What are teeth whitening trays and how to use them?

The use of whitening gel and trays has greatly simplified and protected the enamel lightening procedure. Neither the patient nor the doctor needs to independently prepare the composition and come up with ways to fix it. Ready-made kits for in-office and home whitening are offered by a number of manufacturers - White Light, Opalescence, Mira White, Pearl Smile, Global White.

To whiten teeth, you need to choose the most suitable system from the offered range (in terms of effectiveness, price, duration of the procedure) and apply it correctly.

What are whitening gels made of?

The main component of modern whitening gels is carbamide peroxide. Compared to hydrogen peroxide, which was used previously, it has a more gentle effect on tooth enamel.

Not only the effectiveness of bleaching, but also its safety depends on the concentration level of this substance.

Whitening gels for professional use (in a clinical setting), as a rule, have a high content of this component. In addition, some techniques involve heat or light exposure of the drug to increase the reaction rate (release of active oxygen).

“Homemade” whitening gels have a reduced concentration of the active ingredient and are used only in combination with teeth whitening trays.

To obtain a specific result, their longer use is required (at least 2 weeks, several sessions per day).

Advantages and disadvantages

I'll start with the advantages. Firstly, the price of this teeth whitening option in most cases is less than that of “office” methods. Secondly, no discomfort. I put on the mouthguard, walked around a bit, took it off, and rinsed my mouth. Thirdly, it is quite safe for tooth enamel. You don't need to rub it with baking soda or clean it with lemon juice.

Effectiveness of whitening gel

There are few disadvantages, but they exist. The first and most significant is the level of whitening. What you achieve in the clinic is impossible to achieve at home. The effect does not occur in half an hour or an hour, as with some “Zoom”, but after several procedures. In advanced cases, there is a possibility that the gel simply will not help you.

  • Teeth whitening with cold light

Teeth whitening Zoom AP

Types of trays for teeth whitening

Mouthguards for teeth whitening are special pocket linings that are worn during the period of action of the whitening composition. There are several types of mouth guards:

  • standard;
  • thermoplastic;
  • individual.

Standard trays for teeth whitening are made using standard impressions and are therefore not very comfortable. They are inexpensive and included in most home whitening systems.

Thermoplastic mouth guards can be customized to fit your individual jaw structure. Under the influence of heat, they become soft and are easy to model with your hands.

Individual mouth guards are made using professional equipment using impressions made by a doctor. They fit the teeth perfectly, increasing the comfort and effectiveness of the whitening procedure.

How to choose a teeth whitening gel

Many whitening systems can be purchased without a prescription at a pharmacy or specialty store. They are all supposed to be safe, but...!

  1. Before purchasing, be sure to consult a doctor. How a whitening gel will work, even the most gentle one, can only be predicted after a preliminary dental examination.
  2. If the enamel is highly sensitive or damaged (chips, cracks), it is advisable to entrust the choice of remedy to a doctor. The dentist will be able to select a whitening gel that will not harm the patient.
  3. If there are no dental problems, then you can use universal systems, for example, the professional Zoom kit.

Whitening gels at home must be used exactly according to the instructions, otherwise the least you can do is waste your money, and what is more dangerous is getting burns to soft tissues and damaging the enamel.

How to apply whitening gel

The method for using the whitening gel is developed by the manufacturer.

  • At home, you can use the American White Light system - the gel is applied to the mouthguard in two layers and “activated” using an LED lamp.
  • White&Perfect whitening is carried out by a doctor who applies the composition to all teeth one by one. The procedure requires accuracy and control over the duration of action.
  • The Global White system includes a gel for whitening sensitive teeth. It is applied with a cotton swab or brush, and can be used with a mouth guard. Potassium nitrate, which is included in its composition, protects the enamel and helps strengthen it.
  • Gels from the gentle category can be used without drops. They are shaped like a pencil with a brush at the end. This is how, for example, Teeth Whitening Pen (USA) is applied, which is more intended to maintain whiteness than to achieve it.
  • The use of the Opalescence TresWhite kit (USA) does not require any manipulation from the user other than the formation of trays. They are made in the form of boxes filled with gel, which, after pre-molding, are simply put on the teeth.

Disadvantages of the method in question

Along with numerous advantages, mouth guards for cleaning teeth also have some disadvantages. So, for example, they affect diction and interfere with normal conversation. If you walk with gel on your teeth for too long, it can begin to corrode the enamel layer and lead to increased sensitivity. According to some reviews, to achieve a visible effect, you need to use such mouth guards systematically, for quite a long time. Before starting the course, you must carefully study the instructions. Dental experts recommend a professional cleaning to start with, and mouthguards used as a maintenance measure.

Teeth may become sensitive with frequent use

Contraindications to the use of whitening gels

The list of contraindications increases or decreases depending on the composition of the bleaching agent. Limitations that apply to all systems:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • age up to 18 years (for some species - up to 20 years);
  • infectious diseases of the oral cavity;
  • damaged periodontal tissues;
  • high tooth mobility;
  • allergy to carbamide peroxide.

For sensitive teeth, you can choose mild preparations with remineralizing components.

Attending doctor

Erofeeva Elena Sergeevna
Chief physician, dentist-therapist, microscopist

Work experience: 14 years

Lykhina Maria Vladimirovna

Dentist-therapist, periodontist, hygienist

Work experience: 10 years

Advantages of whitening systems with trays

The advent of whitening systems with trays has greatly simplified and protected the procedure for lightening enamel.

  • They are easy to use at home, and there is no need to set aside a specific time for the procedure.
  • All drugs have undergone clinical trials, so if the instructions for use are strictly followed, they do not cause relapses.
  • Whitening with trays is significantly cheaper than an in-office procedure.
  • The result of lightening is from two to ten tones.
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