it can be difficult for a person to distinguish truth from fiction or an existing stereotypical opinion, moreover, a subjective one. Implantology is also not ignored. Such a number of rumors, distorted facts and simply fiction that implant surgeons are faced with is probably not found in any other medical field. Myths about dental implants are breaking records.

Fear of surgery forces patients to listen to various rumors and stories about the terrible consequences of treatment. However, all these horror stories are based on outdated data or have no basis at all. In this article we will debunk the most common myths and tell you why implantation is the most physiological, aesthetic and reliable option for dental restoration.

MYTH 1: Getting an implant is painful.

Implantation is the surgical insertion of an implant into the jawbone to replace the missing tooth root. Like any other invasive dental procedure, implantation is performed under anesthesia. Considering that bone tissue has no pain receptors at all, the process of installing and engrafting an artificial root is painless. After the intervention, unpleasant sensations may occur (minor pain, swelling of the gums), but this is a natural reaction of the body, which passes without consequences and is controlled by the usual painkiller.

Implantation price

The cost of installing a dental implant depends on many factors, such as the type of implant, the material and manufacturing technology of the crown, and a number of other factors.

You can see prices for dental implantation in our price list

How much does it cost to install an implant?

No.Name of servicePrice
1The operation of installing one premium implant “SLActive” from Straumann38,000 rub.
2Installation procedure for one Alpha Bio implant (including plug)24,000 rub.
3The operation of installing one premium implant “NEO” from Alpha Bio (including a plug)27500 rub.
4Installation procedure for one DIO implant (including plug)17250 rub.

Implantation and pain

Every patient is concerned about the pain that accompanies the implantation process. Implant installation, like any surgical procedure, is performed under local anesthesia.

After implantation (installation of an implant) of teeth, slight swelling and pain may occur, which disappear within a few days. The doctor gives recommendations. Engraftment of the implant does not cause any discomfort.

The gum former is also installed under local anesthesia.

MYTH 3: Implants often fail

Outdated disc and plate implant models caused many problems for patients due to complex, traumatic fixation into the bone. They did have a high rejection rate (50%). Such models have not been used for a long time, but the stereotypical opinion remains. The latest generation implantation systems are made from biocompatible, hypoallergenic material (medical titanium, zirconium oxide). Thanks to the root-shaped shape of the implant, similar to the anatomy of a natural tooth root, and a special active coating, successful engraftment is ensured in 98-99% of cases.

MYTH 4: Implantation takes a long time

Of course, dentistry has not yet learned how to grow new teeth instead of missing ones in one day, and treatment will take some time. As for the procedure itself, it takes less than an hour. From the initial consultation to the installation of the prosthesis, it can take 6-12 months, sometimes more. But this does not mean that you will need to go to the dentist every day all this year. Implantation takes place in several stages, each taking a minimum of time. The longest is the fusion of the implant with the bone (osseointegration). This process lasts about 3-6 months.

Positive aspects of implantation

  • Long service life. This is one of the main advantages. A properly secured implant can have a service life of over 25 years!
  • No pain. If the specialist is qualified in this field, then this procedure will take place without pain and negative consequences. Dental specialists will do everything not to cause you discomfort.
  • Adjacent teeth are completely preserved. There is no need to grind down adjacent teeth, which increases the lifespan of your own teeth.
  • Aesthetic appearance. Artificial teeth are difficult to distinguish from real teeth. They look quite aesthetically pleasing.
  • No discomfort. The implants feel quite natural, so there is no feeling of having a foreign object in the mouth.

MYTH 5: Until the implant takes root, you will have to walk around with a hole in your mouth

Modern implantology has solved this problem. Innovative methods of prosthetics on Immediate Load implants make it possible to eliminate the wait during the implant healing period and to carry out prosthetics immediately after the intervention (within 72 hours). For prosthetics, lightweight orthopedic structures made of metal-plastic are used. This allows the patient not to experience discomfort due to missing teeth. The temporary prosthesis is replaced with a permanent one after complete engraftment of the artificial root. With classic two-stage implantation, the aesthetic deficiency is compensated with the help of a removable immediate prosthesis (butterfly) and adhesive (suspended) crowns.

In what cases are implants necessary?

Indications for dental implantation have increased significantly:

  • After removing one of the teeth. This procedure is still popular in free clinics, but has negative consequences. The remaining neighboring teeth begin to change their position, trying to fill the resulting void. Dental implantation allows not only to restore the natural position of any teeth, but also to prevent changes in the bone after removal.
  • After tooth loss. Lack of care and irregular visits to the dentist cause tooth decay and loss. With dental implantation, the oral cavity takes on its previous appearance. This type of treatment has replaced standard crowns and bridges, which are inconvenient and unsightly to use.
  • Adentia (complete absence of teeth). There can be many reasons why a person experiences adentia. Previously, the disease was treated exclusively with inserted dentures. With the help of dental implantation, you can restore the jaw to its previous condition, partially or completely.

Dental implantation has some contraindications. The procedure cannot be used by adolescents under 14 years of age, with diseases of the blood, endocrine and cardiovascular systems, diabetes mellitus, and oncology.

MYTH 6: Implants are very expensive

The cost of implantation is more expensive than classical prosthetics, this is a fact. But if you consider in the long term, installing an implant will cost less than a traditional fixed bridge:

  • The artificial root is implanted for life; only orthopedic structures are subject to replacement. The average service life of a classic metal-ceramic prosthesis supported by natural teeth is about 5-6 years, and supported by implants - 10-12 years.
  • Manufacturers offer implantation systems in different price categories, among which it is easy to choose the optimal option in terms of quality and price.
  • When replacing a classic prosthesis, retreatment of supporting units is often required, which increases the cost of reprosthetics.
  • Since the main chewing load falls on the supporting teeth, the bone under the prosthesis begins to atrophy, the gums sag, which requires correction of the orthopedic system. This also affects the price.

Based on all of the above, implantation in the long term turns out to be more financially beneficial than traditional prosthetics.

What is included in the total cost of dental prosthetics?

When installing a denture, the patient has to bear basic and additional costs. The following require separate costs:

  • diagnostics of the dental system using radiography;
  • treatment of identified dental diseases;
  • preparing teeth for prosthetics (depulping, grinding, removal);
  • taking impressions or using a computer modeling method;
  • installation of temporary prosthetic structures;
  • making permanent crowns or bridges in the laboratory;
  • fitting, adjustment, installation of prosthesis.

If prosthetics on artificial roots is used, then the total cost of treatment also includes the cost of implantation.

MYTH 10: An implant can be installed on the same day of treatment.

Many patients are misled by the phrase “one-day implantation.” In fact, it involves restoring teeth using one-stage implantation methods with immediate loading of the prosthesis. Basal or one-stage technology allows you to restore missing teeth in a few days, even with severe bone atrophy. This became possible due to an integrated approach and the installation of artificial roots in the deep bicortical bone layers. Also, treatment time is reduced by loading the implants with a prosthesis almost immediately after surgery.

But one-stage protocols, like classical two-stage implantation, require preliminary preparation, including:

  • Comprehensive diagnostics (X-ray examination, tests);
  • sanitation of the oral cavity - removal of dental deposits (plaque, tartar), treatment of teeth and gums;
  • eliminating existing obstacles to surgical intervention.

Without quality preparation, implantation is impossible. A reliable dental clinic is guided by the rule of professional responsibility and will never perform surgery without a full diagnosis, drawing up a treatment plan, and simulating the course of the operation. This is the diagnostic obligation of the doctor and he vouches for it. But myths about dental implants exist and will always exist; the main thing is to know them and evaluate them reasonably.

Why is the cost of installing prostheses different in different clinics?

Patients who are indicated for the installation of orthopedic structures, as a rule, are interested not only in restoration methods, but also in how much dental prosthetics costs in various medical institutions. And they discover that edentulous treatment can cost differently even when using approximately the same techniques and materials. This is due to several factors.

In particular, the cost of prosthetics is influenced by the experience of doctors and their level of qualifications, which is confirmed by the presence of international certificates. In addition, prices for services may depend on the type of ownership and attendance of the clinic, the cost of renting premises, and the type of equipment used. Naturally, the cost of treatment will be higher in a well-attended private dental clinic, equipped with new technological equipment, and staffed by experienced, highly qualified doctors.

Where to go for dental implantation in Moscow

The Ilatan Clinic in Moscow is one of the few where all modern, proven implantation protocols with immediate and delayed loading are used. The clinic’s doctors will select treatment taking into account the condition of the jawbone, aesthetic requirements, functionality of the dentition, and the patient’s financial capabilities. Implantation is performed on a turnkey basis, which protects against unexpected expenses. After a comprehensive diagnosis, the doctor will offer several treatment options - you can think about it and make an informed choice. All implantology services are guaranteed.

Why should you contact our clinic?

If you are looking for where you can get dental implants done in Kursk, Stomtek is ready to offer you this service.

The rating of our clinic is explained by the following facts:

  • Qualified dentists with extensive experience in prosthetics. Our employees have been trained in leading educational institutions in Russia and Europe and are constantly developing in the field of dentistry.
  • Innovative technologies and products used. We follow the development of dentistry in the European market and use the information received in our center. We independently import the best products just for you and believe that our patients should be served at the highest level.
  • Affordable price for implantation in Kursk.

If you are looking for a dental center that is focused on installing implants in Kursk, then we offer you high-quality services at an affordable price in our clinic. Our address is Kursk, st. Karl Marx, 49. You can find out how much implantation will cost for your case and make an appointment by calling 7 (4712) 23-82-23.

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