New generation “Butterfly” dentures

In modern orthopedic dentistry, methods of “immediate” dental prosthetics using immediate dentures are becoming increasingly popular.

Such orthopedic devices are indispensable in cases of multiple tooth extractions in the treatment of severe forms of periodontitis and some somatic diseases.

An immediate denture is a temporary removable prosthetic structure used at intermediate stages of prosthetics and dental implantation.

This device is made of acrylic plastics or nylon and is attached to the oral cavity using plastic clasps.

Purpose of immediate dentures

Immediate - translated from English as “immediate”, “momentary”, “urgent”. This is precisely the meaning inherent in the concept of prosthetics.

Immediate dentures are installed immediately after tooth extraction or implantation. Indispensable when a certain amount of time is required for the manufacture of a permanent prosthesis or implant healing. Such temporary intermediate structures replace missing teeth for this period and solve several problems at once:

  • masking a dental defect
  • elimination of psychological discomfort
  • partial restoration of functionality
  • prevention of growths, exostoses
  • accelerated healing and protection of mucous membranes after tooth extraction
  • preventing the displacement of healthy teeth towards the removed ones
  • formation of a permanent prosthesis bed
  • adaptation of gums to future loads

An excellent solution for a temporary solution to the problem.
Immediate dentures allow you to hide aesthetic imperfections, maintain chewing ability, and provide emotional comfort during the period of preparation for permanent prosthetics.

Levin Dmitry Valerievich Chief physician and founder of the Doctor Levin center

Acrylic Butterfly Dentures

Acrylic structures are highly durable, but they are also rigid and inelastic. For this reason, they can rub soft mucous membranes and cause discomfort when worn. However, with high-quality prosthetics and accurate measurements, this can be avoided.

Acrylic products require getting used to; at first the patient may feel the presence of a foreign object in the mouth, but after a few days this goes away.

Such orthopedic systems allow you to chew solid food without hindrance, do not deform, and are resistant to damage.

Immediate dentures made of acrylic cannot boast of great flexibility, so they are not so convenient to use, which is compensated by the lowest price among analogues.

Some patients may be allergic to acrylic, but this is not common and is quite rare.

The main disadvantage of such products is that they cannot be repaired. A broken prosthesis will have to be replaced with a new one.


An immediate prosthesis consists of a base with soldered artificial teeth. Depending on the number of teeth lost, the design and method of attachment in the mouth differ.

  • Butterfly - for the loss of 1-2 teeth A small design that contains hooks reminiscent of butterfly wings. With their help, the prosthesis rests on neighboring teeth.
  • Partial - with the loss of 3 or more teeth The dimensions are more massive, which contributes to reliable fixation. The hooks are made of metal or the same material as the base.
  • Complete - with complete loss of teeth. Outwardly it resembles a jaw made of plastic. It is held in place due to the suction effect on the gums and palate. Also suitable as a permanent prosthesis, in particular when fixed to implants.


Removable acrylic (plate) dentures from 15,200 rub.
Taking a two-layer impression from 900 rub.
Taking an alginate impression from 500 rub.
Restoration of a removable denture from 3,500 rub.

To avoid possible misunderstandings, please clarify the cost of services in clinics with the administrator or during a consultation with a doctor. Prices on the website are not a public offer.

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Options for base material

Nylon or acrylic is used for the base of the prosthesis, which adheres to the gums and holds artificial crowns.

  • Nylon Elastic and transparent material does not cause irritation and fits tightly to the gums. Due to its softness, the device is easy to put on. However, under the influence of temperature changes and physical activity, it gets darker. Over time, it loses its shape and is unstably fixed - it does not provide for rigid metal clasps. More suitable for replacing front teeth.
  • Acrylic Cast from acrylic plastic. The material is opaque and matches the color of the gum. The rigid material holds its shape well, and the metal clasps provide a strong attachment to adjacent teeth. Acrylic immediate dentures are less aesthetic due to the opacity of the material and metal elements, but are more reliable. Recommended for chewing teeth.

Chashchin Kirill Valerievich

Orthopedic dentist, 14 years of experience

Digital prosthetics. Aesthetic restorations with veneers with a lifetime guarantee. Total orthopedic rehabilitation in one day

More about the doctor

Nylon dentures

Decayed or missing teeth in the oral cavity sharply worsen aesthetics, change facial expressions,

lead to disruption of the chewing process and pain in the temporomandibular joint. The only way to eliminate this problem is prosthetics. Dental nylon dentures are one of the options for possible orthopedic treatment

. Patients should know that there are practically no contraindications for installing removable dentures made of nylon, and with their help, everyone has the opportunity to solve the problem of missing teeth.

However, there are more effective solutions: missing teeth can be restored with fixed dentures

. Designs that are firmly fixed to the teeth are more functional and aesthetic (they feel like natural teeth in the oral cavity). Since fixed prosthetics are not possible in all cases, an alternative option is still widely used in dental practice.

Types of dentures made of nylon.

A nylon prosthesis can be:

  • partial, used for prosthetics of several teeth;

  • complete, when it is necessary to restore the dentition with complete edentia.

Each option consists of a base to which artificial teeth are attached. A partial denture also has special fastenings, hooks (clasps). They gently wrap around the necks of adjacent teeth to securely secure the denture in your mouth. There are two types of partial nylon dentures: for the restoration of an extended segment of the dentition and a “butterfly” microprosthesis, which is effective in the absence of 1-2 teeth. It is usually used as a temporary option while crowns or bridges are being made in a dental laboratory.

Fixation of a complete nylon denture is carried out using a suction effect, which works most effectively on the upper jaw. To achieve a more reliable attachment to the lower jaw, experts recommend additionally using a fixing paste.

Advantages and disadvantages.

The pros and cons of nylon prostheses follow from the physical properties of the material, which

used for their manufacture. Nylon is a type of plastic. It is characterized by high flexibility. The properties of the material allow you to recreate a lost tooth as accurately as possible. Due to their light weight, such products can be worn for about a year due to the low load on the gums.

The material does not absorb moisture and odors and prevents the spread of infections in the oral cavity. The base and fastenings of the structure are made from it. To make the product look natural, its color and texture are selected individually for each patient.

The advantages of nylon dentures include:
  • They can be installed in case of partial or complete loss of teeth.
  • Flexible and stretchy - Thermoplastic pink nylon is used.
  • The patient's time to get used to the prostheses is minimal.
  • Such products are convenient for the patient thanks to fastenings - clasps, which do not create

    unpleasant sensation and are almost invisible. These fastenings are translucent, have the color of the gum and visually merge with it.

  • The denture is tightly attached to the gum, leaving no free spaces.
  • They do not cause allergies, since they do not contain methyl methacrylate monomer, which is used to make prostheses from conventional acrylic plastic.
  • There is no need to grind adjacent teeth for installation.
  • The design is aesthetic and has a natural look.
Nylon prostheses also have disadvantages:
  • The appearance of an unpleasant odor due to insufficient care.
  • Due to the fact that the product is relatively mobile, bone tissue atrophy
  • The structures quickly wear out and lose their shape.
  • Not subject to correction
  • Broken products cannot be repaired, they can only be completely replaced.
  • Unevenly distribute the load when chewing.
  • Cause gum injury and pain when chewing.
  • Short service life - 1 year.

Contraindications for installation.

The only reasons to refuse to use a nylon prosthesis are the factors in which it will not be possible to achieve its stable position in the oral cavity:

  • low clinical crowns (height of teeth)
  • overhanging alveolar ridge or its severe atrophy of bone tissue, as a result of prolonged absence of teeth.


The main disadvantage of such nylon structures is their flexibility. Products made of nylon sag when chewed and do not contribute to the correct distribution of load during the chewing process.

Therefore, the manufacture and installation of nylon prostheses has strict limitations. Acrylic models are preferable.

Features of care.

Nylon designs are softer than others. Because of this they

are more damaged by mechanical stress. To prevent this, you need to follow the following care rules:

  • use a soft brush for cleaning;
  • use only special paste that does not contain abrasives;
  • wipe the denture with a bactericidal agent;
  • rinse your mouth after every meal;
  • Visit your dentist for professional cleaning.

Cost of nylon dentures.

The production of nylon prostheses is a complex high-tech process carried out

by thermal pressing method. This guarantees the necessary precision of fit of the structure and high aesthetics. The photo clearly shows that nylon prostheses look very natural. Patient reviews confirm the ease of wearing and quick adaptation. The price of nylon prostheses is not as low as that of acrylic analogues, since expensive heat press equipment is used.

If you expect to carry out orthopedic treatment in this way, then the specialists of the Dentist clinic

are ready to help in this matter. Their experience and professionalism are a guarantee of quality results.


Prompt production, the ability to quickly restore lost teeth, and low cost make immediate dentures indispensable in preparation for permanent prosthetics.

  • Speed ​​Installed on the day of tooth extraction; no preliminary preparation or grinding of adjacent crowns is required.
  • Aesthetics The base is matched to the color of the gums, the crowns to the color of the adjacent teeth. The dentures look harmonious and are almost invisible.
  • Comfort Getting used to it is quick; after a few days you won’t feel the prosthesis in your mouth. The structures are lightweight and do not put pressure on the gums.
  • Cost Manufacturing costs are relatively low, while the quality corresponds to the temporary purpose of the prostheses.

Care instructions

Keeping the orthopedic structure in order is not difficult. Here are the basic care recommendations:

  • Be sure to remove it 2 times a day and rinse with warm water or a special solution, and then clean with regular paste;
  • After every meal, rinse your mouth;
  • The device should be stored only in a special solution;
  • Before removing or putting on an acrylic prosthesis, you should place a towel or napkin in the sink so that the structure does not break if accidentally dropped.

It is not necessary to remove such a prosthesis at night, and this is prohibited for the first 10-12 days after installation. To quickly get used to a foreign structure in your mouth, you should first give preference to softer foods, and if you have problems with diction, read aloud.

To summarize, it is worth noting that installing a “butterfly” is an excellent solution for people who are faced with the problem of dental prosthetics. But before installing it, it is still recommended to weigh all the pros and cons of the design and listen to the opinion of a specialist.

Computer diagnostics - for reliable data

It is performed on a GALILEOS tomograph (The Dental Company SIRONA, Germany).

  • Assessment of bone tissue to determine the parameters of the prosthesis base
  • Study of the position and functions of the temporomandibular joint
  • Determination of the condition of abutment teeth during partial dentures

“22nd century” makes prosthetics accessible

Nylon dentures, due to the hypoallergenic nature of their material, allow the patient’s body to quickly and easily adapt to a foreign body.
When, after a free consultation, a doctor recommends the patient to install nylon dentures, the price of both the products themselves and the services of professorial dentistry is the issue that worries the patient first of all.

It should be noted that for most people the prices in our dental clinic are affordable, which, together with the professorial level of services provided, provides any patient with an excellent opportunity to get their teeth in order.

All you need to do to start treatment is contact us at the phone numbers listed on the website and sign up for a free consultation with the head doctor, who will recommend further actions to achieve your goal.

In treatment, we always use the highest quality materials , which guarantee the most effective, comfortable and long-term results.

Date of publication: September 20, 2020 Last update: September 22, 2022 © 2020 Professorial Dentistry “22 Century”. All rights reserved.

Own digital laboratory - speed and quality

The Center has a digital dental laboratory with a staff of experienced qualified dental technicians.

  • Direct and immediate interaction between the orthopedist and the dental technician
  • Highly accurate digital impressions without impression material errors
  • Fast terms of prosthetics, no restrictions on the number of fittings

Indications for installation

Indications for removable nylon dentures can be:

  • loss of one or more teeth in a row;
  • scattered defect;
  • absence of all teeth;
  • allergy to metal, acrylic;
  • if you do not want to grind the supporting teeth for dentures, for example, clasp ones with locks;
  • periodontal disease of 1st and 2nd degrees to keep teeth in place (but 3.4 degrees will already be a contraindication);
  • patient refusal or medical contraindications to implantation;
  • childhood, if necessary, hide early tooth loss;
  • as a temporary solution for implantation with delayed loading.

Sometimes nylon dentures can be installed to treat bruxism, involuntary grinding in the mouth, which damages tooth enamel and increases wear. And also for athletes and people involved in traumatic sports, a flexible design is the best option, better than acrylic, which can easily break in case of injury.

Stages of prosthetics

As a rule, fixation of an immediate prosthesis is carried out immediately after tooth extraction or implantation.

  1. Taking impressions Even before tooth extraction or implant installation, impressions are taken, from which an immediate denture is made in a dental laboratory within 1-3 days according to the patient’s individual parameters.
  2. Installation On the day of surgery, the causative tooth is removed or an implant is installed. While the anesthesia is still in effect, the finished immediate prosthesis is fixed. A person instantly receives a new tooth to replace the lost one.

Manufacturing stages

The process of manufacturing an immediate prosthesis includes the following steps:

  1. Taking an impression of the tooth before removing it. Neighboring teeth are also taken into account, since it is on them that the prosthesis will rest.
  2. Creating an exact copy of the extracted tooth and correcting the clasps using photographs of the supporting teeth.
  3. Trying on the structure and its installation (if necessary, preliminary correction of the prosthesis is carried out).

If microprosthetics is carried out after tooth loss, the orthopedist will create a control model, and only after trying it on will dental technicians begin work.

It usually takes only a few hours to make an immediate denture. In the most difficult cases, the structure will be made and installed the next day after visiting the dentist. Getting used to it happens very quickly. At first, it is not recommended to remove the structure at night.

Life time

Since the main purpose of prostheses is short-term prosthetics, the service life is limited to 3-4 months. This is enough for the healing of soft tissues after tooth extraction or implant installation. Longer wearing is not recommended, since the structures lose their shape and can have a negative effect on the gums in the area of ​​the supporting teeth. If it is impossible to install a permanent structure after this period, it is necessary to replace the immediate prosthesis with a new one.

But it should be taken into account that lightweight structures do not put pressure on bone tissue; with a temporary solution after tooth extraction, they can cause jaw atrophy due to improper load distribution, which will become a problem before installing an implant.

Advantages and disadvantages

To summarize, we can conclude that the advantages of immediate dentures are:

  • painless process of prosthetics;
  • no need to grind adjacent teeth;
  • prevention of jaw bone atrophy;
  • ease of care;
  • cheapness;
  • quick addiction.

Disadvantages of immediate dentures:

  • insufficiently strong fixation;
  • contraindications for long-term wearing;
  • rapid wear.

Our website contains a complete database of dental clinics that produce high-quality immediate dentures.

Examples of work “Before” and “After”

Partial restoration of teeth on both jaws
Case: partial absence of teeth on both jaws.

Complete prosthetics of the upper and lower jaws

Case: absence of teeth in the upper jaw (completely), absence of an orthopedic structure in the lower jaw on existing implants (installed in the USA two years earlier) Work: production of a complete removable denture in the upper jaw as a temporary structure until the installation of one-stage implants with subsequent prosthetics.

Installation of plate dentures with complete edentia (April 2012)

Case: complete absence of teeth in the upper and lower jaws, weak fixation of the removable denture in the lower jaw.

Complete absence of teeth in the upper jaw

Case: Completely edentulous upper jaw Work: Complete removable plate denture - acrylic Number of visits: 4 Time: 2 weeks Cost: 25,000 rub.


What may be a contraindication to a nylon prosthesis in dentistry:

  • periodontal diseases (grade 3-4 periodontal disease), loose teeth, their displacement;
  • recession;
  • the height of the supporting teeth is not enough, the clasps will not be able to securely fasten;
  • inflammatory processes of the mucous membrane and gums;
  • tooth mobility;
  • significant bone atrophy.

It is necessary to have healthy teeth on both sides of the prosthesis as supports for clasp fixation.

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