Basic course in dental implantology for dentists. “Fundamental principles of successful implantation. Classic and modern concepts of planning and carrying out a dental implant

What are implants and implantation

An implant is a structure that imitates a tooth root. It is implanted into the bone tissue of the jaw to create support for subsequent dentures. Implantation is a surgical operation during which an implant is fixed into the bone. If the patient has a lack of bone tissue volume or density, then an operation is first performed to eliminate the defect, which is called osteoplasty. The period during which the artificial root is implanted is called osseointegration.

Implant-based dentures are literally “fundamentally” different from standard dental orthopedics. The fact is that the crowns, “bridges” and removable orthopedic structures that are familiar to us are only an imitation of the upper (coronal) part of the natural dental element. A prosthesis on an implant is a complete replacement. Consequently, this method of recreating the integrity of the dentition not only restores the chewing functions of the jaw apparatus, but also prevents atrophy of its bone tissue. And a decrease in bone volume leads to irreparable consequences: all dental elements are displaced, the chewing load is unevenly distributed, and the symmetry of the face is disrupted.

Types of prosthetics on implants

The implant can serve as the basis for any type of dentures. The installation of any particular one depends on the conditions of a particular clinical case. The orthopedic structures that can be fixed to the artificial root are the same as those used in the standard denture option. If one tooth is missing, then one titanium rod is implanted and a crown is put on it. If there are not several in a row (up to 5 units), then 2-3 implants are installed, and a bridge-like prosthetic structure is already fixed on them. When the patient is completely edentulous (all teeth are missing), then the technique of installing a complete denture on 4 or 6 implanted implants is used.

Note: the optimal option for dental prosthetics in each specific clinical case is determined by the implantologist after conducting visual and hardware diagnostics. Our network of clinics is equipped with modern high-precision diagnostic equipment, so we can determine the strategy for dental prosthetics and calculate its cost during one visit.

Features of the event:

I bring to your attention another updated version of the author's course. Based on the knowledge gained and directions for further development, some of you will take your first steps in dental implantation, some will finally be able to find answers to routine professional challenges, some will discover previously unknown subtleties of the “craft”, some will then he will comprehend the philosophy of dental implantation, higher meanings will become available to him, and he will come close to the pinnacle of mastery.

In any case, if you are reading these lines, it means that the wonderful world of dental implantation with all its classic and modern trends will sooner or later open up to you completely, allowing you to move into a completely unusual quality: an expert implantologist.

I have been walking this road for 27 years now. Thanks to the constant analysis of my attitude to the matter, today I know exactly what mistakes can be avoided along the way, how to learn to pay attention to non-obvious mental, social, psychological, diagnostic, clinical, protocol and other errors and shortcomings that, accumulating, can lead away from desired result for both doctor and patient.

I am grateful to fate that back in 1995, when I first learned about this method of treatment, I was literally mesmerized and bewitched by Dr. Ofir Fromovich, who became my teacher and friend! A man of inexhaustible energy, a true professional, a dental “evangelist”, filled with the goal of popularizing dental implantation among doctors and patients, a tireless worker, he practically “immunized” me with his ideas and enthusiasm.

This led to the fact that in 1997, together with the Teacher, I began active teaching and missionary work. In 1999, the first version of the course appeared. Since then it has developed, expanded, changed - grown with me. Over the 18 years of its existence, this cycle has undergone a large number of editions in accordance with how global dental implantology has developed, how my professional worldview has changed, skills acquired, mistakes made and analyzed. Since 2000, after training in this course, more than 3,500 dentists in different countries began to implant. Proud of it.

I will readily share my experience and knowledge with everyone. I will be glad to help everyone start and continue their confident movement and constant development in the implantology expert environment.

Dr. Ilya Fridman

Advantages of dentures on implants

  • No need to grind down healthy teeth
  • Lifetime service life (the crown part can be replaced if necessary)
  • Complete restoration of chewing function (without restrictions)
  • High aesthetics
  • Easy hygienic care

6 stages of prosthetics using classical implantation

1 Diagnostics

Assessing the characteristics of a clinical case, identifying indications and contraindications for implantation. Determining the relevance of osteoplasty

2 Preparatory

Sanitation of the oral cavity. Osteoplasty – if necessary

3 Implantation

Surgery to install a titanium root into the patient's jaw bone tissue

4 Osseointegration

Period of implantation

5 Preparation for prosthetics

Installation of abutment and healing abutment

6 Dentures

Fixation of permanent dentures

Care of prosthetic structures on implants

Hygienic care is not difficult, but must be carried out regularly and carefully. This is the only way to hope for longevity. Obviously, during care, the implants themselves are not cleaned, since they are located in bone tissue. Only the supragingival part of the dentures needs to be cleaned twice a day. This should be done with a toothbrush and toothpaste. Dentists also recommend using an irrigator for care - a device that cleans the tooth surface with a jet of water directed under pressure. This ensures that food debris is washed out from the most difficult to reach places between the teeth.

If the denture is removable, then it must be regularly removed, cleaned and treated with a special solution that can be bought at the pharmacy. If the structure is conditionally removable, then you cannot do without the help of a dentist. The doctor will remove it, treat it and put it back. You need to contact the clinic for this procedure approximately once every six months.

Important: oral hygiene should not be neglected, especially if you have implants. The presence of pathogenic microflora in the mouth can provoke infection of the internal tissues of the gums and bones. In this case, implant rejection may occur.

The network of dental clinics “Smile” offers patients prosthetic services on implants. Contacting our branches has many advantages:

  • implantation and prosthetics are performed by highly qualified doctors;
  • all manipulations are performed in accordance with international standards;
  • family and cumulative discounts are provided;
  • pricing of services depends on the characteristics of the clinical case and the cost of the implantation system;
  • We work according to a schedule convenient for patients: every day until 21:00 (on Sunday until 16:00).

You can make an appointment at any of the branches of our clinic in Moscow, located within walking distance from metro stations:

  • Alekseevskaya (VDNKh district, etc. Mira), address: st. 3rd Mytishchiskaya house 3, building 2;
  • Shelepikha, address: Shelepikhinskaya embankment, address: building 34, building 1.

The accumulated experience, the use of the latest technologies and modern equipment allow us to quickly diagnose and successfully perform dental prosthetics on implants, regardless of the complexity of the clinical case. We guarantee the safety and effectiveness of the services provided. We will restore the attractiveness of your smile!

Implantology course with practice in Moscow

Dymnikov Alexander Borisovich

Dental surgeon, candidate of medical sciences 1995 – 2000 – Moscow State Medical and Dental University (Faculty of Dentistry) 2000 – 2006 – internship, residency, postgraduate studies at the Department of Hospital Surgical Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery of the Moscow State Medical University In 2007, he defended his thesis on the topic : “Providing surgical dental care to patients receiving complex and combined treatment for malignant neoplasms of the oral cavity.” In 2005 – certification courses for advanced training of dentists in dental implantation at the Department of Faculty of Surgical Dentistry of Moscow State Medical University. In 2009, he took certification courses for advanced training at the Faculty of Pedagogical Education at a higher medical school. He has a high school teaching certificate. 2007 – 2010 – assistant at the Department of Hospital Surgical Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery at Moscow State Medical University 2010-2015 – senior lecturer at the Department of Pathophysiology at Moscow State Medical University 2015 to present. – assistant, then associate professor of the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery and Surgical Dentistry of the People's Friendship University Work experience: at the Department of GCS and Maxillofacial Surgery of the Moscow State Medical University, he conducted scientific work on the clinic, diagnosis and treatment of bisphosphonate necrosis of the jaws, providing surgical dental care to patients receiving bisphosphonate therapy. Author of more than 30 publications in domestic and foreign publications. Currently, he is conducting scientific work in the field of development of osteoplastic materials using stem cells and 3D reconstructive technologies in dental implantation. Gives lectures to students, residents and practicing physicians on the basics of dental implantation and bone grafting. Since 2000 – practicing dentist. 2000 – 2002 – worked in private dental clinics 2004 – 2006 – Polyclinic No. 1 under the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. Dental surgeon 2006 - to 2022 - State Unitary Enterprise "Medical Center" Polyclinic No. 2 under the management of the Ministry of Economic Development of Moscow. Dental surgeon. 2015 – present – Associate Professor of the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery and Surgical Dentistry of the RUDN Medical Institute, head of residency programs in the specialties of Surgical Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery. He has been involved in dental implantation since 2003 and has installed more than 5,000 dental implants. Successfully performed more than 1000 osteoplastic operations on the lower and upper jaws. Worked with dental implant systems Astra Tech, Alpha-Bio, Mis, Adin, Nobel Biocare, BEGO Semados, BIOMET 3i, IRIS, Straumann. Regular participant in international symposiums and congresses on dental implantation, bone grafting, treatment planning using dental implants. Currently he is the head of residency programs in dental surgery and maxillofacial surgery at the RUDN Medical Institute.

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