5 places to go at night if you have a toothache

June 9, 2019

Many of us live in big cities, where medicine is at the highest level. But this happens during the daytime and on weekdays, and at night, on holidays and weekends, we feel insecure and sometimes don’t know where to turn for help. For example, with an acute toothache that takes you by surprise and gives you no rest. What to do then? So the journalists from the editorial office of the UltraSmile.ru portal asked themselves this question. Let's look for answers to it together!

It’s good if you always have the city’s emergency and emergency phone numbers at hand, so that in the event of an unforeseen situation you can call and ask all your questions without panic. If there are no important numbers, then call the 24-hour helpline of the city or locality where you are currently located.

What to do if the pain takes you by surprise?

24-hour pharmacy

Do you agree that when a tooth hurts, the first thing we think about is not where to run, but how to relieve the pain? And accordingly, we take the right pill. Especially when trouble occurs late in the evening, at night or after hours. I don’t want to go or run anywhere during this period of time. But there are also such situations - you have a toothache, but at that very moment there was no analgesic in your home medicine cabinet: the medicine has run out, the expiration date of the medicine has expired. In this case, it would be a good idea to find out if there is a 24-hour pharmacy in the city and buy a medicine that will relieve unpleasant symptoms for a certain period of time and help you get a restful sleep. This could be Nurofen, Nise, Ketorol, Ketanov, Baralgin.

In the morning, of course, you need to make an appointment with a professional dentist or go without an appointment to any public dental clinic that accepts under the compulsory medical insurance policy.

A 24-hour pharmacy will help if the pain occurs late in the evening or at night

If you are in a village, in a country house, and there are no large settlements nearby, then try using simple folk remedies: a clove of garlic on the wrist, rinsing with soda-salt solution, chamomile, massage.

When none of the listed measures bring relief, then it’s time to think about more serious actions and contact a medical facility.

You should be seen in any clinic, and without an appointment

Where to go for an appointment with acute toothache? Logically, most patients go to dentistry, where they have already received certain services several times. Moreover, in such a situation, there is no need to make an appointment in advance by phone call or via the Internet.

What to do if an unpleasant symptom takes you completely by surprise when, due to a number of circumstances, you are in another area or city? For example, you can get help at any nearest public clinic, even if you are not affiliated with it. But, naturally, the medical institution must be located on the territory of the Russian Federation. You need to have a compulsory medical insurance policy (or know its number) and an identity document with you.

Remember that emergency assistance must be provided in full within two hours from the moment you contact the institution. And this does not depend on the form of ownership of the clinic, that is, you can contact both a public and private organization. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is the fact that any services can only be obtained during the official opening hours of a particular dentistry. It is also important to remember that no matter what form of assistance is required (preventive, urgent, emergency), in a private institution you will have to pay according to the price list, and in a public institution, manipulations will be carried out free of charge upon presentation of a compulsory medical insurance policy.

What to do and where to go if dental care is needed at night? Guide to action in a feature article on the site.

Urban emergency dental care centers

As a rule, these are ordinary clinics, which are supported by the state and the city, or an emergency room at a regional dentistry, where round-the-clock duty is organized. But even in the largest cities, such as Moscow, there are no more than one or two of them for the entire population. These clinics have an on-call room where you can go to resolve an emergency.

To be accepted at night or on holidays, it is enough to provide an identification document and a compulsory health insurance policy. It does not matter whether you belong to this organization at your place of residence or your official registration. It also does not matter which clinic you are assigned to.

For example, in Moscow there are two night departments: for children under eighteen years of age, you can count on help in emergency cases at Dentistry No. 28. The center’s specialists provide their services free of charge from 18:00 to 8:30 on weekdays. And also at any time of the day or night on holidays and weekends. For adults - emergency admission of all citizens is carried out by the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution 1 "Maxillofacial Hospital for War Veterans", opening hours from eight in the evening to eight in the morning.

Clinics that are supported by the state

For what types of pain and dental pathologies can specialists provide assistance at night:

  • relieve acute pain syndrome in any type of dental problem,
  • provide first aid for pulpitis, caries, periodontitis, alveolitis and periostitis, the presence of cysts and granulomas,
  • stop alveolar bleeding,
  • carry out emergency surgical intervention if the patient presents with jaw injuries, fractures and dislocations of teeth,
  • remove a tooth: but not in the case of “eights”. Wisdom teeth removal is often considered difficult and requires a thorough diagnosis of the situation. Therefore, depending on the clinical case and the equipment of the clinic, the doctor may recommend that you come for an appointment during the daytime and make an appointment (although in case of an emergency, city clinics accept patients without an appointment).

Services here will be provided free of charge. The only thing you may need to pay for is an imported anesthetic injection before treatment.

“I am shocked by our city clinic in Chita. We arrived at night, there were four people in line for one doctor, we sat there for two hours. The pain was unbearable, the pills did not help. At the same time, the tooth was intact, there wasn’t even a filling on it, and it was unclear why it hurt. The doctor was rude and said, why are you coming here! You'd think we have nothing else to do at night! Without even looking properly, without x-rays and everything else, she offered to pull the tooth and pay 300 rubles for anesthesia!!! But shouldn’t modern dentists do everything to save the patient’s teeth and how can they be removed without even conducting a normal diagnosis? This is our free medicine and emergency care. The question arises: why be on duty at night if there is only one answer to all situations: we will delete them!”

Marina, woman.ru

Acute pain is a reason to immediately consult a doctor

It is very important not to delay visiting the dentist with acute pain, as the symptom may indicate pathologies that require surgical intervention. Let's list what dental problems doctors consider to be those that require prompt professional help:

  • jaw fracture,
  • broken, loose or knocked out tooth: if an element of a row has fallen out entirely along with the root due to a fall, blow, accident, fight, then you need to bring it to the doctor as quickly as possible. It is better to do this within 30-60 minutes, when the chances of successful replantation of the tooth back into the socket and its healing are high,
  • swelling of the gums and face,
  • acute purulent infectious and inflammatory processes, namely flux, abscess, phlegmon, osteomyelitis. These diseases may even require hospitalization,
  • profuse bleeding that does not stop for a long time, for example, after tooth extraction or any other surgical procedure or injury.

Such pain can be caused by a fracture of the jaw.
Acute pain can be accompanied by other alarming symptoms indicating the severity of the pathological process: high body temperature, general malaise, putrid breath.

Private dentistry

Acute toothache caught you by surprise at night? People who do not want to spoil their nerves immediately understand where to go: private dental offices or clinics that work around the clock. Here, the service for dental treatment and pain relief, in most cases, will have to be paid according to the current price list. But help will be provided in a timely manner, without unnecessary hassle or questions, and you will feel comfortable.

Some private dentistry may provide free services under the compulsory medical insurance policy, but most often in such cases they ask to provide one more document: SNILS.

You can contact 24-hour private dental clinics

Also, most private dental centers have uninterrupted 24-hour and toll-free communication lines for support and consultation of patients. Therefore, you can always call such a service and get clear recommendations on how to proceed.

In case of acute conditions, emergency or emergency assistance will be provided

In dental practice, there are several types of assistance to the population:

  • planned: during such an appointment, preventive measures, restorations and prosthetics are carried out. We also treat diseases (for example, caries, gingivitis) that are not life-threatening and do not imply a sharp deterioration in the patient’s condition if certain manipulations are delayed. This also includes implantation and planned tooth extraction, cleaning, whitening, orthodontic bite correction,
  • emergency: this is medical care performed in case of sudden acute conditions that do not threaten the patient’s life,
  • emergency: this type of assistance is necessary when sudden acute conditions and aggravated chronic diseases threaten a person’s life.

Emergency assistance is provided when the condition is life-threatening.
Are you afraid of the dentist? Some studies have shown that more than half of patients experience severe fear when visiting a doctor in an “emergency” manner. But people who receive assistance as planned do not experience fear at all, but almost everyone feels excitement and minor episodic anxiety1.

So, if you come to an appointment with acute toothache, then you should be provided with emergency, or urgent care. What does it mean? Read on.

Regular trauma center

If there are no 24-hour dentists in your city, then there are definitely trauma centers. Yes, the doctors on duty are not dentists and will not be able to cure your tooth, but they will be able to select medications that will relieve acute pain and help you last until the morning.

Help can also be provided at a trauma center.

If an institution operating in accordance with health care standards and providing services under the compulsory medical insurance policy refuses to accept you in an emergency, then you can directly contact the hotline of the City Health Service or the Ministry of Health of Russia, multi-channel telephone2.

Ambulance or urgent care

This option is suitable only for those people who have suffered dental problems and pain as a result of maxillofacial injuries, accidents and falls. In all other cases, the ambulance dispatcher will refuse hospitalization and, as practice shows, will not respond to the call. But the specialist will be able to tell you which institutions in the city you can contact with your problem or give advice on how to relieve toothache before your next visit to the dental clinic.


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  1. According to chlgvv.ru
  2. According to the official website rosminzdrav.ru

Consulting specialist

Dzagurova Elina Ruslanovna

Doctor rating: 9.5 out of 10 (2) Specialization: Dentist-therapist Experience: 11 years


I once had a toothache at night; painkillers did not relieve the pain well, but I had to endure it until the morning, since there was nowhere to go. It is often recommended to place a crushed analgin tablet on the tooth. But as far as I know, this won't help. Is there any point in such manipulation?

Anna (07/15/2019 at 08:25) Reply to comment

What do you think should be done for a patient who has been refused an ambulance call (by phone), considering the reason for the call to be insignificant, that is, if he had a toothache at night? Where to contact?

Karina (07/15/2019 at 09:08) Reply to comment

Is it possible to take a pain-relieving tablet, Ketanov or Ketorol, if you suddenly have a toothache at night? After all, you can usually get to a private clinic in the morning, and even then, in the best case, there are appointments everywhere, whatever one may say.

Marina (07/15/2019 at 09:45) Reply to comment

I had the same problem, there was no sign of anything, but then one night I had a toothache. A 24-hour pharmacy helped me. I didn’t even think that some dentists could work at night. A good option, not just to relieve pain, but to immediately solve the problem.

Victoria (07/15/2019 at 15:12) Reply to comment

When I had a toothache at night, analgin always helped. But lately my tooth under the crown has been hurting, since I can’t put a pill there, I took it, but to no avail. If it happens again, what should I do?

Anna (07/22/2019 at 11:48 am) Reply to comment

What do you recommend doing if your tooth hurts badly at night? What painkillers will be relevant in this case, and how can you pacify the pain with the help of folk remedies?

Lina (08/14/2019 at 04:48 pm) Reply to comment

An elderly man complains for the second night in a row of severe toothache. How can you help him at home and what can you do if your tooth hurts at night? What infusions or medicinal decoctions can be used to relieve toothache?

Zinaida (08/14/2019 at 06:39 pm) Reply to comment

This is not the first night in a row that the girl has complained of severe toothache in her upper tooth; for some reason it only occurs at night. What do you recommend to do to save yourself from drugs if a girl’s tooth suddenly hurts at night?

Timur (08/14/2019 at 07:24 pm) Reply to comment

What is the first thing to do if you have a toothache during the day or at night? What are the common methods to get rid of severe toothache, especially at night, also if you don’t have the necessary painkiller on hand?

Senkova Inna (08/14/2019 at 07:30 pm) Reply to comment

What should be the first action if you have a toothache at night? Do you really need to take painkillers or is it still possible to relieve severe toothache with the help of proven folk remedies?

Katya (08/20/2019 at 08:27 pm) Reply to comment

Why do teeth begin to ache in the evening, what could this possibly be connected with? What is the best painkiller to take if your tooth hurts at night? They say rinsing with baking soda helps, but I'm not sure for sure.

Yakovleva (08/20/2019 at 20:30) Reply to comment

Are you in Moscow? What about the tooth? Pulpitis probably... In Moscow I know a good clinic on Krasnobogatyrskaya Street, Dr. Razumenko’s dentistry, here’s their website just in case https://www.razumenko.ru/moscow. Their chief doctor, Evgeniy Gennadievich Razumenko, is a very competent and good specialist, and now he personally sees patients. Last week I was there and had a permanent crown installed with permanent cement. I still need to change my old crowns, but Razumenko said that after the quarantine is lifted. The clinic has good equipment, they take temperatures, there are antibacterial gels, well done, in a word, they think about their patients!

Oksana (05/03/2020 at 10:51 am) Reply to comment

soda is really a good topic

Stas (01/29/2021 at 03:13) Reply to comment

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Reasons not related to teeth

With severe toothache, it seems that everything hurts - the ear, throat, head and even the skin on the face. In some cases, a person is not able to determine the source of the sensation and believes that a bad tooth is to blame.

Night pain similar to toothache can also occur in the following cases:

  • For inflammation of the trigeminal nerve. Characterized by a nagging, severe pain, localized in the area of ​​one tooth or spread throughout the entire jaw. This is explained by the fact that the branches of the nerve are located very close to the roots of the teeth and when they become inflamed, pain occurs that is very similar to toothache.
  • For sinusitis, sinusitis, otitis media. Swollen tissues and sinuses filled with purulent contents put pressure on the roots of the teeth. The resulting pain is very similar to toothache. In most cases, it is observed in children who find it difficult to correctly determine the location of pain
  • Under stress. Chronic night pain can be considered as one of the factors confirming the stressful state of the body.


Even if you have such assumptions, you will still have to visit the dentist. This must be done in order to exclude inflammatory diseases of the teeth and oral cavity, correctly diagnose and prescribe the correct treatment.

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