Chipped tooth: what to do and how to treat | Causes of chipped teeth

05.08.2021 748

There are a large number of reasons why a person could potentially suffer such an injury. In this case, there can be a lot of unpleasant consequences - from a simple violation of aesthetics to severe pain, hypersensitivity to cold or hot food.

Let's look at why chips may appear and what the consequences are. We will also touch upon the issue of prompt home treatment in such a situation, as well as a method for solving the problem by a professional dentist.

The most common causes of chipped teeth

Human teeth are very strong. They are well protected from external mechanical influences and are designed specifically to cope with tough, fibrous foods. However, there are many factors that could potentially lead to chipping.

When you make an appointment with your dentist, he or she will conduct a thorough examination of your mouth and determine what may be causing the problem.

Typically, chips occur as a result of several common reasons:

  • Inattentive food selection. You can chip a tooth when chewing if there is something too hard inside the food. It could be a small stone, a mollusk shell, and much more. The danger is especially great if you actively chew food and cannot sense in time that something is wrong.
  • External trauma. Often happens when hit, fallen, or involved in a traffic accident. There is also a danger of collateral injuries. This may include tooth dislocation, gum damage, wounds on the tongue, or the oral mucosa.

It is also important to understand that the strength of a person's teeth may vary depending on many factors. There are several factors that significantly increase the likelihood of chipping:

  • Violation of the acidity of the oral cavity.
  • Enamel diseases.
  • Cracks on the surface of the tooth.
  • Severe damage to the seal.
  • Malocclusion and other congenital deformities.
  • Bruxism.

People with bad habits are also at risk. Excessive consumption of alcohol and smoking leads to teeth becoming much more fragile.

If a person belongs to a risk group, a chip may appear even from not the strongest pressure. Therefore, it is worth monitoring the condition of your teeth and taking timely measures. So, if you suffer from bruxism and grind your teeth a lot at night, you should choose mouthguards on the advice of your dentist to reduce the negative impact.

Some people also experience chipping simply because they are inattentive to their diet. They actively chew on candy and nuts and open their jaws too much while chewing food, which significantly increases the potential for injury.

Sometimes the problem takes on a systemic nature and indicates negative changes in the body, a lack of certain nutrients from food. In this case, the answer to the question of why teeth may break off specifically in your case is given by a comprehensive examination.

In children

Milk teeth, unfortunately, are no less susceptible to damage than primary teeth. And the main reason for the violation of integrity is the mobility of children.

If they fall unsuccessfully, they injure any part of the body, including teeth. The front incisors are the first to suffer from impacts.

If the baby breaks off a piece, parents should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Do not panic.
  • Rinse to remove any dirt that gets into your mouth.
  • Disinfect the wound, tongue, cheeks, and gums with hydrogen peroxide (in addition to peroxide, the child can be offered to rinse his mouth with decoctions of calendula and chamomile).
  • If possible, save the fragment.

After examining the chip, the doctor administers anesthesia and sends you for x-rays. The resulting image will help determine the position of the root and identify the condition of the jaw and tissues after injury.

The restoration method is selected based on the degree of damage. If a slight violation is present on the incisors, the dentist can use a special gel that “preserves” this tooth until it is completely healed.

The peculiarity of the structure of milk teeth allows the pulp not to be removed even with severe damage.

Children can have fluoridation, silver plating, fillings, veneers (for older children), and restoration with light-curing materials.

These procedures will allow you to save your teeth until they are replaced with molars.

Signs of chipping

In most cases, chips can be identified by visual inspection or when the patient simply touches the tooth with his tongue. But there are also situations when the chip is located on the inside, difficult to reach and difficult to inspect.

Such situations reveal themselves as a whole list of symptoms. These include the following:

  • Problems with chewing food, something constantly gets in the way, pieces begin to get stuck inside the tooth.
  • The loss of a previously installed filling (a chip forms on the remaining part of the tooth and it simply cannot hold on normally).
  • Severe sensitivity when eating - a reaction occurs to sour, salty, cold, hot foods.
  • Acute pain and severe pulsation at the site of injury.

It is worth understanding that the size and nature of chips may vary. Because of this, some patients may not even notice the problem, while others experience severe pain - their nerve is exposed. Regardless of the degree of destruction, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible and conduct a detailed examination of the oral cavity.

Traumatic stomatitis of the oral cavity - the result of soft tissue injury

Any injury can sooner or later lead to serious delayed consequences. And although getting an injury to the oral cavity is more difficult than hitting a limb, damage to the teeth, gums, cheeks and tongue is not uncommon. The consequence of injury can be various diseases; in this article we will look at one of the options - traumatic stomatitis. From the article you will learn what the causes and symptoms of this disease are, as well as how it can be diagnosed and treated.

Main types of damage

The choice of treatment method directly depends on how badly the patient’s tooth is damaged. There are several common manifestations, which include the following:

Crack in the enamel.

  • The enamel itself is very durable, which is not surprising - it acts as the main protective mechanism throughout life. There are many factors that can lead to the appearance of microcracks in the surface. From the outside, they are often very difficult to distinguish, but they can not only increase in size, but also become the cause of common oral diseases, such as caries. Food gets packed into the cracked areas and bacteria actively multiply in them. At the same time, the strength becomes less and the likelihood of a large chip only increases. The standard cause of the problem is an incorrect diet, eating a lot of sweets.
  • Chipping of part of the enamel. A lacuna appears on the tooth, which is often clearly visible even during an external examination. There is pain and an acute reaction when eating various types of food. It is worth consulting a doctor as soon as possible to prevent the problem from getting worse.
  • Skol. It differs in location and size. Depending on the nature of the injury, it appears on both the external and internal sides of the tooth and is clearly visible during the initial visual examination. The injury is accompanied by hypersensitivity, severe pain, pulsation and other noticeable negative manifestations.

Injuries in which the tooth is chipped at the root are also common. They are the most dangerous for humans, because in this case the nerve is exposed and the patient begins to experience severe physical suffering. Further actions in case of injury will depend on the condition of the remaining part of the tooth. Removal of the root is required, but sometimes it is possible to use the remainder as a base for a crown.

In our clinic, doctors fight for every tooth. We do everything to restore aesthetics, chewing ability and relieve you of pain.


Externally, a callus looks like a compaction or a blister filled with liquid, it all depends on the nature of its occurrence.

In children, the formation looks like a blister; after a rupture, a whitish compaction appears in its place. In adults, the callus may have the same appearance; if it ruptures, there is a high risk of developing a small ulcer.

As a rule, patients do not feel any discomfort, their body temperature does not rise and fever does not occur. In general, such a formation is not dangerous; it requires special attention if it ruptures, since there is a high risk of infection in the wound.

First aid at home for a chipped tooth

Sometimes the injury occurs late in the evening or it is impossible to make an appointment with a doctor the next day. In this case, you need to take the right steps to prevent infection, relieve pain, and rule out most other potential problems.

At home, several actions are taken depending on how severe your injury is and what signs it is accompanied by:

  • Mouth rinse. Note that as soon as a tooth chips, you need to stop swallowing saliva until you rinse your mouth. Rinsing is done gently, without creating a vacuum or strong pressure on the affected side. To ensure quick disinfection, you can also use a chlorhexidine solution.
  • Application of a special compress. This is necessary in order to minimize swelling. At home, use a towel soaked in cold water or a special ice bag, which we recommend keeping on hand. If there is no such bag, put the ice in a bag and wrap it with cloth. The same towel will work well.
  • Taking painkillers. This allows for temporary relief of pain. If you do not have any contraindications, you can use products with an additional anti-inflammatory effect. These include such as Ibuprofen, Dolaren and others. When the patient does not have individual intolerance to drugs, and the chip is large, it is practiced to place a tampon soaked in lidocaine or novocaine inside. The measure is needed to significantly reduce pain and prevent pathogenic bacteria from entering the chipped tooth.

A special situation arises if a person experiences severe bleeding. In this case, rinsing is contraindicated. The tooth itself can be covered with a turunda for additional protection.

If you have a chip, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. When a tooth is chipped at the root, we recommend saving the remaining part - it will be needed for subsequent restorative procedures.

It is not recommended to delay going to the doctor. The reason is that there is a high probability of infection and gradual further spread of the process.

Traditional treatment

If a lump is found in a child, it is not recommended to resort to using any folk remedies on your own, as they can negatively affect the baby’s condition.

For adults, rinsing with antibacterial compounds is perfect. They will help prevent the development of inflammation in the injured area of ​​the mucosa, and will also help maintain the cleanliness of the oral cavity. An important addition: you can use traditional methods only if there are no allergic reactions to herbs. Otherwise, it is better to refuse alternative treatment. The most effective recipes are described below:

  1. Salt rinse. To do this, dissolve a teaspoon of sea salt in a glass of warm water. Rinse your mouth after eating; after treatment, you should stop eating for at least an hour.
  2. Chamomile decoction. It is most convenient to use ready-made filter bags, which are sold at the pharmacy. You need to fill one such packet with a glass of boiling water, let it brew and use it to treat the oral cavity.
  3. Calendula. For this rinse you will need an alcohol solution. Twenty drops of tincture are dissolved in a glass of warm water and used after any meal, preferably before going to bed.
  4. Propolis. This beekeeping product has excellent antiseptic and healing properties . It is used in the amount of one teaspoon per glass of warm water.

The above recipes are not only effective, but also affordable, and if used regularly, they will help to avoid infection of the oral cavity.

Types of professional medical care

When a patient sees a dentist, he carefully assesses the situation. Depending on the initial state, there may be many options for action. These include:

  • Remineralization. This method is used if a small crack occurs in the enamel. Either an individual tooth or the entire row can be treated with a special strengthening preparation. A special product is used, which contains a sufficient amount of various trace elements and minerals. The technology allows you to get rid of cracks and significantly strengthen the tooth.
  • Application of preparations with a high fluoride content. This is also necessary in order to significantly improve the overall condition of the enamel. The patient is prescribed a special mouthguard, onto which such material is applied. This makes it possible to provide treatment around the clock.
  • Artistic restoration. This method is needed specifically to restore the aesthetics of the oral cavity. The method is used if the chip is small. Modern technologies are needed to restore the shine of enamel. The color of the restored fragment will not differ from the surrounding row.
  • Installation of additional cover. One of the most common methods of restoring dental aesthetics without the use of complex and lengthy operations. We use various types of overlays – these can be lumineers and veneers. The composition, duration of use, appearance and many other characteristics differ.
  • Placement of a special crown. The approach can be used if the upper part of the tooth is not severely damaged. The remaining part of the tooth in this case begins to be used as a natural support. The crown will be stable and will completely fill the vacated space.
  • Using special tabs. At the same time, the order for the production of such an onlay is transferred to a special dental laboratory. The overlay is very durable and restores chewing ability.

Sometimes, as a result of strong pressure, the tooth root itself breaks. This is the most serious situation in which proper removal of tooth remains and subsequent implantation will be required. A base is installed in the gum, on which a special crown is fixed.

Chip in the front row of teeth

Typically, such chips occur when biting or a strong blow. Even the smallest defects are noticeable on the front row, so a small chip can cause not only discomfort, but also psychological problems. Also, the aesthetics are spoiled by microcracks, which over time begin to turn black and become more and more visible.

When small cracks appear, fluoridation and mineralization are usually sufficient. If the enamel has been severely damaged and part of the tooth has broken off, installing an artificial veneer would be a good solution. In our clinic, your dentist will install veneers or ultraneers for you. If the damage is severe, the only option is removal, prosthetics or implantation.

Chip on the side of the tooth

Most often occurs during chewing. Since this is a side invisible to prying eyes, many patients decide not to see a doctor at all and live with such a defect.

This approach is wrong for several reasons:

  • A chip can easily become a site for the development of caries and the situation will only get worse.
  • Due to the strong pressure on the damaged area, further destruction is possible.
  • There is a risk of injury to the tongue when it comes into contact with a sharp edge and the onset of an inflammatory process.

The advantage of working with the sides is that aesthetics matter less. Therefore, you can get by with less expensive materials during the restoration process. The strength itself will not become lower.

Other situations

Sometimes after tooth extraction a phenomenon called ecostosis occurs. After tooth extraction, the edge of the gum settles, causing part of the bone to protrude to the surface. Many patients may mistake a piece of bone for a tooth fragment. Ecostosis can be easily eliminated using the usual grinding procedure, so there is practically nothing to worry about in this case. Sometimes part of the bone material may come out of the hole, which is replanted with the patient before implantation if the height and volume of the native bone is not enough. Sometimes small pieces of bone material may come out through the sutures, but this is also not considered a serious complication.

Occurrence of a vertical crack

Sometimes a chip does not appear, but the tooth cracks vertically - this is very noticeable from the outside. The choice of treatment method will be based on how severely the enamel is damaged and how deep the crack goes.

There are three main treatment options:

  • Standard filling.
  • Installation of external onlays on the tooth.
  • Removal and subsequent implantation.

It is important to resolve the problem quickly before numerous potential complications arise.

Do children need to treat chipped teeth?

Parents often ask the question of what to do if a child’s tooth chips. Many people believe that baby teeth are not that important and therefore need not be treated. The logic is simple - they will fall out on their own and be replaced by indigenous ones.

But you should not be guided by this logic for a simple reason - the condition of the baby tooth greatly affects the formation of the molar. The onset of the inflammatory process and infection of the tooth lead to inflammation of the gums. This can negatively affect the formation of permanent dentition.

What complications can you encounter due to chips?

If you notice a chip on your tooth, you should contact your dentist as soon as possible to have it repaired. And it's not just about aesthetics. Delay will cost the health of your smile. There are several potential complications that have to be encountered in medical practice:

  • Tooth infection. Any pathogenic bacteria can penetrate through the open pulp. As a result, the person not only suffers from pain. Previously, only a slightly damaged tooth that could still be saved had to be removed.
  • Periodontitis. This is the name of a strong inflammatory process that occurs in the tissues surrounding the apex of the tooth root. Treatment is long and complex and may require removal.
  • Formation of neoplasm. They can be of either granulosa or cystic type and pose a serious danger to the human body.
  • Changes in bite and dental mobility. It is formed due to the fact that it becomes inconvenient for a person to close his jaws. There are many types of complications due to this reason.

The development of severe sensitivity to food, which over time develops into pain, is also characteristic. You cannot delay treatment - contact a doctor as soon as possible.

How to prevent chipping

There are several tips that dentists give to patients in order to keep their teeth intact for as long as possible. These include:

  • Maintain good oral hygiene. Use high-quality pastes, rinses, special gels as recommended by your doctor. The enamel needs to be strengthened.
  • Visit your dentist regularly. It is necessary to carry out proper dental treatment, to ensure that the enamel does not crack or wear off.
  • Monitor the condition of the gastrointestinal tract and other body systems. Particular attention should be paid to the functioning of the endocrine and immune systems. Changes in the balance of acidity in the oral cavity should not be allowed.
  • Form your diet correctly. It should include foods that stimulate strong bones and teeth.
  • Correct your bite. Due to improper bite, chips appear quite often, and the enamel itself is worn away ahead of time. It is cheaper to get braces than to periodically spend money on veneers, implantation, remineralization and other dental procedures.
  • Cure bruxism. This may require you to wear special mouthguards.

Equally important is the advice to monitor what and how you eat. Try not to chew on anything too hard—candy, nuts, and more. If you chew carefully and watch what you eat, the likelihood of chipping will be much less.


To keep your teeth healthy for a long time, you need to follow a few simple but effective recommendations:

  • Eat properly and balanced.
  • Visit the dentist at least once a year and treat any diseases that have arisen.
  • Carry out oral hygiene procedures daily.
  • Take multivitamin complexes to strengthen the immune system and reduce the risk of thinning enamel.
  • Lead an active and healthy lifestyle.
  • When engaging in traumatic sports, use devices that protect the dentition.
  • Avoid the presence of nuts, candies, and sweets with stretchy filling in your diet.
  • Treat diseases of internal organs and their systems in a timely manner.

Healthy teeth mean a beautiful and attractive smile, good health, and a great mood. It's important to remember this.

This article outlines the main types of Crest pastes.

By clicking on the following link:, you can get acquainted with the best whitening tooth powders.

We will quickly and efficiently deal with chipped teeth

At our clinic, doctors are ready to quickly treat chipped teeth and any other injuries or damage. We use advanced techniques - from remineralization to installation of onlays and implantation.

We offer our clients affordable prices and are always ready to answer any questions they may have. We will relieve you of pain, restore the aesthetics of your smile and the ability to chew normally. We have affordable prices and special offers.

To learn more about the treatment process and make an appointment with a dentist at a convenient time, leave a request on the website or call us at the numbers provided.

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