Smart Clip braces are a reliable device for eliminating malocclusions

If ten years ago, braces were practically not in demand as an option for eliminating malocclusion pathologies, but now the situation has changed radically.

The reason is the improvement of designs, increased comfort and aesthetic content, because the main repulsive factor to their use was precisely the external ugliness of the device.

Fortunately, these stereotypes have been broken - modern products provide excellent therapeutic results and practically do not reveal their presence in the oral cavity.

Such systems include the Smart Clip product, the main properties, characteristics and advantages of which are discussed in this material.

A little about the manufacturer

Smart Clip systems are the brainchild of the world famous company 3M Unitek, an American manufacturer that has been specializing in the manufacture of orthodontic structures and devices for more than a century.

A feature of the management policy is constant innovative developments that allow us to go one step ahead of competing brands.

The corporation is the founder of a technology that involves the use of a nickel-titanium alloy in dental practice, which makes it possible to create a unique self-closing product.

This mechanism still has no analogues, and the principle of its creation is patented and kept strictly secret.

The 3M Unitek product line consists of about 1,500 items, each of which is certified according to the European quality and standardization system.

What are they?

Despite the large selection of brace systems, Smart Clip is often used in orthodontics; they are preferred due to the availability and reliability of the designs . Another distinctive feature of these systems is their rapid therapeutic effect.

Patients note that treatment with their use occurs somewhat faster than with braces from other manufacturers.

Photo: Smart Clip braces on teeth

System Description

Smart Clip is a device with a small contact area, but at the same time they interact perfectly with the tooth.

Thanks to the most even distribution of the load at the time of chewing food, the braces are fixed to the enamel surface firmly and reliably.

Thus, the penetration of product fragments and pathogenic microorganisms into the gaps and recesses, causing an unpleasant odor and the development of inflammation, is minimized.

Reliability of fastening is ensured thanks to the presence of convenient latching mechanisms. Nitinol clips are completely devoid of moving elements.

They do not require the presence of special hooks, and fully fulfill their functional purpose , aimed at restoring the external attractiveness of the dentition.

The design size also differs from analog versions from other manufacturers. They are an order of magnitude smaller, which has a positive effect on the period of adaptation and the presence of a foreign object in the patient’s mouth.

External view of Empower braces and a detailed overview of the system. Come here if you are interested in proper braces care.

At this address we will tell you whether it hurts to remove braces.

Who releases?

It is known that these designs are produced by 3M Unitek . This is an American company that has been a leader in the orthodontic products market for more than 100 years.

The company is famous for various innovations and the latest technologies in the production of orthodontic products.

Technologies used

The company was one of the first to use nickel-titanium. With its help, a closing device was created, which makes these systems self-ligating .

The design has several advantages, the main one being the ease of changing the arc. In this case, the programmed arc action remains in effect.

These systems have a special latching mechanism that distinguishes them from other designs. This technology is patented.

Also, Smart Clip systems use maximum fastening technology - here the effect of fixing braces on the teeth is achieved not due to special glue, but due to structural features.

Design features

Smart Clip has a small contact pad, but the degree of interaction between it and the tooth is important here. By means of a distributed load, the braces are firmly and reliably attached to the enamel , which prevents small particles of food and microorganisms from excessively entering the gaps between them.

Reliable fixation is also achieved through convenient locks. The clips on them are made of nitinol and have no moving parts. These structures do not require special hooks and without them completely fulfill their task of restoring the aesthetics of teeth.

How to install the arch in SmartClip braces, watch the video:

Smart Clip braces differ in size from traditional systems . They are slightly smaller, which allows patients to get used to a foreign body in the oral cavity as quickly as possible.


The company has more than 14,000 products. Has established itself as a reliable manufacturer.

The manufacturer of Smart Clip bracket systems has a CE certificate from the European Union Certification System, which indicates the high quality of the product.

Operating principle

Braces are non-ligature structures and make it possible to fix the arch without preliminary blocking. This made it possible to move dental units with minimal pressure on them, which other models cannot provide.

In addition, the systems create additional comfort, eliminating thorn processes caused by ligatures that are supplied with all standard devices.

Smart Clip – braces with two clips on metal frames are characterized by a high degree of passivity. Treatment with their use is an affordable and simple option for eliminating bite defects of any complexity or degree of progression.

The principle of operation is based on moving teeth in the desired direction in the following way. Alignment of pathology is based only on the tension force without increasing it with pressure.

This technique is the most natural and physiological of all those used in orthodontic practice.

During the use of braces, each individual organ is protected from external negative influences , and the reliability and ease of fastening make it possible not to damage the integrity of the enamel, keeping it strong and healthy.

Positive traits

The presented bracket system is a design with a horizontal groove for the arch and 4 wings. The arch is fixed using nitinol fixing clips. It does not use a traditional elastic ligature (a small transparent or colored elastic band located near the bracket).

The system is programmed so that the arc is released when the applied force exceeds the permissible limits. Due to the fact that it is impossible to carry out an overdose of forces, the patient’s discomfort decreases and painful sensations decrease. During physiological stress on the gums, the effectiveness of therapy increases and the duration is reduced.

The reduced frictional force when moving teeth also helps to obtain a guaranteed result in a short period of time, which cannot be achieved using the classical system.

A characteristic feature of this bracket system is the presence of APS PLUS adhesive. This is a pink glue that changes color after application and is reflective. The visibility of excess allows your doctor to carefully and thoroughly remove them. As a result, the adhesive does not remain on the teeth, which prevents plaque from occurring.

In addition, the presence of the APS PLUS system allows the release of fluoride, protecting the enamel during therapy from the harmful influence of extraneous factors.

The smart clip system is considered universal and self-ligating. It allows you to get maximum comfort and effect for both the patient and the doctor.

If you are looking for an effective and safe braces system to correct malocclusion, you should pay attention to the smart clip design. Thanks to the unique design, it is possible to reduce pressure on the teeth and get the maximum effect from treatment in a short period of time.

Sources used:

  • American Association of Orthodontists (USA)
  • Dhaka Dental College. Retrieved October 28, 2017
  • American Journal of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics. Volume 138


The basic principle of the therapeutic effect of the structures lies in their vestibular attachment, when dental tension is provided, not accompanied by pressure.

The main advantages of using these systems are:

  • self-ligating design principle , which reduces the risk of mechanical injury to the soft tissues of the labial area and cheek area in the process of chewing food fragments;
  • convenient size of braces and comfortable design of clasps;
  • the use of systems provides a higher level of therapeutic effect compared to wearing standard devices;
  • indicated for use for any pathological deviations in the structure of the bite , which provides a wide range of uses for wearing braces;
  • eliminate even anomalies that are in an advanced stage of the flow;
  • manufacturer - a brand that is superior in quality to analogue versions of competing enterprises , firmly occupying a leading position in the global market for the production of orthodontic structures, and for many decades has been confirming in practice the reliability, quality, safety and durability of its products;
  • in the process of attaching the model, there is no need for amputation of organs that prevent the installation of braces due to the lack of free space;
  • the number of visits to the clinic is significantly reduced;
  • the external aesthetic content of the designs is an order of magnitude higher than the analogue options offered by other manufacturers;
  • shorter system installation times and simple rules for its dismantling.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main work of these systems is that they are attached vestibularly, not by pressing on the teeth, but by pulling them.

What factors influence the price of lingual braces systems, read in the next review.

In a separate article we will talk about how distal bite is corrected.

Here you will find recommendations on which oral irrigator is best to choose with braces.

The main advantages of using such systems are:

  • The systems are self-ligating, which significantly reduces the risk of injuries to the lips and cheeks as a result of chewing food.
  • The braces have locks that are convenient in size and structure.
  • By using these designs, a person receives a healing effect faster than when wearing conventional braces.
  • They are used in almost all cases for abnormal tooth growth, that is, they are widely used in orthodontics.
  • They can be used when serious problems arise.
  • A reliable manufacturer that has proven itself and has held first positions in quality for several decades.
  • When installing them, there is no need to remove teeth to make room.
  • The number of visits to the doctor is reduced.
  • The structures look aesthetically pleasing.
  • The procedure for installing and removing the system is not long.

Such systems do not have any significant disadvantages . They are maximally adapted to the anatomical structure of the oral cavity; their installation eliminates obvious problems with various functions of the teeth, tongue, and cheeks.

The designs are aesthetic, but are not suitable for those who want to hide their presence on their teeth as much as possible, since metal elements are also involved in their manufacture.

The price of the systems is not suitable for everyone, but with such quality, their cost is justified.


The design does not have any disadvantages that could become an obstacle to their installation. It is, as far as possible, adapted to the physiological structure of the maxillofacial apparatus.

At the same time, patients who want to have a completely invisible system will not be able to do this - despite all the innovativeness of the model, it contains metal components. They can be considered among the aesthetic shortcomings of the Smart Clip.

In addition, during operation a person will experience a certain physical discomfort, and although it is an order of magnitude lower than the painful rehabilitation manifestations of standard structures, it is impossible to avoid unpleasant moments during the treatment process.

And finally, the cost of braces. Devices that level bite defects are not cheap due to the high cost of materials used in the manufacturing process. The designs discussed in this article are no exception.

How much will installation cost?

The cost of treatment using self-ligating braces is higher than the price for installing traditional structures that use ligatures as a fastening system. Smart Clip bracket systems can be installed on one jaw at a price of 50 thousand rubles. In this case, the high cost of treatment is fully compensated by the short period of wearing braces, as well as a fairly high level of comfort. It is worth noting that the manufacturer produces truly high-quality and modern orthodontic devices, in the manufacture of which increased attention is paid to advanced developments and research activities.

After undergoing the main treatment, the patient should not forget about the retention period, which requires not only time, but also additional investments. However, it allows you to consolidate the results obtained and preserve them for many years.



Installation process

Installation of systems begins with preliminary diagnostic measures. At this stage, the dentist carefully examines the condition of the oral cavity, the degree of progression of the pathology, and determines options for correcting the bite.

Therapy should begin only after complete sanitation of the oral cavity. The product can be used by patients whose age threshold has exceeded 12 years. Until this time, treatment will not bring a positive result.

The next stage of installation is processing the working area, removing plaque and rocky deposits. Without this, the fixation will not be strong and durable.

After all the preparatory work is completed, the doctor attaches nitinol clips and arches made of a metal alloy into their grooves.

The final procedure is device correction. The doctor determines on site how well the device is installed.

If there are any deviations in the fastening, they are corrected immediately. After that, the date of the next consultative visit is determined to monitor the treatment and replace items that have become unusable.

Types of Clarity braces and expert reviews of the systems. This material is dedicated to STB lingual braces.

Here you will find a detailed description of the design of In Ovation braces.

Timing of correction

Treatment with Smart Clip corrective devices is an effective way to eliminate malocclusion and curvature of dentition units.

The wearing period depends on the degree of complexity of the problem, the speed of tooth movement and averages 6-12 months. In the presence of serious anomalies, the treatment period increases to several years.

Compliance with the doctor’s recommendations is the key to a successful solution to an orthodontic problem. Treatment of malocclusion and dental irregularities is recommended to begin when the patient is ready to go through all stages of the complex process of correcting abnormal phenomena in the oral cavity.

Duration of treatment

The design features of the production systems make it possible to significantly reduce the time required for the course of pathology treatment.

The period during which the patient is advised to wear braces is 15–20 months. This period can be extended if the defect is too advanced, and, on the contrary, shortened if positive dynamics are observed already in the first stages of therapy.

In addition, the age of the person also affects the duration of therapy. The younger the patient, the sooner the anomaly can be eliminated.

It is necessary to monitor the dynamics of treatment every three months. This is the period of time that dentists consider optimal for consultation visits to the clinic.

Life time

The reliability and quality of braces allow them to be used for 5 years, but there is no need to wear them that long.

The design features of the system make it possible to reduce the treatment time, which on average does not exceed 1.5-2 years.

With good oral care, proper cleaning and careful use, treatment is carried out using one installed structure, without breakage.

It is important to visit your doctor periodically to check the progress of your therapy.

Retention period

Retention is the time after the device is removed. This is a difficult moment, on which the result largely depends. To prevent teeth from returning to their previous position, removable mouth guards or retention plates should be used.

These devices help to consolidate a positive result. The main thing is that the chosen option ideally meets the requirements assigned to it.

Such devices need to be worn for a long time, usually at least 1.5 years. The decision about when the product can be removed is made by a specialist, based on the clinical picture of the course of the recovery processes.


The popularity of metal systems is very high and this is dictated, first of all, by their availability and reliability, but a considerable number of patients refuse them for aesthetic reasons. The choice is up to each patient, the decision about which system to install is up to him, but it is worth remembering that if we are not talking about representatives of public professions, then it is rational to give preference to such systems and Smart Clip braces as well.


How much you will have to pay for this method of eliminating bite defects depends on the following reasons:

  • the cost of the system itself is from 40,000 rubles;
  • payment for diagnostics and medical history , consultations with specialized specialists, preliminary treatment and sanitation of the oral cavity, professional cleaning of the enamel surface - from 3,600 rubles;
  • procedure for installing and removing braces – from 8,000.

will cost at least 55,000 rubles.

In the video, see how easily the archwire is removed from the snap mechanisms of the Smart Clip bracket system.

Self-ligating bracket system

This type of brace system is characterized by the presence of a snap mechanism. The design is presented in the form of a nitinol clip, which allows for easier installation and replacement of the arc.

The design of the structure allows for arbitrary ligation of the arch if required during therapy. The presence of a passive system reduces the friction force, resulting in improved sliding mechanics. This design allows the arcs to exert their influence with maximum efficiency when compared with active systems.

The presence of an open groove improves oral hygiene. The smart clip malocclusion system works perfectly with the Clarity SL self-ligating system. This allows you to include braces in therapy when using Clarity Advanced braces.

Braces from different manufacturers

Metal braces Biomim

Biomim ligature braces are produced by the American company OC Orthodontics. The compactness of the braces, as well as minimal friction of the arch in the grooves during treatment, ensure maximum wearing comfort, as well as reliability and resistance to stress. These braces are smooth and have rounded edges, which minimizes trauma to the mucous membranes. Patients can choose metal alloy braces with or without nickel. These are the most inexpensive of all bracket systems.

Metal braces Damon Q

Damon Q metal self-ligating braces are a small design. The rounded edges and streamlined shape of each bracket make the orthodontic treatment process comfortable and also simplify hygiene. These braces are distinguished by the presence of an innovative method of opening the lid - the mechanism is reliable and reduces the likelihood of breakage to a minimum. It is not difficult for the doctor to open the braces, so replacing the arches occurs as quickly and comfortably as possible.

Victory metal braces

These braces from 3M Unitek are considered one of the most attractive among all metal braces. These are ligature systems, and the ligatures are presented in the brightest and most varied colors. The manufacturer also took care of the anatomical shape of the locks. The base surface makes installation easy, and these braces are affordable.

Metal braces H4

When producing self-ligating H4 braces, the American manufacturer OrthoClassic paid special attention to aesthetics. These braces are characterized by their compactness and low profile, which ensures comfortable treatment. H4 systems are made of smooth hypoallergenic metal. In terms of aesthetics, they are inferior to ceramics, but due to their reduced size, they are more convenient than traditional metal braces. They are attached just above the middle of the crown of the teeth, so in many cases they are less noticeable than other models.

Metal braces Clip SL

SmartClip SL are self-ligating metal braces, the clips of which are made of nitinol alloy. This material is characterized by shape and force memory - the mechanism holds the arc in the bracket groove and releases it when pressure increases. This ensures comfortable wearing of braces. The nitinol clip and snap mechanism allow for quick and easy archwire replacement, which means less time spent in the orthodontic chair.

Advantages of Smart Clip:

  • traditional double braces;
  • stainless steel body and wings;
  • discomfort is reduced, since an overdose of forces is impossible;
  • the clip has no moving parts;
  • does not require special arches;
  • relatively short terms of use;
  • high efficiency of treatment;
  • Selective activation is possible.

Modern orthodontics offers patients a wide range of non-ligature devices. Many manufacturers of orthodontic devices have already developed their own lines of self-ligating systems, as their effectiveness captivates patients who continue to choose them.


The treatment process is preceded by a diagnostic procedure, during which the dentist examines the patient’s oral cavity, assesses its condition and decides what problems need to be solved before installing the structure. It can be performed only after complete sanitation of the oral cavity.

Smart Clip braces can correct almost any malocclusion; the operating principle of the system is based on the action of an arch on the teeth and their tension, as a result of which the dentition gradually falls into place.

You can install such a structure starting from the age of 12; until this moment, the installation will simply be devoid of any meaning. It is important to understand that the matter is not limited to one installation; you should also:

  • strictly observe oral hygiene and monitor its condition;
  • brush your teeth not only with a brush, but also with other devices, such as a brush or floss;
  • exclude hard and sticky foods from your diet, limit your consumption of sweets.
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