Rox toothpaste product series: reviews from users, composition and rules for using hygiene products

ROX toothpaste has earned a lot of positive reviews. Products from ROCS (Switzerland - Russia) delicately cleanse the oral cavity, give fresh breath, and maintain the ideal condition of teeth and gums.

Cleansing compositions contain active ingredients that strengthen the enamel. Every person will find “their own” ROX pasta. Safe, effective products suitable for children of all ages and adults. Regular use of ROCS toothpaste means oral health plus a dazzling smile.

Composition of cleaning products

The absence of harmful components that aggressively affect dental tissue and gums is one of the advantages of the popular brand. The compositions do not cause allergic reactions and gently clean sensitive teeth.

Active Ingredients:

  • bromelain. The enzyme maintains ideal cleanliness of the dentition, removes soft plaque, normalizes mineral metabolism in the oral cavity;
  • potassium nitrate. The substance protects enamel and dentin in cases of increased sensitivity of dental units. Thanks to potassium nitrate, the painful reaction to irritants is reduced;
  • Mineralin. A unique complex with a patented formula has a positive effect on dental and gum tissue. Biological components relieve inflammation, prevent the development of caries, and carefully whiten the enamel;
  • calcium glycerophosphate. The active substance is indispensable for the strength of dental tissue and the mineralization of enamel;
  • magnesium, fluorine, calcium. Minerals have a positive effect on enamel and serve to prevent caries;
  • safe flavoring additives. At any age, the process of brushing your teeth should evoke positive emotions. Hypoallergenic flavors give the paste a pleasant taste and aroma. Popular among children and adults: double mint, orange, vanilla, strawberry. Teenagers like the tastes of cola and chewing gum.

What is tartar?

Hardened plaque is called tartar or calculus. This stone is a serious danger to the health of your gums and teeth. As a rule, it forms in those places of the teeth that cannot be reached with a brush, for example, between the teeth, next to the molars.

Dentists consider the following factors to be the main reasons for the formation of tartar:

  • Poor oral hygiene. Saliva reactions constantly occur in the mouth; bacteria constantly multiply in the cavity and provoke the appearance of plaque. If you do not remove such plaque with toothpaste and a brush, over time it will begin to build up on the enamel and harden.
  • Smoking and frequent consumption of tea and coffee are also common causes of plaque and tartar.

Various diseases of the oral cavity and gastrointestinal tract (GIT) often lead to plaque. The problem is also caused by chewing on one side.


Cleansing compositions have many positive properties:

  • hypoallergenic;
  • do not contain chemical dyes;
  • suitable for daily use;
  • contain useful components;
  • prevent the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria;
  • protect teeth from caries;
  • remove plaque well;
  • prevent gum inflammation;
  • have a mild abrasive effect and do not damage the upper layer of the dentition;
  • cover dental tissue with a protective layer;
  • have an acceptable cost.

Learn about the benefits and features of installing ceramic braces on your teeth.
Effective methods for removing and treating dental fluorosis are described on this page.

Reasons for education

Dental calculus is also dangerous because it is not immediately detected. Depending on the location of deposition, the stone can be supragingival or subgingival. The first option is more common and is easier to identify during the initial examination at the dentist. The location of the hardened plaque in this case is above the gum, around the crown of the tooth. In the second option, the plaque is located inside the gum and adheres tightly to the tooth. Until it begins to cause discomfort and health problems, it is quite difficult to identify it.

You can suspect a problem based on the following signs:

  • The appearance of persistent bad breath.
  • Increased sensitivity of some teeth.
  • Swelling, pain, discomfort of the gums, especially between the teeth.
  • Changing the shade of tooth enamel, the appearance of stains on it.
  • Bleeding gums.

There are several reasons for the formation of stone on teeth.

Among them:

  • Insufficient oral hygiene.
  • Lack of preventive measures.
  • Incorrectly selected toothbrush (too soft or, conversely, hard).
  • Malocclusions and other orthodontic problems.
  • Smoking.
  • Abuse of sweet foods and sugary carbonated drinks.
  • Too little or no solid food in the diet.
  • Drinking too little water per day.
  • Endocrine disorders and metabolic disorders.

The most pressing cause of stone formation is insufficient dental hygiene. Hygiene is often neglected by children and teenagers, so it is important for parents to remind them of the need for brushing and to visit the dentist regularly.


Cleansing products have been developed for different ages:

  • from 0 to 3 years;
  • from 3 to 7;
  • from 4 to 7;
  • from 8 to 18 years old;
  • for adults.

Note! The active components of the compositions are selected taking into account age, characteristics of enamel and dental tissue. Pastes for sensitive teeth, whitening products, and for smokers are presented. Anti-bleeding gum remedies are effective for active mineralization of damaged enamel.

Types of ROCS toothpastes

ROCS toothpastes are divided into lines according to the following principle: for each age there should be its own paste, which takes into account the structural features of the teeth at one stage or another.

  • Baby – from 0 to 3 years
  • Kids - from 3 to 7 years
  • Junior - from 6 to 12 years old
  • Teens - from 8 to 18 years old
  • Adult line from 18 years old

When creating products, the physiological characteristics of the human body at different age periods and various problems of teeth and gums are taken into account. The ROCS assortment includes pastes both for the daily care of healthy teeth and for the prevention of caries and the development of periodontal diseases.

For teeth and gums that require special care (sensitive enamel, smoker's teeth, wearing braces, etc.), you can also choose a suitable product from the brand's collection.

ROCS toothpastes are available in different flavors: from traditional mint to chocolate mousse, which turns brushing your teeth from a routine process into a pleasure.

Products for children and teenagers

ROKS cleaning compositions take into account the characteristics of children's enamel. At 2 years and 14 years old, you cannot use the same paste: the product must contain different components for an active effect on the enamel and gums. ROCS toothpaste is designed for several categories: from little ones to teenagers.

Rocs Baby

The series is recommended for children from 0 to 3 years old. Most parents positively assess the effect of ROKS toothpaste on children's teeth. Pleasant taste and aroma delight young “cleanies”.


  • the compositions are safe, non-toxic, and do not cause negative reactions even if accidentally swallowed;
  • the soft base thoroughly removes plaque and does not scratch the enamel;
  • no harmful dyes;
  • compositions prevent caries;
  • protect gums from inflammatory processes;
  • normalize the microflora of the oral cavity.

Three types of cleansing compositions with plant extracts are presented:

  • with chamomile. Against gum inflammation;
  • with linden. For painful teething;
  • PRO Baby. Protects gingival tissue from inflammatory processes, suppresses the development of cariogenic bacteria.

Kids from 3 to 7 years


  • gently whitens enamel;
  • the concentration of active substances is higher than in the Baby series;
  • does not contain fluorine;
  • pleasant taste (fruit ice cream and barberry);
  • good cleaning from plaque;
  • prevents caries.

Kids from 4 to 8 years old


  • cleansing products contain amino fluoride, an active substance that saturates the enamel with minerals that prevent caries;
  • aminofluoride is a valuable component with high protective properties and is safe for children;
  • compositions prevent gum inflammation;
  • do not contain harmful components;
  • suitable even for allergy sufferers;
  • original taste of berries, citrus, chewing gum, vanilla.

ROCS School 8–18 years old

The series contains the active complex AMIFLUOR. The composition of the paste is designed taking into account age. For schoolchildren, choose this option: “children’s” pastes are ineffective, and it is too early to use adult products.


  • protection against caries, inflammatory processes of gum tissue;
  • increase in enamel strength;
  • delicate cleaning of the dentition;
  • original flavors: double mint, cola plus lemon, strawberry.

Will the paste help with plaque?

According to recent medical research, toothpastes can be effective against plaque and tartar. Regular use of the right product helps prevent the formation of hard plaque. Moreover, high-quality pastes containing a complex of substances to combat plaque destroy dental plaque several times better than single-component products.

An excellent way to combat plaque is ASEPTA SENSITIVE ® Gentle Whitening toothpaste. Enamel whitening occurs through a multi-stage cleansing system, which includes enzymatic components to break down and remove plaque from the surface of the teeth without the use of aggressive acids, abrasives and peroxides that damage the enamel.

The fine abrasives included in this product (RDA 80) remove plaque without leaving microcracks on the enamel. And the combination of “hydroxyapatite and potassium citrate” in the toothpaste prevents the occurrence of increased tooth sensitivity.

An excellent addition in the fight for white teeth will also be the ASEPTA FRESH rinse, a product for daily oral hygiene with a unique combination of xylitol and potassium citrate, which reduces the increased sensitivity of teeth and protects the enamel from the harmful effects of acids and bacteria, and therefore preserves it white and beautiful.

In case of increased tooth sensitivity, ASEPTA SENSITIVE® will perfectly cope with plaque. A paste with a low degree of abrasiveness (RDA 60) allows for oral hygiene without irritating sensitive gums. This product contains a combination of 3 desensitizing components - potassium citrate, thermal mud and hydroxyapatite. The product does not disturb the microflora of the oral cavity and can be used on a regular basis.

Positive effect

High speed and effectiveness of using ROCS SENSITIVE “Instant Effect” toothpaste is achieved through three directions of influence:

  • instant sealing of small defects in enamel and tubules of unprotected dentin, reducing tooth sensitivity;
  • mineral restoration of natural (own) tooth structures due to the high bioavailability of calcium glycerophosphate, as a source of ionic forms of phosphate and calcium;
  • restoration and protection of hard dental tissues by activating one’s own physiological processes, which is achieved due to the high content of xylitol and magnesium in the paste.

ROCS SENSITIVE toothpaste Instant Effect, in addition to quickly eliminating tooth sensitivity*:

  • does not injure tooth enamel and dentin;
  • normalizes and improves the composition of oral microflora;
  • effectively protects against caries*;
  • smoothes the surface of teeth, restores their shine;
  • has a whitening effect by restoring the natural healthy state of the enamel;
  • freshens breath;
  • has low abrasiveness (RDA = 40, which is lower than that of pastes for regular daily hygiene).

*Confirmed by clinical studies.

Unlike other similar compositions, this paste does not contain pyrophosphates, fluorides, sodium lauryl sulfate, peroxides and aggressive abrasives.


Preventing the appearance of tartar involves careful oral hygiene and timely consultation with a specialist.

It is important to choose the right toothbrush. Its fibers should be neither too soft nor too hard. The toothpaste should also be of high quality. There are special toothpastes that contain substances that destroy deposits on teeth. After it, you can use auxiliary means - oral irrigators, rinses, dental floss.

It is worth paying attention to bad habits and diet. More fruits and nuts, clean still water and less sweets and starchy foods, quitting smoking are beneficial changes not only for the oral cavity, but for the whole body

Is it possible to get rid of tartar at home?

At home, you can solve the problem of dental plaque on your own. To do this, it is enough to change the brush (professional electronic brushes cope well with plaque), spend more time on oral hygiene, and use a mouthwash after brushing in courses. Since plaque is the first cause of stone formation, such attention will be an excellent prevention

If we are talking about already petrified plaque, folk methods and advice from the Internet can only visually reduce the problem. At the same time, for a cosmetic and, moreover, temporary improvement, you pay for the health of your teeth, the quality of their enamel and the high probability of relapses.

A dentist can help you get rid of tartar most effectively and safely. Modern techniques are gentle on enamel, help to thoroughly remove plaque and stone, and also prevent its recurrence.

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