How to use Luxury white pro teeth whitening pencil


Teeth whitening at home is a fairly common procedure for which a wide variety of means are used. One such product is the Luxury White Pro dental whitening pencil. It is distinguished by reasonable cost, convenient shape and ease of use.

What is this?

An enamel whitening pencil is a device that resembles a regular marker in its appearance. It also has a cavity, only instead of a rod it contains a special gel based on hydrogen peroxide or urea.

The pencil is equipped with a special applicator, which is saturated with whitening gel when you press or turn the dispenser.

As a rule, such products are intended for long-term whitening or maintaining the shade of crowns after they have been professionally lightened in a dental office.

To use a pencil, no special skills or additional equipment are required.


There is practically no reliable information about the manufacturer at the moment due to the fact that these products have appeared only recently. One of the distributors of this product claims that the manufacturing company is located in England .

According to another source, Luxury White Pro pencils are produced by a Chinese company . There is also no clarifying information on the official supplier's website.

But in case of claims, it is the official supplier, whose location is located in Russia in the city of St. Petersburg, .


With so many advantages, the Luxury White Pro brightening pencil has several disadvantages:

  1. Thinning and change in the condition of the enamel . Dentists note that such a problem does not arise due to the component composition of the gel, but develops due to non-compliance with the rules for its use. Important: before you start using the pencil, you should consult your doctor about the rules for its application and frequency of use.
  2. Low degree of lightening .
    It will not be possible to achieve a whitening effect comparable in quality to a professional one. Despite the fact that the manufacturer promises to change the shade of the enamel up to 8 tones, in practice it can be lightened by only 3-4 tones. Better results are achieved only by those users whose teeth do not show significant changes. In difficult situations, such as age-related darkening, “tetracycline” teeth or darkening associated with smoking, the pencil is ineffective.
  3. Development of hypersensitivity . Some patients note an increase in tooth sensitivity in the first days of use. In most cases, this unpleasant symptom goes away within a few days. But if there are unresolved diseases of the teeth and gums, sensitivity can become a chronic condition.

In real consumer reviews about this product, other negative aspects are also noted. They highlight its high price with low volume, short-term and not always noticeable results.

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The main distinguishing feature of the Luxury White Pro is its compact design. The length of the device is no more than the palm of your hand, so you can always take it with you in your purse. The pencil is made in the form of a marker, the body of which has a platinum tint.

The material used to make the bottle was durable, elastic plastic, which can withstand impacts well and does not deform. In addition, this material makes the bottle almost weightless. The cavity of the bottle is filled with a transparent gel that does not contain flavoring additives.

To apply the gel, the device was equipped with a special applicator made in the shape of a brush. The brush consists of soft monofilament bristles of equal length. Thanks to this, the gel is applied over the entire surface of the crowns in an even layer.

The pencil has a special dispenser cap , which delivers the gel by slightly twisting it clockwise. The bottle is closed with a special cap to prevent the brush from drying out.


The main active ingredient in this product is urea . Unlike peroxide, it has a milder whitening effect and is gentle on enamel.

The percentage of urea does not exceed 35%. This is quite enough to eliminate pigmentation and lighten the enamel.

In addition to urea, the gel contains a fluorine-containing complex , the purpose of which is to saturate the enamel with microelements to increase its strength. Thanks to its complex effect, the product has a whitening effect with a fixing effect.

In order to prevent dehydration of the crowns, which is usually characteristic of the whitening procedure, a natural humectant was introduced into the composition - glycerin . Water and a thickener were used as a base , allowing the product to maintain the form of a dense gel.

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Composition Luxury White Pro

Whitening pencil is an innovative product that has already been successfully used abroad and in our country. It is based on a special gel, which acts on tooth enamel.

This gel contains 35% carbamide peroxide. Its peculiarity is that it activates when illuminated, i.e. When exposed to light, the gel begins to work and whiten teeth. LED lamps have the best effect on its activity.

When peroxide hits the enamel, it is converted into hydrogen peroxide, which then breaks down and turns into active oxygen, which is needed for teeth whitening.

Expected Result

According to the manufacturer's promises, the pencil begins to work after the first use. Judging by the descriptions on the supplier’s official website, crowns can be whitened by 6 tones .

But in practice, after the first application, only a slight lightening occurs, by about 1 or 2 tones, depending on the initial and natural shade of the crown. Deeper whitening can only be achieved after several uses.

A stable result with enamel lightening by 5 tones or more can be guaranteed only two weeks after repeated use. As a rule, one pencil is enough for this period.


Manufacturers of the Luxury White Pro pencil predict the immediate effect of the gel. At the same time, they also promise to lighten the enamel up to 6 tones.

However, in practice, users notice minimal lightening in the first days after the whitening procedure. Consumers also note that to obtain higher performance indicators, repeated use of the contents of the pencil is necessary.

It is possible to achieve lightening of the crowns of the oral cavity by 5 tones. However, the procedure should be performed 2 weeks before an important event for you. In this case, you should use the gel twice with an interval of 7 days. As a rule, the contents of one pencil are enough for this.

Operating principle

The whitening effect of this product is explained by ordinary chemical processes. After applying the gel to the crowns, urea reacts with saliva and breaks down into water and active oxygen.

This combination enters all pores of the enamel . Oxygen begins to break down pigments deposited at the bottom of the pores, and water washes them from there to the surface, from where they are in turn removed by saliva.

The peculiarity of this procedure is that lightening occurs not only during the period of application of the product to the enamel, but also after that, since oxygen can be retained in the pores of dental tissues and retain its properties for 10 days or more .

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Follow the link photo after teeth whitening with hydrogen peroxide.


The pencil contains a gel of a special composition, which, when applied to the surface of the enamel, affects only its components, causing darkening

. This effectively complements your teeth brushing routine.

The fact is that over time, their surface, under the influence of many negative factors, ceases to be perfectly smooth. Cracks and defects appear in it, completely invisible to the naked eye. It is in them that coloring substances accumulate, gradually penetrating inside.

The composition that was developed for the Luxury White Pro whitening product, penetrating deep, reacts with these substances, neutralizing their color and thereby giving teeth whiteness.

The pencil looks like a thin long case. It has two caps - one on each side. The longer cap is removed to reveal a thin, flat and comfortable brush. It is intended for applying the product.

The bottom cap cannot be removed. It serves to ensure that when scrolled, a drop of gel is released onto the brush. This is just enough for application. The gel itself looks like a transparent, colorless substance. It has virtually no odor


Even with long-term use, as confirmed by practical research, this pencil does not have a negative effect on tooth enamel.


In order to get a good result and not harm the crowns, you must use this product strictly in accordance with the instructions:

  1. Before the procedure there is no need to pre-clean the teeth , but their surface, which is being treated with gel, must be completely dry .
    To do this, you can use a paper or textile napkin. Even slight humidity will slow down the penetration of active components into the pores of the enamel.
  2. In order to protect gum tissue from the effects of urea, it is recommended to cover it with
    an oil solution of vitamins A or E. If these drugs are not available, then you can use regular Vaseline, applying a thin layer of it to the gums. In this case, you should avoid getting it on the enamel.
  3. Before use, you need to remove the cap from the bottle and turn the dispenser slightly . It is turned until drops of gel appear on the brush.
  4. To make the application process easier, you need to smile broadly . In this case, all teeth falling within the smile zone should be clearly visible.
  5. After this, the gel is carefully applied to the surface of the crown , starting from the gum line and moving towards the cutting part.
    To ensure an even application, it is recommended to start treatment closer to the lateral surface of one side, then apply the gel to the central part of the tooth and finally treat the lateral part of the other side of the tooth.
  6. After treating the vestibular surface, they begin to apply the gel to the cutting part , moving the brush along it.
  7. To lighten individual areas of enamel, it is necessary to apply the gel pointwise .
  8. After application, you must wait at least one minute, during which you must not close your mouth .
  9. After this time, remove the remaining gel with a napkin or rinse your mouth with water. You should not eat or even drink water for an hour after the procedure.
  10. If necessary, this procedure can be repeated again, but only after a week . The final result will be no earlier than in 14 days .

Using the gel too often will lead to changes in the structure of the enamel and its thinning.


Luxury White Pro whitening gel has certain advantages that distinguish it from similar products from other companies:

  • convenient bottle shape , allowing both women and men to use the product in any conditions;
  • the fibers of the brush are located as closely as possible to each other, which ensures uniform distribution of the gel over the entire surface;
  • the gel supply is easily and accurately adjusted using a convenient dispenser cap;
  • the gel is thick and therefore adheres well to crowns;
  • Urea is used as the main substance here, which is characterized by its gentle properties in relation to dental tissue;
  • The gel guarantees visible whitening results . Even with one-time use, the product immediately has a brightening effect;
  • The compact size of the bottle allows you to store it even in a regular handbag.


This product is not recommended for use in the following cases:

  • during pregnancy . Due to changes in the functioning of all body systems during this period, teeth are primarily affected, and any exposure to aggressive components on them can cause irreversible changes in dental tissues;
  • high sensitivity of enamel and its pathological abrasion. Active exposure to oxygen will only worsen the situation;
  • during breastfeeding , since ingestion of the product cannot be ruled out;
  • the presence of piercings in the mucous membrane of the lips or on the tongue. This can lead to corrosion of metal elements;
  • carious lesions on teeth visible when smiling. Exposure to peroxide may cause a painful reaction;
  • crown deformation : presence of chips, cracks. Just as in the case of carious cavities, applying the gel can lead to pain;
  • age up to 15 years.


Today, this product can be purchased through online stores or their representatives. The cost varies greatly. The average and most common price of the gel was fixed at around 400 rubles .

The minimum price for a special promotion was only 50 rubles per bottle. The maximum cost was recorded from official distributors of these products and was within the range of 1,500 rubles .

Customer reviews about the pencil

“I fell for an advertisement that promised miracles and got what I deserved. I am allergic to hydrogen peroxide, and there was quite a bit of information about this pencil, I collected it bit by bit, but the site captivated me with its colorfulness. I filled out the form, a representative called me back and assured me that there was no peroxide in the composition. I agreed, but a little later I consulted and found out that she was still present there. I wanted to refuse, but they began to threaten me that they would invoice me for expenses, for returning the goods and sue me unilaterally. I just didn’t want to get involved, so I had to pick up the pencil. I didn’t use it myself, I gave it to my sister. Zero effect. I think this is how scammers work.”

AllaT, review from

“You'll just waste your money like I did. Plus, you'll ruin your teeth. I used it for three weeks, the shade did not change at all, although I didn’t need Hollywood white, I wanted to return the natural color of the enamel, because... I love coffee and my teeth have turned a little yellow. In general, there were no changes, but I began to feel that the enamel began to react sharply to sour, spicy, cold and hot. It became thinner and cracked. Now he is under constant observation by the dentist. Don't make my mistakes!

Olga, review from

“It turned out funny. I purchased this product through an online store for 2,800 rubles, and while I was waiting for delivery and using it, my friend went to the dentist and had whitening done for 9,000 rubles. In the end, her result is the envy of everyone, and I have money down the drain and bad teeth, for the restoration of which I have already paid more than for professional whitening. So draw your own conclusions. The people who sell this cannot even be called people, they are charlatans! Don't fall for their tricks..."

Karina Kranova, Sochi, fragment of a review from correspondence on

“My dentist is my good friend. My wife recently received an advertisement with this pencil via email, we told a friend. He laughed for a long time and said that we shouldn’t even think about buying it if we value our health. There is no universal remedy that will help with any pathology; in any case, only a professional doctor will determine the condition of your teeth and draw conclusions about whether this or that method of whitening or treatment is suitable for you!”

Svyatoslav, review from


Reviews of the Luxury White Pro gel pencil are very mixed. Some were impressed by its effectiveness. Others were completely dissatisfied due to the complete lack of results and the appearance of high tooth sensitivity .

If you have experience using this tool, you can share your opinion about it in the comments to this article.

In this video, the blogger shares his impressions of the product:

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Tags Luxury white pro home whitening whitening pen teeth whitening

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Whitening pencil Luxury White Pro: reviews

How effective and safe the pencil is can be judged by the reviews of people who use innovative whitening technology at home.

Evgeniya, Moscow. I smoke a lot and I can say with confidence that the pencil is ideal for smokers. In a short time, the teeth become lighter, but to maintain the whiteness effect, you need to repeat the procedure periodically.

Elizaveta, Krasnodar. I liked the smell and taste of the pencil. Apply the gel carefully, trying not to get it on your lips. The course is 14 days. During this time, the teeth become a couple of shades lighter.

Oksana, Yekaterinburg. Blik is a very expensive pencil. I prefer to use the cheaper analogue Luxury White Pro. I didn't notice much difference while using both pencils. In both the first and second cases, the teeth become a couple of shades lighter.

Irina, St. Petersburg. Nature gave me not very good teeth. In order to keep them in good condition, I buy quite expensive toothpastes and mouthwashes. I decided to try the Luxari White Pro teeth whitening pencil on myself. I used it as indicated in the instructions - 2 weeks. After just 3 days, my teeth became noticeably lighter, and after 14 days I had a dazzling smile.

You can order a pencil on the official website, or place an order through the feedback form below.

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