How to treat caries at home - medical and folk remedies

Dental caries is a disease that destroys the structure of the tooth and causes it to fall out. Every person can face this problem, regardless of their gender and age.

Dental caries occurs due to the adverse effects of bacteria on tooth enamel, which leads to its destruction and damage to the deeper layers of the tooth. Treatment for this problem will take quite a long time and therefore it is worth preventing it, so that you don’t have to sit in dental offices for months.

How does caries develop?

Caries is a pathological process that destroys the hard tissues of the tooth. By its nature, it is sluggish and usually occurs under the influence of negative environmental factors or internal problems of the body. Bacteria in the oral cavity produce organic acid that corrodes the enamel, which leads to the development of pathology. The more bacteria, the more acid and, accordingly, the greater the damage.

In this article

  • How does caries develop?
  • Is it possible to remove caries at home?
  • How to remove caries at home using folk remedies?
  • What is effective against caries at home?
  • The influence of dietary habits on caries
  • Good immunity reduces the risk of developing caries
  • How to brush your teeth and how to rinse your mouth to prevent caries
  • Don't forget about professional hygiene
  • Conclusion

Often the disease begins under the surface of the tooth, so in the absence of pronounced symptoms, it is not always possible to notice it at an early stage without the help of a doctor. Early caries looks like a white dot on the enamel surface. At the same time, most people imagine carise as a huge hole in the tooth. Therefore, often a person with early caries does not suspect that a pathological process has begun in his tooth.

A person can know that there is caries in a tooth when the carious cavity expands to the upper part of the tooth or when acute toothache signals this. The most correct and safe option for any dental problems is to contact a dental clinic as quickly as possible. But if for some reason this is not possible, people are looking for a way to cure tooth decay on their own.

Is it possible not to fill and not drill?

The leading expert of the Australian research group, Wendell Evans, believes that filling is an optional procedure: previously it was believed that when caries appears, you need to immediately drill a hole and install a filling to prevent further tooth destruction; however, tooth decay actually does not spread as quickly as dentists believe. On average, it may take from 4 to 8 years for caries to move from the initial stage of enamel destruction to the destruction of inner dentin.

According to scientists, it is necessary to drill in the case when there is already a hole in the tooth, i.e. its cavity is visible. Before this, local use of dental protective varnish is recommended - it will help in the early stages of caries development to slow down, or even completely prevent its development.

Dental research offers a variety of methods to prevent dental caries. For example, many years of research by dentist Wenyan Shi from the University of California made it possible to positively answer the question: is it possible to stop carious lesions with a simple rinse?

Late last year, Dr. Shi introduced a new mouthwash to American patients that almost completely destroys harmful streptococcal bacteria. These bacteria are the main cause of dental caries. They contribute to the formation of plaque on teeth, which in turn can also cause gum disease and erode enamel.

The new mouthwash contains special antimicrobial peptides that only affect bacteria that cause caries. This approach differs significantly from the action of various antibiotics, which kill all bacteria, both harmful and beneficial. Also, the use of such peptides makes it possible to develop a kind of protection against the formation of new plaque and tartar.

Despite the safety and effectiveness of this product, experts do not cancel traditional teeth brushing, since the likelihood of streptococci counteracting such peptides still remains. To further study this problem, dentist Wenyan Shi has already received a grant.

It is quite possible that such rinses will soon be recommended by dentists in Volgograd and Volzhsky. In the meantime, American patients have the opportunity to taste the peptides by purchasing special anti-caries lozenges.

Do not delay visiting the dentist; timely plaque removal and professional teeth cleaning will allow you to postpone the appearance of caries for a long time, which means the danger of tooth loss!

Is it possible to remove caries at home?

This question may arise in the following cases:

  • a person is afraid of dentists and is willing to risk his dental health rather than go to the doctor;
  • there is no opportunity to visit a doctor for objective reasons (for example, on a long trip or when there is no good clinic nearby);
  • a small child resists dental treatment in the dentist's office;
  • no money for dental treatment.

In most cases, it is impossible to get rid of caries at home.

But there are medicinal methods that help strengthen the enamel and stop the pathological process at an early stage, when caries looks like a white speck on the enamel. To do this, use gels that restore enamel and means for its remineralization.

You can use these anti-caries remedies at home, but a dentist must prescribe them and monitor the process.

Icon treats caries without drilling teeth

Icon is a material that penetrates damaged tissue and “seals” caries, preventing it from developing further. Now dentists have the opportunity not to wait, but to act.

The principle of treatment using the Icon method is as follows: damaged enamel is treated with a gel containing acid, which makes it more porous, thoroughly dried with alcohol, and then covered with a special material and illuminated with an LED lamp.

Treatment of one tooth takes about 15 minutes and is completely painless.

How to remove caries at home using folk remedies?

In addition to the medicinal approach, there are a lot of popular recommendations on how to get rid of caries at home. Here are a few recipes that traditional medicine offers:

  • Rinse your mouth with sage infusion.

One tablespoon is poured with boiling water, the broth is left for about an hour, and then a cotton swab is moistened in the resulting infusion and applied to the affected tooth. After this, you need to rinse your teeth and mouth with sage. Dentists note that sage is indeed a natural antiseptic and can prevent the growth of bacteria. But this remedy does not help cure dental caries at home; it can only temporarily slow down the process or serve as a preventive measure for caries.

  • Apply fir oil to the tooth.

Another popular recommendation is to apply a cotton swab with fir oil to the sore tooth. You will not be able to remove caries with this remedy on your own, but it can temporarily provide a good analgesic effect. You should make an appointment with a doctor as soon as possible, because pain in the teeth may indicate complicated caries or pulpitis.

  • Garlic.

There are many folk tips for home treatment of caries using garlic. It is recommended to apply it to the tooth, lean it against the cheek on the side of the diseased tooth, and soak the enamel with juice. And although garlic’s ability to destroy microbes is beyond doubt, it is powerless in the fight against tooth decay. At best, it will partially relieve pain, but it certainly will not help cure deep caries.

  • Onion peel.

To treat caries at home, it is suggested to prepare a decoction of onion peels, leave it for several hours and use it as a mouth rinse. The infusion has an antiseptic effect and slightly dulls the pain. There are dozens of other folk recipes that suggest rinsing your mouth, applying something to tooth enamel, or rubbing it into your gums.

  • Self-medication is dangerous and unprofitable

It is important to treat any folk remedies critically and remember that their use not only does not guarantee recovery, but can sometimes be dangerous. For example, tinctures for rinsing with alcohol cause damage to the mucous membrane, ulcers and tissue erosion.

You must understand that the development of caries in most cases can be stopped only by removing damaged tooth tissue and filling the cavity. No herbal infusion can cope with this task.

Trying to cure caries at home, a person triggers the pathological process to such an extent that serious complications can arise, and caries spreads to the soft tissues of the tooth. And then, in any case, it will not be possible to avoid visiting the dentist, only the treatment process will be longer, more painful and will require significant financial costs.

The importance of treating a carious tooth

Caries usually develops slowly. At the initial stage, it looks like a white spot, which can be gotten rid of in the most gentle way possible without preparing the carious cavity - using special gels and solutions. As the pathology progresses, the infection penetrates deeper and can cause inflammation of the neurovascular bundle. At this stage, you cannot do without drilling, cleaning and filling the cavity. If caries is not treated, the tooth may completely decay and will have to be removed.

In addition, the affected unit is a source of infection and can cause chronic diseases and destruction of adjacent teeth. When the chewing function of the unit is impaired, the patient gradually develops gastrointestinal diseases. And, of course, a tooth damaged by caries looks unaesthetic.

Remember: the longer you delay visiting a doctor, the more the tooth will decay, and the more expensive its treatment will be. So, at the slightest suspicion of a problem, it is better to consult a dentist.

The influence of dietary habits on caries

The destruction of the enamel structure is facilitated by the acid secreted by bacteria. It is formed in large quantities when consuming carbohydrate foods. Therefore, to prevent caries, it is necessary to limit the consumption of sweets and sugar, and after eating sweet foods, be sure to rinse your mouth.

Caries develops faster when the enamel becomes thinner. In order for teeth to be strong and less susceptible to decay, the body must receive sufficient amounts of vitamins and microelements. They can be taken as a multivitamin as prescribed by your doctor, but it is best to take them through food. To do this, the diet must be varied and balanced, it must contain dairy products, fish, cheese, and fresh herbs.

It is useful to eat solid vegetables and fruits (carrots, apples). They mechanically clean the enamel from plaque and stimulate blood flow in the gums. Avoid eating foods and drinks that are too hot or too cold. Due to temperature changes, microscopic cracks form on the enamel, which contributes to the development of caries.

Milk caries: initial, superficial, medium, deep

Doctors distinguish 4 stages of the formation of carious areas:

  • Initial caries - tooth enamel becomes covered with small spots of white or yellowish tint.
  • Superficial caries - the enamel begins to deteriorate, small and light cavities are observed.
  • Medium – the layer of tooth enamel is destroyed, the affected area extends deeper.
  • Deep - the layers of dentin have already been affected, and the pulp is under threat.

It is necessary to treat milk caries at the very first stage, although it does not cause any discomfort in the child. The fact is that the enamel and crowns of temporary teeth are subject to rapid destruction, and the development of caries occurs very quickly. Deep caries often provokes irreversible changes, which leads to premature removal of the baby tooth.

Rodikova Tatyana

“Medium and deep caries most often occurs in schoolchildren, almost teenagers. Children brush their teeth poorly, and they talk about problems only when caries has already affected the pulp. In this case, the treatment turns out to be more unpleasant, since removal of the pulp cannot be avoided. That’s why I always ask parents to carefully monitor their teenagers’ hygiene and bring them to appointments on time.”

Good immunity reduces the risk of developing caries

The bacteria that cause tooth decay are part of the normal microflora of the oral cavity. But with weakened immunity and other accompanying factors, they can cause caries. At home, everyone can prevent this dental disease by strengthening the immune system. This is facilitated by hardening, reducing stress levels, quality sleep at night, proper nutrition, giving up bad habits, and maintaining a normal weight.

The fewer factors that weaken the immune system, the lower the risk of dental caries.

Causes of the disease

Before you learn how to stop dental caries, it is worth understanding the reasons for its spread. The main factors include:

  • Insufficient oral hygiene, improper brushing of teeth.
  • Increased sensitivity of enamel to acids.
  • The volume of saliva secretion (if there is insufficient saliva secretion, plaque will accumulate faster).
  • Dental crowding.
  • Presence of foods high in sugar in the diet.

How to brush your teeth and how to rinse your mouth to prevent caries

Everyone can take care of their dental and oral health without leaving home. To do this, you must follow the rules of hygiene:

  • Brush your teeth twice a day using the correct technique for at least two to three minutes.
  • Use fluoride toothpaste (if recommended by your dentist).
  • After brushing your teeth, be sure to use dental floss to remove food debris and plaque from the interdental spaces.
  • Using an irrigator helps to achieve the maximum degree of cleanliness. This device creates a powerful stream of water that removes dirt from areas of the mouth where a toothbrush cannot reach.
  • It is important to brush not only your teeth, but your tongue and the inside of your cheeks. Plaque also accumulates on them and bacteria that cause caries multiply.
  • Use special rinses after cleaning. They have an antimicrobial effect, preventing the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms in the oral cavity.

Don't forget about professional hygiene

No matter how carefully you take care of your oral cavity at home, you need to undergo a professional cleaning procedure at the dentist twice a year. In a clinical setting, you can effectively remove complex dental deposits and restore the normal mineral balance of tooth enamel. If you wear braces, professional cleaning should be done at least three times a year.

Professional oral hygiene and further care at home along with other caries prevention measures will help to reliably protect tooth enamel from destruction.

Online consultation with a doctor

If you are concerned about the condition of your teeth and symptoms such as: bad breath, constant pain or pain that occurs periodically, sharp, dull, when biting. If the sensitivity of the enamel to the difference in temperature of food and drink has increased: cold, hot, sour, sweet. Spots appeared on the tooth, the enamel changed color globally. It is best to undergo an examination and consultation with a dentist. Because these may not just be symptoms of progressive, deep caries, but also their complications. If you start the disease, you will have to undergo more expensive treatment in the future:

  • depulpation;
  • treatment of periodontitis;
  • removal of a cyst on the root of a tooth;
  • restoration of the coronal part;
  • removal of a tooth;
  • implantation;
  • prosthetics.

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