The use of Protefix cleaning tablets for the care of dentures

Manufacturer information

Protefix denture cream is a product of the German corporation Queisser Pharma. The company appeared on the Russian market in 1996. Today in Russia it represents products of three brands: vitamin and mineral complexes Doppelherz (“Doppelherz”), products for the comfortable use of prostheses Protefix (“Protefix”), a drug for restoring tissue metabolism and for the treatment of chronic venous insufficiency Aescusan (“Eskuzan”) . Management states that the company's main goal is constant concern for the health and well-being of consumers.

Operating principle of Protefix

Protefix is ​​a fixing cream that acts in exactly the same way as its analogues (Korega, President, Lakalut and others). The operating principle is as follows - interacting with saliva, it swells and forms a kind of “cushion” between the prosthesis and the mucous membrane, which promotes comfortable use and protects the removable device from falling out, and the gums from mechanical damage and injury. The product penetrates into all recesses and cavities, merges with the removable structure and mucous membrane, connecting them into a single whole. Thanks to these qualities, the cream prevents the penetration of food particles and the development of pathogenic microflora under the prosthesis, protects the gums from irritation and the development of the inflammatory process.

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Read the article on the topic: gum inflammation during prosthetics.

Types of Protefix creams

The manufacturer cares about people who purchase Protefix cream for removable and partial dentures. So that you can make a choice that best suits your needs, the manufacturer produces several varieties1 of the product.

Extra-strong fixing cream with propolis

The main component is propolis, which has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and wound-healing properties. Propolis also improves the local immunity of the oral cavity and enhances the resistance of the mucous membrane to pathogenic microorganisms. The product is recommended for use by people who have just started wearing removable appliances and want to quickly get used to them. Also, “Protefix” cream with propolis and marked “extra-strong” is suitable for people with sensitive mucous membranes, on which ulcers and wounds often form as a result of rubbing with removable devices.

Allergy sufferers should be careful with this composition.

Extra-strong with long-lasting fixing effect

Suitable for people who suffer from increased salivation. The fixing composition provides up to 12 hours of retention of the prosthesis in the mouth. It does not have a pronounced smell or taste. Suitable for people whose activities involve constant speaking or singing, because the extra-strong fixation ensures that the removable device will not fall out of the mouth at the most inopportune moment.

Protefix with aloe vera

This type can be used for both normal and increased salivation. The main role here is given to aloe vera, which provides an antibacterial effect. The manufacturer claims that this composition also has a long-lasting fixing effect - up to 12 hours.

Hypoallergenic Protefix

Protefix cream has a safe composition that does not contain dyes or flavoring additives. It will be equally effective for normal and increased salivation.

Protefix with mint

A product with a mint flavor is a good solution for those who want to constantly feel fresh breath. However, anyone who prefers to feel and distinguish the taste of their favorite dishes should think twice before using this type, because... minty notes can become intrusive after a short period of time. Moreover, it is also one of the most allergenic compounds.

Regardless of the active ingredients, all types of Protefix denture creams also include sodium-calcium salts, paraffin, petroleum jelly, silicon dioxide, menthol, azorubine. The release form for all types is also the same - these are 40 ml tubes. Price – from 210 rubles per package.

Release form and indications

Reliable and strong fixation of prostheses is carried out with the following drugs:

  1. Protefix cream for dentures. It is used for complex problems with fixation of the structure, as well as if the patient has increased salivation. The product provides reliable fixation lasting 12 hours. The main components included in the composition: a mixture of calcium/sodium salts, maleic anhydrides and carboxymethylcellulose. Additional components: silicon dioxides, menthols, azorubines, petrolatum and paraffin, as well as methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate. For sale, tubes of 24 and 47 grams are used, which are enclosed in secondary packaging material.
  2. Protefix powder is used for minor problems with fixing removable structures. In this case, the patient should have normal or low salivation - the presence of salivation. The fixing powder is produced without a clearly defined taste and odor, for which sodium alginate is used. It goes on sale in plastic bottles of 100 or 20 g.
  3. Protefix denture pads are well suited at the first stage of using removable dentures (during adaptation periods). Used to prevent the appearance of abrasions and the onset of inflammatory processes. Well suited for atypical jaw structure, atrophy of the alveolar process, and the presence of gum deformation, which is age-related. The composition contains viscose and polypropylene fibers, as well as sodium alginate. Spacers can only be used in cases of complete dentures. Sold in packs of 30 pcs. in the box.

Tablet form - Protefix active cleaner for dentures is produced for high-quality cleaning of removable dentures, including hard-to-reach places. The product is effective in the fight against the removal of tartar and plaque, and for the destruction of various pathogens. Keeps your mouth fresh for a long time. The active oxygen content helps to clean structures efficiently without causing mechanical damage.

The tablets contain: potassium, citric acid and sodium perborate, sodium bicarbonate and sodium lauryl sulfate, as well as indigo dye and peppermint. The tablets are available in two types of packaging, 32 and 66 pieces per pack.

The peculiarity of all Protefix preparations is that the taste of food and drinks does not change for the patient, which often happens with the use of other fixatives.

Read more about the features of using drugs.

Contraindications for use

The cream is not recommended for use by people with diseases of the upper respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract pathologies, as well as pregnant women: it contains a component such as azorubine (this is a dye or food additive E122). This food additive, when ingested, leads to intoxication.

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The concentration of this substance in the cream is minimal, it should not cause serious consequences for the body, but it cannot be ruled out that in people with the listed diseases, as well as in pregnant women, it can lead to undesirable consequences: an asthma attack, gastrointestinal upset, deterioration in well-being, increased heart rate , the appearance of shortness of breath. Scientists from the UK have also proven that azorubine can have a negative effect on the nervous system of children.

How to fix a prosthesis with Protefix

"Protefix", like any other cream that has a fixing property for dentures, is recommended to be used according to the instructions for use from the manufacturer. So, for Protefix it is as follows:

  1. thoroughly clean the removable systems and the oral cavity from food debris, wipe the denture with a napkin,
  2. The application method is as follows: squeeze the product out of the tube in thin dotted lines. To make application easier, hold the tube vertically
  3. insert the denture into the mouth and press it firmly against the mucous membrane, close your jaws - hold them in this position for 5-10 seconds. You can remove excess using a cotton swab dipped in vegetable oil.
  4. refuse to eat or drink for the next 5 minutes (it is this period of time that the official manufacturer recommends waiting, but to be more reliable, refuse food and drinks for at least 15-30 minutes).

Protefix cream for dentures

Careful fixation of removable dental structures with Protefix cream is ensured only if the drug has been applied according to all the rules. How to do it:

  1. Mandatory preliminary cleaning and drying of the prosthesis. The cleansing procedure is carried out with a special product or toothpaste.
  2. The gums are also rinsed to remove excess food and plaque.
  3. The cream is applied only deep into the structure, leaving some space around the edges. Beginners who do not have the skills are advised to apply the drug in a minimal amount, as its excess will prevent good fixation.
  4. After applying the cream, the prosthesis is quickly installed, and the jaws close tightly. Holding your jaws motionless should last about 30 seconds.
  5. It is not recommended to eat or drink for the first 20 minutes after installation of the structure.
  6. If you need to reapply the cream, the prosthesis must be cleaned of the previous portion of the cream.

Protefix cream is contraindicated to be applied more than once a day. This can cause neurological disorders. This reaction is caused by the presence of zinc in the body, which is present in the composition of the drug.

Based on the reviews, we can talk about the following advantages of Protefix cream:

  • Reliable fastening of the prosthesis, which allows you to chew hard foods without problems.
  • The duration of fixing properties lasts up to 12 hours.
  • The product contains no flavoring or aromatic additives. This gives the patient the opportunity to experience the natural taste of food.
  • Good adhesion prevents food debris from penetrating under the structure.
  • Possible use for increased salivation.
  • The drug is convenient and economical (if used correctly).
  • Good resistance to low or high temperatures.

About the cons:

  • Contains a large amount of water.
  • Storage features. The cream can only be stored in a vertical position, otherwise its substance will leak out.
  • Frequent use of the drug affects the mucous membranes of the mouth and stomach.
  • The water base is quickly washed out from under the structure, because of this the drug quickly loses its effectiveness.

Another significant drawback. Excess applied cream irritates the gums. This is especially important for beginners who have not yet determined the right amount of the drug when applying, and their gums are already irritated. In this case, it is better to use other products from the Protefix series.

How to remove a denture from your mouth after using Protefix

Protefix is ​​a long-lasting fixing cream for dentures. When used correctly, the composition can “work” for up to 12 hours in a row. However, if necessary, “artificial teeth” can be removed from the mouth without much difficulty. How to do it? Rinse your mouth with warm water, grab the crowns of the denture with two fingers and begin to rock the structure from side to side.

Have you removed your denture from your mouth? Do not forget to provide him with thorough care, and also remove any remaining composition from the gums. Details in a specially prepared article on this topic: caring for dentures.

Choosing a fixing agent for dentures

An important problem that people face after removable prosthetics is high-quality fixation of the prosthesis. There are many different fixing agents of varying quality. It is worth knowing how to make the right choice among this variety.

Quality criteria for fixatives Creams and gels can be used for fixation. The first option is more popular. You need to understand that the concepts of “glue” and “cream” are one and the same.

How to choose the right fixing adhesive: 1. Period of action. A high-quality cream should hold for a long time so that there is no psychological discomfort that its effect is about to cease. The optimal period is 12-24 hours. It is most convenient when the cream fixes for the whole day. In this case, there will be no situation where you urgently need to replace the glue at the wrong time. 2. Security. This is a very important criterion, because some products can cause irritation and allergies. The cream must be hypoallergenic and free of toxic substances so as not to irritate the mucous membranes. 3. Additional components. Some beneficial supplements, for example, help freshen breath or prevent inflammation. 4. Structure. Products with different consistencies are specially made so that everyone can choose the most optimal option. Liquid creams are recommended for use during the period of getting used to dentures. Thicker products need to be applied pointwise and carefully, because excess will have a bad effect on the quality of fixation.

Popular representatives:

  • Corega cream is known to everyone thanks to widespread advertising. And this is truly a quality product. The line includes several options for creams - refreshing, extra-strong mint and neutral. Corega provides high-quality hold throughout the day. It can be used daily. Corega is applied in strips to the structure itself. After fixing, you need to rinse your mouth well to get rid of any residue. The prosthesis should be pressed well and waited for about 10 minutes without loading it. Then you can eat and talk in peace. It holds very well, so you may have to take it out yourself at the end of the day. First you need to rinse your mouth with warm water, then gently try to remove it with rocking movements. After this, you need to rinse the denture itself and your mouth thoroughly.
  • Rox is another popular representative of fixing agents. Its features include: — Availability. You can buy it in almost every pharmacy; — Suitable for structures made of a wide variety of materials; — It can be applied to a wet or dry prosthesis; — There is no zinc or dyes in the composition, which makes this product safe; - Economical consumption - one tube is enough for about 1.5 months.

Features of fixing gels Gels have many disadvantages (relative to creams): - Short fixation - you will have to apply the gel several times a day; — While wearing a prosthesis, it is not recommended to eat or drink hot foods; — Liquid consistency requires increased consumption.

Gels are usually used immediately after prosthetics, when the patient learns to fix the prosthesis correctly. What side symptoms may there be? A high-quality cream should not cause adverse reactions, but in case of an overdose, unpleasant symptoms may appear. To avoid them, you must strictly follow the instructions.

Possible side effects: • Hypersalivation; • Allergies; • Vomiting; • Malaise.

If unpleasant symptoms appear, you need to go to the dentist. The doctor will assess the condition and be able to recommend the most optimal means for fixation.

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Precautions to be observed when using fixative

We have already found out how to use Protefix cream, but in order for it to serve flawlessly and not deteriorate ahead of time, follow the rules that the manufacturer recommends.

First, use the product sparingly, because... its excess on the structure worsens the fixing properties. In addition, excess product can lead to irritation of the delicate mucous membrane.

Secondly, after using the product, do not forget to tightly close the tube so that moisture and pathogenic microorganisms do not get inside. If moisture gets inside the tube, its contents may harden, and you will have to spend money on new packaging.

Thirdly, do not use the product after the expiration date.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • economical consumption,
  • choice: everyone can choose a type of cream that is right for them - hypoallergenic, with propolis, extra-strong, mint, for increased salivation,
  • affordable price,
  • quick fixing effect: the manufacturer claims that the product will “set” within five minutes after application (after this period of time you can already consume food and drinks),
  • lack of pronounced odor and taste: with the exception of the menthol variety,
  • maintaining fixing properties after consuming hot foods and drinks.


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As for the minuses, they will be as follows. Firstly, the composition has restrictions for use - diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory organs, pregnancy. Secondly, many consumers note that an oily liquid is released on the surface of the cream. The manufacturer emphasizes on the official website that this phenomenon is the norm, because water-based product. The resulting oily film must be removed, then you can use the product for its intended purpose. However, those who have used Protefix note that plaque interferes with the even distribution of the cream and may lead to the need to replace it with a new one. And the third disadvantage is that excess product can irritate the gums.

Protefix gaskets

Patients who are faced with the installation of removable dentures for the first time find it very difficult to tolerate the period of adaptation of the oral mucosa to a foreign body. The use of orthodontic spacers will help reduce the negative impact of the structure on the mucous membrane and prevent inflammatory processes. Similar Protefix products have proven themselves well. I help with gaskets from this manufacturer:

  • avoid rubbing the mucous membrane;
  • prevent the formation of ulcers and erosions in the oral cavity;
  • help overcome diction problems and difficulty chewing;
  • create good structural stability.

Protefix gaskets are made of elastic soft materials. This helps to achieve the most comfortable fit of the structure. Eat and communicate without unnecessary worries.

Gaskets are produced separately for each jaw and differ in their shape. For example, for the upper jaw the gasket is made in a semicircle, and for the lower jaw - in the shape of a horseshoe.

Read more about the included components.

  1. Sodium hydroxypropylcellulose (or sodium carboxymethylcellulose) in the composition of the product acts as a thickener that retains liquid and stabilizes viscosity. This contributes to good fixation of the prosthesis for a long period. The downside is the possibility of an allergic reaction.
  2. The sodium alginate component retains moisture in the base. When swelling, it creates a kind of gel pad that has shock-absorbing properties. Is a natural component. Does not cause allergic reactions.
  3. The base is made from viscose or polypropylene fibers.

Important: When choosing gaskets, it is worth considering that polypropylene bases have greater elasticity. In addition, they do not leave lint on the mucous membrane, which is often observed with viscose-based pads.

Orthodontic pads of the Protefix series have a number of advantages that distinguish them among the entire series of products.

  • perfect fixation;
  • help reduce the adaptation period;
  • do not affect the height of the bite;
  • possible simultaneous use of medicinal ointments and gels;
  • prevent the formation of inflammatory processes;
  • have no adverse reactions;
  • The elastic base material allows the product to be used when gums are deformed.

In addition to the adaptation period, when installing removable dentures, the following cases became indications for the use of spacers:

  • the patient has developed an abnormal jaw structure, which adversely affects the wearing of dentures;
  • the mucous membrane has burns, abrasions, ulcers or injuries;
  • the alveolar process is partially atrophied;
  • violated salivation standards;
  • pathology in the development of occlusion;
  • the shape of the hard palate is changed.

Rules for using Protefix gaskets

  1. Before applying the lining, the denture is completely cleaned and dried.
  2. There is a protective film on the gasket that needs to be removed (on both sides).
  3. The size of the gasket must be adjusted to fit. Scissors are used for this. Otherwise, the fixation will be unreliable.
  4. The gasket should be slightly moistened and squeezed out. After this, place it on the base of the prosthesis (information is provided in the instructions).
  5. The resulting air gaps are eliminated.
  6. After putting on the structure, the jaws are compressed for 5 seconds.
  7. Eating after installation of the prosthesis should be done no less than 15 minutes later.

What other products from Protefix will help fix dentures?

The Protefix brand produces not only a fixing cream for dentures, but also other products that can be used to securely secure removable dentures in the oral cavity:

  • pads: recommended at the stage of getting used to wearing removable systems. Provide a good level of comfort to patients who have pronounced atrophy of the alveolar ridge and those who have age-related changes in the mucosa. Made from soft materials that protect gums from abrasion, injury, pressure and inflammatory processes,
  • powder: suitable for those who have minor problems with the quality of fixation of the removable device. The powder is simply sprinkled on its surface, after which the structure is placed in the oral cavity and pressed tightly against the mucous membrane. If the quality of fixation weakens during the day, it is enough to repeat a simple algorithm of actions.

Protefix powder

The Protefix series fixing powder is ideal when the patient has minor problems with fixing a removable denture and has little salivation. The features of this drug are that it is easy to use.

To ensure that the prosthesis adheres well to the gum, it will be enough to sprinkle it with a thin layer of powder. After applying the drug, the structure will need to be put on as quickly as possible. The powder sets instantly. Fixation lasts for several hours. There is no way to tell the exact time. This will depend on the amount of liquid consumed, which washes away the drug.

If the prosthesis becomes loose, you can use the powder again. The prosthesis is carefully removed, rinsed and treated again with the drug. Excess drug is removed with running water.

Protefix powder is available in plastic bottles. When using it, do not squeeze the bottle around the edges. It will be enough to tilt it, tapping the body with your index finger to apply the required amount.

From reviews of doctors and patients: reliable and strong fixation, the ability to apply to a wet structure, ease of use and safety for health.

Cost of Protefix brand products

Type of productPackaging volumeCost / rubles
With aloe40 mlfrom 240
With propolis40 mlfrom 210
With mint40 mlfrom 270
Hypoallergenic40 mlfrom 240
Extra-strong40 mlfrom 250
Fixing gaskets30 pcs.from 300
Fixing powder20 gfrom 180
Cleansing tablets 32 pcs.

66 pcs.

from 200

from 370

Side effects from use

Rarely, among those who have used the product, there are people who have allergies. To avoid such reactions and irritation of the mucous membranes, choose the safest variety - the hypoallergenic "Protefix". Also, in order not to provoke the development of inflammation on the gums, carefully get rid of any remaining composition after removing the denture from the mouth: they must be removed not only from the removable structure, but also from the mucous membrane.

Remember that standard hygiene products (brush, paste, rinse aid) are not enough to properly clean the denture from residual cream. Sometimes you need to do some “spring cleaning.” This can be done using cleansing tablets, for example, “Protefix”, which contain active oxygen. The tablets will eliminate unpleasant odors, pathogenic bacteria, and carefully restore the natural color of artificial materials.


The drug was created to effectively clean removable dental structures from plaque, tartar, food debris, as well as to destroy pathogens. The cleaning product is used at the rate of 1 tablet/100 ml of water, which should be at room temperature. The structure is pre-cleaned and lowered into a container with the prepared solution. It is necessary to ensure that the liquid completely covers the structure. If this does not happen, you can add more water, but not more than 50 ml.

The structure is kept in the solution for at least 15 minutes. After this, the prosthesis is removed and rinsed well under water pressure. The procedure is carried out daily.

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