Instant teeth whitening with Dental Paint varnish. Know-how or another scam?


Whitening teeth in a dental clinic is a very expensive procedure, and home whitening methods often involve the use of aggressive substances.

Now a new method of lightening enamel has appeared that does not damage the surface of crowns and is affordable - dental varnish.

What it is?

The main role of whitening varnish is to temporarily mask the pigmented surface of the crowns.

Many people compare the functions of this product with foundation. It is also applied to the enamel, covering it with a glossy layer, the color of which is several times whiter than the crowns.

Unlike other lightening agents, varnish allows you to even out the color even in filled teeth. The product is easy to use and does not require special preparation of crowns.

The main components in them are :

  • protective film-forming agent;
  • titanium dioxide , which performs a coloring function;
  • mineral and fluoride additives , such as hydroxyapatite and fluorides.

The use of varnish is recommended to strengthen the enamel in case of poor quality, pigmentation and uneven surfaces (cracks, small chips).

It is common to use the product for photo and video filming or important life events, since the corrector makes it possible to obtain instant results.

Manufacturers often guarantee that the layer will remain intact for 12-24 hours, but often its integrity is compromised within 4 hours of application.

Types of varnish

When talking about dental varnish , we mean three types of products, the effects of which have some differences:

  • Varnish. In this case, we mean a drug aimed at recreating the white tone of teeth by remineralizing the enamel. In appearance, it is a colorless liquid with a consistency similar to a gel. Its main component is sodium fluoride.

There are two types of remineralizing varnish: immediate and gradual. The liquid for immediate effect is used only by the dentist. One application is enough to whiten the enamel by a couple of tones. At home they use gradual release varnish. After application, it creates a special film on the surface of the tooth. Under the influence of saliva, fluoride is gradually released from it and restores the upper dental layer. To get the result, you will have to apply the varnish several times with an interval of two weeks.

  • Enamel whitens teeth by at least three shades in a couple of minutes. This is a white paint consisting of harmless pigments. It is intended only to temporarily hide imperfections and pigmentation of the surface of the teeth. The main advantage of enamel is that it changes the color of the sealed area, which is not possible when using varnish. The drug is highly stable and can last up to 24 hours with the least mechanical effect when eaten.
  • Corrector. Its parameters are similar to enamel. Designed to instantly correct the tone of teeth and disguise imperfections. The difference between it and enamel lies in the service life. Most often, a proofreader is used for short photo shoots, video recordings or performances. When mechanically applied, its layer is immediately removed.

Advantages and disadvantages

However, varnishes for instantly brightening crowns are popular.

This is due to a wide range of advantages :

  • the product allows you to make your teeth not just lighter than they are, but to give them the snow-whiteness of a “Hollywood” smile;
  • in 5 minutes you can whiten crowns by 10 shades or more;
  • varnishes are absolutely safe for dental and periodontal tissue;
  • most correctors from different manufacturers contain remineralizing additives, which additionally allows for permanent whitening;
  • The cost of this method is significantly lower than other whitening methods.

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In the following article you will find a recipe for teeth whitening with activated carbon.

Here we have collected reviews about the President whitening toothpaste.

The disadvantage of these products is the low strength of the resulting layer. When eating solid food or other strong mechanical stress, the layer is easily removed.

Most often, users are confused by the fact that some types of varnishes are difficult to apply exactly the first time. Without some experience, the layer turns out to be uneven and you have to spend a lot of preparation and time.

Fluoride varnish

The composition of the varnish, which protects tooth enamel and prevents calcium leaching, includes:

  • sodium fluoride;
  • shellac;
  • fir balsam;
  • chloroform;
  • ethyl alcohol, etc.

All these substances act in synergy - they provide high-quality disinfection of the treated surface and effectively strengthen it. When enamel comes into contact with sodium fluoride, a hard protective layer is formed. It is thanks to him that the unit ceases to be overly sensitive to salty, spicy and sour foods, and temperature changes.

The mixture has a positive effect on the condition of the gums. After its use, soft tissues become less inflamed and bleed less.

Indications and contraindications

Recently, dental varnishes have become in demand.

Their use is considered appropriate for the following indications :

  • the presence of carious lesions at the spot stage;
  • enamel hypersensitivity;
  • surface microdefects;
  • high permeability (thinning) of enamel;
  • pigmentation of crowns as a result of consuming coloring products, bad habits, or after taking certain medications;
  • fluorosis;
  • pulp diseases.

The use of varnish allows you to temporarily solve the problem of color mismatch between fillings and the main surface of the tooth.

The use of correctors is not always possible. contraindications for this :

  • age up to 19 years;
  • intolerance to components;
  • allergic manifestations;
  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • for some types of varnishes – high sensitivity of enamel;
  • severe damage to crowns: carious cavities, large chips;
  • pathology of periodontal tissue;
  • advanced dental diseases;
  • dental injuries.

Why use a fluoride-based protectant?

Fluoridation is prescribed to young children to avoid tooth decay. After all, it is very important to keep the milk units healthy until they are replaced. How many years the molars will last largely depends on their condition.

Other indications for enamel coating include:

  • Restoration of the natural mineral structure of hard tissues. Fluorine is able to “pull” the necessary minerals from saliva, due to which an active saturation reaction occurs.
  • Prevention of premature crown wear. If the tooth is healthy, the problem of abrasion will not arise, so you need to monitor the condition of its tissues.
  • High sensitivity. It can be hereditary or provoked by rough mechanical influences performed by dental procedures (for example, whitening).
  • Wedge-shaped defect. With this diagnosis, tissue is destroyed in the cervical area. Moreover, the destructive process is in no way related to caries.

It is advisable to cover your teeth with a protective coating after professional ultrasonic cleaning. In general, this procedure will be useful to almost all patients of the dental clinic (with the exception of those who have contraindications to its implementation).

How to apply?

Despite the wide range of such products, they all have one thing in common - the method of application .

It is best to start applying the product by first installing the retractor, after which the following steps should be taken:

  • Before application, it is necessary to prepare the crowns by thoroughly cleaning them with a brush and paste to remove plaque.
  • After this procedure, you should thoroughly dry the surface of the teeth , otherwise the paint will not adhere well. You can use paper or cloth napkins for this.
  • The product must be shaken vigorously and applied to the crowns . The principle of coating in this case is not much different from applying decorative varnish to nails. The movements go from the gum line to the cutting edge.
  • After application, you need to wait for the varnish to dry completely . On average, this period lasts 2-5 minutes. Do not close your mouth until the varnish is completely dry.

To maintain the effect for the stated 12 hours, it is not recommended to eat solid food or brush your teeth during this time.

Stages of fluoridation

Deep fluoridation of tooth enamel is carried out in several stages:

  1. Cleaning teeth and interdental spaces from plaque;
  2. Drying teeth;
  3. Application of medicinal composition No. 1 (calcium and magnesium fluoride) to the enamel surface;
  4. Application of preparation No. 2 (calcium hydroxide);
  5. Removing drug residues.

You can eat food immediately after the procedure. To consolidate the result in the first hours, it is recommended to avoid too hard and hot foods. Deep fluoridation is carried out without pain and is safe for children.

What's on sale?

The range of varnishes is distinguished by a wide range. Among them, each user can find products that suit exactly his requirements. Let's look at some of the most popular options at the moment.

Dental Paint

This product is designed to lighten your skin by 15 shades in just a couple of minutes. With daily use, the bottle is enough for at least 40 applications.

The varnish contains an antibacterial and remineralizing complex , which, with regular use, allows you to lighten the inner layers of enamel by 2-3 tones.

The coloring composition used is food pigment and an alcohol-based solvent.

This drug is recommended for use by people with highly sensitive teeth.

Its cost on average is 2000 rubles.

White Enamel

A Russian-made corrector containing a combination of mineral and antibacterial components. Can be used for both temporary and permanent lightening.

As a result of regular use, the upper layers of the tooth acquire a shade 4 times lighter than the original one . When applied, the color of the crowns becomes 6 shades whiter. A 6 ml bottle is enough for daily use for 1.5 months.

The disadvantage of White Enamel is the low strength of the resulting layer, which can be damaged even when eating soft food. The price of this type of varnish is 2300 rubles .


The drug is based on a natural film former, which creates a very dense layer of substance that is difficult to damage . In addition, it includes aseptic components that prevent the development of dental diseases.

With this varnish you can whiten crowns by 10 shades. The drying time of the drug is 5 minutes. A small 3 ml bottle is enough for 20 coloring procedures, which is a disadvantage of this product.

The cost of Colordent varnish starts from 1,500 rubles.

Color professional

Just like previous products, this varnish has remineralizing and antibacterial properties. Color professional is recommended for use in cases of “tetracycline” teeth, fluorosis and high enamel sensitivity .

The manufacturer guarantees instant lightening, which takes only 2 minutes. As a result of use, teeth become 10 shades whiter.

The product is designed for 40 applications and, with constant application, allows you to obtain a permanent whitening effect of up to 6 tones.

The cost of varnish ranges from 2000 rubles.

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At we have posted a review of Rox whitening toothpaste.

Liquid porcelain

This type of varnish has a dense consistency, allowing you to create a layer that is well preserved throughout the day . Whitening with it helps to get a shade 10 times whiter than the original one. The layer dries in 3-5 minutes.

A volume of 8 ml is enough for use for 1.5 months. Liquid porcelain has the most affordable price, equal to 650 rubles . But, unfortunately, it is not always possible to find it on pharmacy shelves. In addition, the drug looks unnaturally white on the teeth.

Celebrity white flash

The product from an American company is available in the form of a 3 ml pen bottle, which is enough for only 15 sessions. It is recommended to be used to prolong the effect after professional whitening in a clinic , since it contains a complex of minerals.

Application allows you to whiten crowns by 5 tones or more. Unlike previous types, this varnish has a long drying period: from 5 to 10 minutes. The product is odorless and easy to apply.

The cost of Celebrity white flash is 500 rubles.

Pearl Drops Transform Now…Smile

This corrective drug is placed in a tube that resembles lip gloss. Its characteristic feature is a pleasant aroma that relieves bad breath .

The product is characterized by increased resistance to mechanical damage and allows you to achieve whitening of 5 tones. A 5 ml tube is designed for 3 months of use.

Minimum consumption is achieved due to the liquid consistency of the correction substance.

The product can be purchased at a price of 700 rubles.


A German product, which is classified as a professional cosmetic, used for makeup on actors, for example, to create the effect of a missing tooth.

The corrector is available in several colors at once:

  • white;
  • Ivory;
  • nicotine (brown);
  • red;
  • black.

The bottle has a volume of 12 ml. The peculiarity of the corrector is that it cannot be used every day and it is contraindicated to eat any food with it . The varnish completely lacks remineralizing and aseptic effect.

Kryolan price – 700 rubles.

Tips for strengthening enamel

Taking care of your teeth should include proper nutrition. Without it, preventative medical procedures will be of little benefit. A complete menu to strengthen teeth enamel should include the following foods:

  • dairy products: they all contain phosphorus and calcium;
  • hard root vegetables - carrots, radishes, apples, cabbage: chewing activates the secretion of saliva, which cleans the crown of the teeth;
  • parsley: essential oils of this plant suppress the activity of microorganisms, which affects the cleanliness and safety of teeth and the strength of their coating;
  • green tea: tea leaves contain fluoride in their structure, which prevents the formation of plaque and the accumulation of bacteria on the teeth;
  • chicken eggs and seafood: they contain iodine, which helps strengthen the enamel.

It is necessary to take care of strengthening teeth from the appearance of the first primary incisor. Those parents who consider their baby’s baby teeth to be temporary and unimportant are deeply mistaken. It is the health of baby teeth that determines the health of future molars.

After six years, a child definitely needs to prevent caries using the drug Fluorlak Omega and other gels/solutions for teeth. Treatment must be prevented by preventing diseases, then dental health will be strong and the enamel will be strong.

Sources used:

  • Groshikov M.I. “Non-carious lesions of tooth tissue.” - M.: Medicine, 1985.
  • Preventive dentistry / I.K. Lutskaya. - Moscow
  • “Pediatric therapeutic dentistry. National leadership" (Leontyev V.K.)
  • The European Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (USA)


Reviews about the use of varnish are contradictory. Some are satisfied with the resulting effect, while others note a lot of shortcomings. Particular attention is paid to the difficulties of self-application and the unnaturalness of the resulting layer.

If you have experience using dental varnish, you can share your opinion by leaving a review in the comments to this article.

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Why do teeth darken?

The most common cause of darkening of teeth is thinning of the enamel. This occurs due to loss of minerals. Often, tooth enamel darkens and turns yellow with age; this is observed even with the most careful oral care. In these cases, dentists recommend using teeth whitening paints.

There are other reasons for darkening of the enamel:

  • caries;
  • pulpitis;
  • poor-quality installation of fillings;
  • taking tetracycline-based medications;
  • deficiency or excess of fluoride.

If measures to strengthen teeth are not taken in a timely manner, then over time cracks may appear in the enamel, and then caries.

Celebrity White Flash

This white tooth paint works great to brighten enamel. At the same time, it has a pronounced therapeutic effect - it strengthens dental tissue and preserves minerals. It can be used to prolong the effect of professional whitening.

The cost of paint is about 500 rubles. It is packaged in a pen-shaped bottle. It is important to remember that this product takes a long time to dry. After applying it, you must refrain from eating and drinking for 1 hour.

Side effects

According to reviews, Fluoride lacquer is well tolerated by patients. Sometimes allergic reactions are possible.

Tooth enamel is the hardest and strongest element of the human body. It contains inorganic substances that protect the inside of the tooth. Every day, people expose their enamel to many dangers: hot, sour, extremely cold foods, various injuries, poor hygiene, and much more. As a result, the enamel begins to deteriorate and caries develops.

One of the effective methods of protection today is fluorine varnish coating. This is a special medicine that makes it strong, thanks to natural fluoride. How does the coating procedure occur, and in what cases should it be done?

Dentists' opinion

Modern dental clinics offer the service of coating tooth enamel with fluoride-containing paint. This is done to protect the teeth and prevent tooth decay. Repeat the procedure once a year.

Doctors recommend using whitening paints only in isolated cases. Fluoride should not be used too often, as this can lead to the destruction of the enamel due to its excessive saturation with this mineral.

A person should decide individually with their dentist whether to use a fluoride product and how often to use it. You cannot use paints and enamels irresponsibly - this can have a negative impact on your health.

White Enamel

This white tooth paint lightens the enamel by 4-5 shades. It is used for minor darkening. The product effectively protects teeth and reduces their sensitivity to cold and hot food. The paint does not contain acids and has antiseptic properties.

The price of the drug is about 2,400 rubles, the bottle lasts for 1.5-2 months. However, such paint often wears off when eating solid food. In addition, this product is quite difficult to apply on your own, since it does not always lie evenly on the teeth.


Paints of various shades are produced under the Kryolan brand. They are used to a greater extent to achieve a cosmetic effect. The drug does not have a significant therapeutic effect, since it does not contain antiseptics and is not able to preserve minerals.

The cost of enamel is about 680 rubles. The volume of the bottle is quite large - 12 ml. However, this paint cannot be used every day. It interacts with carbonated drinks and food. Therefore, enamel can only be applied for a few hours. Then it must be removed with a toothbrush.

When is this remedy needed?

Now we need to consider the question of what dental varnish is used for. Fluoride varnish can be used by everyone without exception, even when there are no prerequisites for caries. This is necessary to prevent its occurrence.

The application procedure is necessary in the following cases:

  • preventing the occurrence of dental diseases in children and adolescents living in places where there is insufficient fluoride in the water;
  • sensitivity of teeth to external factors;
  • in the event that there are defects in the teeth that appear as a result of the harmful effects of bacteria. The tool will help eliminate this problem;
  • consequence of mechanical impact;
  • after a negative result of ultrasonic teeth cleaning;
  • non-carious lesion of enamel;
  • before prosthetics, during grinding of teeth.

It is allowed to apply and coat teeth with fluoride varnish as a preventative measure for children over 6 years of age, because it has no contraindications. Sometimes, when necessary, it is used for younger children.

Contraindications include individual intolerance to the drug and endemic fluorosis. Also, fluoride varnish can cause a burning sensation if it gets into the oral cavity on the mucous membrane.

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