German Lakalut toothpaste - gentle care and reliable protection

Every person dreams of a natural and snow-white smile, so the choice of oral care products is especially important.

Dental problems related to the health of teeth and gums require the selection of the most effective means for daily hygienic cleansing.

Plaque formation, inflammatory processes, darkening of the protective layer of teeth - Lakalut Active toothpaste, presented by the German manufacturer Dr., can cope with all this. Theiss Naturwaren GmbH in a wide range.

How to choose the right toothpaste.

August 10, 2022



  • How to choose toothpaste
  • Top 7 toothpastes recommended by dentists
  • Parodontax Classic
  • Biorepair Fast Sensitive Repair
  • Elmex Protection against caries
  • ROCS PRO Moisturizing Moisturizing
  • Curaprox Enzycal 1450
  • Sensodyne Instant effect
  • INNOVA Intensive restoration and brightening of enamel

When they talk about a beautiful smile, they mean, of course, beautiful and healthy teeth. We all go to the dentist when caries or other dental problems appear. But how to properly care for your teeth at home? There are hundreds of toothpastes on the shelves of stores and pharmacies: which one should you choose? Let's listen to the opinions of dentists.

Let's start with the fact that toothpaste has several tasks: protecting teeth and gums from plaque, preventing caries, freshening breath, whitening teeth, reducing their sensitivity, and even treating some dental diseases.

Therefore, the main rule when choosing a toothpaste is to take into account your own needs, that is, the toothpaste is selected individually, to suit your problems with teeth and gums. Your dentist will help you with this.

Treatment at the dentist's office

To determine the clinical situation and causes of sensitivity, we recommend that you consult a dentist. The doctor will be able to prescribe procedures that are effective for your case.

  • Fluoridation and remotherapy
    - they strengthen the enamel, saturate the hard tissues of the tooth with useful elements and help reduce sensitivity.
  • Electrophoresis
    - it improves the susceptibility of hard tissues to beneficial substances of fluorinated and remineralizing compounds.
  • Treatment of caries and filling

To maintain the effect of the procedures, the dentist may recommend enamel-strengthening products for home use - daily pastes, gels and rinses.

How to choose toothpaste

All toothpastes can be divided into two main groups:

  1. Hygienic.
    They cleanse the oral cavity, refresh and mineralize tooth enamel.
  2. Medicinal.
    Such toothpastes, in addition to cleansing the oral cavity, also help get rid of some problems with teeth or gums.

Medicinal toothpastes should be selected according to the following criteria:

  • increased sensitivity of teeth - the paste should contain special mineral complexes (primarily fluoride);
  • gum disease, bleeding - look for antiseptic and anti-inflammatory components that neutralize bacteria;
  • for the prevention or removal of plaque and tartar - toothpaste must contain mineral complexes, abrasive components and plant enzymes;
  • toothpaste against caries - these are mineral complexes, various extracts (for example, grape seeds, etc.);
  • Teeth whitening pastes help clear teeth of pigmentation and return them to their original shade.

But do not forget that toothpaste is not a treatment, but home care, which is needed as a prevention and control of existing dental problems.

Read also How to treat stomatitis: 7 effective drugs The best drugs for the treatment of stomatitis in adults and children.

Parodontax Classic

Parodontax is a therapeutic toothpaste for gum problems. If you notice that your gums are bleeding while brushing or flossing, don't wait to see your dentist. He will find out the cause and recommend toothpaste to strengthen the gums - in particular, Parodontax. This paste effectively cleans plaque along the gums, making them adhere more tightly to the teeth. Parodontax paste contains sodium bicarbonate, which helps in the prevention and treatment of gum diseases. But remember that the course of treatment with Parodontax paste is no more than two weeks.

Parodontax Classic
GlaxoSmithKline, GSK, UK

This toothpaste effectively fights bleeding and gum inflammation - one of the first signs of a disease that can lead to tooth loss.
Its unique formula contains mineral salt bicarbonate and extracts of chamomile, echinacea, sage, ratania, myrrh. from 66

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Consumers in our country have been familiar with the Lakalut brand for more than 30 years and have appreciated its advantages.

Many are inclined to conclude that the products of the German company are unreasonably overpriced. Some people, on the contrary, noted the affordable cost of Lakalut in comparison with other manufacturers of expensive products.

You also have the opportunity to share your impressions of the composition and action of your favorite type of product in the comments to this article.

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Biorepair Fast Sensitive Repair

This is a low-abrasive toothpaste made in Italy, which contains zinc-substituted hydroxyapatite, an analogue of a substance found in bones and teeth. If you regularly brush your teeth with Biorepair Fast Sensitive Repair paste, you can quickly restore tooth enamel and make it more resistant to various damages. Biorepair Fast Sensitive Repair eliminates increased sensitivity of teeth. And although this paste is low abrasive, it perfectly removes plaque. Biorepair Fast Sensitive Repair saturates the enamel with minerals and is free of parabens and SLS. Among the disadvantages are the cost and the lack of fluoride in the composition.

Biorepair Fast Sensitive Repair
Biorepair, Italy

Protects against the development of caries, mechanical damage, as well as the appearance of erosion on the enamel.
Creates a protective barrier that prevents the formation of plaque and tartar. Ideal for those with sensitive teeth. Helps in maintaining natural whiteness. They become strong, sensitivity decreases, and a healthy shine appears. from 370

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Question No. 1. Is it true that whitening toothpastes are harmful to teeth?

True, if you use cheap, highly abrasive pastes. The abrasive particles they contain scratch tooth enamel like scouring powder scratching a kitchen stove. There are five levels of paste abrasiveness in total. On the packaging it is marked with the index RDA (Radioactive Dentin Abrasion) and indicates the particle size.

When choosing a whitening paste for adults, you should know that its optimal level of abrasiveness is RDA 70-120. Among such pastes, LACALUT White (abrasiveness index - RDA 120), SPLAT whitening Plus, SILCA Arctic White (abrasivity index - RDA 85), PRESIDENT White have proven themselves well. Pastes with a high level of abrasiveness (120-160) should be used to clean pigmented enamel no more than twice a week. Dentists use a range of pastes, for example, PRESIDENT White Plus.”

Elmex Protection against caries

Thanks to the presence of amino fluoride in the composition, Elmex toothpaste protects teeth from caries, remineralizes, reduces solubility and strengthens enamel. "Elmex Protection against caries." After brushing your teeth with Elmex paste, a stable layer of calcium fluoride is formed on the surface of the teeth - it is this barrier that protects the teeth from the negative effects of acid.

Elmex Protection against caries

Colgate Elmex Anti-Caries Toothpaste with highly effective amino fluoride remineralizes, strengthens enamel and protects teeth from caries.
Designed for daily oral hygiene to provide long-term protection against caries, reduce solubility and strengthen tooth enamel. The amino fluoride contained in Colgate Elmex Anti-Caries Toothpaste forms a stable layer of calcium fluoride on tooth surfaces that provides long-lasting, highly effective protection against acid attack. from 175

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How to brush your teeth correctly

Photos from open sources

Causes of hypersensitivity development –

First of all, this problem is associated with the thinning of the enamel layer in the area of ​​​​the necks of the teeth, or with the exposure of the roots of the teeth and the thinning of the “cement” layer located on their surface.
As a result, a deeper layer of tooth tissue is exposed - dentin, which is located immediately under the enamel and cement. Dentin microscopically consists of dentinal tubes in which fluid circulates. If the dentin is not covered with enamel and cement on top, then thermal and other irritants can sharply increase the speed of fluid flow through the dentinal tubules, which ultimately leads to irritation of the nerve endings in the dental pulp and the occurrence of pain. The trigger for the development of pain (in the presence of dentin exposure) can be the consumption of acidic foods and drinks, the use of whitening toothpastes, etc.

ROCS PRO Moisturizing Moisturizing

ROCS PRO Moisturizing Moisturizing toothpaste contains bromelain, a plant enzyme that effectively removes pigmented plaque on enamel and prevents its formation. This toothpaste is recommended for those who suffer from excessive dry mouth. Xerostomia (this is what dry mouth is called) contributes to the appearance of caries, causes problems with gums, stomatitis, etc. Due to insufficient saliva production, the mineralization of teeth also worsens. The special composition ROCS PRO Moisturizing improves the situation with moisture in the mouth, stimulating the secretion of saliva, and forms a special protective film on the mucous membrane. This low-abrasive toothpaste contains no surfactants or aggressive substances. But in general, some ROCS toothpastes may contain SLS, so read the ingredients carefully.

ROCS PRO Moisturizing Moisturizing
ROCS, Russia

Professional toothpaste ROCS “PRO Moisturizing.
Moisturizing" is designed specifically to solve and prevent problems such as periodic or constant dryness in the mouth. The unique composition of this toothpaste contains a special aromatic composition that gently stimulates saliva production. This allows you to provide a greater level of comfort and delicately resolve the problem, regardless of the causes of dryness. In addition, ROCS “PRO Moisturizing. Moisturizing" fully performs therapeutic and preventive functions, helping to maintain a high level of oral hygiene. The paste protects against caries, ensures fresh breath, normalizes the microflora of the oral cavity, etc.; does not contain fluorine, sodium laurisulfate, parabens. from 116

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Curaprox Enzycal 1450

Therapeutic and prophylactic toothpaste Curaprox Enzycal 1450 effectively fights caries and saturates the enamel with minerals. The paste contains substances that improve the state of local immunity, destroy pathogenic bacteria, clean teeth as much as possible and remineralize enamel. Curaprox Enzycal 1450 toothpaste contains 0.145 ppm of fluoride (bioavailable) - this, according to WHO recommendations, is enough to protect teeth from caries (and fluoride is the most reliable method of caries prevention). Curaprox Enzycal 1450 toothpaste contains special enzymes that improve the protective properties of saliva and eliminate pigmentation on teeth. The paste does not contain parabens and SLS, and also serves as a prevention of oral dysbacteriosis. Among the disadvantages are the price of the paste and the presence of cow's milk proteins, so allergy sufferers need to be careful.

Curaprox Enzycal 1450
CURADEN, Switzerland

CURAPROX Enzycal 1450 is a therapeutic and prophylactic toothpaste to strengthen enamel.
It supports local immunity of the oral cavity, enhances the antibacterial, remineralizing, cleansing effect of saliva. Suitable for daily cleaning, restoring enamel after whitening and protecting teeth from caries while wearing braces. from 411

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Up to 4 years – Baby

Dentists advise teaching a child to care for the oral cavity correctly, starting from the time the very first incisor appears. Among Lakalut children's products there is a paste with such a pleasant, wonderful raspberry taste, intended for children up to 4 years of age, which can be used every day.

It cleans the surface very delicately and is safe for the health of the child.

if he accidentally swallows it.
Instead of fluoride, Lakalut Baby contains amino fluorides, which act more gently. Costs from 165 rubles

The brush, which the company’s specialists also specially developed for their youngest consumers, has a comfortable handle, soft bristles and a rubberized head. It will be interesting for the baby to watch the change in color of the bristles, which serves as a signal: the brush needs to be replaced.

4 – 8 years – Kidz

For children whose baby teeth are beginning to change to permanent ones, there is another product. This is Lakalut Kids for children from 4 to 8 years old. Pleasant mint taste, contains silicon dioxide (a high-quality abrasive), which perfectly cleans and polishes enamel, but does not remove fluoride into a hard-to-reach compound, entering into a chemical reaction with it.

And fluoride, by the way, is considered the most important protector against caries. The price of a tube (50 ml) starts from 140 to 180 rubles


From 8 years old – Tins

When the child turns 8 years old, you can switch to Lakalut Teens 8+ gel. Pleasant mint-citrus taste, high fluoride content, no sugar, flavor microcapsules - this transparent gel will definitely appeal to teenagers.

Costs 140 – 170 rubles (50 ml)

. To enhance the effect, a mouthwash with the same name was developed especially for children of this age; its price is 180–260 rubles.

All children's pastes contain the same adult components, only their concentration varies depending on age. They clean well and are not dangerous to the health of small consumers. It’s not for nothing that in 2014 Lakalut Baby received the 3rd prize from the magazine “Mom, It’s Me” and became one of the 3 most favorite products of babies.

Sensodyne Instant effect

Sensodyne “Instant Effect” medicated toothpaste has a pleasant taste and effectively combats the problem of increased sensitivity of tooth enamel. To get rid of tooth sensitivity, dentists recommend not only brushing your teeth with Sensodyne toothpaste in the morning and evening, but also periodically applying the paste after brushing so that it penetrates deeper into the enamel. Sensodyne gently cleanses teeth and helps restore the oral mucosa. According to reviews from those who use Sensodyne paste, the first improvements occur literally on the third to fifth day of use. Toothpaste contains the optimal level of fluoride (0.145 ppm). Sensodyne can be used by children from 12 years of age to prevent caries. The price of this paste is quite affordable. There are few disadvantages: the paste is runny and does not form enough foam.

Sensodyne Instant effect
GlaxoSmithKline, France

Sensodyne Instant Effect Toothpaste is uniquely formulated to rapidly seal the dentinal tubules and is intended for patients diagnosed with dentinal hypersensitivity who require rapid symptom relief.
from 159

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Some information about the manufacturer

The first pastes of the Lakalut series were presented by Dr. Theiss Naturwaren Gmbh in the 20s of the last century. The company, in addition to producing oral care products, also specializes in mass production and distribution of drugs. The company has subsidiaries around the world. Lakalut toothpaste is supplied to 52 countries around the world. It has won numerous positive reviews from dentists and consumers. In Russia, the product went on sale in the 70s of the 20th century and today has not lost its popularity. You can buy the drug at any pharmacy in the country.

INNOVA Intensive restoration and brightening of enamel

This toothpaste is suitable for those with sensitive teeth. “INNOVA Intensive restoration and lightening of enamel” contains nanohydroxyapatite, calcis component, fluoride, and grape seed extract, which most effectively protect against caries. And the plant-derived component Tannase gently whitens teeth by dissolving pigmented plaque on the enamel. INNOVA toothpaste perfectly relieves tooth sensitivity, seals dentinal tubules, saturates the enamel with minerals, strontium salts effectively solve the problem of sensitivity, penetrating deep inside the tooth. INNOVA, in addition to remineralizing teeth, prevents bleeding gums. This toothpaste contains no SLS, chlorhexidine peroxide, or aggressive abrasives. Among the disadvantages are the high cost and not a pronounced mint taste.

INNOVA Intensive restoration and brightening of enamel
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