Feedback from a patient after breast augmentation surgery with Mentor round implants 330 ml

Surgery to increase breast size or change its shape and volume is one of the most popular in plastic surgery. However, the intervention must be carried out by an experienced surgeon who, together with the patient, will select the most optimal size and shape, as well as the type of breast implants.

But many patients, deciding on surgical intervention, do not know that breast plastic surgery with the placement of implants is carried out for a certain period of time, since over time there may be a need for repeated intervention, including replacement of implants.

What characteristics determine the size of the implant?

An incorrectly chosen endoprosthesis will not only look unnatural, but further health problems are possible.
Over time, the following may appear: back pain, rapid fatigue, and numbness areas will appear in certain areas of the skin of the chest and around it. What to do, how to choose the right implant? Trust your plastic surgeon. The doctor takes into account both the patient’s wishes regarding breast shape and the expected result. It is important to come to an understanding here before the operation begins.

Many patients believe that breast size is affected by the volume of implants. However, this is not quite true. Three parameters of the implant are responsible for the size:

  • projection - height from the base;
  • base width;
  • volume.

With projection everything is usually clear, but other parameters are less clear. The ratio of projection to base width gives a profile that is classified into four categories:

  • low (mini) - this profile is installed extremely rarely for women, sometimes for minor breast correction with ptosis. More often, such an endoprosthesis is chosen by men of asthenic physique to make their chest look athletic;
  • medium (demi) - often chosen for breast correction so that after surgery the result looks natural, sometimes this size is chosen as a transitional size in order to later move to a higher profile;
  • high (full) - a popular option, suitable for women who dream of natural and high breasts; this profile is suitable for patients with a narrow chest with ptosis of the glands;
  • extra-high (corse) - very large breasts, attracting attention with their unnatural size; This profile is usually chosen by artists.

The greater the height and narrower the base, the higher the profile of the breast implant; this must be taken into account when choosing an endoprosthesis. The profile determines how far the breast will visually protrude forward after mammoplasty. Small-sized implants with a high profile are placed in patients with a narrow chest. Sometimes such endoprostheses are indicated for severe ptosis, or breast ptosis, which often occurs after breastfeeding a child.

Photos before and after

Photos before and after installation of implants Mentor No. 1

Photos before and after installation of implants Mentor No. 2

Photos before and after installation of implants Mentor No. 3

Implant shape

The shape of the implant does not affect the size, but it determines how natural the breast will look after mammoplasty. There are two types.

Round (hemispherical) implants

The peculiarity of such an implant is that the highest point is located in the center of the endoprosthesis. After the operation, the volume of the upper pole of the gland becomes filled, a push-up effect occurs - raised breasts in the décolleté area.

Piezo devices are distinguished by their compact size and adjustable power. Such implants look natural when correcting ptosis, and if a woman has a layer of subcutaneous fat in the décolleté area. Even if immediately after surgery the breast does not look as natural as possible, over time, under the influence of gravity, the silicone implant lowers slightly, creating a harmonious shape. The second point in choosing such an endoprosthesis is the correct selection of access.

Anatomical implants

They have a teardrop shape, repeating the natural shape of the mammary glands. The anatomical endoprosthesis immediately imitates the effect of gravity, maintains proportions in which the upper pole of the chest is less filled in comparison with the lower pole. This shape is maintained in the supine position. Such implants have only one drawback: compared to the hemispherical shape, they have a higher probability of displacement in the capsule.

It is impossible to say unequivocally which form is better - it all depends on the anatomical features of the patient’s mammary glands.

External Component

  • The Siltex shell, created using Inpriting technology, provides a special texture to the top layer of Mentor breast prostheses. This makes it as engraftable as possible inside the cavity of the muscle pocket, minimizing the risks of capsule formation and displacement.
  • Motiva is available with 2 types of nanostructured surface: SilkSurface and VelvetSurface, which do not use foreign materials (sugars or salts). This increases the level of biological compatibility, reduces the risk of late seroma, the “double bubble” effect and contracture.

Factors influencing the choice of implant size

Only a plastic surgeon can objectively evaluate what shape and size is suitable for a woman. It takes into account many factors.

The structure of the body, including the chest, is an important factor that must be taken into account during mammoplasty in order to obtain an aesthetic result and minimize possible risks.

The volume of muscle tissue, subcutaneous fat, sagging (ptosis) of the mammary gland, height, and width of the chest are taken into account.

Width and curvature of the chest

Many women have a curvature of the chest. Often neither those around nor even its owner are aware of this. It is only noticeable on the sides. But the plastic surgeon takes such curvature into account.

If the chest has a round or barrel-shaped structure, the endoprostheses will “look” slightly to the sides. Because of this, the neckline will look less impressive than in patients with a flat chest. Usually all these points are discussed before the operation begins, so that there are no disappointments and unjustified expectations.

The choice of implant shape usually does not affect the outcome with such a structure, but the profile already matters. A high profile gives a more visible result. With the same input data, a medium profile is suitable for petite women.

With a narrow chest, regardless of shape, implants with a high profile will look better. It is this type of endoprosthesis that will deprive the breasts of the “washboard” effect after mammoplasty.

For patients with wide breasts, plastic surgeons offer low or medium profile implants with a wide base. In this case, unnatural sharpening can be avoided.

Natural breast size and height

The endoprosthesis complements your own mammary gland, and does not replace it. The same implant size will give different results in patients with initially different bust sizes.

Large breasts on a tall woman will look more harmonious than on a petite woman.

Breast shape

In mammoplasty, there are four breast shapes:

  1. disc - a small gland with a wide base and small height;
  2. conical - high chest with a small base and large height;
  3. hemispherical - the width and height are approximately equal;
  4. mastoid - the size of the gland is closer to conical, but slightly lowered and the nipple looks down.

For the same height and bra cup size, different endoprostheses are selected. It may be necessary to choose implants of different sizes if the bust of one remains firm, while the second has severe ptosis (sagging).

Sometimes a tubular form of the gland occurs. It refers to a congenital anomaly in which the lower pole and volume are practically absent, and the shape resembles a cylinder. The nipples with such breasts are flat, with wide areolas. The mammary gland is not evenly distributed throughout the entire volume, but is collected in a dense lump. Glandular tissue is located in the upper pole, sometimes in the area of ​​the nipple-areolar zone.

This form does not pose a threat to the woman’s health and does not affect the quality of feeding the child, but it often becomes the cause of complexes and various psychological problems associated with intimate life. In this case, an anatomical implant of medium profile or higher is installed.

Skin elasticity and soft tissue volume

This indicator affects the size of the implant. Insufficient stretching prevents the installation of an endoprosthesis of the desired size.

Large implants will not be installed if the patient has aplasia of glandular tissue, a small volume of pectoral muscles and elastic skin. With such introductory procedures, the lower edge of the implant will be palpated, and the dermis will not stretch to the desired volume.

The amount of soft tissue in the breast area significantly influences the choice of endoprosthesis. For example, if you install a large implant under your own gland, it will be supported only by the skin, which will sag over time under the weight. Even a thin layer of pectoral muscle will not hold such an implant if an endoprosthesis is installed under it.


We will indicate the cost of Mentor implants in different cities of Russia. It is important to take into account that during the operation you will also have to pay for the doctor’s services, stay in the clinic, and the medications used. In addition, the cost of the implants themselves may vary depending on the shape and size chosen.

CityApproximate cost of one Mentor implant
Moscow89000 rub.
Saint Petersburg82000 rub.
Novosibirsk75000 rub.
Nizhny Novgorod77000 rub.
Vladivostok72000 rub.
Arkhangelsk62000 rub.
Orenburg71000 rub.

Selection of implant sizes

Bust measurements

To measure breasts, surgeons use different techniques and fairly simple instruments: surgical calipers and a plumb line.

One end of the plumb line is installed in the area of ​​the jugular notch so that the free end passes in the middle of the navel. The first line (A) is drawn with a dotted line.

The second line is drawn parallel to the first, along the edge of the mammary gland (B). Line B runs perpendicular to line B along the upper edge of the breast. It usually corresponds to the third rib and can be felt. Auxiliary line D is perpendicular to B and runs along the outer edge of the gland, corresponding to the anterior anatomical axillary line. Line G runs along the fold of skin under the breast.

After this, the length of perpendicular segments passing through the nipple from line B to line D and from line B to line D is measured with a caliper.

3-D modeling of the mammary glands

3-D modeling will help you imagine what your breasts will look like with a particular breast implant.

To do this, a 3D simulator films the body in different projections, creating a three-dimensional image of your body. Then the size and shape of the breast with the implant is modeled, taking into account the volume of soft tissue (see photo). You can create several images with different types of implants, and then view them from all sides on a 3D model. After this, the final choice is made.

Comfort check

However, 3-D modeling does not answer the question of how comfortable you will be with breasts of the selected size. For this purpose, manufacturers have developed sizers - implant simulators. They are worn before surgery to select the appropriate model in terms of shape, profile and volume. It is recommended to wear under a tight sports bra that tightens the breasts well. Sizers cover the breasts, but are not underneath the breasts or the muscle and do not give a full view without a tightening.

Experienced surgeons recommend a simple way to check: buy a bra of the desired size, pour rice into a nylon stocking (300 ml for each “extra” size) and distribute the cereal evenly in the bra cup. You can walk around with such a bust for several days, play sports, do household chores, in general, do everything that you are used to in everyday life. This method will tell you how comfortable you will be with the new breast.

Patient reviews

Sofia , Magnitogorsk

I got “Mentor” quite a long time ago - the doctor recommended a teardrop shape and an average profile for my figure. I don’t see any differences from natural breasts; silicone cannot be found even lying down.”

Evgenia , Irkutsk

“After I went through unsuccessful plastic surgery the first time, I collected my strength for a long time before performing the second one. However, the Mentor implants did not fail – even after several years the shape is excellent, others notice it.”

Patients enjoy the procedure

Valentina , Tomsk

“I specifically wanted these implants for their shape and texture. I saved for a long time for the operation, but finally my dream came true! After the intervention, I had to take care of myself for some time, wear special underwear on the doctor’s advice, but the rehabilitation is behind me, and I am very pleased.”

How is the breast implant shell constructed?

The shell consists of several layers. This guarantees strength, eliminates “leakage” and even minimal evaporation of its contents. The surface of the implant shell can be smooth or rough.

For round implants this does not matter much, but for anatomical ones it is very important.

The rough surface prevents the implant from sliding and turning, keeping it in the correct position.

But not all textured (rough) surfaces fix the endoprosthesis in the tissues equally well. Implants from the world's leading manufacturers, used in the Doktorplastic clinic, are distinguished by good quality of fixation, so situations in which the implant moves are practically excluded.

Need a consultation?

Quality assurance

Since 2007, POLYTECH has been offering all patients with breast implants to become participants in the Implants of Excellence guarantee program. As part of this service, the manufacturer guarantees free replacement of endoprostheses if they are damaged or due to the formation of capsular contracture.

  • Lifelong replacement of implants - in case of damage to the integrity of the shell (if this is related to the quality of the material).
  • For 10 years after surgery - in case of capsular contracture of Baker degree III or IV for all breast implants, including B-Lite, with MESMO sensitive and POLYtxt surfaces.
  • For 15 years after plastic surgery - in case of rotation or capsular contracture of III or IV degree according to Baker for breast implants with Microthane surface.

To become a participant in the program, you must register on the company’s official website within 6 months after plastic surgery. In the registration form, you need to enter your data and information about endoprostheses specified in the product passport.

After successful registration, the patient receives an individual package of documents:

  • Welcome letter;
  • Certificate;
  • Patient's passport.
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