Free prosthetics for pensioners: how to get benefits and compensation

Compulsory medical insurance policy - is this document sufficient to receive the service?

A compulsory medical insurance policy or a compulsory health insurance policy gives the right to all citizens of our country to receive a certain list of free dental services at their place of registration or residence. Naturally, only government agencies provide services free of charge.

Experts say that in each region of our country the list of free services for patients may be different. Thus, in financially secure regions it can include up to 200 different positions, and in disadvantaged regions it may not exceed 20. In some regions, it is even difficult to obtain free assistance, which is associated with optimization and job cuts.

By appointment, upon presentation of a compulsory medical insurance policy, any patient can count on examination and diagnosis (only two-dimensional radiography), treatment of caries, pulpitis, gingivitis, periodontitis, free domestically produced anesthesia, and splinting of teeth. It is also possible to receive a number of surgical services: simple and complex tooth extraction, autopsy, drainage of abscesses, removal of benign tumors, treatment of alveolitis. According to the policy, you can undergo a course of physical procedures (for example, magnetic therapy).

Without a queue and without an appointment, you can be seen in emergency cases: when there is acute pain, bleeding, chills and high body temperature against the background of inflammation in the oral cavity and any dental disease.

On a note! In public medical institutions of the country, it is not possible to do dental implantation and install braces, whitening and strengthening of enamel, bone tissue augmentation, surgical treatment of periodontitis and periodontal disease, or professional oral hygiene. Also, you should not count on the use of imported fillings, pins and inlays in free medicine.

What about dental prosthetics? Not every citizen of Russia has the right to receive this service under the compulsory medical insurance policy, but only preferential categories of the population, which we will discuss further.

What is not included in the benefit program?

The list of dental services for pensioners provided free of charge does not include:

  • Installation of metal-ceramic and ceramic dentures
  • Installation of braces and other structures for straightening teeth
  • Dental implantation
  • Teeth whitening
  • Installation of clasp, nylon and other expensive prostheses
  • Installation of dentures made of precious metals
  • Installation of devices used for periodontitis and severe abrasion of enamel
  • Use of foreign-made painkillers

Patients who are entitled to preferential prosthetics

A quota for dental prosthetics is an opportunity to receive free treatment within the framework of various contracts and agreements designated by the state. Let's list who is entitled to the benefit:

  • veterans: labor, war,
  • adults and children with disabilities,
  • patients who have retired due to age and are unemployed,
  • low-income citizens: the state includes among them those whose income is several times lower than the subsistence level,
  • liquidators of the Chernobyl accident.

It is worth understanding that in different regions of Russia the list of those who can qualify for free prosthetics differs: it can be expanded or, conversely, reduced. For example, in some regions, mothers with many children (when there are more than 5 children in the family), wives of WWII veterans, family members of disabled children, honorary donors and pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are entitled to a quota. Therefore, it is better to check the list of persons with the social security or local government authorities at your immediate place of residence and stay.

How to sign up?

To have your teeth treated for free, you need to go to a dental clinic or the dental department of a hospital, health center...

If a child needs help, then you should contact a children’s dental clinic; often the adult and children’s departments operate within the same clinic.

If inpatient treatment is necessary, it can be completed in the appropriate hospital. Free services under the compulsory medical insurance policy can also be obtained in some private clinics operating in the compulsory medical insurance system.

Just like a regular clinic, you need to be attached to a dentistry. To do this, contact the registry office of the clinic of your choice with your compulsory medical insurance policy and passport. In the future, when applying for dental medical care, it is possible to pre-register for an appointment with a doctor in all available ways: by telephone, in the pre-registration register at a medical organization and, if technically possible, electronic recording using the information and telecommunications network Internet.

Who is eligible to receive

A quota for free dental prosthetics is primarily provided to heroes, disabled people and war veterans, as well as children with disabilities - these patients receive the service ahead of others.

However, patients with oncology or those who have recently undergone a complex operation on the gastrointestinal tract, as well as people faced with the problem of missing teeth due to serious injuries to the maxillofacial apparatus, can also be served out of turn. Naturally, such patients must confirm their status with relevant documents, extracts and doctor’s prescriptions.

Old-age pensioners, people with disabilities and labor veterans can receive benefits on a first-come, first-served basis.

Popular questions

Let's look at a few frequently asked questions.

Where are pensioners accepted under the compulsory medical insurance policy?

Dental prosthetics, like almost any other type of dental procedure, are carried out free of charge exclusively in public clinics. Some private medical centers also operate under the compulsory medical insurance policy, but their number is extremely small.

A list of all clinics that install prostheses under compulsory medical insurance is issued by social security authorities. You can receive such a list simultaneously with submitting documents for free prosthetics.

What benefits can you expect for prosthetics?

As mentioned earlier, pensioners and beneficiaries who exercise their right to free dental intervention can count on the installation of exclusively domestic dentures. If desired, applicants can ask doctors to use imported materials, but the cost will have to be paid out of their own pocket. Also, the “package” of free procedures will include all preparatory medical work - getting rid of gums from periodontal disease, sanitation of the oral cavity, getting rid of caries, etc.

Package of documents that need to be collected

First of all, you need to contact a dentist, who will confirm on an official form that you need a service such as dental prosthetics and issue a certificate or referral. Remember that the benefit is provided solely for medical reasons, and not simply at the request of the patient.

Next, you will need to attach a passport, compulsory medical insurance policy, pension certificate to the received document - copies are needed, but when going with social security, it is better to play it safe and take the originals of these documents with you.

Important! We strongly recommend that you contact local government and social security authorities to find out in detail what list of documents needs to be collected for citizens living in your region, because everywhere it may differ slightly.

The collection of documents does not end there. You need to contact the housing office at your place of residence and request a certificate of family composition. Also, depending on your social status, for example, if the service is needed because your income is less than the subsistence level, you may be asked to provide a certificate of income in form 2NDFL for each family member for the last three months.

If you are seeking to obtain a quota for a disabled minor child, then a birth certificate and a copy of the passport of one of the parents/guardians must also be added to the package of documents.

After this package of documents has been collected, you need to go to social security, where you will also have to fill out an application for a quota in the form established by the state.

Where to start treatment

Dental prosthetics for pensioners has a number of features. In old age, this is a complex and delicate procedure. A careful and careful approach to treatment is required.

Start by visiting a dental clinic and get a consultation with a dentist. After the examination, the doctor will tell you whether prosthetics can be done and what preliminary treatment is necessary. Before installing dentures, undergo a medical examination. Older patients, as a rule, have a number of chronic diseases and weak immunity.

Please note the contraindications: allergic reactions to anesthesia and substances used in dental prosthetics. It is not recommended to carry out treatment during an exacerbation of diseases of the cardiovascular system and respiratory organs. It is necessary to eliminate inflammatory processes in the oral cavity (stomatitis, bleeding gums). In state or municipal dentistry you can receive treatment under the compulsory medical insurance policy. After treatment, contact your orthopedic dentist and discuss what type of prosthesis and what material will be suitable for your case.

Dental prosthetics cannot be done under the compulsory medical insurance policy.

But for pensioners, Russian citizens, social programs
under which prosthetics can be installed for free.

How long will you have to wait

We have already told you how to get a quota for dental prosthetics - you need to apply with a package of collected documents to the social security authorities, where you will be put on a waiting list.

Unfortunately, more and more people want to receive this service every year, because not only many pensioners, but also a large number of young people need it. Massive loss of teeth is associated with environmental degradation and poor nutrition, lack of time and money for the treatment of dental diseases, and stress. In this regard, no one can say for sure how long you will have to wait in line.

“We applied for a quota for my grandfather and waited eighteen months to receive it!!!! It's just awful. Everything is easy and beautiful only on paper, but in reality, not all people, and especially socially vulnerable sections of the population, have the opportunity and strength to endlessly knock on the thresholds of social services. Yes, and wait a year and a half!!! Imagine the standard of living of those old people without teeth who wait so long. Today it’s better to take out a loan or installment plan and go and do everything for a fee - it’s quick and not so humiliating.”

Lion, review from

After the patient receives a quota, he will be issued a coupon with a limited validity period. That is, the service will need to be used for a certain time - in different regions of Russia the period can range from 2 weeks to 6 months. If you do not take advantage of the benefit within the designated period, you will have to stand in line again. It should not be forgotten that the right to free dental prosthetics or repair of dentures is granted to citizens of the country only once every 5 years.

What benefits are provided for pensioners for prosthetics?

Fully/partially free dental prosthetics is possible only in budgetary institutions. The government cannot oblige commercial dental centers to introduce preferences for pensioners. However, many commercial medical centers provide additional discounts for seniors . As a rule, the amount of these discounts is quite insignificant.

Federal and regional programs

According to the legislative framework of the Russian Federation, only those pensioners who receive a pension for an army officer, law enforcement officer, or civil servant can get free dental prosthetics.

Russians who worked in private companies and are not associated with the military/government service do not have a federally guaranteed right to receive preferences for the installation of dentures.

At the level of regional legislation, dental prosthetics for pension recipients is carried out taking into account the standards that have been adopted in addition to existing federal programs. Regional preferences are aimed at implementing social support measures for pensioners who are not eligible to receive federal benefits.

The policies of different regions of the Russian Federation in terms of defining such norms vary greatly. Among the common points in the structure of legislative norms that regulate preferential dental prosthetics for elderly people in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is the establishment of groups of persons entitled to preferences.

A similar benefit is provided (except for “federal” beneficiaries - former military personnel and government employees):

  • WWII veterans;
  • employees of the armies of the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation who participated in military conflicts;
  • persons who suffered from repression;
  • disabled people
  • labor veterans.

Benefits may be as follows:

  • the opportunity to visit the dentist without waiting in line;
  • reduced cost of dental restoration;
  • free installation of a prosthesis;
  • free repair of installed prosthesis.

Free prosthetics: what you can count on under the quota

If there is a quota for dental prosthetics, then, first of all, you can count on an examination before treatment. It will include not only a visual examination and history taking, but also an OPTG (orthopantomogram) - these are two-dimensional photographs of both jaws, which will allow us to judge the hidden processes occurring in the jaw. They are much less informative than three-dimensional computed tomography, but unfortunately, one cannot expect anything more from free medicine these days.

As for the prosthetics itself, patients have little choice according to the quota. For them, only removable structures made of acrylic or nylon, or permanent crowns made of metal or metal-plastic can be created - these materials are cheap and are not suitable for all people.

Constructions made of plastic and nylon are short-lived, because... materials absorb dyes and pigments and quickly become unusable. In addition, they are low-functional, it is almost impossible to fully restore chewing function in them, and the patient has to limit himself in nutrition, for example, refuse to eat hard and favorite foods, giving preference to the softest ones.

On a note! Independent researchers have found that there are many times more cases of poor-quality treatment and prosthetics in patients who received free treatment than in those who received paid services.

Metal and acrylic can cause an allergic reaction. However, if the patient proves and documents that these materials are really not suitable for him due to his health, then the clinic may offer to install prostheses made from other materials. Will I then need to pay anything? Yes, you will have to pay the difference in price.

What about service? If your installed prostheses are damaged, then, by decision of the medical commission, they can be replaced with new ones or repaired within a year from the date of application. Moreover, if the doctor or clinic is to blame for the breakdown of the structure (for example, due to poor quality manufacturing or installation), then replacement or repair work will be carried out out of turn.

What specific treatment and prosthetics can be performed free of charge?

A large number of patients who really need free prosthetics want to take advantage of the right to a quota. And you need to understand that if it were expensive treatment, examination and materials for prostheses, then the help would “reach” a minimum number of people - there is simply not enough government money for everything. Therefore, inexpensive materials for fillings and prostheses are almost always used. So, the list of free services that can be obtained in public dentistry (in a clinic) includes the following:

  • examination by a doctor, x-ray examination (regular targeted image or panoramic image of OPTG),
  • anesthesia with domestic drugs,
  • removing tartar with hand instruments,
  • treatment of caries, pulpitis, periodontitis,
  • installation of domestic filling compounds,
  • tooth extraction, incl. complex,
  • simple surgical operations (excision of the gingival hood, fistula on the gum, installation of drainage),
  • production and installation of removable dentures in the case of complete or partial absence of teeth: as a rule, these are inexpensive plate models made of acrylic. The prosthesis may include dental crowns made of base metals (nickel alloy, for example) and plastic,
  • free repair of prosthetic structure.

Metal-ceramics, ceramics, zirconium dioxide, Acry-Free prostheses, fixed bridges are not made free of charge under compulsory medical insurance. Clasp structures made according to compulsory medical insurance are an exception to the rule rather than a common practice. The patient will need to justify with documents and collect a lot of information that the classic “removal device” will not suit him - and then he will be able to have either a clasp with locks or a nylon1 prosthesis. There is also an option that the patient himself chose a more expensive prosthesis and paid the difference between it and the “free” one.

As for, for example, if the patient is allergic to the material of the prosthesis - metal, acrylic, etc., a more expensive (and less allergenic) design can be made here. However, this requires justification - the conclusion of a medical commission. You should also know that dental implantation is not carried out under compulsory medical insurance.


Re-prosthetics with an acrylic bridge on a metal frame (all included) up to 12 units.
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The service for preferential dental prosthetics for pensioners provides for the conclusion of an agreement between social security authorities and a medical institution for warranty service. Contract duration – 6-12 months

. If the work done by the doctor fails due to a medical error, the clinic is obliged to replace or repair it at its own expense. The cause of the damage is determined by a special commission.

If you follow your dentist’s recommendations correctly, undergo regular preventive examinations, and carefully care for your dentures, your dentures will last from 3 to 10 years.

depending on the type.

Prosthetics or implantation

Budgetary resources are limited and are spent sparingly, so prosthetics for beneficiaries are made from simple, cheap materials. These are mainly removable dentures made of acrylic. When using prosthetics, the structure is fixed to the palate or supported by the patient’s living teeth. Each type has its own characteristics and disadvantages. The peculiarity is that the prosthesis in any case helps to restore chewing function to a certain extent and improves the appearance of the oral cavity.

High-quality acrylic prosthesis made in ROOTT dentistry


removable structures:

  • regular care with a disinfectant solution 2 times a day;
  • complex and long-term addiction, usually takes from 4 to 8 weeks;
  • short service life, approximately 5-7 years;
  • psychological discomfort associated with unusual sensations.

An alternative is non-removable structures

. These include bridges and crowns. If possible, it is better to install them. They:

  • Comfortable.
    No need to constantly remove and worry about displacement or loss.
  • Reliable.
    They restore a smile and act as natural teeth for 20-30 years.

Prosthetics with a bridge

When installing a fixed bridge, it is important to have your own healthy teeth. The problem is that older people are missing most of their teeth, and the remaining ones cannot always serve as a strong support for fixed bridges. With age, gums and teeth become weak and loose. After grinding the teeth, the natural functioning is disrupted and the tooth is gradually destroyed. In a few years, the issue of replacing a prosthesis may become relevant again.

In this case, installing implants is the optimal solution. This is one of the types of prosthetics in which the prosthesis is fixed on specially implanted pins-implants.

Dental prosthetics on implants at the ROOTT clinic (photos of the work before and after)

Implants have undeniable advantages:

  • are fixed in bone tissue firmly and reliably;
  • act as a living tooth that has a root;
  • look like natural teeth;
  • With proper care, they last up to 50 years.

Implantation for pensioners on preferential terms is currently impossible. But there are options for receiving compensation.

Legitimate reasons for refusal

After four months, instead of the expected amount, a refusal may come. This can happen for the following reasons:

  • errors when filling out 3-NDFL;
  • the information provided in the declaration is false;
  • incompleteness of the submitted information.

For example, if a husband paid for his wife’s treatment, then it is important to provide proof of payment from the husband’s account (current account statement). It should be assumed that if the document necessary to make a decision is not available, the applicant may be refused.

Every working citizen of the country can receive a tax deduction for dental services. For certain categories of citizens there are preferential conditions for prosthetics and dental treatment. The procedure for returning money from the state is simple: it is important to fill out 3-NDFL correctly and submit a complete list of documents. You are allowed to contact either your employer or the tax authority.

Changes for 2022

In 2022, there are no fundamental changes in tax legislation regarding tax deductions provided to citizens of the Russian Federation. The Tax Code allows a limited amount of personal income tax to be refunded per year. This year, the maximum amount of social deductions spent on routine treatment is 120,000 rubles. You can return no more than 15,600 rubles for last year.

Implantology is an expensive treatment, especially if the procedure was done using high-quality prostheses and in a good clinic. According to current laws, expensive treatment has no restrictions in terms of tax deductions.

The maximum limit in this case may be the final figure of personal income tax paid for the past year. You cannot refund a larger tax amount than was contributed to the budget for the reporting period.

Is compensation possible for treatment already performed?

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation (clause 7 of Article 78 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation), you can apply for an income tax refund to the Federal Tax Service or take advantage of the personal income tax credit at your place of work within three years from the date of receipt of the service. For example, in 2022 you can file a return for 2022, 2022, 2022.

It is worth postponing this issue for three years only if there is an objective need. During this time, amendments to laws may be made, the personal income tax rate, the situation with the employer may change, and other events may occur that will further complicate the process of returning the money due.

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