Composition of Colgate toothpaste: active ingredients and types of products

Every person’s morning begins with cleansing the oral cavity, so it is extremely important to choose a toothpaste that will meet all the requirements for proper dental care. Moreover, for most people, taste and price play an important role when purchasing such a drug.

According to the results of marketing research, the market leader, both in Russia and in other countries, is Colgate toothpaste. This jelly-like mass perfectly freshens breath and prevents the development of many pathologies of the oral cavity and teeth.

Colgate toothpaste: description

The manufacturer of this dentifrice is Colgate-Palmolive. The concern began its work in 1806. At first he sold starch and produced soap, but after a while he started making tooth powder.

After the change in activity, the company was the first to release toothpaste in a tin tube. Colgate-Palmolive gradually improved and expanded its product range, and began selling its products to many countries. Today, products of this brand are sold almost all over the world.

Numerous studies carried out by the company over 200 years have allowed us to create a line of teeth care and cleaning products, which include more than 20 varieties of toothpastes. These drugs can solve various problems.


The American company Colgate-Palmolive has been around since 1806. In its initial area of ​​activity, the company focused on the sale of starch and soap.

Over 200 years of existence, the developers have managed to make a breakthrough in the field of hygiene products.

The company was the first in the world to produce toothpastes, which replaced dental powders, which were popular in the 19th century.

In addition, Colgate developed tin tubes for paste, which are now widely used.

The brand also produces dishwashing detergents, washing powders, and shower gels. Their composition is constantly improved by specialists to maintain the health of customers.

Colgate toothpaste: composition

The components included in this product are diverse in their functionality, but when combined they are capable of providing a huge spectrum of action. Colgate toothpaste contains the following substances:

  • Triclosan, which has an antimicrobial effect.
  • Methylparaben, which has an antiseptic effect.
  • Hydrated silica with abrasive properties. This component helps clean tooth enamel from plaque formation and protects it from further accumulation and proliferation of bacteria.
  • Sodium lauryl sulfate, which is an active surface element that cleans and polishes tooth enamel.
  • Sodium carbonate is used to control acidity.
  • Aluminum oxide is an abrasive crystalline component that maintains the consistency of the paste in the desired state.
  • Calcium carbonate is necessary to improve the acid-base balance of the oral cavity and enrich tooth enamel with calcium.
  • Sodium saccharinate is used as a substitute for sugar, and it also gives the product a pleasant taste.
  • Sodium monofluorophosphate is a remineralizing substance that replenishes fluoride deficiency.
  • Carrageenan, obtained from dried seaweed, is used as a thickener.
  • Cocoamidopropyl betaine is added to the paste to cleanse crowns and form foam.
  • Sorbitol is present in the moisturizer.
  • Extracts of various plants used to eliminate inflammation in the oral cavity, accelerate tissue regeneration and destroy bacteria.
  • PVM/MA copolymer is used to break down plaque and prevent its appearance.
  • Various dyes and flavorings.

Pastes for children from 6 to 12 years old


German gel with a pleasant mint-citrus taste. The composition contains sodium fluoride and amino fluoride: the dosage of these components is quite high. The product protects teeth from caries and saturates the enamel, and also allows you to cure caries that is in the so-called “white spot” stage.

A 50-ml tube of paste will cost 120 rubles.

German dentists vouch for the excellent quality of the product.

"ELMEX Junior" (Elmex)

Paste with fluoride, which strengthens enamel and protects against caries. Released. A high dosage of fluoride ensures the elimination of caries in the initial stage of the “white spot”.

The cost of the product is 150 rubles per 75 ml tube.

"PresiDENT Junior" (President Junior)

Italian pasta with a pronounced lime flavor. A product with a good composition, which is slightly worse than the two previous samples. Fluorine is present in compounds that are not the most effective: its dosage is preventive rather than therapeutic (950 ppm).

Contains no sodium lauryl sulfate, sugar or parabens. However, the Italian manufacturer with an impeccable reputation has long established itself exclusively on the positive side, so you don’t have to worry about the quality of the product at all.

Using toothpaste

This teeth cleaning product helps strengthen gums, stop the proliferation of pathogenic organisms in the mouth, remove bacterial plaque, whiten bone formations, saturate the enamel with minerals and freshen breath.

Colgate toothpaste, the photo of which is presented below, was developed in such a way that each person could choose the product most suitable for solving dental problems. Moreover, this drug for cleansing the oral cavity is used not only to eliminate diseases, but also for preventive purposes.

The main advantages of the paste in question include a wide range and safe regular use, since it cannot harm the enamel, since all the ingredients in it are selected harmoniously. Each consumer will be able to choose a drug with the desired effect, based on the doctor’s recommendations. In addition, Colgate paste does not cause side effects, and has a good price-quality ratio.

People who use this product to clean their teeth every day note that it has virtually no drawbacks. But some still complain about dry skin on their lips after using the paste, a small variety of flavors, the presence of a large number of chemicals in the composition, as well as insufficient whitening.


I use Colgate toothpastes all the time. I recently purchased Propolis whitening product to try. Not disappointed. The paste smells nice (I was worried that there would be a strong smell of propolis). The mouth feels fresh for a long time and removes plaque well. The disadvantages are the inconvenient lid and I would like more whitening effect.

Elena, Taganrog

I use the Fresh Mint option and am quite pleased with the product, especially its price and volume. If you don’t initially place excessive demands on the pasta, then no one will be disappointed. Cleans well, does not irritate the mouth, smells nice.

Oleg, Belgorod

Product for daily use

Colgate 360 ​​toothpaste was produced specifically for regular hygiene procedures. It contains a copolymer, so it perfectly removes plaque. This jelly-like mass also strengthens the gums and protects against the formation of tartar.

The main difference between this paste is that it is able to destroy bacteria not only on teeth, but even in the mouth, thanks to the active substances Activ-Clin. This allows you to provide fresh breath for 12 hours. You need to brush your teeth with this product at least 2 times a day, preferably in the morning and evening.

Why is fluoride dangerous?

The benefits and harms of fluoride for teeth and human health in general depend on its amount entering the body. Therefore, it is important to know the permissible and optimal concentrations of this microelement for children and adults.

The optimal amount of fluoride prevents caries and does not cause the development of fluorosis. The daily requirement for this element is 0.05-0.07 mg per 1 kg of body weight [6]. Normally, the body of an adult contains approximately 2.5-3 g of this substance [10]. At the same time, a lot of fluoride is excreted in the urine, and a relatively small amount is contained in teeth and bones.

To prevent fluoride deficiency, many countries use artificial enrichment of water and food products, including milk and salt, with this important element. Moreover, water fluoridation as a method of preventing caries is one of the ten most important achievements in the field of public health in the 20th century [11].

The content of fluoride in drinking water is considered safe up to 0.3 ppm, dangerous - above 0.7 ppm [8]. Children under 3 years of age should not drink water containing 0.7 ppm or more fluoride. In addition, such water cannot be used for preparing milk formulas [8]

Total oral care

Colgate toothpaste, the composition of which differs from other toothpastes in the presence of components with antimicrobial action, is also designed for everyday use. Products from the “Total 12” series are divided into professional and ordinary. They have the following advantages:

  • Protects the oral cavity from bacteria throughout the day.
  • Freshen your breath.
  • Remove dental plaque.
  • Improves the condition of the gums.
  • Prevents the occurrence of caries.

Experts advise constantly using Colgate Total 12 paste to solve problems such as darkening of the enamel, the development of caries, gum inflammation, bad breath and the formation of tartar. This drug contains triclosan, which destroys pathogenic microorganisms. This substance helps prevent the occurrence of gingitis and other inflammatory pathologies in the mouth. Calcium and fluorine included in the paste help strengthen the enamel, thereby eliminating tooth sensitivity.

Colgate Total 12 toothpaste comes in different types. For sensitive teeth, fresh breath, whitening, with propolis and many others.

For example, Colgate Total Pro toothpaste is quite effective. It is especially recommended for use for periodontitis, thinning enamel and other dental problems. The company produces two types of these products: “Gum Health” and “Interdental Cleaning”.

Contraindications and side effects

It is not recommended to use toothpaste if you have individual hypersensitivity to its individual components. Most Colgate fluoride products are contraindicated for children under 12 years of age, so please read the instructions before using the product. Some toothpastes with a whitening effect are undesirable to use if your teeth are sensitive.

Side effects include a slight risk of developing allergies. There is no information about overdose with Colgate products.

Features of Colgate Optic White paste

This preparation for cleansing the oral cavity differs from others in the high amount of polishing elements in its composition. It is for this reason that it should not be used to care for children's teeth that have too sensitive enamel. The abrasive substances in the paste are very similar in their characteristics to the agents used in soft whitening in the clinic.

With regular use, Colgate Optic White toothpaste can make crowns one shade lighter in just 7 days. On top of that, it effectively eliminates any type of enamel pigmentation, be it smoking or drinking red wine. Colgate (whitening toothpaste) also prevents the formation of tartar on teeth.

The line of this paste, in addition to the classic product, has several more varieties:

  • "Instant effect." This preparation contains blue granules, which have a whitening effect and add shine to the enamel. Moreover, a slight lightening of the enamel becomes visible immediately after cleaning the teeth.
  • "Whitening and restoration." This product contains fluorides, which promotes not only lightening, but also remineralization of the enamel.

Properties of Colgate Sensitive Pro Relief

This type of paste is designed for continuous use by adults and children over 12 years of age. It is represented by 3 types. Colgate Pro Relief toothpaste contains substances that relieve pain and also eliminate discomfort in cases of severe enamel sensitivity. These components completely close the tubules that lead to the nerve endings of the dental unit.

Colgate Sensitive toothpaste, designed to restore enamel, actively fights caries. This product is a modern formula consisting of arginine, calcium and fluoride. With long-term use, these components form a film that strengthens the enamel, increasing resistance to bacteria that cause caries.

There is another type from this line - Colgate Sensitive Pro Relief with whitening properties. It has a mild brightening and polishing effect, which prevents damage to the enamel surface.

But it should be noted that whitening pastes are not suitable for daily use, especially for people who have too thin enamel or caries, as well as for teenagers. Long-term use of such products increases tooth sensitivity.

Fluorine as a substance and its properties

Fluorine is a chemical element vital for humans.
In its pure form it is a gas, but even in nature it practically does not occur in this form, since it is very active and quickly combines with other elements [1]. These compounds are called fluorides. The element is the thirteenth most abundant in the earth's crust [1]. It is found in relatively small quantities in natural water sources. It can also be found in foods such as meat, fish, eggs [2]. Fluorine is also found in the human body in the form of complex compounds.

"Colgate" with medicinal herbs and propolis

This line of products is aimed at eliminating the inflammatory process of the gums. There are three types of pastes in this group:

  • "Healing herbs". The extracts of sage, eucalyptus, chamomile and myrrh present in this product help remove pathogenic microorganisms, reduce pain, and restore tissue.
  • "Whitening" It contains lemon extract, which gently brightens teeth. This paste also contains extracts of eucalyptus, mint and lemon balm, which prevent plaque formation and destroy bacteria.
  • "Sea ​​buckthorn". The main anti-inflammatory component in this drug is sea buckthorn extract, which strengthens gum tissue and tooth enamel.

Colgate Propolis toothpaste contains three active ingredients - calcium, fluoride and propolis. The drug is suitable for all family members, especially people with sensitive enamel. There is another product from this line - “Colgate Propolis Whitening”. It contains microparticles of fluoride, which, in combination with a natural component, protect against bacteria and brighten tooth enamel.

Breath freshening paste

Colgate Corporation has developed a special drug, Max Fresh, that improves bad breath. In addition to this problem, such a paste can prevent the destruction of enamel, eliminate plaque and tartar. This product line includes two types: “Tender Mint” and “Explosive Mint”.

Colgate Max Fresh paste has a transparent gel structure with crystal particles that dissolve when brushing your teeth. The effect of fresh breath lasts for 2-3 hours, even after eating.


Colgate products differ from other similar products in the following ways:

  • the effect persists after brushing your teeth for about 12 hours;
  • preventing bad breath for a long time;
  • reduction of bleeding gums;
  • good foaming, thanks to which the paste is consumed economically;
  • continuous use will not cause harm to health;
  • components of the products help in the fight against the formation of tartar;
  • The tube packaging is convenient due to its flexibility.

Find out about the manufacturer of Colgate toothpaste and its new products from the video.

Colgate line for babies

Products for small consumers are distinguished by their fruity taste and gentle effect on tooth enamel. Children's toothpaste "Doctor Hare" can be used from 2 years of age. It contains a little fluoride to saturate and strengthen the enamel.

Colgate Barbie/Spiderman toothpaste for girls and boys contains many moisturizing components that protect tooth enamel and oral mucosa. The product contains colored stars that help attract kids to brush their teeth.

Colgate toothpaste, reviews of which are mostly positive, combines affordable cost and good quality. This product is great for regular use.

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