Mouthguard for teeth - reliable protection and effective treatment

A snow-white smile is the dream of many. Modern dentistry offers many methods of effective whitening - from special pastes to laser technologies. One of the most popular ways to whiten your smile is home teeth whitening with trays. This is what we will talk about.


  1. What are teeth whitening trays?
  2. Treatment Options
  3. Indications for aesthetic procedures
  4. Features of the technique
  5. What does the brightening gel contain?
  6. Other features of the technique
  7. Who is contraindicated for home lightening?
  8. Pros and cons of the technique

You can make your smile beautiful at home using special whitening trays.
But before starting aesthetic activities, you must definitely visit a doctor. The specialist will examine the condition of the enamel, determine whether there are any contraindications to such therapy, and give useful recommendations. Without obtaining dental advice, you should not use whitening trays, as there is a risk of complications.

How often can you use mouth guards?

On average, to achieve the desired result, you have to wear mouth guards from 2 to 8 hours a day for two months. However, you must strictly follow the doctor's recommendations: exceeding the wearing period can lead to damage to the enamel.

You can find out how much whitening with trays costs at the “Your Doctor” clinic by calling the contact phone number in Moscow or in the “Prices” section.

831Professional teeth whitening with aligners at home for 2 jaws (including the cost of aligners and a set of whitening gel)16,000 rub.
832Professional teeth whitening additional syringe of whitening material from home whitening kit4000 rub.

What are teeth whitening trays?

Plates do not lighten teeth on their own. They serve as a place for laying the whitening material and ensure its long-term contact with the enamel. For the devices to work, a solution based on hydrogen peroxide or urea is placed in them.

The first remedy is considered the most powerful. It removes yellowness faster and allows you to get the desired result in a short time. But it works more aggressively than carbamide peroxide, so it is not recommended to use it if the units are highly sensitive.

Making trays

Custom mouth guards are made in stages.

  1. At the first visit, the dentist conducts an examination and identifies possible contraindications.
  2. The patient then needs to undergo professional teeth cleaning.
  3. After the preparatory measures, impressions of the jaws are taken and sent to the laboratory, where structures made of transparent plastic about a millimeter thick are made based on the 3D model. The edges of the finished product are trimmed to the level of the gums.
  4. The last stage is trying on the mouthguard and recommendations for its use.

Treatment Options

Teeth whitening with trays can be carried out according to different programs:

  • Standard (basic). Has the most affordable price. A person buys a universal device at a pharmacy and uses it according to the instructions. This therapy is the most risky. It is not suitable for all patients and often causes allergies. Because the plate does not fit perfectly into the rows, the bleach solution may leak out of the plate. Then irritation of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity occurs, and small ulcers appear.
  • Thermoplastic. Involves the use of elements that, after heating, change their shape and size. You just need to dip the product in hot water and put it on immediately. It will “suck” tightly, and after cooling it will retain its new shape. Thermoplastic products are much safer than standard ones. When used correctly, the likelihood of irritation of the mucous membranes is minimized.
  • Individual. An option that is suitable for patients who want to get the perfect result. Is the most expensive. Mouthguards are made based on a cast of the jaws. Due to this, they perfectly fit each unit, securely hold the lightening gel inside, and do not irritate the mucous membranes. It is very convenient to use individual products. True, their cost is not low.

Main types of dental guards:

  • A standard type mouthguard is a mass-produced product that has standard parameters suitable for most people. Can be used immediately after purchase, without individual adjustment to the dentition.
  • Thermoplastic mouth guard is made from a special material that tends to soften when exposed to water. When first put on, they take the shape of the dentition, thereby ensuring an exact fit to the enamel surface.
  • A custom-designed mouthguard is an elite option, which is produced in special dental centers, corresponding to impressions of the patient’s teeth. Allows you to produce trays that most accurately fit the entire surface of the teeth being whitened.

Standard thermoplastic type mouthguards are used most often because they do not require large amounts of time and money, unlike custom development.

Features of the technique

The patient is offered products made from hypoallergenic and biocompatible materials, so wearing them does not harm his health. Most often, plates are made from:

  • plastic;
  • silicone;
  • gel-like composite.

Under no circumstances should they be worn on a regular basis. Whitening should be carried out in short courses. Otherwise, the enamel will be damaged. Deep cracks will appear on its surface. Pathogenic microorganisms will begin to multiply in them, which will lead to caries and pulpitis.

Contraindications to teeth whitening using trays

The reasons for refusing to perform a procedure using dental trays are:

  • disturbances in the functioning of the TMJ;
  • lactation;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the gel or to the materials used in the manufacture of the mouth guard;
  • increased sensitivity of teeth to external influences;
  • female pregnancy;
  • advanced fluorosis;
  • inflammation of the soft tissues of the mouth;
  • age up to 16 years;
  • periodontal diseases;
  • wearing orthodontic braces;
  • extensive carious lesions of teeth, the presence of many fillings;
  • presence of piercings on the tongue or lips.

Regular and correct use of dental whitening trays, as well as strict adherence to all the dentist’s recommendations, allows the patient to achieve lightening of tooth enamel by 3 tones or more in just 2-3 weeks.

What does the brightening gel contain?

Standard and thermoplastic fixtures are sold together with a universal gel. Its active substances are hydrogen peroxide or carbamide. The composition may also contain compounds that strengthen the upper layers of the dental crown, for example, calcium, fluorine, sodium.

In the case of individual products, the selection of whitening gel is carried out on a personal basis. The dentist takes into account:

  • patient's age;
  • mouth condition;
  • desired result;
  • tendency to specific dental diseases;
  • presence of allergies to medications.

At his discretion, he may offer material with a higher or, conversely, lower content of the bleaching component. This will allow you to get the smile of your dreams quickly and without risks to your oral health.

Benefits of customized dental aligners

  • Aesthetics: Mouthguards are made of thin transparent material (BIOPLASTIC / BIOSILICONE) that exactly follows the shape of the teeth, which allows them to be completely invisible in the oral cavity.
  • Practicality: Individual dental aligners are not subject to deformation, do not require special care and can be used for a long time.
  • Cost-effective: Making custom mouth guards is
    one of the most inexpensive yet effective services.
  • Speed ​​of production: The process of producing a mouthguard takes relatively little time. You can already receive the finished dental tray in a few days.

Other features of the technique

Thanks to the mouth guard, the gel material is distributed as evenly as possible over the teeth. Not a single part of it remains uncultivated. This guarantees a brilliant aesthetic result. Among other features of this whitening:

  • Lasts about two to three weeks. Improvement in the appearance of teeth becomes noticeable after three to four procedures. Therefore, do not despair if after the first use of the solution nothing has changed.
  • It can be carried out only if the condition of the oral cavity is satisfactory. If during the initial appointment the dentist discovers any diseases, they must be cured. It is unacceptable to apply a composition with carbamide or hydrogen peroxide to carious cavities or inflamed gums.
  • You cannot start therapy without first carrying out professional hygiene. The latter is needed to clean the crowns from stone and plaque. If you do not go through it, the units will lighten unevenly, which will look strange and unsightly.
  • Helps increase sensitivity. This is normal, since the enamel is exposed to quite serious damage every day. But, if the toothache becomes severe, you should stop aesthetic procedures and seek medical help again.
  • You need to wear the devices for as long as the doctor says - and not a minute longer. Some people deliberately increase the duration of their sessions in an attempt to get faster results. This is unacceptable, since the whitening gel can destroy the enamel.
  • Affordable price. Home whitening usually costs less than in-office whitening. We cannot ignore the fact that it takes place in comfortable and familiar conditions for a person. During the sessions, he can do any work or relax quietly.

But not everyone can use whitening trays, despite their advantages. This dental technique has certain limitations.

Dental mouthguard after wearing braces

To consolidate the results of bite correction with a brace system, it is necessary to continue treatment with special orthodontic devices - retainers - or resort to installing a mouth guard on the teeth. Such devices are made of soft biopolymers, do not cause unpleasant sensations and are easy to use - you will immediately understand how to put the mouth guard on your teeth and how to remove the mouth guard from your teeth. The device should be worn at night and for several hours during the day for 6 to 12 months, depending on the malocclusion. Reviews of mouthguards for teeth after braces indicate that they really help to achieve a perfect smile and self-confidence.

Tip: How to clean your dental trays!

Many patients are interested in how to clean dental trays from plaque. Simply wash them under warm running water with or without a special detergent from the same manufacturer. You can clean the mouthguard with a toothbrush and toothpaste. These care rules apply to almost all types of orthodontic aligners. As for devices for protecting the teeth of athletes, they should be stored in separate containers and periodically soaked in special solutions that help prolong their use. Other features of the use of these devices are described in the sports instructions for the mouth guard.

Who is contraindicated for home lightening?

The method cannot be used:

  • in working with children under the age of eighteen, pregnant and breastfeeding women, people who had an extraction less than four weeks ago;
  • if you have a piercing in your mouth;
  • for untreated diseases of teeth and gums;
  • when serving poorly disciplined patients who ignore medical prescriptions.

It is also prohibited to perform whitening if the patient is allergic to the dental material that needs to be used.


The price depends on the type of mouth guard and the materials from which it is made. The most inexpensive are ready-made structures. When making individual products, you need to take into account the cost of additional services.

Our clinic uses DayWhite and NiteWhite home whitening systems. The kit includes individual mouth guards made from impressions and two gels with hydrogen peroxide and carbamide for night and day use. All labor and supplies are included in the price. The manufacturer of the Discus Dental system, which is a subsidiary of the developer of the unique Zoom whitening technology.

Current prices can be viewed on the website or inquired by phone.

Pros and cons of the technique

To make it easier to understand whether this dental program is right for you, we will list its main advantages and disadvantages. The first include:

  • availability;
  • the ability to independently carry out all procedures;
  • high efficiency;
  • bleaching occurs immediately from the outside and inside;
  • possibility of personal selection of gel and production of individual plates.

Among the disadvantages:

  • You will still have to visit the dentist’s office;
  • while wearing a mouth guard, you cannot talk, eat, or drink;
  • incorrect application of the gel and wearing the plates for too long cause irritation of the gums and mucous membranes;
  • long term events.

In any case, you can only answer the question “to be or not to be” together with your dentist. Therefore, be sure to visit your doctor before purchasing the kit from the pharmacy.

Mouthguard for athletes made of silicone

Such mouthguards are used to protect teeth in contact or extreme sports - football, hockey, boxing. Sports mouthguards are worn over the front teeth and reduce the strong physical impact not only on the teeth, but also on soft tissues and even the cervical spine.

Based on manufacturing methods, there are two types of sports mouthguards:

1. Standard sports mouth guard

Sold in any sports stores, made the same for everyone.

2. Individual sports mouth guard.

It is made individually for a specific person using impressions of his teeth, taking into account their anatomical shape. They cost much more, but are also much more convenient, since they fit on the teeth “like family.”

Advantages of whitening systems with trays

The advent of whitening systems with trays has greatly simplified and protected the procedure for lightening enamel.

  • They are easy to use at home, and there is no need to set aside a specific time for the procedure.
  • All drugs have undergone clinical trials, so if the instructions for use are strictly followed, they do not cause relapses.
  • Whitening with trays is significantly cheaper than an in-office procedure.
  • The result of lightening is from two to ten tones.
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