Which Opalescence whitening is more effective: in a dental clinic or at home?

Now people with perfect teeth smile at us from everywhere. Of course, a snow-white smile makes us more attractive and more confident .
Modern technologies make it possible to get one step closer to the dream of an ideal appearance.

After all, it is possible to whiten teeth both in clinical and at home conditions.

New in the field of snow-white smiles is the Opalescence system .

The essence of Opalescence technology

It is worth noting! This system appeared in our country not so long ago and is currently only gaining momentum in popularity.

While in America (the country of origin) this product for lightening tooth enamel occupies a leading position.

The principle of operation of bleach is the work of a special activator, which is aimed at the breakdown of carbamide or hydrogen peroxide.

As a result of this breakdown, oxygen is released.

This chemical then begins a reaction with proteins that are located in the contaminated areas of the enamel.

Simply put, oxygen simply breaks down contaminants .

During this process, the enamel is not destroyed or injured , and its darkened areas turn white.

Keep in mind! Whitening is not one manipulation, but a whole series of procedures:

  • first you need to get rid of caries, tartar, and also cure diseases of the oral cavity;
  • then the mucous membrane must be protected with a special substance;
  • prepare the gel for the procedure in advance;
  • apply a whitening agent to the teeth;
  • discoloration does not occur immediately; you will need to walk around with the gel for some time;
  • at the end, the composition is removed from the surface of the tooth enamel and the entire oral cavity is cleansed.

There are some systems from the Opalescence series that can be used in a simplified manner. You just need to put the mouth guards on your teeth and spend the time indicated in the instructions.

Professional whitening system Opalescence Boost PF

Teeth whitening using this system, which is based on 40% hydrogen peroxide, is also carried out in the dentist's chair.

The system has a PF formula (potassium nitrate plus fluoride), which reduces tooth sensitivity and is effective in preventing caries.

Instructions for Opalescence Boost:

  1. You should make sure that the syringes are tightly secured.
  2. First, gently press the plunger of the red syringe, then also gently press the plunger of the white one.
  3. To mix, make approximately 20-25 back-and-forth movements.
  4. After mixing, leave the whitening gel in the red syringe and put the brush attachment on it.

The system is very simple and easy to use, the gel is easy to apply and remove from the teeth.

Efficiency Opalescence

Results depend on several factors. Firstly, the choice of the Opalescence complex .

Note! The higher the concentration of the active substance in it, the more noticeable the lightening effect and the longer it will last.

You can lighten the enamel by a maximum of 10 tones. The longest period for maintaining a snow-white smile is 2-3 years.

Secondly, these are
the habits of the person himself .
This includes personal hygiene, smoking, and eating foods that contain coloring elements.

Thirdly, everything may depend on human physiology , or more precisely on the structure of the enamel.

What will the result be and how to maintain it for a long time?

Opalescence in-office whitening allows you to lighten the enamel by 4-5 tones. Homemade allows you to get an effect of 2-4 tones. The result can last for 2–4 years. But this is only possible if a person maintains a white smile through careful and daily hygienic care procedures, consumes foods and drinks with dyes on a limited basis, and also performs professional oral hygiene twice a year.

I wonder how long the results from other types of professional and home whitening will last? Read the feature article on the website.

If you want to maintain a good result, or further enhance the effect of in-office procedures, then again you can use products from Ultradent. Let's list them:

  • Opalescence Follow-Up Kit: the set contains six packs of trays with a whitening composition and a tube of toothpaste,
  • Opalescence Whitening Toothpaste: contains a minimum of abrasives, but at the same time it removes soft plaque well and prevents staining of teeth from tea, coffee, and products with dyes. In addition, the product releases fluoride ions on the enamel surface, which helps enrich hard tissues with minerals. The price depends on the size of the tube: 28 grams – from 550 rubles, 133 grams – from 900 rubles.

Indications for use

The most important indication for the whitening procedure is the desire to have a beautiful snow-white smile.

Stay up to date! There are some medical indications for using the Opalescence system. These include:

  • tetracycline teeth - this is the name given to teeth that have acquired a yellow (and sometimes gray or even brown) tint due to a reaction to tetracycline;
  • darkening of the enamel due to its thinning (most often this occurs with age);
  • excessive consumption of foods with dyes and frequent smoking . It is worth noting that in this case, the effect of the procedure will not be long-lasting unless you change your taste preferences and get rid of your addiction;
  • fluorosis - characterized by pigmentation on the teeth due to the increased fluoride content in the enamel.

Professional whitening system Opalescence Xtra Boost

Opalescence Xtra Boost was originally created as a more convenient and effective method of teeth whitening compared to other known technologies. Its main component is an active gel, which is based on a 38% solution of hydrogen peroxide.

Procedure for a whitening session:

  1. Before the procedure, the dentist applies a special protective gel OpalDam to the soft tissues of the oral cavity, which eliminates the possibility of damage and irritation.
  2. Then, using a special technique, the contents of two syringes are mixed (one of them contains hydrogen peroxide, the other contains the activator), pumping in both directions at least 5-6 times. The prepared mixture is squeezed into a red syringe, then a special black nozzle is put on it and the application of the prepared composition begins.
  3. The vestibular part of the teeth is covered with a layer of gel 0.5-1 mm thick. The dentist, using a nozzle with a brush, mixes the gel well directly on the surface of the teeth, thus achieving the maximum effect from the procedure.
  4. Opalescence Xtra Boost is removed after 10-15 minutes with a dental vacuum cleaner (in case of increased sensitivity - a little earlier).
  5. After preliminary cleaning with a vacuum cleaner, the teeth should be thoroughly rinsed with a stream of water. A vacuum cleaner is used at the same time. These manipulations are performed with extreme caution.
  6. If necessary, the whitening procedure can be repeated if the patient has no signs of tooth sensitivity. In this case, the doctor prepares a new portion of the mixture. The condition of the teeth is monitored every 10-15 minutes.

Whitening using the Opalescence Xtra Boost system is rationally carried out to enhance and restore whiteness, both of the entire dentition, and of one tooth and even part of it. Dentists use this technique for intracoronal bleaching.


Important! Every medical and cosmetic procedure has them. Opalescence whitening is no exception. So, you should refuse the procedure in the following cases:

  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • intolerance to the components of the gel;
  • ailments of the oral cavity (especially inflammatory in nature);
  • caries;
  • thin enamel and tooth sensitivity;
  • many fillings, crowns, and other orthodontic structures;
  • tartar;
  • children under 16 years of age;
  • baby teeth.

Dental deformation is not a contraindication to the procedure.

However, in this case, using mouth guards at home will be very inconvenient.

Many of the points listed do not mean that you need to completely abandon bleaching, but only that it needs to be postponed until contraindications are eliminated.

Advantages and disadvantages of opalescence treswhite supreme

The advantages of the system are:

  • Highly effective, especially in comparison with other home whitening methods. The result appears almost immediately and intensifies with each new session;
  • Low price compared to professional methods of enamel color correction;
  • Possibility of protecting teeth from caries.
    Whitening trays

Disadvantages of opalescence treswhite supreme:

  • An impressive list of contraindications (insufficient age, pregnancy, lactation, damage to enamel, its increased abrasion and sensitivity, caries);
  • The possibility of the gel flowing onto the gums is still not excluded, since the mouth guards are standard, and everyone’s sizes are different;
  • Not everyone tolerates the smell of whitening gel well.

Professional types of Opalescence

For reference! Kits for carrying out whitening procedures in clinical settings are characterized by a higher content of active substance in the composition and the need for additional equipment.

But at the same time, the duration of whitening procedures in a professional setting is reduced, which saves the patient’s time.

Boost PF

In this option, the concentration of the active substance reaches a maximum level of 40%.
Among the advantages of Boost PF are the strengthening of enamel due to its saturation with minerals, as well as the ability to whiten one tooth or even a section of it.

The procedure is suitable for people with sensitive tooth enamel . The price of such bleaching ranges from 6,000 rubles.

Xstra Boost PF

In this case, the concentration reaches 38%. The main advantage of Xstra Boost PF is the ability to whiten teeth both outside and inside.

It is worth noting! The result is achieved after the first procedure, the duration of which does not exceed 15 minutes.

The cost of whitening starts from 4500 rubles. If the maximum effect was not achieved in one visit to the dentist, the visit can be repeated after 2-3 days.

Endo Kit

The active substance is contained at a level of 35% . This type of whitening does not involve discoloration of the entire row of teeth, but only individual elements.
Unlike previous options, the gel does not need to be prepared. All you have to do is open the package.

The approximate cost of the Endo Kit is 4,500 rubles.


This type of whitening is distinguished by a special gel composition, which includes hydrochloric acid and hard microparticles.

Know! This gel is used to correct minor imperfections in enamel, the depth of which does not exceed 0.2 mm. Along with the correction of defects, teeth polishing also occurs.

A characteristic feature of this procedure is its long-lasting effect. But at the same time, the cost of whitening increases to 15,000 rubles.

Professional Series

In-office chemical whitening Opalescence consists of several types of systems, each of which has its own purpose:

  • Boost is a highly concentrated gel (35% hydrogen peroxide) with a powerful whitening formula for instantly cleaning a fragment of the dentition. Suitable for intracoronal lightening.
  • Opalescence Endo – intracanal lightening. Indicated for pigmentation that appears after nerve removal.
  • PF – system for sensitive teeth. Hypersensitivity is reduced by sodium fluoride and potassium nitrate.
  • Opalustre is a suspension containing silicon carbide and hydrochloric acid. Indicated to eliminate the effects of fluorosis and hypoplasia.

The average duration of the procedure is half an hour. The teeth are dried, the gums are covered with a protective preparation, a dental dam is put on and a gel is applied. Once completed, the teeth are treated with a substance that strengthens the enamel and reduces sensitivity.

Opalescence systems for home whitening

Opalescence PF

This complex contains sodium fluoride and potassium nitrate. These components help not only make teeth whiter, but also strengthen their enamel.
Opalescence PF is suitable for those whose tooth enamel has darkened due to smoking and eating food containing dyes.

There are three complexes to choose from with different active substance contents - 10%, 15% and 20%. Usually, the choice is based on the condition of the teeth.

The gel contains water. This helps prevent enamel dehydration during the procedure.

For your information! The duration of exposure of the trays is 8-10 hours. The cost of the complex varies between 3000-6000 rubles.

TresWhite Supreme

The composition of this gel is almost the same as in the version described above.

But here the manufacturers have added one nice thing - you can choose the flavor of the gel (peach, raspberry, mint, melon). This fact makes the manipulation more enjoyable.

The bleach is available in two concentrations - 10 and 15 percent.

It is worth noting that a gel with a 15% concentration of the substance is found only with mint flavor, but in gels with a 10% concentration you can choose flavors.

One set includes 10 trays , which must be worn on the teeth for an hour. The duration of the course is 10 days.

Therefore, to completely whiten all teeth you will need two sets . The advantages of such mouthguards are their elasticity, which allows them to be worn even on deformed teeth.

One set costs 4,500 rubles.

TresWhite Ortho Mint

You should know! The main advantage of this complex is the ability to whiten teeth even with orthodontic structures. In addition to teeth discoloration, they are disinfected.

The kit includes ready-made trays with gel. The duration of their exposure on the teeth is 1 hour.

One such set costs about 6,000 rubles.

Follow-Up Kit

This complex does not differ in composition from the previous ones.
The only difference is the reduced content of the active substance. The Follow-Up Kit is most suitable for maintaining snow-white enamel after procedures in a professional setting.

This set costs 5,000 rubles.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the toothpaste from Opalescence . You won't be able to whiten your teeth with it alone. But it will help maintain the whitening effect in the clinic .

The paste also has strengthening and anti-inflammatory properties.

What is Opalescence treswhite supreme

The system is a set of trays already filled with hydrogen peroxide-based whitening gel, the concentration of which ranges from 10 to 15%. This is quite a lot for a home procedure, but it allows you to achieve high efficiency. The enamel is lightened to 4-5 tones, which is comparable to

results of professional whitening. Additional components of the gel are potassium nitrate and sodium fluoride. The first reduces the possible pain of the teeth during the procedure, the second helps to strengthen them and eliminates the possibility of caries.

The gel has a more viscous structure than other similar products, which allows it to be distributed more evenly over surfaces and reduces the likelihood of getting on the gums. In addition, the 10% composition has pleasant aromas, which you can also choose from. The more concentrated gel smells like mint.

Benefits of Opalescence whitening

Keep in mind! Among the positive aspects of lightening tooth enamel using such a system are:

  • The safest technology for teeth and the entire oral cavity.
  • The enamel is not destroyed during the procedure.
  • Relatively low cost.
  • The opportunity to whiten your teeth either with a professional or on your own.
  • A simple algorithm for use at home.
  • Long-term retention of results.
  • The ability to choose not only the concentration of the gel, but even its taste.
  • When using complexes for home use, there is no need for additional equipment.
  • Water prevents dehydration, and minerals strengthen the enamel.

Opalescence Whitening Toothpaste

For patients who wish to maintain the shade of already whitened teeth, Opalescence toothpaste is perfect.

Features of toothpaste:

  1. The unique Opalescence formula makes it possible to quickly and effectively release fluoride ions, maximizing their enrichment of tooth enamel.
  2. The paste has low abrasiveness.
  3. Protects teeth from re-staining after whitening.
  4. Removes deposits from the enamel surface, making teeth several shades lighter in just 1 month.
  5. Reduces gum inflammation.

Opalescence's fresh scent and unique features make toothpaste the best alternative for those who want to maintain a healthy mouth.

Disadvantages of the procedure

Need to know! Despite the fact that there are more advantages to using this technology, there are also disadvantages to this procedure:

  • No complex can ensure permanent preservation of snow-white tooth enamel. Therefore, the procedure will need to be repeated periodically.
  • The gel contains many elements, which makes it impossible to carry out the procedure for a person who is allergic to at least one component of the complex.
  • It will not be possible to make the denture whiter, since such teeth do not change their shade at all.
  • After whitening, the enamel may become more sensitive.

Contraindications to the procedure

Whitening with Opalescence brand products should not be performed on pregnant and lactating women, children under 18 years of age, or people with allergies to hydrogen peroxide and carbamide. The use of the technology is contraindicated if you have bad teeth or inflamed gums in your mouth, as well as multiple restorations in the smile area.

Important! If you have fillings, dentures, or crowns on your front teeth, you need to remember that they cannot be whitened and their color will remain unchanged, unlike natural enamel. Therefore, patients with such a clinical situation should not undergo the procedure, or after it all old restorations will have to be replaced with new ones.


Below are some reviews. If you have something to say, leave your feedback in the comments below the article, it will be useful to our readers.


I consulted a dentist, who recommended the Opalescence complex instead of hardware whitening. Used it at home. Very convenient - I put on the lubricated mouth guards and went to bed. After the course, my teeth really became more sensitive, so I started using fluoride gel for the second time.


The duration of my course was 10 days. Sleeping with mouth guards in my mouth was very uncomfortable. But the worst began in the morning. Firstly, it is not so easy to wash the gel off your teeth, so this took a lot of time. Secondly, there was a constant aching pain that could only be relieved with painkillers. The effect lasted about a year, but I won’t do the whitening again.


I whitened my teeth with Opalescence two years ago. I was very pleased with the effect. My teeth did not become sensitive. Maybe because I kept the trays on for only 4 hours instead of the required 10. After bleaching, I followed a month-long diet: I did not eat foods with a high content of dyes.

Important information about the manufacturer

Opalescence is a trademark developed by Ultradent Products, which appeared in the 70s of the twentieth century in the USA. Today it produces more than 500 products that are used by dentists around the world.

According to Ultradent1, it was the first company in the world to develop a teeth whitening gel and Opalescence system that can be used at home. The product was accepted and approved by the American Dental Association (ADA), because it meets all quality criteria and is recognized as one of the safest for enamel in its segment (chemical whitening).

In-canal whitening

Opalescence Endo Kit is used to whiten endodontically treated, discolored teeth.

Opalescence whitening system

is represented by
, which has been providing professional whitening systems to the global market for more than ten years.
The Opalescence whitening system has received a five-star Reality Choice rating 5 years in a row. No other whitening system has achieved this result.

Opalescense is the most advanced whitening system in the world.

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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