16 unexpected ways to use toothpaste at home

Remove stubborn stains from clothes

Got a coffee stain on a light blouse? Or did you stain your shirt with lipstick? Or maybe your pen leaked right in your pocket? If you apply the treasured product to the stain, rub it a little and only then wash the item in the machine, it will be much easier to get rid of such a difficult stain. However, if you let the stain dry out and become old, then even toothpaste will not help you.

By the way

If you put a stain on a colored item, then it is better to bypass this advice: when rubbing, you risk bleaching and washing out part of the dye, which will result in leaving a light stain on the item.

Removing stains from carpets

To restore your flooring to its original appearance, you don’t have to go to the dry cleaner. Treat the stained areas of the carpet with toothpaste and rinse with clean water. This simple procedure will help remove even old coffee stains. But you need to remember that this life hack is not applicable to all fabrics. Toothpaste can change the color of a bright carpet, making it appear duller.

Refresh your leather surfaces

It is enough to drop ketchup on a light leather sofa or spill a little wine on it - and removing the stain will be problematic. Even if you wipe the surface immediately and the skin does not have time to stain, small particles of dirt will clog into the microfolds of the skin structure and will betray your carelessness. Rub the stain with a toothbrush and a little toothpaste and your skin will look as good as new! The same applies, for example, to white leather boots whose microcracks have been ingrained by street dirt, light-colored gloves or bags with scuffs, as well as light-colored leather car interiors.

Clean silver jewelry or dishes

Silver tends to darken and tarnish over the years, and some people even build a business on professional polishing of silver items. But you can polish them yourself with any fine abrasive, and where can you find abrasive particles finer than in toothpaste? In this case, it is better not to use a brush, but some kind of cloth: a microfiber cloth, a piece of felt, or even a cotton scarf. This method of polishing will take a lot of time, but the shine of heirloom cutlery is worth it!

Polish metal and chrome items

And again we sing an ode to microscopic abrasive particles: barely noticeable grooves on a faucet, small scratches on a metal sink from cleaning with coarse powders or marks from a metal sponge on an expensive stainless steel pan can be easily removed by polishing with a cloth and toothpaste!


There is no point in carrying out all polishing work with gel or baby pastes, since abrasive particles are usually not added to them.

Beneficial properties for the skin

The beneficial properties are determined by the composition of the toothpaste, which includes:

  • triclosan is a very strong bactericidal substance;
  • alcohol - also has bactericidal properties, reduces oiliness, eliminates oily shine and regulates the secretions of the sebaceous glands;
  • menthol - relieves skin irritation, tones and improves blood circulation;
  • essential oils - improve blood circulation, nourish and heal the skin.

In addition, various pastes contain additives from herbs or other substances that are beneficial not only for teeth, but also for facial skin. For example, sage or chamomile. They also often contain hard abrasive particles, which are used for mechanical cleaning of teeth; they are also suitable for cleaning the face.

Only pastes with a high fluoride content and multi-colored pastes are not suitable; it is recommended to use only white ones.

Get rid of unpleasant odor

Did you take coffee with milk in a thermos to work and forget to wash it? the flowers stood in the vase for a couple of weeks, and no one changed the water in it? You've chopped onions on a board, and now you're wondering how to cut fruit for dessert? A quick way to get rid of unpleasant odors is to wipe or rinse the source with toothpaste! After all, she copes with bad breath with a bang, which means she can cope here too.

Cleaning the thermos

During operation, an unpleasant odor appears inside this container, which cannot always be removed using ordinary detergents. To make your thermos as good as new, pour water into it, add a little toothpaste and shake vigorously. Finally, rinse it under the tap and use it for its intended purpose.

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Remove dirt from nails

Do you like to tinker in the garden? Or in the garage? Or have you peeled a couple of dozen tangerines and your nails have taken on an orange tint? Wipe off any dirt, oil or ether by brushing your nails with a toothbrush and some toothpaste! We assure you that your nails will not only become clean, but will also acquire an attractive shine.

By the way

Many girls have already included cleaning their nails with toothpaste in their list of beauty procedures: the nails are simultaneously cleaned, polished and whitened, while the cuticles are delicately exfoliated. Agree, not every professional manicure product has such an effect!

How it works?

The idea is to make a lot of holes in a closed tube and put it in the tank. The next day it will become limp, and the contents, gradually being washed out of the package, will smell fragrant with freshness with each rinse. This effect can only be achieved with mint toothpaste.

To create mint water, 5 holes are enough.

What about cleansing?

Depending on the composition of the paste, a slight antimicrobial effect can be achieved. For this you need paste:

  • with fluorine,
  • chamomile extract,
  • calendula,
  • oak bark.

Important Do not buy paste in a metal tube, as in the drain tank, with constant contact with water, it will begin to oxidize and rust.

Polish gadget screens or the surface of old disks

A new phone or tablet looks simply hypnotic with this smooth and pristine black mirror of the screen. But a couple of months pass and the display no longer looks so fresh, although there seem to be no scratches on it. It's all about micro-scratches, which can be removed by polishing with paste: 2-3 minutes of rubbing with a cloth over the display - and the screen or disks will become almost perfectly smooth!

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Toothpaste can be used in the following cases:

1. Dental paste can speed up the healing of bruises and hematomas.

2. Hygiene products also relieve a person from herpes. Apply a thin layer of the paste before going to bed. The paste has a drying effect. A crust forms on the herpes, which then falls off.

3. The paste also gets rid of unwanted pimples. To do this, apply the product before bedtime.

4. The paste will also help stop bleeding from the wound if there is no hydrogen peroxide and iodine in the house.

5. The paste helps get rid of calluses and burns.

6. The mosquito bite area will be very itchy. You can get rid of the sign of itching with the help of a paste.

Get rid of stains on carpets

Removing a stain on a light-colored carpet is problematic, so we advise you to rely on the method of removing stains using toothpaste. To do this, immediately apply the product to the dirt, brush the stain, and then clean the residue with a clean brush in several passes. Naturally, the sooner you start cleaning the stain, the better the result will be, although bleaching pastes can cope even with old stains on light-colored carpets.

Harm and contraindications

Toothpaste should be handled with care. This is not a facial cosmetic, so the effect may be unpredictable. Those with sensitive and thin skin should be especially careful.

The paste can completely destroy the protective layer, causing itching, burning, irritation or redness. Moreover, in the future the skin will be more vulnerable to external factors, so first you need to start with trial masks to check the skin's reaction.

In some cases, an allergy to one of the components in the paste is possible, which will manifest itself in the form of discomfort and redness of the face. In this case, it is also necessary to first check the skin reaction in a small area.

Do not use the paste in the presence of serious inflammatory processes and open wounds. You must first get rid of all sores, otherwise toothpaste will aggravate the disease. It is prohibited to use fluoride toothpaste, which can cause facial burns.

If after using the paste the painful symptoms do not go away for a long time, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Save white walls from children's drawings

What child doesn't love leaving a masterpiece with pencils or markers on the wall? But this makes parents more upset than happy. Don't worry, you don't have to re-stick or repaint a white wall if you use the right toothpaste for cleaning. If the wall is painted, then a small amount of paste and a cloth will help remove drawings even from water-based emulsion. However, for water-based paint this only works on white walls, so lovers of the Scandinavian style in the interior are in luck. If the walls have vinyl wallpaper, then you can clean any colors: they do not allow moisture to pass through, so the pattern will come off without harming the wallpaper. The main thing is not to rub too hard.

Impressive number of alternative uses, isn't it? Who would have thought that paste can not only take care of the cleanliness and health of the oral cavity, but also restore beauty and even polish minor scratches! Well, now is the time to try out all these household tricks and share the results!

Research work “Use of toothpaste at home”


1st grade student

MAOU "Secondary School No. 50", Nab. Chelny

Using toothpaste at home

The relevance of the study lies in the fact that toothpaste is found in almost every home. We use it several times a day to clean our teeth and freshen our mouth. But is it possible to use toothpaste not only for its intended purpose, but also in the household? We do not know about additional ways to use toothpaste at home and will try to research them.

Object: toothpaste.

Subject of research: cleaning properties of toothpaste.

Purpose of the study: to explore the possibilities of using toothpaste at home.

Research objectives:

1. Based on a review of the literature and Internet resources, find out the types and composition of toothpaste, study its history of origin and select interesting information about how toothpaste can be used at home;

2. Analyze the effect of toothpaste on the degree of cleaning fabric materials from stains of lipstick, grease, and watercolor paint;

3. Identify the effect of toothpaste on protecting glasses from fogging;

4. To identify the effect of using toothpaste on cleaning gold jewelry.

5. To study the awareness of adults about the possibilities of using toothpaste at home.

Hypothesis: I assume that it is possible to use toothpaste for household purposes, namely the effect of toothpaste on cleaning stains from lipstick, grease, watercolor paint; gold jewelry; to protect glasses from fogging.

From the literature review, we learned that various materials were used to clean teeth. In 1873, New York pharmacist Colgate came up with the idea of ​​producing powder-paste in tubes.

Due to its composition, toothpaste can be used for household purposes: to eliminate abrasions on watches, mobile phones and players; toothpaste is also suitable for the treatment of wounds, bruises, herpes, burns and calluses, for mosquito bites, with its help you can get rid of unpleasant the smell of garlic and salted fish on your hands.

In our work we used the following methods:

• method of studying the cleaning properties of toothpaste

• survey

After conducting experiments, we found out that with the help of toothpaste you can easily get rid of stains of grease, watercolor paint and lipstick, restore the shine of gold jewelry, and can help people who wear glasses, since it solves the problem of fogging up their glasses lenses.

We conducted a survey with 25 adults. Having processed the results of the questionnaire, we concluded that few people know about the possibility of using toothpaste for household purposes and use it in their practice.

The hypothesis we put forward at the beginning of the study was fully confirmed.

After conducting this research, we learned a lot of interesting and new things.

1. We studied the history of the origin of toothpaste, as well as its composition and possibilities of use for household purposes.

2. We learned that toothpaste removes stains of watercolor paint and lipstick on clothes, and when washing grease, the stain becomes barely noticeable.

3. If you lubricate the glasses with toothpaste, they will not fog up.

4. Toothpaste helps clean gold jewelry and restores its shine.

5. Based on the results of the survey, we learned that most people do not know about the possibilities of using toothpaste for household purposes.


Based on our research, we will conclude that toothpaste can be our reliable assistant in the household, as it has excellent cleaning properties.


1. Dmitry Shcherbinin. Where did that come from? – M.: “Aquilegia-M”, 2009.

2. Meet toothpaste. – M.: JSC “Natusana”, 2008.

3. Claudia Eberhard-Mitzger. History of medicine. – M.: Publishing House World of Books, 2008.

4. Stephen W. Moye. Entertaining chemistry. – M.: AST “Astrel”, 2006.

5. Encyclopedia. I'm exploring the world. Chemistry. – M.: AST “Astrel”, 2009.

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