Which implants to choose: German premium or Korean economy?

Korean implants – a few words from history

Dental implants from South Korea first appeared on the world market in the 90s of the last century. At that time, the country was just beginning to actively develop its own economy and increase production capacity. The government has chosen the electronics industry and medicine as priority areas. Dental implantology turned out to be one of the most promising industries; it was decided to pay special attention to this area.

In those years, Koreans did not come up with anything new and spend incredible amounts of money on developing innovative solutions. They launched and expanded the production of classic root-shaped implants with standard threads, focusing on the quality of the systems produced. At the same time, they managed to present to the world reliable and proven designs that are affordable to a wide range of consumers. Today, South Korean manufacturers continue to maintain their brand, and also introduce new advanced technologies into production, producing implants of excellent quality and with the highest survival rates.

South Korean companies have managed to prove themselves well

The scope of application of Korean systems is quite wide and varied. Here are the main indications for installing artificial titanium roots:

  • absence of one or more teeth in a row, including scattered ones,
  • terminal defects, when there are no teeth in the distal sections that could become a support for other types of prosthetics,
  • complete restoration of the jaw,
  • contraindications to removable prosthetics, for example, allergies to the materials from which the structures are made, or bite defects that do not allow the system to be securely fixed,
  • implantation using the classic two-stage method,
  • one-stage treatment protocols,
  • immediate installation immediately after tooth extraction.

Almost every Korean manufacturer that has managed to enter the international market offers a fairly wide range of implants and components for them. This allows us to successfully solve a variety of clinical problems, including complex and atypical cases. The best brands in this regard are Dentium, Osstem, Dio and NeoBiotech - let's look at the products of each of these companies in more detail.

Distinctive features of South Korean implants

Since the early 90s, South Korea has become one of the main suppliers of medical equipment in general and implantation systems in particular. Production is based on the developments of other companies, which made it possible to successfully combine in their designs:

  • root-shaped;
  • special coating;
  • self-tapping thread.

The price of Korean implants does not exceed 30,000 rubles , which makes them attractive to many patients.

Young Korean brand Dentium

The manufacturer of this brand of implants is still very young - the brand appeared on the market only in 2000. The company does not have an impressive clinical base and does not have research results on the survival of its products in the long term. However, titanium roots Dentium (Dentis) are recognized as high quality, reliable and affordable. The range includes models of various lengths and diameters, which makes it possible to choose a modification that is optimally suited for each individual case.

The manufacturer also offers a wide selection of abutments, including angular abutments for inclined installation and TiN-coated ones for maximum esthetics when replacing anterior teeth. The implants themselves have an SLA surface – slightly porous, for better adhesion to bone tissue and rapid osseointegration. Another feature is a double thread with an increased pitch - it simplifies the implantation process, making it faster and less traumatic. The products are made from high quality titanium and absolute biocompatibility. Since the brand is young, the warranty period is only 3 months. Below are the most popular Dentium models.

Super-Line model

The line includes designs designed for both two-stage implantation and one-stage installation immediately after tooth extraction and with immediate crown loading. The model with double thread and increased pitch is especially recommended for aesthetic restoration of the smile area. The length of the rods varies from 7 to 12 mm, and the diameter - from 3.4 to 5.8 mm.

The implants are suitable for classical two-stage implantation

Inexpensive Implantium systems

A budget line that includes models of various lengths (8 - 14 mm) and diameters (3.4 - 4.8 mm). The designs have a classic conical shape with three cutting edges. Self-tapping thread promotes compaction of bone structures at the time of implantation of the structure, which increases its primary stability - fixation strength. In addition, such threads reduce the degree of trauma to living tissue. The structures have a reliable hexagonal connection with the abutment, which eliminates the formation of microgaps and is suitable for most suprastructures of the manufacturer.

Conical implants with three cutting edges

Mini Slim Onebody Designs

Mini-implants are used to support removable and conditionally removable dentures. They are more suitable as temporary solutions because they cannot cope with intense chewing loads. The diameter of such pins varies from 2 to 3.5 mm. They assume a minimally invasive installation, that is, implantation through punctures, without incisions of the mucous membrane and sutures.

Slim Onebody is used for fixation of removable or conditionally removable dentures

Possible complications

It is important to trust the installation of Implantium implants to highly qualified and experienced specialists. The fact is that due to the non-standard structure of these systems, complications arise in rare cases after their implantation:

  • the design unwinds a little;

  • mechanical damage to the abutment is observed;
  • the bone tissue is deformed at the site where the titanium pin is installed.

If any of these problems occur, you should seek medical help as soon as possible. The implantologist will correct the mechanism or prescribe its replacement.

Osstem is a renowned manufacturer with a 20-year history

One of the most famous South Korean brands, which has been supplying its products to the international market for 20 years. The quality of the products is comparable to representatives of premium brands, since the company attaches particular importance to innovation in the field of implantology and the introduction of advanced developments in the production of its products.

Important! The surface of the structures is sandblasted with aluminum oxide and then subjected to acid etching. This makes it possible to achieve a microporous structure, which is then cleansed from foreign impurities and contaminants. A similar technique is used by many other manufacturers, but only Osstem managed to achieve a noticeable reduction in osseointegration time by 20%1 - in most cases, implants can be loaded with a permanent prosthetic structure 1.5-2 months after implantation, including as part of classical implantation .

Osstem's range includes models for both delayed and immediate loading. Some models are successfully used as part of one-stage prosthetics on 4 and 6 implants. The manufacturer also produces modifications suitable for immediate implantation, direct or inclined installation. The range of abutments is no less diverse - there are straight, angular, made of titanium and zirconium. This choice provides ample opportunities for prosthetics, because the company offers various superstructures for beam, screw or cement fastening.

The thread of Osstem implants deserves special attention. It may differ in different modifications, but all models are united by the compression effect. At the moment of implantation of the rods, the bone tissue condenses, that is, it becomes denser, thereby increasing the primary stability of the entire structure. Some models combine different types of threads, for example, self-tapping and fine threads to increase the strength of fixation in soft fabric. There are also variations with “open thread” - in such models there is no last turn, which reduces the pressure on the bone and reduces the risk of its resorption in the long term.

The manufacturer's range includes products with a special CA surface - it is characterized by improved hydrophilic properties, which allows the use of designs for patients with a tendency to gum inflammation, for active smokers and women with hormonal imbalances. The company offers a fairly long warranty on its products – 25 years.

TS Series

Classic two-piece implant. The connection to the abutment is made in the form of a cone. The models presented in the TS line are suitable for fixation in both hard and soft bone. A distinctive feature is a self-tapping type corkscrew thread with two parallel turns - which makes installation easier and faster. The series provides two types of surface: hydrophilic SA, obtained by sandblasting and acid etching, and CA - with additional treatment with a calcium solution.

SS line

Two-piece design with an internal hexagonal abutment connection. Double thread provides high levels of primary stability in the bone, and the hydrophilic SA surface provides better adhesion to living bone tissue and accelerated healing.

Implants US

Two-component system with external hexagonal abutment connection. The special thread design ensures reliable fixation of the implant in conditions of increased softness of the bone. The models presented in this line demonstrate excellent primary stability and are suitable for implantation into bone of any degree of density.

MS one-piece designs

Solid implants designed for immediate loading of the prosthetic structure. They can have different diameters, including narrow modifications in the line for working in conditions of insufficient width of the alveolar ridge. There are models for restoration of the front part of the jaw, as well as for restoration of teeth in the premolar area with a narrow bone width.

Types of OSSTEM implants

How to properly care for Implantium implants

Caring for artificial teeth is practically no different from caring for natural teeth. The most important thing is to thoroughly clean up any leftover food and strictly follow all the recommendations of your doctor. In order for the Implantium structures to serve for a long time, it is necessary:

  • Eat a balanced diet and give up bad habits during rehabilitation.

  • Brush your teeth twice a day. During the hygiene procedure, use a medium-hard toothbrush and high-quality toothpaste.
  • After each meal, rinse your mouth with warm water. This will wash away food debris from the mouth and prevent the rapid spread of pathogenic bacteria.
  • Monitor the condition of your gums. As a result of poor teeth cleaning, gums often become swollen and inflamed. This happens especially often in the area of ​​the installed implant. At the first signs of inflammation, you should resort to anti-inflammatory rinses, gels, and ointments prescribed by your dentist.
  • Clean the interdental spaces with floss. It is recommended to do this after meals and before bed while brushing your teeth. If dental floss does not help, it should be replaced with an irrigator. This is a miniature dental brush.
  • Have preventive examinations at the dentist twice a year. Seek help from a doctor if you have any questions regarding the installed implant.

Proper care of teeth and implants will make your smile healthy and beautiful.

Korean brand of dental implants DIO

Another manufacturer of dental implants from South Korea supplies systems that fall into the budget class. This is not as popular a brand as the first two, but the company’s products have proven themselves to be excellent in the field of restoration of anterior teeth – the smile zone. DIO has four series of implants: SM, Extra Wide, Pro Tem and Narrow Fix. The first two lines offer models focused mainly on classic two-stage technology. The main difference between them is the different type of thread. The next line – Pro Tem – is specifically designed for the restoration of the frontal group of teeth. Narrow Fix models are used to provide support for fixed dentures.

DIO products have proven themselves successfully

“I installed an implant with a crown in your clinic, and now I want to express my gratitude and gratitude to you for such high-quality and well-coordinated work by all specialists. I was initially somewhat limited in finances, so the South Korean implant became a real salvation for me. In other clinics I was offered only expensive systems from the USA, but here they found an option that completely suited me in terms of quality and price. The operation went quickly enough, there were no complications, and the rehabilitation was surprisingly easy and short. Now nothing stops me from smiling and enjoying life. Thank you for that!"

Oksana V. G., 41 years old, review on the website of a Moscow dental clinic

The implants have an RBM surface - the microporous structure promotes stronger adhesion to bone tissue, as well as improving the process of osseointegration.

Dental prosthetics

Regardless of how many teeth you are missing, most specialized clinics in South Korea provide dental prosthetics using the latest techniques with minimal installation time and painless procedures. Specialists make nylon and clasp dentures, as well as bridges and various types of implants. An individual technique is selected for each patient. out how much dental prosthetics costs in Korea by writing to us via the feedback form or making a call, and also by reading the table of prices for dental services in Korea below.

Price table for dental implantation and prosthetics in Korea

Clinic Services Price
DAIN Prosthetics of one zirconium crown 650,000 KRW
Prosthetics of one metal-ceramic crown 500,000 KRW
ОSSTEM + Zirconia Zirconium crown / PFM Metal-ceramic crown 1,350,000 / 1,250,000 KRV (1 piece)
STRAUMAN + Zirconia / PFM Crown (Metal-ceramics / Zirconia) 2,250,000 KRV (1 piece)
Implantation of bone tissue (your own bone or bone material of animal origin) – 650,000 KRV

Lifting the maxillary sinus (sinus lift) – 1,250,000 KRV

More detailed Price list of Dain Clinic

Apple Dent Korean implants Osstem and Dentium + metal-ceramic crown 1,500,000 won (about $1,350) 1 unit.
Swiss implants SLActive Straumann + metal-ceramic or zirconium crown 2,800,000 won (about $2,500)
Metal-ceramic crown 600,000 won (about $550)
Full ceramic and zirconia 800,000 won (about $720)
Treatment period: 7-10 days in 2 visits. Depends on the number of teeth that need prosthetics or installation.

Initial consultation and diagnosis - 100,000 won.

If the patient intends to be treated at the clinic, consultation and examination are not paid.

Manufacturer NeoBiotech and features of its products

The company appeared on the market only in 2000, but by now it has managed to establish itself as a reliable manufacturer of high-quality modern implants. Neobiotech offers two types of artificial roots: IS II and IS II active. The latter have a special coating that promotes faster engraftment into bone tissue.

NeoBiotech appeared on the market only in 2000

In most cases, implants of this brand are successfully used within immediate loading protocols, when the prosthesis is fixed immediately after the implantation of titanium rods or within a few days after the procedure. The Bioseal abutment connection design eliminates microgaps and minimizes long-term bone loss at the implant base.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the positive qualities are::

  • versatility;
  • rapid engraftment;
  • simple, atraumatic installation;
  • high structural stability;
  • availability of models for immediate replacement of a removed tooth;
  • uniform distribution of the load on the bone, which eliminates its atrophy;
  • hermetic connection of the rod with the abutment;
  • low price.

Weaknesses lie in the likelihood:

  • twisting the rod due to improper load distribution;
  • abutment breakage due to violation of installation rules or exceeding the permissible load;
  • loosening or chipping in the system due to trauma to the jaw bone;
  • resorption of bone tissue around the artificial root.

Another disadvantage is that some brands are less durable, so not all manufacturers provide long-term warranties. But there are Korean implantation systems that come with a lifetime warranty.

Current prices for South Korean implants

The cost of Korean systems in most cases is affordable for a wide range of patients. However, the exact price will depend on the manufacturing company, the specific model, the complexity of each individual case and the pricing policy of the dental center. The table below shows approximate prices for products of Korean brands.

Implant brandEstimated cost, rub.
Osstem without a crown/with a metal-ceramic crown25/40 thousand
Dentium Implantium – without prosthetics/with installation of metal ceramics15/30 thousand
Dentium SuperLine – installation only/with fixation of metal-ceramics25-30/50 thousand
DIO – installation of an implant/with fixation of a metal-ceramic crown25/40 thousand
NeoBiotech without crown / with metal ceramics20/35 thousand

When calculating the full cost of treatment, it is necessary to take into account that some clinics do not include X-ray diagnostics (CT), production and installation of a prosthetic structure in the indicated price. Others, on the contrary, offer comprehensive turnkey restoration, but in this case the price can be much higher. Before signing the contract, it is important to discuss with a specialist all the nuances of the upcoming treatment, clarify which services are included in the price, and which services will have to be completed in any case, but you need to pay for them separately.

The most popular brands (Korea)

Russian dental clinics work with several Korean implant manufacturers. The most popular brands of root substitutes are Osstem, Dentium, MegaGen, DIO. Each of them offers a wide range of models with specific characteristics and different prices.

Slightly less in demand, but also used in Russian dentistry, are Korean implants Snucone, Dentis, CowellMedi, NeoBiotech, CSM.

Most Korean dental implant manufacturing companies were founded after 2000–2006, so the experience with their products is still relatively small. But over the years, a lot of data has been obtained, thanks to which many brands have acquired a good reputation among the global dental community.

Contraindications for restoring teeth with titanium roots

Modern dental implants, including those made in South Korea, make it possible to restore missing teeth in a wide variety of clinical cases. However, there is still a list of restrictions that prohibit the implantation of titanium rods. Here are the main contraindications:

  • diseases of the blood and hematopoietic organs,
  • mental disorders,
  • oncological pathologies,
  • connective tissue diseases,
  • diabetes mellitus in the uncompensated stage,
  • serious pathologies of the skeletal system,
  • endocrine diseases.

Important! Classical implantation places increased demands on the condition and volume of bone tissue. If it is not enough or is in unsatisfactory condition, you will first have to undergo bone grafting.

There is also a list of relative contraindications. Some conditions impose only temporary restrictions on treatment, and after recovery or elimination of pathological phenomena, implantation becomes available. We are talking about pregnancy and breastfeeding, exacerbations of chronic pathologies, colds, insufficient oral hygiene and the presence of untreated caries.

Benefits of visiting our private center

We offer to install DIO implants (Korea) at a competitive price, and experienced doctors will ensure that they take root well and can withstand the load of chewing. In addition, doctors will give valuable recommendations regarding lifestyle during the recovery period. By contacting our center, you receive a number of advantages:

  1. Examination using modern equipment.
  2. Cozy waiting rooms with tea and internet.
  3. Parking for car owners.
  4. Favorable prices for diagnostics, treatment and implantation.
  5. Professional dental services.

In addition to Korean prostheses, here you can install German implants, which occupy leading positions in the world in quality and reliability.

Don't put off visiting the dentist - call us right now!

Korean or Israeli implants – which one to choose?

If we compare South Korean systems with implants from companies from other countries, it would be more logical to put them on the same level as products from Israeli manufacturers - Adin, MIS, Noris Medical. Both Korean and Israeli designs mostly belong to the affordable price segment, but at the same time they have excellent quality, reliability and high survival rates. It is these characteristics that have made them so popular and widely in demand in many countries around the world, including Russia.

MIS implants are suitable for both the classical method of implantation and one-stage protocols

In fact, the debate about which titanium roots are better continues to this day in the medical community. Experts have not yet come to a definite answer. Therefore, when choosing one option or another, experts are often based on personal experience and their own preferences.

South Korean implants are truly high-quality systems that allow you to successfully solve even complex clinical problems. Today they constitute worthy competition for products of famous and well-known brands.

  1. According to data posted on the company website: www.osstem.ru.

System Features

A patient, turning to dentistry in order to restore missing units of the dentition using implantation, is often lost in the variety of brands of implants; he does not know and does not understand which model is better and more practical. Very often, unscrupulous dentists persuade a person to install the most expensive system, explaining that it is the most reliable. But you don’t always have to pay huge sums for high quality. And this is proven by implantium implants; patient reviews confirm that these titanium roots have an unlimited shelf life. Let's look at their other features:

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