Features of teeth whitening with crowns in a dental clinic

Metal-ceramic crown

Modern materials used to make crowns are extremely durable and resistant to dyes. They are quite smooth and non-porous, so pigments cannot penetrate their structure. This is what allows you to limit yourself to daily oral hygiene using a toothbrush and regular paste.

If the material does darken, it is unlikely to be bleached. Metal-ceramics is a very hard and dense material in its structure; none of the modern brightening agents is able to penetrate inside it. In this case, it is possible to talk only about slight lightening, but not about whitening by several tones.

If the crowns are located on the side of the chewing teeth, then nothing will hinder the whitening of the smile area. Moreover, even a strong difference in shades will not affect the patient’s appearance in any way, because others simply will not notice it.

What types of whitening are there? Which whitening method is more effective?

If we talk about really effective whitening, then there are only two types. Office and home. I repeat once again that the essence is the same everywhere. What's the difference then? Office work, as you might guess, is carried out in the dentist’s office. It is produced by gels with a high concentration of bleaching agent (usually 35-38% hydrogen peroxide). You cannot do procedures with such concentrations yourself, because contact of the gel of such concentrations with the mucous membrane causes severe burns. The doctor uses numerous means of protection so that only the teeth are whitened, and not the tongue or lips. Some whitening systems (Zoom, LumaCool, etc.) involve activating the gel with a special lamp for a faster and more effective procedure. Some are simply applied to the teeth and work without any additional activation by light (Opalescence, Bleach n' Smile , etc.) In any case, the procedure takes about 1-1.5 hours and the result can be seen almost immediately. Especially in systems with light activation of the gel.

This photo shows the process of in-office whitening with the Opalescence XtraBoost system, which I prefer to use in my practice. The green arrows indicate the actual whitening gel (38% hydrogen peroxide), the blue arrows indicate the protective coating of the gums (the so-called “liquid dam”), the black arrows indicate a temporary plastic crown, which does not whiten and will be replaced with a permanent one after completing the whitening course.

Home whitening involves the patient performing the procedure independently at home. BUT! Under the supervision of a doctor exclusively! Ideally, you come to the doctor, in 1-2 days they make a special plastic individual mouthguard for your teeth, give you instructions on what gel, what concentration and according to what scheme is best to use in your case. And then at home you do everything exactly as the doctor ordered. Results can usually be seen within a couple of weeks. Exactly the same result as with the cabinet version.

The custom tray is filled with whitening gel and placed over the teeth. Mouthguard wearing patterns vary and must be selected individually by the dentist.

Let's summarize the pros and cons of teeth whitening options . In-office treatment is faster, but it is usually more expensive and is often associated with the appearance of unpleasant sensitivity, both during the procedure and for some time after it. Home whitening will give a similar result over a longer period, but it is cheaper and, as a rule, does not cause discomfort in the form of increased tooth sensitivity. In cases where the result is not required right now (unexpected wedding, urgent important date, etc.), it is better to choose home whitening. But if you are not confident in your accuracy, you don’t want to spend a long and tedious time remembering all the rules and following all the recommendations, prefer a less complicated office option.

If you suddenly have an important event in your life that you need to approach with a dazzling smile, then in-office whitening is your choice.

Ultrasonic cleaning of the oral cavity and results

You can lighten artificial dentures a little and restore the attractiveness of your smile with the help of professional cleaning. The whole point of this method is to eliminate plaque, tartar, food particles and deposits that have accumulated on the surface. Currently, specialists use a variety of methods for processing enamel; ultrasonic scalers are in great demand.

This method involves the use of a special device through the tip of which ultrasound and microvibrations are applied. They are capable of destroying even the hardest plaque in just a few seconds without much effort. Simultaneously with ultrasound, the device delivers a stream of water, due to which the enamel is protected from overheating, and crushed particles of contaminants are washed out from its surface.

Dental clinic specialists strongly recommend cleaning your mouth at least once every six months; this will protect the enamel from the accumulation of hard stone and preserve the health of your teeth for a long time. However, this procedure is also ineffective in whitening fillings and crowns.

Mechanical bleaching

The essence of the mechanical method of teeth whitening is to treat the enamel with water, which contains abrasive particles. Such water is supplied under high pressure through a special apparatus. It is understood that this is a purely professional method and it is impossible to apply it yourself. These particles remove coloring substances from the surface of the enamel and do not have a significant effect on the enamel itself. This ensures that the natural shine of the enamel is preserved.

Mechanical bleaching has another advantage. Abrasive particles crush tartar, and water washes them out of the mouth.

Mechanical teeth whitening is not associated with pain, provided that the patient does not have increased enamel sensitivity. If there is one, then you have to resort to anesthesia or whiten your teeth with ultrasound.

Unfortunately, this method is not suitable for people who drink too much coffee or strong black tea.

Installation of veneers and lumineers

As mentioned earlier, ceramic and plastic crowns are practically not amenable to any of the modern methods of whitening; they can only be cleaned of dirt accumulated on the surface. That is why many patients prefer using more advanced methods of dental restoration, for example, installing veneers.

Veneers are invisible overlays on the frontal area of ​​​​the teeth, which are fixed using a special dental glue. With their help, you can easily disguise small chips, cracks, darkening of the enamel, as well as slight curvature and even gaps between teeth. These linings are made from very durable and resistant to external influences materials.

An even more reliable and aesthetically attractive option is lumineers. These are exactly the same pads, but thinner. Thanks to this, pre-grinding of the units is not required. Each of these prosthetic options involves taking impressions of the jaw, on the basis of which the onlays themselves are subsequently made. Quite often, doctors prefer to install veneers directly, that is, using a composite material and directly in the patient’s mouth.

Basic principles of denture care

Rules for caring for dentures.

  1. After each meal, it is necessary to clean the dentures from food debris. Removable dentures are removed and rinsed carefully under running water, so that the denture does not hit the surface of the sink.
  2. Just like your own teeth, dentures are cleaned morning and night before going to bed. The dentures are removed and the mouth is thoroughly cleaned. To clean the prosthesis, it is undesirable to use pastes and other hygiene products that contain large abrasive particles (materials with high hardness and used to treat various surfaces). They lead to microcracks into which microorganisms penetrate, and the material darkens faster. Cleaning the oral cavity itself prevents the proliferation of microorganisms between the gum and the denture.
  3. Approximately every two weeks, the prosthesis is soaked in solutions of special pharmacological agents in the form of effervescent tablets (see below). Then cleaning is done with stiff bristles.
  4. At night, the removable denture is removed and left in a container with water. Antiseptic agents are added to the water.
  5. Your dentures should be professionally cleaned every six months.

Important ! When removing the structure, the prosthesis should be stored in water for several hours. A dry environment promotes cracking and deformation of the material.

Monitoring the effectiveness of hygiene procedures can be done using special indicator solutions and tablets. Indicators evaluate the volume of the crown that is covered with plaque. Indicator solutions consist of special harmless dyes that enter into a chemical reaction with plaque and carious tissue and stain more demineralized areas of the tooth. The color varies depending on how old the pathological process is and what substance is used to make the chemical detector. The same chemical, as well as laser and optical detectors are used in dental practice for professional assessment of the condition of teeth. The duration and sequence of treating the area with a chemical marker must strictly comply with the instructions in the instructions. The indicator can also color healthy structures with prolonged interaction with the surface.


To ensure that fillings and crowns do not change their color or lose their attractiveness over time, it is very important to properly care for them. Care involves daily oral hygiene (morning, evening, and after each meal). It is also very important to remember to visit your dentist regularly for checkups.

In addition to the timely detection of enamel and gum diseases, the doctor can carry out preventive cleaning. If a patient has a bridge installed in their mouth, they should rinse the area between the crown and the gum tissue as often as possible. In this case, you can use a device such as an irrigator.

Other recommendations include abstaining from eating solid and coloring foods, strong coffee and black tea, red wine, quitting smoking and other bad habits. It is important to avoid strong temperature changes, as this can lead to loosening of the material and its darkening in the future.

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Is teeth whitening a harmful procedure?

As one medieval doctor said, “All poison is just a matter of dose.” The same can be said here. It is no secret that there is absolutely no benefit from bleaching in the medical sense. But there will be no harm from a competently carried out procedure. Suffice it to say that in the USA the bleaching procedure is very popular, and is generally equated to hair lightening, because... they even carry it out in shopping centers, not seeing any sedition in it. Therefore, if you really want to, bleach it. Only under the supervision of a doctor. In addition, the teeth on which the gel will be applied must be healthy, they should not have leaky fillings or caries. The dentist should check all this before you go into all serious troubles. He should also choose the best whitening method specifically for you and your teeth . Suggest the correct scheme for using products for home use, explain the features of dental care, etc. and so on. In general, conduct a full briefing and control. Only in this case the procedure will be as safe as possible and will bring nothing but a refreshed, white-toothed smile (if you are dreaming of it).

Teeth whitening looks so unpretentious and mundane in many shopping centers in the United States. While your wife is replenishing her wardrobe, and her beloved mother-in-law is replenishing her refrigerator, you can lie down and benefit your appearance.

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