What to do if implants are visible from the gums after implantation

What to do if part of the rod comes out of the gums

When the implant is exposed, a flap operation is performed to build up its soft tissue:

  1. A flap is peeled off from the palate and applied to the exposed area.
  2. If necessary, correction is carried out on the bone tissue.
  3. The edges of the wound are sutured with non-absorbable thread.
  4. After 10 days, the sutures are removed.
  5. After the artificial root has engrafted, a former is placed.

Another way to correct a defect with a lack of periodontal tissue can be the transition from a two-stage installation to a one-stage method. However, it is necessary to take into account that the one-stage technique has the main drawback - non-ideal conditions during the period of implant engraftment, high risks of developing inflammation.

Associated symptoms when the implant loses stability

Early implant rejection, that is, the absence of its fusion with bone tissue, can be painless and unnoticeable. Sometimes, when the rod is clearly mobile, the patient tries to get it out himself. But more often this is done by a dentist at an appointment during a follow-up examination. After this, the situation is analyzed and a re-installation is scheduled, which can be done free of charge.

If not in the first months, but much later, a tooth implant falls out, or rather its fixation in the bone weakens, this does not go unnoticed. In most cases, even before the rod loses stability, the patient notices that the gums have turned red or bluish, swollen, and pain or discomfort has appeared. If you do not consult a dentist at this time, the mobility of the implant will soon become noticeable and more pronounced symptoms of trouble will appear:

  • increased pain, especially when chewing and pressing on the gums;
  • the appearance of ichor, blood, pus from under the gingival margin in the area of ​​the installed implant;
  • change in the appearance of the gingival cuff that surrounds the crown;
  • the appearance of bad breath;
  • increase in body temperature.

It is important to quickly see a specialist at the first changes in the tissues surrounding the implant.

Is implant failure a sign of rejection?

If the problem of exposing the rod is accompanied by additional symptoms, it is necessary to understand their causes. Pain at the site of installation of the structure, swelling, and redness of the gums during the first week after surgery is a normal reaction to surgery, since tissue injury occurs. Signs of rejection are the following situations:

  • 1-2 weeks after implantation, acute pain does not go away;
  • swelling and redness of the gums do not subside after 4 days after surgery;
  • discharge of ichor, bleeding lasting more than 7 days;
  • the mobility of the implant is felt;
  • unpleasant smell from under the plug screw;
  • painful sensations when pressing on the rod;
  • the appearance of purulent discharge from the gums;
  • increase in body temperature.


  • Description of the problem
  • Reasons for implant rejection
  • Causes of gum abutment loss
  • Features of the patient's body
  • What are the consequences of ignoring doctor's recommendations?
  • Rejection symptoms
  • The implant fell out - what to do?

The use of implants to restore teeth is the most successful procedure in dentistry. But complications can arise with any surgical intervention, even in our time of high dental technology. Is it possible to improve the situation, and what should be done?

Why the design may not take root

This can happen for several reasons, related both to the course of the operation itself and to the actions of the patient in the postoperative period.

Medical error

Due to his incompetence or carelessness, an implantologist may make the following mistakes:

  • choose the wrong model - the titanium root may be significantly longer or thicker than the jawbone;
  • violate sterility conditions;
  • incorrect installation of the implant;
  • when drilling a hole for the rod, overheat the tissue;
  • do not fully study information about the patient’s health status and possible contraindications.

Poor quality implant

Large dental clinics, through dealer networks, work with systems that are directly supplied from manufacturers. This eliminates the possibility of receiving a fake. In dentistry that work through intermediaries, it is risky to agree to an operation, as there is a risk of installing low-quality analogues. Therefore, you need to take the choice of a clinic and a doctor seriously, be interested in warranty conditions, survival statistics, and other important points.

Failure to comply with operating and maintenance rules

Even if the doctor performs the operation correctly, observing all the norms, problems with implant healing may arise due to the patient’s fault. Among its possible errors:

  • providing the doctor with incomplete information about your well-being and health status. Even minor facts must be stated;
  • excessive load on the implant during the healing period;
  • failure to follow the rules of oral hygiene - even artificial teeth require careful care;
  • hypothermia or overheating in the first days after surgery (visiting a sauna, diving into ice water);
  • undisciplined use of medications prescribed by a doctor.

Deterioration of health

Rejection may occur several years after implantation. In addition to mechanical damage, the cause may be the development or exacerbation of:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • AIDS;
  • tuberculosis;
  • oncological diseases.

The risk of rejection increases significantly if the patient smokes . Nicotine and tar disrupt the nutrition of mucosal cells, which has a negative effect on the condition of the tissues around the installed rod.

For what reasons can there be loss?

Dentists-implantologists, based on their clinical experience and colleagues, have identified situations and time periods that indicate the causes of tooth implant loss.

Who may be responsible for the fact that a dental implant pin or part of it falls out:

  • the fault of the manufacturer of a low-quality implantation system. The product is made without proper cleaning and contains inappropriate impurities, which inhibits osseointegration;
  • medical error during surgery;
  • the orthopedic structure (crown, prosthesis) was selected and manufactured in violation of the omissions of the technician or orthopedist;
  • the patient did not follow the doctor’s recommendations;
  • allergic reaction to the material;
  • independent circumstances: injury, sudden deterioration in health, emergence of a serious illness.

Let's take a closer look at some of the factors why implants fall out.

Let's start with the fact that if an implant falls out a year or several years after implantation, responsibility for this most likely lies with the patient or unplanned circumstances. It is extremely difficult, almost impossible, to prove that the manufacturer or doctor is to blame. Since, if something did not go according to the planned treatment protocol, all the signs indicating whether a dental implant might fall out or complications would be visible in the first month.

After a long period of time

The reasons for implant loss may be the following:

  • mechanical trauma, a blow that damages the jaw bone in the place where the titanium root is installed;
  • failure to comply with hygiene rules;
  • refusal of annual dental examinations.

If the crown falls off the implant, then you should think about the load on the implant and the method of fixation. There may have been errors in the manufacture of the structure in the dental laboratory. The denture can also rub the gum, causing it to become inflamed right at the point of contact with the titanium pin.

Doctor's actions

resulting in implant loss:

  • not fully planned treatment at the stage of collecting an anamnesis, the doctor did not familiarize himself with the patient’s diseases, which are a contraindication to implantation;
  • the condition of bone tissue is underestimated;
  • the selected location for installing the pin is incorrect;
  • errors during surgery: poorly prepared bed, incorrectly selected implant, deviation from the protocol.

Common reasons

Why do dental implants fall out?

  • low-quality implants;
  • allergy to titanium alloy (extremely rare, sensitivity to impurities in the composition is possible);
  • diseases preventing osseointegration: insulin dependence, immune diseases. The body does not accept a foreign body;
  • non-compliance with recommendations after implantation;
  • violation of the installation of the implantation system, preoperative studies, medical error;
  • smoking affects the circulatory system as badly as it does the lungs, spasms occur in blood vessels, tissues are poorly saturated with oxygen, including tissues near the implant;
  • independent and unforeseen circumstances: injuries, diseases after implantation.

How is inflammation treated?

If signs of inflammation appear, you should immediately consult a doctor . He will conduct an examination and order an x-ray. If necessary, temporarily unscrew the implant plug and clean its outer surface.

Signs of advanced peri-implantitis are eliminated by removing the structure, since an advanced inflammatory process will lead to the spread of infection. At the initial stage, surgical sanitation of the focus of gingival inflammation is carried out:

  1. They make an incision.
  2. Granulation tissue is removed.
  3. The surface of the titanium root is cleaned with a Prohy-Jet apparatus or special curettes.
  4. Rinse the pocket.
  5. After the operation is completed, the patient is prescribed antibiotics and antiseptic rinses.

The conservative phase of treatment includes procedures:

  1. Professional oral hygiene.
  2. Irrigation with ozonated solution.
  3. Laser therapy.
  4. Oral applications and baths are prescribed.

Reasons for implant rejection

The main concern of patients is implant rejection. This happens extremely rarely, as evidenced by both independent statistics and observations of dental clinics - no more than 2-5% of cases, and usually indicates a doctor’s error. Among the probable reasons:

  • incorrect assessment of the patient’s bone tissue or ignoring contraindications for implantation;
  • illiterate choice of place for an implant - without taking into account the quality of bone material or the location of the roots of living teeth;
  • deviation from surgical protocols during the operation or gross violations;
  • errors during prosthetics - overload of the structure at certain points, incorrectly manufactured prosthesis.

The implant can fall out immediately after installation - within 6-10 days or 3-4 weeks, as well as years later. That is why it is important not only to carefully choose a clinic for implantation, but also to come to follow-up appointments on time and follow all the doctor’s instructions. The second leading cause of loss or rejection of artificial teeth is the patient’s ignoring the dentist’s prescriptions and recommendations.

How much does it cost on average in Moscow?

Treatment of complications

Name of serviceCost, rub.
Periodontal applications in the area of ​​1 tooth370
Application of a protective periodontal bandage400
Laser therapy of the gum mucosa490
Implant removal6900
Implantation of osteoconductive material in the area of ​​1 tooth10900
Implantation of a protective membrane (1 tooth)12900

Gum plastic surgery

Name of serviceCost, rub.
Plastic surgery of marginal gums1200
Gingivoplasty (1 tooth)1500
Plastic surgery of marginal gums (segment)3500
Plasty of gingival margin recession3500
Flap surgery in the area of ​​one tooth3500
Smile line plastic surgery4000
Gingivoplasty (1 tooth) using laser4000
Gingivoplasty (segment)4500
Flap surgery (three teeth)7000
Gingivoplasty (segment) using laser10000
Flap surgery (segment)10000
Flap surgery (whole mouth)30000

What causes gum recession?

Doctors include the following as the main causes of gum recession after dental implantation:

  • incorrectly selected implant,
  • incomplete coverage of the prosthesis with soft tissue,
  • overpressure of the structure,
  • eating rough food during the rehabilitation period,
  • using a brush with stiff bristles,
  • insufficient oral hygiene,
  • progressive gingivitis or periodontitis.

To determine the exact cause of the problem, it is necessary to undergo a dental diagnosis. This should be done when the first alarming symptoms appear.

What to do if a tooth implant falls out

When calling the dentist with the question “a tooth implant has fallen out - what to do,” patients often mean a crown that has fallen off, a gum former or abutment that has become twisted. Some problems can be solved quickly and easily. Others may require long-term and extensive treatment:

  1. Screw-retained crowns often unscrew and become detached. The use of a cement composition makes the fastening stronger and allows you to preserve the same prosthesis.
  2. If a crown falls out due to an incorrectly selected prosthesis, it involves the production of a new artificial tooth and its installation on an existing implant.
  3. A common situation is that the gum former falls out. The doctor reinstalls the old one or exchanges it for a new one. The task is ordinary and does not affect the process of osseointegration and the implant itself.

What to do if a tooth implant pin falls out? Loss of an implant most often occurs due to inflammation - this is the last stage of peri-implantitis, when it is no longer possible to save the artificial root. The initial stage of tissue inflammation (mucositis) and even the first symptoms of peri-implantitis give a favorable prognosis with a high probability of saving the rejected implant.

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