Benefits for dental prosthetics for military pensioners

Russian legislation provides various types of benefits to defenders of the Motherland. The list of the latter includes dental prosthetics for military pensioners, assistance from an orthopedic surgeon, and therapeutic procedures in sanatoriums and resort areas. For a person who has given the country the best years of his life, the state is obliged not only to compensate for moral losses in old age, but also by providing financial support to ensure a dignified old age.

Who can receive benefits?

The right to guarantees established by law extends to military personnel of the Russian Federation who were dismissed from the following structures:

  1. Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
  2. Joint armed forces of the CIS member countries.
  3. Other formations.

Citizens registered before 1992 from the following departments can also take advantage of tax breaks:

  1. Armed Forces of the USSR.
  2. State security agencies.
  3. Railway, border, internal troops.
  4. Civil defense system.

In addition to the above-mentioned persons, family members of the former military personnel - wife (husband), minor children, and dependents - also enjoy some benefits. Heirs under 23 years of age, studying full-time at a higher educational institution, or disabled people under 18 years of age, also have the right to receive state privileges.

Today it is not enough to be included in the category of beneficiaries. To legally confirm your advantage, you must submit an application to your local social security authorities. Applicants may belong to the category of federal and regional significance. The first include:

  • residents of Leningrad during the siege;
  • WWII veterans;
  • veterans who took part in direct combat operations;
  • widows of WWII participants;
  • victims of radiation;
  • disabled people;
  • family members of deceased servicemen.

The list of regional beneficiaries and the amount of payments corresponding to them are determined by each member of the Federation separately, depending on the financial capabilities of the local budget. Thus, monetary benefits may change for pensioners based on length of service (employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, military personnel) and old age. It is possible for a military pensioner who served in the armed forces for at least 20 years and was discharged due to illness, reaching the age limit, or organizational and staffing measures to receive medical care. A pensioner who has served for at least 25 years is also entitled to material privileges.

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Preferential dental prosthetics system

A former military personnel who meets the above requirements can receive some privileges for free medical care, dental prosthetics, medications, annual medical examination, and discounted travel on all types of transport (except taxis) to a sanatorium and resort area upon the direction of a doctor. In any locality, dental prosthetics for military pensioners is carried out according to the appropriate regional program. Otherwise, local authorities are required to bear all costs themselves. Only municipal dental departments can provide preferential services.

Free dental prosthetics for military pensioners is provided after the conclusion of an agreement between the parties, which specifies the price and guarantee of the service provided. The queue distribution in each region of the country occurs differently. In many cities, the right to be the first to receive free prostheses is given to WWII and labor veterans, people with disabilities due to health conditions, and old-age pensioners. In the capital, there is a waiting list for free dentures for people who have retired but do not work anywhere. In order to use the service, you must contact the social care structure. You need to have with you:

  • statement;
  • identification;
  • medical insurance;
  • a certificate confirming the need for prosthetics from the place of residence;
  • pension document.

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Prosthetic procedure

The beneficiary must be issued a special coupon, which is valid for one month. Dental prosthetics for military pensioners takes place only in the institution indicated on the coupon. After signing the contract, an initial examination of the patient’s oral cavity is carried out. The doctor takes into account all the wishes of the patient and the characteristics of his body. After the dentures are created, fitting is necessary. When all the details are specified, the product is installed.

A military pensioner can also use other dental services of the clinic:

  • periodontal therapy;
  • elimination of caries;
  • removal of diseased teeth or their remains.

All materials spent on therapeutic procedures are allocated from budget funds. If a patient is allergic to a particular material, as confirmed by a special commission, it is possible to use expensive components. However, the benefits of prosthetics for a military pensioner will apply only to the initially allocated materials. The patient will need to pay the difference in the price of expensive and cheap medical substances. The following procedures are not included in social security:

  • installation of metal-ceramic and ceramic prostheses;
  • prosthetics made of precious metals, their repair;
  • installation of implants.

Military pensioners can receive benefits for dental prosthetics without waiting in line. We are talking about severe traumatic damage to the oral cavity, when oncological diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and maxillofacial area are detected.

All work and materials installed in the clinic have a warranty period of 12 months.

Product breakdown due to the fault of medical staff (according to the conclusion of a special commission) is repaired free of charge with full restoration of the function of the prosthesis. In other cases, military pensioners will have to pay the full amount for medical care.

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The presence and quality of teeth is a factor influencing a person’s life expectancy. Solving the problem at your own expense is expensive, there is another way. The state provides preferential dental prosthetics to some citizens.

In 2018-2019, not everyone will be able to use it. Legislation strictly regulates the spending of budget funds.

Benefits for military pensioners for dental prosthetics

It is possible for a military pensioner who served in the armed forces for at least 20 years and was discharged due to illness, reaching the age limit, or organizational and staffing measures to receive medical care. A pensioner who has served for at least 25 years is also entitled to material privileges. Writing an application for preferential dental prosthetics. A former military personnel who meets the above requirements can receive some privileges for free medical care, dental prosthetics, medications, annual medical examination, and discounted travel on all types of transport (except taxis) to a sanatorium and resort area upon the direction of a doctor. In any locality, dental prosthetics for military pensioners is carried out according to the appropriate regional program. Otherwise, local authorities are required to bear all costs themselves.

Who is eligible for government support?

The right to preferences is laid down in the relevant legislative act, which interprets the concept of a preferential category.

The list of persons receiving subsidies for free prosthetics is given in the Federal Law “On Social Protection of Citizens”.

These include:

  • veterans of the Great Patriotic War (WWII), labor;
  • disabled people of the Second World War;
  • non-working pensioners;
  • disabled people, including minors.

This assistance is provided from regional budgets.

Benefits for military pensioners when receiving dental prosthetics for pensioners

Warranty periods for dentures

Unfortunately, even the highest quality prostheses can be subject to various breakdowns, not to mention standard designs. Many beneficiaries are concerned about the question of who will be able to compensate for the cost of dentures if they have to be replaced. There is a clear answer to this question - dentures have a warranty period of one year.

If during this time period their malfunction becomes obvious, the beneficiary will not have to pay for either repair or replacement.

The warranty period for dentures is one year

However, in order for a public medical institution to undertake the restoration of the structure, it will first be necessary to determine that the breakdown was not the fault of the patient himself.


Only municipal dental departments can provide preferential services.

Free dental prosthetics for military pensioners is provided after the conclusion of an agreement between the parties, which specifies the price and guarantee of the service provided. The queue distribution in each region of the country occurs differently. In many cities, the right to be the first to receive free prostheses is given to WWII and labor veterans, people with disabilities due to health conditions, and old-age pensioners.

In the capital, there is a waiting list for free dentures for people who have retired but do not work anywhere. In order to use the service, you must contact the social care structure.

All state clinics issue such papers - this service is absolutely free.

After the examination, the doctor makes a conclusion whether the patient requires prostheses.

Step 2. Final collection of the package of documents. In order for the social security authorities to approve your application for benefits, the certificate must be accompanied by the following documents:

  • application (free application form);
  • identification document (passport);
  • compulsory health insurance policy;
  • certificate of family composition (not required in all cases);
  • certificate of income level for the last 3 months (2-NDFL) - if the benefit is provided due to low income.

In particular, free prosthetics are performed only by doctors from public medical institutions. Private offices do not practice preferentially.

If you want to use expensive materials or precious metals in prosthetics, you will have to pay additionally, since the state provides funding only for cheap devices.

You should also take into account that the set of free services does not include:

  • dental implants;
  • preventing abrasion;
  • treatment of concomitant diseases.

List of required documents

The list of mandatory papers required to initiate dental benefits includes:

  • doctor's opinion on the need to install prostheses;
  • civil passport, which must have local registration;
  • combat veteran certificate;
  • SNILS;
  • a certificate from the municipality about family composition;
  • birth documents of all minor children;
  • certificate of income for the previous 3 months.

This list of documents is not exhaustive, since if you have a disability group or other chronic health problems, you can submit other certificates with documents.

Categories of beneficiaries

At the moment, the following categories of citizens can primarily take advantage of benefits for dental prosthetics:

  • labor veterans;
  • veterans and disabled people of the Great Patriotic War;
  • citizens with first or second disability group;
  • pensioners receiving an old-age pension and without employment (at least officially);
  • military pensioners;
  • disabled children who have not yet reached the age of eighteen.

Labor veterans have the right to full compensation for treatment involving prosthetics

In addition to the above categories, other citizens are also entitled to receive benefits that cover complex dental procedures.

Dental prosthetics for military pensioners

Telephone consultation Free call Topic: Dental prosthetics Will dental prosthetics be paid for for a military pensioner (31 calendar) and his wife? Thank you. read answers (1) Topic: Dental prosthetics Do I have the right to preferential dental prosthetics as the widow of a military pensioner in Moscow Region clinics? Previously, there was free work on prosthetics for family members, if this was abolished, then from what year? read answers (1) Military pensioner: is dental prosthetics paid? read answers (2) Topic: Preferential prosthetics Is there PREFERENTIAL DENTAL PROSTHETICS FOR MILITARY PENSIONERS.., ,read answers (1) Topic: Dental prostheticsAre there any benefits for military pensioners for free dental prosthetics?read answers (1) Topic: Vacation for combat veterans I am a combat veteran, (Afghanistan) military pensioner.

For example, in the Leningrad Region, the law on free dental prosthetics also covers citizens who survived the siege, spouses of deceased WWII veterans, and in the Kamchatka Territory - families raising a disabled child.

Legitimate reasons for refusal

After four months, instead of the expected amount, a refusal may come. This can happen for the following reasons:

  • errors when filling out 3-NDFL;
  • the information provided in the declaration is false;
  • incompleteness of the submitted information.

For example, if a husband paid for his wife’s treatment, then it is important to provide proof of payment from the husband’s account (current account statement). It should be assumed that if the document necessary to make a decision is not available, the applicant may be refused.

Every working citizen of the country can receive a tax deduction for dental services. For certain categories of citizens there are preferential conditions for prosthetics and dental treatment. The procedure for returning money from the state is simple: it is important to fill out 3-NDFL correctly and submit a complete list of documents. You are allowed to contact either your employer or the tax authority.

How to get the service for free

Your need for dental prosthetics must be confirmed at the state clinic by issuing the appropriate certificate. With this help, as well as:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • pension certificate;
  • statement;
  • a valid compulsory medical insurance policy;
  • certificate of income (amount of pension and daily allowance),

You must contact the social security authorities at your place of residence: in person, through a legal representative or by mail.

This drug is not available in other state pharmacies, where I could get them at half price.

Design rules

Regulatory documents allow receiving the due amount for the past year, but it is also possible to receive a deduction in the current year if the treatment was also received before the end of the reporting period.

Where to contact

To receive an income tax refund, you can contact the Federal Tax Service at your place of residence or resolve the issue at work. If the dental service was provided in the current year, then you don’t have to wait for the end of the year and apply for a deduction from your employer, so that the very next month from the moment of application you receive wages without a 13% deduction (and so on until the entire amount billed for reimbursement will not be repaid).

Preferential dental prosthetics for military pensioners

A former military personnel who meets the above requirements can receive some privileges for free medical care, dental prosthetics, medications, annual medical examination, and discounted travel on all types of transport (except taxis) to a sanatorium and resort area upon the direction of a doctor. In any locality, dental prosthetics for military pensioners is carried out according to the appropriate regional program. Otherwise, local authorities are required to bear all costs themselves.

Measures of social support for combat veterans 1. Combat veterans from among the persons specified in subparagraphs 1 - 4 of paragraph 1 of Article 3 of this Federal Law are provided with the following social support measures: 10) provision of prosthetics (except dentures) and prosthetic and orthopedic products in in accordance with the procedure established by the Government of the Russian Federation. In the event that a combat veteran purchased a prosthesis (except dentures) at his own expense.

9. I am a military pensioner. After retiring, I decided to do dental prosthetics in a paid dental clinic. Upon completion of prosthetics, can I count on a refund of 13% of the cost through the Federal Tax Service, or does this only apply to workers whose income tax is deducted? Thank you.


I live in Moscow.

Dental prosthetics for pensioners

Expensive materials are not included in the preferential category. If a pensioner wants to get high-quality prostheses, he pays the difference in the price of expensive materials and preferential ones from his own funds. You can use the preference for dental prosthetics once every 5 years.

Medical institutions provide a 1-year warranty on dental structures. Refund of spent funds In the event of a long queue for preferential treatment at a state dentist and the citizen wishes to pay for the treatment himself, the state provides for a refund of 13% of the funds.

The main preferential categories include:

  • labor veterans;
  • disabled people and WWII veterans;
  • pensioners who have completed their working career;
  • disabled people due to health conditions, regardless of age and reasons for injury;
  • low-income families;
  • participants in the Chernobyl accident liquidation program;
  • pensioners of law enforcement agencies;
  • Heroes of the Russian Federation and the USSR;
  • honorary donors;
  • VBD - combat veterans.

In addition, dental prosthetics are provided free of charge to military retirees, but only with a minimum of 25 years of service.

How to use the program

The benefits provided depend on the category of the beneficiary and the circumstances of the assignment of special status.

  • Federal Law “On Veterans” of 1995;
  • information from the Ministry of Labor “On social support for veterans” from 2015;
  • Law “On Social Support” of 2006;
  • Federal Law “On Social Assistance” of 1999;
  • Decree “On the procedure for providing prostheses” of 2008;
  • Federal Law “On Social Support Measures” of 2004;
  • Resolution of the Constitutional Court of 2016, which stipulates the main features of receiving various types of benefits and allowances.

In certain regions on the territory of the Russian Federation, regional Laws, Resolutions and Orders of Governors are taken as a basis.

Is compensation possible for treatment already performed?

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation (clause 7 of Article 78 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation), you can apply for an income tax refund to the Federal Tax Service or take advantage of the personal income tax credit at your place of work within three years from the date of receipt of the service. For example, in 2022 you can file a return for 2022, 2022, 2022.

It is worth postponing this issue for three years only if there is an objective need. During this time, amendments to laws may be made, the personal income tax rate, the situation with the employer may change, and other events may occur that will further complicate the process of returning the money due.


An initial examination by an orthopedic surgeon, taking impressions and x-ray diagnostics in public clinics for pensioners are provided free of charge.

  • An acrylic prosthesis, the production of which will be financed by the state, costs about 25,000 rubles.
  • For comparison, a clasp denture for one jaw costs about 40,000 rubles, a nylon denture costs 43-47 thousand rubles.
  • The price of one metal-ceramic crown is from 15,000 rubles, dental prosthetics of the entire jaw on previously installed implants (for example, All-on-4-6), from 110,000 rubles.

It is not only the state that expresses a loyal attitude towards older people and pensioners.

As such, you can submit a receipt for a cash receipt order, a cash register receipt, and bank payment documents.

12. Is there a benefit for dental prosthetics for a military pensioner who has served for 18 years and has completed 21 years of service? retired from the Navy due to the organizational reduction of troops in Latvia in 1994.

12.1. Good afternoon, Yes, in Russia there is a system of preferential dental prosthetics for pensioners. You can only contact municipal dental institutions. *** Based on the law, the following have the right to preferential prosthetics: - Participants of the Second World War. — Disabled children who have not reached the age of majority. — Disabled people due to health reasons. — Non-working pensioners. — Labor veterans.

Free dental prosthetics for military pensioners 2022

This category of military personnel also has an undeniable right to receive qualified medical care in military hospitals. This right is guaranteed by the Law on the Status of Military Personnel and numerous intradepartmental orders aimed at increasing the social security and health protection of personnel of the armed forces of the Russian Federation.

For all other categories of military personnel and members of their families, the production of dental (jaw) prostheses, as well as their repair, is carried out on a general basis, as for civilians in medical institutions of the state or municipal health care system on a paid basis.

Free dental prosthetics under compulsory medical insurance in Moscow

Is there such a possibility? It is necessary to check with the regional social protection authorities.

Moreover, it should be borne in mind that in different cities of Russia these lists may be supplemented with their own categories, therefore universal information on this issue cannot be found on the Internet.

Queues for treatment

Many benefit recipients are well familiar with the phenomenon of numbering queues according to the speed at which benefits are provided. In the case of dental prosthetics, we can talk about two main stages.

Table 1. Queues for free dental prosthetics

Queue number Categories of beneficiaries First - heroes of the USSR; - disabled people of the Second World War; - disabled children under eighteen years of age; second - labor veterans; - pensioners; - disabled adults

In this regard, people applying for financial assistance from the state and who are in the second line need to prepare themselves for the fact that it may take a long period of time to receive benefits.

Surgical dentistry:

The provision of dental care at home is carried out within the framework of the order of the Moscow Department of Health dated July 7, 2009 No. 783 “On improving the provision of dental care to disabled people with severe disabilities.” Dental clinics have teams to provide therapeutic and orthopedic care to bedridden patients. To provide medical care at home, a preliminary examination by a local physician is required, followed by the issuance of a report on the general state of health and the possibility of providing assistance at home. Comprehensive dental care at home for disabled people with severe disabilities is provided in accordance with the list of dental services:


As part of the compulsory health insurance program, residents of all regions of Russia receive routine medical care. The project “ Moscow is the capital of health” helps nonresident patients obtain information about medical care in Moscow hospitals free of charge under the compulsory medical insurance policy. Additional information can be found on the official website of the Moscow Capital of Health project

  1. Pensioners who are labor veterans.
  2. Pensioners who are WWII veterans.
  3. Pensioners who are disabled during the Second World War.
  4. Pensioners who are rehabilitated victims of repression.
  5. Old age pensioners.
  6. Pensioners who are disabled people of group 1 or 2.
  7. Military pensioners.
  8. Pensioners who are liquidators of the consequences of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
  9. Pensioners who joined the waiting list for dentures before 2005.

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