Modern methods and materials for making veneers

Today, one of the most popular methods of correcting teeth and restoring tooth enamel is installing veneers. Veneers are thin plates that are placed on the front of the tooth. This method can make a smile graceful, hiding existing imperfections. The most important preparatory stage in installing veneers is the choice of material from which the structure will be made.

Materials for making veneers

Ceramics. Among the advantages of ceramic veneers, it is worth highlighting their high strength, which can be compared with the strength of a real tooth. Porcelain veneers are made in a dental laboratory from a previously taken impression. Ceramic veneers have a natural appearance that can be absolutely identical to other teeth. Also, the most important advantage of such veneers is their long service life. Ceramic veneers are resistant to food dyes and retain their color and shine for a long time. The disadvantages of ceramic veneers include the need to file away an impressive layer of hard tissue, which can result in weakened teeth.

Composite material. Along with ceramic, composite veneers are a very popular option for correcting tooth shape. However, veneers made from composite materials do not require cutting down tooth enamel, which is a huge advantage. One of the varieties of composite veneers are direct veneers, the distinctive feature of which is the construction of the structure directly in the patient’s mouth. The disadvantages of composite veneers include the possibility of aesthetic defects and partial loss of color and shine after several years. However, the cost of veneers made from composite materials is the most affordable.

Lumineers. This type of veneers is particularly thin. The advantages of lumineers are the preservation of tooth enamel without negative effects on it, as well as the ability to remove the structure at any time. Due to their quality characteristics, lumineers are also called “Hollywood” veneers.


At the fitting stage, the marginal fit, occlusal contacts, shape and color of the veneer are checked.

The accuracy of the marginal fit is assessed using a corrective layer of impression mass. In places where the mass is pressed through, the veneer is ground off with diamond burs.

Occlusal correction is then made as far as possible. Due to insufficient fixation of the veneer during fitting, the final occlusal correction can be carried out after cementation.

The shape of the veneer is agreed upon with the patients. Corrections are made if necessary.

The color of the veneer is assessed by placing it on the stump using special glycerin try-in gels. The color of the gel fully matches the color of the fixing material, therefore, based on it, you can accurately select the one you need from the assortment of adhesive cement. In this case, inaccurate color matching can be corrected.

Methods for making veneers

Application in layers. This method involves carefully pressing platinum foil onto the prepared tooth and layer-by-layer application of the ceramic composition. To avoid the risk of shrinkage and distortion, the foil fixes the finished solution by firing. The layer-by-layer application method is the least expensive.

Casting method. This method involves making a wax overlay on a plaster model and covering it with a special glass-ceramic composition. The structure is placed in a refractory mass, the wax is melted and burned out, after which the mass is removed. The final stage of the casting method is painting the veneers in a color identical to the patient’s tooth enamel and grinding. The great advantage of the casting method is the possibility of obtaining an aesthetic effect and structural strength.

Computer modeling method (using CAD/CAM technologies). This method of making veneers involves obtaining a digital model of the ground and adjacent teeth using a 3D scanner. Modeling of microprostheses is performed in a special computer program, after which technicians produce the design itself within 3-5 minutes. Next, the veneers are sanded and glazed, after which the product is considered ready. Computer modeling is considered one of the fastest methods for making veneers.

Indications for installation of veneers:

  1. Presence of visible gaps between teeth.
  2. Violation of the integrity of the enamel.
  3. Curvature of the dentition.
  4. Eliminate crowding of teeth.
  5. Loss of color and shine after removal of the dental nerve.
  6. Elimination of chips on enamel.
  7. Removing the yellow color of tooth enamel if whitening does not help.

Contraindications for installing veneers:

  1. A small number of teeth in a row or their absence.
  2. Curvature of the dentition.
  3. Presence of dental caries.
  4. Periodontitis.
  5. Bridges.
  6. Weak tooth enamel.
  7. Teeth grinding (bruxism).
  8. Pathological abrasion of teeth.

Types of ceramic veneers

Based on the materials used for manufacturing, they are distinguished:

  1. Porcelain veneers made of pressed and unpressed ceramics. They have excellent aesthetics, adhere well to the teeth, but are not resistant to particularly heavy loads.
  2. Zirconium dioxide overlays. They consist of a zirconium frame on which a ceramic mass is applied. The material is extremely strong (stronger than metal), but has low adhesive properties (i.e., they are not securely fixed to the teeth).

Based on the thickness, microprostheses are divided into:

  • ordinary (their thickness is 1.3-1.5 mm);
  • ultranir (from 0.3 to 0.5 mm).

The best manufacturers

Microprostheses made from ceramics from the following manufacturers are widely used in aesthetic dentistry:

  • E-max (German lithium silicate glass ceramics of increased strength);
  • Empress (very thin and durable reinforced leucide glass ceramic, produced in Liechtenschnein);
  • Finesse All Ceramic (American reinforced leucide glass ceramics);
  • Cergo (German-made ceramics with a very smooth surface).

Production of direct veneers and their installation

Ceramic and composite veneers differ significantly in thickness. At the same time, its color directly depends on the thickness of the plate. The lighter the enamel, the thicker the veneers. The degree of tooth preparation is selected based on the shade of the enamel and the type of damage. The structure is installed in one day. After installation, the finished product is sanded and turned.

Stages of manufacturing and installation of veneers:

  1. Consultation. This is the first and very important stage of installing veneers. During the consultation, the doctor will be able to conduct an examination, make some notes for himself, and the patient will talk about his wishes.
  2. Cleaning tooth enamel. This stage should not be neglected, as this may result in discoloration along the edges of the veneers and the formation of plaque. The procedure is carried out using special safe solutions.
  3. Tooth turning. Depending on the thickness of the veneer, a certain layer of hard tissue is removed.
  4. Taking an impression. To make an impression, a tray with molding mass is pressed against the teeth until it hardens completely.
  5. Installation of temporary plates to protect against external influences.
  6. Making a plaster cast.
  7. Manufacturing of the product.
  8. Trying on the design, fitting, and, if necessary, correction.
  9. Fixation of microprosthesis. After preliminary washing and drying of the pad, the doctor fixes the product with special cement.
  10. The choice of shade of a microprosthesis is one of the important points. The enamel color is selected in daylight, while the onlay and tooth must be wet to reveal the natural shade of the enamel.

Installation of ceramic veneers

The manufacture and installation of veneers requires careful and careful work of the technician and doctor involved in the work. Thanks to modern technologies, it is possible to install veneers not only on individual teeth, but also on entire rows of teeth.

When making ceramic veneers, 3 components are involved - the tooth itself, a ceramic microprosthesis and a fixing material. In order to create the necessary adhesion strength, the veneers are etched with an acid solution. Tooth enamel is cleaned of cement mortar and etched, creating a microrelief, then washed and dried. The adhesive is applied to the surface of the tooth, after which the veneer adheres to the tooth enamel.


A preliminary impression is necessary to make a temporary veneer.

If the shape of the tooth is intact or slightly changed, then this impression can be used for the clinical fabrication of a temporary restoration, and then it is enough to take it with a partial tray.

If a laboratory is involved in making a temporary veneer, it is necessary to take an impression from the entire dentition, as well as a second impression from the antagonist dentition.

For preliminary impressions, alginate masses are most often used, since they allow better brightening of the cervical area in one step or more, and are economical.

During storage, the alginate impression must be placed in a tightly closed plastic bag without adding anything to it. Such storage is preferable to storage in water, since it will prevent the impression not only from excessive shrinkage, but also from the occurrence of porosity as a result of leaching of mass particles. It is worth noting that impressions made from modern alginate materials, when properly stored, do not shrink within 100 hours.

Veneer care

  1. The great advantage of veneers is that they do not require special care, so immediately after installation of the structure, the patient can lead his usual lifestyle. However, to extend the life of microprostheses, it is still necessary to perform a number of measures:
  2. Limit yourself in consuming foods that can have a negative effect on veneers (nuts, hard toffee, seeds).
  3. Take regular care of your oral cavity. Dental floss, which is familiar to everyone, copes well with this role. Rinse aid won't hurt either.
  4. Use an irrigator to thoroughly treat the gums and gingival areas.
  5. Choose a toothpaste that does not contain large particles of cleaning elements.
  6. Minimize the consumption of coloring products.
  7. Visit the dentist.

Advantages and disadvantages

Veneers can be used to correct many different defects. You can make your teeth perfect, change an unattractive shape, eliminate wide gaps, and restore enamel that is not amenable to chemical whitening. At the same time, veneers will not make teeth stronger, but will only change their appearance. If not properly cared for, veneers can peel off, crack, and break. The cost of the veneers procedure is much higher than the whitening procedure.

If you already know what you want and have decided to install veneers, then give preference to trusted dental centers. One of them is the German Center for Aesthetic Dentistry SDent. This is the only way you can get a perfect snow-white Hollywood smile in the shortest possible time.

Startsmile experts are leading dentists in Moscow. Doctors at our aesthetic dentistry center SDent are among the leading specialists in the field of dentistry throughout Moscow.

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We will install high-quality ceramic veneers on the lower, upper or both jaws. We will not only install high-quality veneers, but also tell you how to properly care for them.

Service life of veneers

Depending on the manufacturing method, the service life of the finished product may vary. Thus, direct veneers can last up to 7 years, but after 2-3 years the aesthetic properties of such microprostheses deteriorate.

Ceramic veneers can last up to 20 years if properly cared for. It must be remembered that the service life of the product may be reduced if the structure is improperly manufactured and fixed. Therefore, it is worth contacting competent specialists. It should also be noted that you cannot “over-wear” the veneers, since after the expiration of their service life there is a risk of the plate falling out.

Veneers are a high-tech development with which you can quickly and easily get a perfect smile. The technology for manufacturing microprostheses is being improved from year to year, which makes it possible to reduce the degree of filing of the tooth surface, while obtaining excellent results.


It is incorrect to assume that preparation for a veneer corresponds to preparation for a ceramic crown, but only from the vestibular side. Indeed, the shape is similar, but for a veneer the minimum preparation depth along the ledge can be only 0.6 mm, in contrast to the crown, which should be no thinner than 1.0 mm in this place. Along the cutting edge, the veneer should be no thinner than 1.0 mm, and the crown – 2.0 mm.

When preparing teeth for veneers, doctors often use special sets of burs. At a minimum, these kits include a marker bur, a basic preparation bur, and a finishing bur.

A marker bur can be in the form of a wheel-shaped bur or consists of disks of a certain diameter strung on an axis at regular intervals. This bur is used to mark the preparation depth. And then, with the main bur, the hard tissues of the tooth are ground down to the bottom of the resulting marker grooves. Preparation without the use of marker burs is acceptable, but their use allows you to accurately calculate the depth of preparation, taking into account the small thickness of the veneers, and is strongly recommended for novice doctors.

The main preparation is most often done with a cone-shaped bur with a rounded top. In this case, the bur is placed parallel to the axis of the tooth, and the tip of the bur is held at the level of the future ledge, repeating the contours of the gum as it moves. Particular attention is paid to the transition from the vestibular surface to the contact surface. If the natural contact point is not broken, then the preparation is carried out in such a way as not to affect it.

There are two main options for preparation in the area of ​​the incisal edge (or tip of the canine) - with and without overlap. The choice depends on the occlusal relationship of the patient's teeth and the doctor's preferences. The main thing is that the transition zone from the veneer to the tooth tissue does not fall into occlusal contact in the central occlusion, which is checked using articulation paper. Therefore, preparation with overlapping of the cutting edge, in which a ledge is formed on the oral side, is preferable.

The preparation is completed by smoothing out sharp transitions and finishing the surface. For these purposes, a bur of the same shape as the bur for basic preparation, but fine-grained or carbide, is best suited. Such smoothing is necessary not only for a more accurate representation of the relief in the print and, accordingly, on the model, but also to prevent chipping of the ceramic, since stress is concentrated in sharp transitions.

Author's HandMade veneers at NKclinic

Teeth are no less individual than their owners. The new shape of teeth and their sizes are “designed” at NKclinic not only taking into account the canons of symmetry and the golden ratio; Age, gender factors, features of the smile and even the character of the future “owner” are also taken into account. We don’t just make overlay plates, but we make them as individual and natural as possible, truly yours.

Dr. Kyalov: “The main task of orthopedic veneers is to create teeth of natural beauty, taking into account light transmission, brightness, and transitional shades of color like natural teeth.”

Installed dental veneers at NKclinic

Designer veneers from NKclinic convey a slight color gradient of a natural tooth using ceramics of different shades and transparency. Our dental technicians accurately reproduce the anatomical structure of the tooth, from the tubercles and fissures (cavities) of the chewing surface to the incisal edge of the front teeth. The shape of the veneer necessarily takes into account the position of the teeth of the opposing dentition, making the bite functional.

To achieve maximum resemblance to a natural tooth, almost jewelry work is performed: each veneer is sculpted with a special mini-brush. Color effects are created between the ceramic layers. The result, comparable to the work of a miniaturist, fully conveys the natural differences in color and the play of shades on the slightest unevenness of the relief.

NKclinic works at the intersection of dentistry and art. Our limited-edition approach will certainly be appreciated by true fans of excellence who want to achieve a truly unique smile.

Smile transformation - dental veneers

Ozerov Petr Vladimirovich

Chief physician. Dentist, implantologist, orthopedist, surgeon. Laser dentistry specialist

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Andreev Dmitry Lvovich

Dentist orthopedist-implantologist.

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Frolov Andrey Konstantinovich

Orthopedic dentist

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