Reviews of a teeth whitening pencil - a tribute to fashion or a necessary hygiene product?

The desire to have snow-white teeth is inherent in every person, but many people cannot afford the professional whitening procedure.

Therefore, manufacturers of dental products, together with dentists, have created an effective product that helps lighten enamel at home - a whitening pencil.

The low cost of the product and high efficiency brought the invention high popularity in the European and domestic markets.

Operating principle

Tooth enamel has a porous structure and microcracks into which food coloring substances - chromogens - penetrate. Penetrating into the dentin, these microparticles form pigmented areas on it that differ in color from the rest of the surface of the crown. The effect on darkened areas of dentin occurs due to the active components of the gel.

The gel used in the bleaching agent may consist of the following components:

  • Hydrogen peroxide, concentration 5 - 12%. When applied to enamel, it splits into oxygen, which penetrates the pores and brightens pigmented particles, and water, which removes them.
  • Urea peroxide . It has a more gentle effect on teeth than peroxide due to the lower content of the active substance. Once on the enamel, this substance breaks down into urea and hydrogen peroxide, whitening the darkened areas.

In addition to the main active ingredient, the gel contains auxiliary ingredients - calcium, fluorine. They help reduce the aggressive effects of hydrogen peroxide, while simultaneously enhancing the effectiveness of whitening.

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Customer reviews about Bright&White


You no longer need to be shy and afraid to smile. All procedures were completed with pleasure, quickly and simply.


Very convenient and efficient. Thanks to our scientists, they are the best.


If you haven't tried it yet, I definitely recommend doing it. Your appearance changes completely when you whiten your teeth. And with this product it really happens.


Fresh breath, white teeth, no tartar. And in just 3 weeks of safe use.

Instructions for use

The method of application is quite simple, due to which the device can be used in almost any situation.

The process of using the drug consists of several stages:

  1. The oral cavity is rinsed to get rid of small food debris, after which the teeth are wiped with a dry cloth to remove excess moisture.
  2. The pencil lock is rotated so that a few drops of gel appear at the tip of the device.
  3. The lips stretch into a wide smile, revealing the teeth. A gel is applied to crowns that need to be lightened. When it reacts with oxygen, it may begin to foam.
  4. The applied composition is left for the time specified in the instructions for use. For different manufacturers, this figure can vary from 1 to 10 minutes. There is no need to relax the muscles of the mouth and close it at this time. The gel must come into contact with oxygen to perform its task.
  5. After the prescribed time has passed, the teeth are wiped with a napkin to remove any remaining gel or rinsed with water.

It is recommended to use a whitening pencil no more than three times a day, preferably 30-40 minutes after meals.

During the first week of use, an increase in enamel sensitivity may be observed, which will disappear over time. After two weeks of using the drug, you should take a break of 1.5-2 months.

While using the product, dentists recommend refraining from smoking and consuming coloring products, otherwise the desired effect will not be achieved.

Pros of using the product

The main advantage of whitening pencils is the ability to carry out manipulations at home without the need to visit dental clinics. Using a teeth whitening pencil is simple: you just need to carefully study the instructions for use of the drug.

Pencils from different manufacturers may differ not only in composition, but also in appearance and additional elements. This is due to the fact that each company strives to improve its product and add bright colors to its design.

The painting part of the device in many products is represented by a brush, a sponge and a pointed tip. Each product must be accompanied by not only an instruction manual, but also a meter. It helps to track the step-by-step process of teeth whitening. During the at-home procedure, it is extremely important to use a certain amount of whitening gel.

When choosing a suitable pencil, you must pay attention to the fact that it contains hydrogen peroxide in a concentration of no more than 12%.

Precautionary measures

When using the drug, you must be careful to avoid the possibility of accidental ingestion.

If the substance gets on the inside of the teeth, you should wipe this area with a napkin, and after completing the procedure, rinse your mouth.

The frequency of use of the pencil should not exceed the rate specified by the manufacturer, as this may lead to deterioration of the enamel.

Review of Ankylos implant models and possibilities of using structures. Click here if you are interested in the causes of tooth enamel destruction.

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Peroxide and peroxide are very similar substances, but peroxide has a less pronounced effect

There are two types of whitening sticks: peroxide-based and peroxide-based.

The difference here is only in the concentration of the active substance, and therefore in the speed of whitening.

In fact, both gels are effective, but carbamide peroxide is considered safer.

Why? Let's consider the main properties of both compositions.

Based on hydrogen peroxide

The concentration of peroxide in the gel does not exceed 12%, usually its value is 5-10%. Excessive amounts of peroxide can damage tooth enamel and also cause sensitivity.

Peroxide whitens due to a chemical reaction with oxygen. In its process, plaque is removed from tooth enamel.

Based on carbamide peroxide

Roughly speaking, peroxide and peroxide are very similar substances, but peroxide has a less pronounced effect.

Most often, the whitening gel contains only 10-15% peroxide. When the product is applied to the teeth, an increased release of oxygen occurs. Urea is more gentle than peroxide.

Possible consequences

As a result of non-compliance with the manufacturer's requirements, using a teeth whitening pencil can lead to the following negative consequences:

  1. The appearance of increased sensitivity of teeth. During the first sessions of use, this phenomenon is acceptable. However, if it does not go away after a week and the pain intensifies, use of the pencil should be stopped immediately.
  2. Thinning and destruction of enamel. To avoid damage to the tooth surface, you should consult your doctor before using a whitening product. This will eliminate the possibility of using a product that is not suitable for the enamel and contributes to its damage.
  3. Low efficiency. Most dentists recommend using a pencil after an in-office whitening procedure, but the manufacturers of the product do not indicate this. Using one pencil without additional procedures to lighten the enamel will give a result that will be little noticeable compared to the original version.

The video presents the opinions of professionals on the use of whitening pencils.

Teeth whitening pencil - a dummy or a real help?

Teeth whitening pencil is one of the newest products in the field of dentistry and is a huge success among today's youth and older people.
Teeth whitening pen comes in an elongated tube, similar to the shape of a pencil or pen, hence the name.

Due to its convenient shape and small size, this oral care product has quite a following among women and men.

Thanks to modern technology and design tricks, such pencils can be produced in larger or smaller volumes, in different sizes and shapes, which makes this whitening product even more convenient for use in everyday life.


The product has a number of advantages compared to other home whitening methods:

  • the product is easy to use due to its ergonomic design;
  • the applicator with which the product is equipped helps to evenly apply the active composition to the tooth surface;
  • the gel used in the product is safe compared to various folk recipes for restoring teeth whiteness;
  • the pencil is highly effective compared to whitening pastes;
  • the presence of additional substances in the composition helps to neutralize pathogenic microorganisms present on the surface of the enamel and eliminate unpleasant odor from the oral cavity.


In order to avoid adverse reactions from using home systems, you need to contact your dentist to identify contraindications to an independent procedure.

Teeth whitening gel sold in a pharmacy

List of contraindications to the use of the lightening drug:

  • childhood (due to fragility and immaturity of enamel);
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • diseases of the periodontium and mucous membranes of the mouth in the acute stage;
  • caries;
  • allergy to one or more components of the product;
  • fluorosis;
  • oral piercing;
  • the presence of orthodontic structures on the elements of the row;
  • crowns installed in the oral cavity, veneers or lumineers;
  • enamel hypersensitivity.


In addition to the obvious advantages, the product also has some disadvantages:

  • Chinese-made pencils may contain a high percentage of hydrogen peroxide, which will negatively affect the condition of the enamel;
  • careless use can lead to the gel getting on the mucous membrane of the gums, which will result in a burn;
  • a pencil can lighten the enamel by no more than 2-3 tones, in contrast to the 5-6 tones stated by sellers;
  • there is a possibility of gel particles entering the stomach with saliva, so people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should use the product with caution;
  • People with hypersensitivity may experience an allergic reaction to the components of the gel.

General information

The enamel whitening pencil is a small pen-shaped tube equipped with a convenient applicator or brush.
The main active ingredient of the drug is a gel with a special balanced composition. It helps lighten the crown by several tones and helps maintain the effect obtained as a result of professional whitening throughout the year.

Composition and appearance

Before we talk about Bright White, we need to understand what a teeth whitening pencil actually is. The product got its name due to its shape, reminiscent of a pen or felt-tip pen. Some manufacturers produce it in the form of an oblong bottle with an applicator or brush.

There is a gel inside the whitening stick. The main active ingredient is hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. The gels also contain various auxiliary components (fluorine, calcium, phosphorus), which reduce the aggressive effects of peroxide and enhance the whitening effect. They strengthen the enamel, making it less sensitive to the negative effects of the environment (hot and cold food, bacteria).

Manufacturers and prices

Let's look at the most popular products.

Bright White

Bright White teeth lightening product looks like a felt-tip pen or pen, designed in white and blue tones. The gel is easy to use, but requires a long exposure time - at least 10 minutes.

The first effect is noticeable after 4-5 times of use, the maximum – after two weeks. If you follow a white diet, the results last for a year.

When using the product, an increase in tooth sensitivity is often observed. The cost ranges from 400 to 700 rubles.

Teeth whitening pen

The American product Teeth whitening pen is recommended for use as a means to maintain the effect after in-office whitening. It creates a protective film on the crowns that prevents coloring particles from penetrating into the pores.

As an independent means of enamel whitening, the drug is ineffective. Due to its safe composition, the gel does not need to be washed off after drying. In addition, it has no restrictions on the duration of use - the pencil can be used daily as an addition to basic hygiene procedures.

The average price for a product ranges from 700 to 1300 rubles.

Luxury White PRO

The Luxury White PRO product belongs to a series of professional dental care products. Its features:

  • the presence of low urea content as an active element;
  • gentle effect of the gel on the enamel;
  • The product dries on the teeth without the need to rinse.

After two weeks of use, it is recommended to take a break for two months.

The cost is 1000-1750 rubles.

Hollywood Smile

HollywoodSmile, according to the South Korean manufacturer, will help make your teeth 3-4 shades lighter within three weeks of use.

The main active ingredient , carbamide peroxide, has a gentle effect on tooth enamel.

The disadvantage of this pencil is the long exposure time of the gel. The instructions indicate that the active composition should remain on the surface of the crowns for about 10-20 minutes.


The product range of the ROCS company, jointly produced by Switzerland and Russia, includes a pencil designed for removing stained surfaces of tooth enamel. Its design differs from similar whitening products from competing companies.

There are cone-shaped polishing brushes at both ends of the device. Using the side of such a brush, you can remove stained stains from the front surface of the crown. The tip of the pencil allows you to penetrate the interdental space, cleaning it.

Reviews from people who have used this pencil are quite mixed. There are both fans of this product and people who have suffered from severe thinning of the enamel as a result of its use. The average cost is 200 rubles.


The Korean product Bliq has a specific smell, which is explained by the composition of the drug:

  • carbamide peroxide;
  • peppermint oil;
  • glycerol;
  • triethanolamine.

The peculiarity of the product is the feeling of a slight cooling effect due to the presence of mint essential oil in the composition. The product has a high speed of action. Keeping the gel on the surface of the teeth for 30 seconds is enough.

According to the manufacturer, using the pencil for two weeks will lighten the enamel by 3-4 tones.

The average cost of the product is 1700-2000 rubles.

Yotuel whitening pen

The whitening pencil of the Spanish manufacturer is positioned as a means of lightening the surface of crowns by 1-2 tones in two weeks of use.

The active substance of the gel is carbamide peroxide. Due to additional additives - glycerin, fluoride and potassium citrate, not only the removal of pigmented areas is ensured, but also the enamel is protected from damage.

There is no need to wash off the gel after use, so it is convenient to use in any situation.

The cost of Yotuel whitening pen is about 400-500 rubles.

White Kiss

The main active ingredient of the White Kiss whitening pencil is 10% carbamide peroxide.

In addition, the product contains elements such as fluorine, potassium and xylene, which help protect the enamel from damage and eliminate pathogenic microorganisms that contribute to the development of carious damage to crowns.

The pencil is used up to 2 times a day for two weeks.

The cost of the product reaches 900 rubles.

Crestal 3D White

The Crestal 3D White whitening pencil is very easy to use. The gel is applied to teeth wiped with a napkin and held on their surface for 40 seconds. After the specified time, the oral cavity can be closed without rinsing off the composition.

In addition to whitening crowns up to 3-4 tones, manufacturers promise to eliminate bacteria and unpleasant odors from the oral cavity.

The cost of the Crestal 3D White pencil is 750-950 rubles.

Listerine Whitening Pen

In the product line of the American company Johnson & Johnson there is a whitening pencil that can lighten crowns by 2-4 tones, according to the manufacturer.

The instructions for its use say that to achieve maximum effect, use the device once a day for two weeks. It is assumed that the results obtained will be maintained throughout the year.

In addition to components that help restore the enamel's lost whiteness, the product contains fragrances to freshen breath and antibacterial ingredients.

The cost of the product starts from 700 rubles.

White globe

The active ingredient in White glo brightener is 6% hydrogen peroxide. In addition, the composition includes peppermint oil, glycerin and triethanolamine.

According to the instructions, using the pencil twice a day is enough. The course of use of the drug is 2 weeks, after which it is necessary to take a break of 2-3 months.

The pencil comes with 7 whitening strips. The cost of the set is 800-900 rubles.

Useful addition

The manufacturer recommends using an additional product in its line - bright white whitening strips. The product helps to cope with advanced cases and enhances the effectiveness of the pencil.

The strips are small pieces of a special material impregnated with a bleaching agent. The viscous consistency helps create excellent adhesion between the tooth and the strip. The product quickly whitens tooth enamel without damaging it. The gel is transparent and absolutely invisible when used.

The product is glued to the teeth, left for half an hour, the procedure is carried out daily. The course of treatment is two weeks. It is also not recommended for use during dental diseases, pregnancy, or children.

The cost of a package of 28 packages is 3,600 rubles. The price varies depending on the pharmacy chain.

How to choose the right one?

To choose the right whitening product, you need to consult your dentist. Your doctor will recommend a suitable whitening pencil after examining your mouth and determining the condition of your teeth.

Before purchasing you need:

  • Study the composition carefully. Choose a product with less hydrogen peroxide. Carbamide peroxide is safer, but the effect will take longer to achieve. A high-quality bleach should contain bactericidal components, as well as fluorine, phosphorus and calcium.
  • Read reviews.

Effective analogues

In addition to the pencil, other whitening products are available:

  • Bliq from the Korean company From Vanessa. Based on carbamide peroxide, it brightens by 4 tones in three weeks, the price starts from two thousand rubles;
  • Luxury White PRO. The active substance is the same as the previous product. Price – from 1800 rubles;
  • Listerine Whitening Pen from Johnson & Johnson. The pencil is produced by a well-known company, the quality is time-tested. Pricing policy – ​​from two thousand rubles.

Before choosing any product, consult your doctor.

A whitening pencil is an effective tool in the fight against yellow teeth. Use it correctly and follow safety precautions. Regular use of the product will give your smile a dazzling shine and minty freshness.

Video - review of the bright white teeth whitening pencil:

Where can I buy?

You can purchase such a miracle remedy either in an online store (for example, aliexpress or joom) or in a pharmacy. In the first case, you will have to wait several weeks, or even months.

But the purchase has a low cost compared to pharmacy analogues. But you can see the drug from the pharmacy on the spot, and you don’t have to wait for delivery. But the price will be more than five hundred rubles.

Chinese pencil from aliexpress

Whitening pencils from China are sometimes several tens of times cheaper than similar ones from European manufacturers.

Let's look at the most popular Chinese options that can be ordered on Aliexpress:

  • Teeth Whitening Pen whitening pencil costs 95-110 rubles. It comes in a shiny blue-gray box and is metallic in color. The gel in the pencil is transparent. Do not apply it to the gums, as the product is strong and can cause burns to the mucous membrane. Simply wash off with a toothbrush. It is enough to apply the whitening composition twice a day for fifteen minutes.
  • An equally popular purchase option is Onuge White Now. Peroxide-based gel does its job perfectly. With daily application, the result will be noticeable after two to three days. The price for such a pencil is slightly higher: already from 200 to 300 Russian rubles.
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