Dental varnish: how does it work, who is it suitable for?


Whitening teeth in a dental clinic is a very expensive procedure, and home whitening methods often involve the use of aggressive substances.

Now a new method of lightening enamel has appeared that does not damage the surface of crowns and is affordable - dental varnish.

What it is?

The main role of whitening varnish is to temporarily mask the pigmented surface of the crowns.

Many people compare the functions of this product with foundation. It is also applied to the enamel, covering it with a glossy layer, the color of which is several times whiter than the crowns.

Unlike other lightening agents, varnish allows you to even out the color even in filled teeth. The product is easy to use and does not require special preparation of crowns.

The main components in them are :

  • protective film-forming agent;
  • titanium dioxide , which performs a coloring function;
  • mineral and fluoride additives , such as hydroxyapatite and fluorides.

The use of varnish is recommended to strengthen the enamel in case of poor quality, pigmentation and uneven surfaces (cracks, small chips).

It is common to use the product for photo and video filming or important life events, since the corrector makes it possible to obtain instant results.

Manufacturers often guarantee that the layer will remain intact for 12-24 hours, but often its integrity is compromised within 4 hours of application.

Advantages and disadvantages

However, varnishes for instantly brightening crowns are popular.

This is due to a wide range of advantages :

  • the product allows you to make your teeth not just lighter than they are, but to give them the snow-whiteness of a “Hollywood” smile;
  • in 5 minutes you can whiten crowns by 10 shades or more;
  • varnishes are absolutely safe for dental and periodontal tissue;
  • most correctors from different manufacturers contain remineralizing additives, which additionally allows for permanent whitening;
  • The cost of this method is significantly lower than other whitening methods.

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Here we have collected reviews about the President whitening toothpaste.

The disadvantage of these products is the low strength of the resulting layer. When eating solid food or other strong mechanical stress, the layer is easily removed.

Most often, users are confused by the fact that some types of varnishes are difficult to apply exactly the first time. Without some experience, the layer turns out to be uneven and you have to spend a lot of preparation and time.

Types of teeth whitening in dentistry

Professional teeth whitening involves performing procedures in a dental office and under the direct supervision of a specialist. In this case, mechanical or chemical effects may be exerted on the tooth enamel. The effectiveness of the latter can be enhanced by the penetrating ability of ultrasound, laser or light, which act as an activator and conductor for the reagent that penetrates deep into the enamel.

Today there are a number of popular whitening methods, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. Their descriptions will help you give preference to one or another procedure.

Indications and contraindications

Recently, dental varnishes have become in demand.

Their use is considered appropriate for the following indications :

  • the presence of carious lesions at the spot stage;
  • enamel hypersensitivity;
  • surface microdefects;
  • high permeability (thinning) of enamel;
  • pigmentation of crowns as a result of consuming coloring products, bad habits, or after taking certain medications;
  • fluorosis;
  • pulp diseases.

The use of varnish allows you to temporarily solve the problem of color mismatch between fillings and the main surface of the tooth.

The use of correctors is not always possible. contraindications for this :

  • age up to 19 years;
  • intolerance to components;
  • allergic manifestations;
  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • for some types of varnishes – high sensitivity of enamel;
  • severe damage to crowns: carious cavities, large chips;
  • pathology of periodontal tissue;
  • advanced dental diseases;
  • dental injuries.

Thinning and darkening of enamel

A dazzling smile is the dream of every person, so daily oral care is a procedure familiar from childhood.
But often, despite all preventive measures, the loss of minerals that make up the crystal lattice of the enamel occurs, and its thinning begins.

If the mineral layer is not restored in time, the teeth will become more sensitive to temperature changes, microcracks will appear, and then caries.

Darkening is also associated with thinning enamel, but there are many other reasons:

  • caries;
  • taking tetracycline-based antibiotics;
  • lack or excess of fluoride in the body;
  • violation of technology when installing seals;
  • diseases of the dental pulp.

How to apply?

Despite the wide range of such products, they all have one thing in common - the method of application .

It is best to start applying the product by first installing the retractor, after which the following steps should be taken:

  • Before application, it is necessary to prepare the crowns by thoroughly cleaning them with a brush and paste to remove plaque.
  • After this procedure, you should thoroughly dry the surface of the teeth , otherwise the paint will not adhere well. You can use paper or cloth napkins for this.
  • The product must be shaken vigorously and applied to the crowns . The principle of coating in this case is not much different from applying decorative varnish to nails. The movements go from the gum line to the cutting edge.
  • After application, you need to wait for the varnish to dry completely . On average, this period lasts 2-5 minutes. Do not close your mouth until the varnish is completely dry.

To maintain the effect for the stated 12 hours, it is not recommended to eat solid food or brush your teeth during this time.

What's on sale?

The range of varnishes is distinguished by a wide range. Among them, each user can find products that suit exactly his requirements. Let's look at some of the most popular options at the moment.

Dental Paint

This product is designed to lighten your skin by 15 shades in just a couple of minutes. With daily use, the bottle is enough for at least 40 applications.

The varnish contains an antibacterial and remineralizing complex , which, with regular use, allows you to lighten the inner layers of enamel by 2-3 tones.

The coloring composition used is food pigment and an alcohol-based solvent.

This drug is recommended for use by people with highly sensitive teeth.

Its cost on average is 2000 rubles.

White Enamel

A Russian-made corrector containing a combination of mineral and antibacterial components. Can be used for both temporary and permanent lightening.

As a result of regular use, the upper layers of the tooth acquire a shade 4 times lighter than the original one . When applied, the color of the crowns becomes 6 shades whiter. A 6 ml bottle is enough for daily use for 1.5 months.

The disadvantage of White Enamel is the low strength of the resulting layer, which can be damaged even when eating soft food. The price of this type of varnish is 2300 rubles .


The drug is based on a natural film former, which creates a very dense layer of substance that is difficult to damage . In addition, it includes aseptic components that prevent the development of dental diseases.

With this varnish you can whiten crowns by 10 shades. The drying time of the drug is 5 minutes. A small 3 ml bottle is enough for 20 coloring procedures, which is a disadvantage of this product.

The cost of Colordent varnish starts from 1,500 rubles.

Color professional

Just like previous products, this varnish has remineralizing and antibacterial properties. Color professional is recommended for use in cases of “tetracycline” teeth, fluorosis and high enamel sensitivity .

The manufacturer guarantees instant lightening, which takes only 2 minutes. As a result of use, teeth become 10 shades whiter.

The product is designed for 40 applications and, with constant application, allows you to obtain a permanent whitening effect of up to 6 tones.

The cost of varnish ranges from 2000 rubles.

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At we have posted a review of Rox whitening toothpaste.

Liquid porcelain

This type of varnish has a dense consistency, allowing you to create a layer that is well preserved throughout the day . Whitening with it helps to get a shade 10 times whiter than the original one. The layer dries in 3-5 minutes.

A volume of 8 ml is enough for use for 1.5 months. Liquid porcelain has the most affordable price, equal to 650 rubles . But, unfortunately, it is not always possible to find it on pharmacy shelves. In addition, the drug looks unnaturally white on the teeth.

Celebrity white flash

The product from an American company is available in the form of a 3 ml pen bottle, which is enough for only 15 sessions. It is recommended to be used to prolong the effect after professional whitening in a clinic , since it contains a complex of minerals.

Application allows you to whiten crowns by 5 tones or more. Unlike previous types, this varnish has a long drying period: from 5 to 10 minutes. The product is odorless and easy to apply.

The cost of Celebrity white flash is 500 rubles.

Pearl Drops Transform Now…Smile

This corrective drug is placed in a tube that resembles lip gloss. Its characteristic feature is a pleasant aroma that relieves bad breath .

The product is characterized by increased resistance to mechanical damage and allows you to achieve whitening of 5 tones. A 5 ml tube is designed for 3 months of use.

Minimum consumption is achieved due to the liquid consistency of the correction substance.

The product can be purchased at a price of 700 rubles.


A German product, which is classified as a professional cosmetic, used for makeup on actors, for example, to create the effect of a missing tooth.

The corrector is available in several colors at once:

  • white;
  • Ivory;
  • nicotine (brown);
  • red;
  • black.

The bottle has a volume of 12 ml. The peculiarity of the corrector is that it cannot be used every day and it is contraindicated to eat any food with it . The varnish completely lacks remineralizing and aseptic effect.

Kryolan price – 700 rubles.

Teeth varnish: use of whitening paints White Enamel, Color Dent, Dental Paint and other types

Darkening of enamel is not only an aesthetic problem. If the color of the teeth changes, it can be assumed that the oral cavity is in poor condition. Among the main causes of darkening:

  • abuse of foods and drinks containing dyes;
  • smoking;
  • poor oral hygiene;
  • infections;
  • taking medications;
  • age (over the years, the condition and color of teeth deteriorate).

Heredity also affects the shade of enamel. There is no need to think that gray teeth are an unsolvable problem. Modern dentistry offers a wide selection of products for coloring teeth in the desired tone. You should just consult your doctor about the rationality of their use.

What are instant dental varnishes?

Teeth coloring is carried out with special liquid varnishes designed to cover the enamel. They mask an unaesthetic gray or yellow tint and create an invisible protective film on the surface. Also, the glassy dental coating is saturated with useful compounds - mineral components.

Tooth varnish not only makes your smile snow-white and beautiful, it provides reliable prevention of caries and avoids the appearance of microcracks. They are easy to paint over gray areas. Painting the top layer of the crown allows you to instantly achieve the desired result.

What are they made of?

High-quality dental paint may contain:

  • sodium fluoride;
  • cedar or fir balsam;
  • shellac;
  • chloroform;
  • alcohol.

Liquid porcelain for processing and instantly brightening enamel prevents the formation of plaque and tartar. Due to this, bacteria do not multiply so actively in the oral cavity, and the healing of existing cracks and wounds is accelerated.

Types of Bleaching Liquids

There are different types of teeth whitening liquids. The most common:

  • Varnish. A transparent, thick liquid for coloring, resembling a gel in consistency. Usually contains sodium fluoride, remineralizes well. Varnishes come in instant and cumulative (gradual) action. In the first case, the effect is observed immediately after the procedure, that is, in one visit to the dentist it is possible to lighten your teeth by several tones. Gradual release varnishes work more slowly. They are allowed to be used independently at home.
  • Enamel (paint). Makes it possible to lighten teeth by about three shades in a couple of minutes. It is a white dental paint. It contains safe pigmenting substances. Enamel provides only a temporary effect; its use is indicated if it is necessary to improve the color of the filling. The white film lasts for about a day.
  • Corrector. Works similar to dental enamel. Instantly changes the color of the tooth and covers minor yellow (gray) defects. Compared to enamel, the corrector wears off faster - even minor mechanical impacts lead to its washing off and peeling off from the crown. It only lasts for two to four hours, so it is advisable to apply it if you have an important event or photo shoot coming up.

Existing contraindications

Like any medicine, dental varnishes and enamels have their own contraindications. They should not be used:

  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • until the patient reaches 18 years of age;
  • with increased sensitivity of the body to compounds contained in the bleaching agent;
  • with acute periodontal disease, advanced caries;
  • missing part of a tooth.

A contraindication to the use of some whitening varnishes is increased tooth sensitivity. You need to read the instructions carefully.

Paint application instructions

All varnishes are applied the same way:

  1. First, you need to thoroughly clean your mouth using a toothbrush and toothpaste.
  2. Dry the surface of the teeth being treated so that the composition adheres to it better. Fabric or paper napkins are suitable for this purpose.
  3. Shake the bottle with varnish (enamel) vigorously. Dip the tip of the brush into it and carefully apply the substance in the direction from the gums to the cutting edge.
  4. Wait until the product is completely dry (keep your mouth open for two to five minutes).

Popular manufacturers

In order for a varnish or corrector to truly strengthen and brighten tooth enamel, it is important to choose it responsibly. Among the most popular drugs in this group, doctors call:

  • Dental Paint (Dental Paint). Whitens by ten to fifteen shades in a few minutes. Dental is a very strong product; it contains components that have a remineralizing and antibacterial effect (alcohol-based solvent, specific food pigment). Dental Paint lightens the inner layers of the tooth by three shades. It can only be used after consultation with a dentist.
  • White Enamel (White Enamel). Domestic correctors Enamel, consisting of mineral and antibacterial substances, can be used constantly or as needed. They make it possible to lighten teeth by four to six shades. The only negative is the low strength of the resulting coating (it wears off even when chewing soft food).
  • Celebrity White Flash. An American drug that comes in the form of an easy-to-use pen. The bottle is enough for fifteen uses. The varnish is rich in minerals, so it is optimal for use if teeth have recently been whitened using chemical methods. With its help you can make your smile five shades lighter.
  • Color Dent. Contains a natural film former that withstands mechanical stress well. Color Dent also contains antiseptic compounds that prevent the development of oral diseases. The varnish whitens teeth up to ten shades and dries in about five minutes.
  • Color Professional (Color Professional). Restores the composition of the upper layer of the tooth and destroys microbes that multiply in the oral cavity. Effective for fluorosis and increased sensitivity of enamel. Improvement in shade is observed just two to five minutes after application. As a result of the full course, the enamel is lightened by eight to ten tones.
  • Dental White Pro (Dental White Pro). Helps lighten black areas of the tooth.

Pros and cons of coloring

Whitening paints and varnishes significantly improve the condition of teeth and prevent the development of many dental ailments. This effect is possible because after their use a thin film is formed on the surface of the enamel. It makes it as smooth as possible and prevents bacteria and microbes from penetrating into the deep tissues of the tooth.

If you periodically treat dental units with varnish, they will become whiter, the risk of caries will decrease significantly, the microflora of the oral cavity will significantly improve, and the sensitivity of the enamel will decrease.

As for the shortcomings, there are few of them:

  • low strength of the resulting layer;
  • Difficulty with self-application;
  • existing contraindications.

Dentists' opinion

Modern dental clinics offer the service of coating tooth enamel with fluoride-based varnish. This is done to protect teeth and prevent caries. The procedure should be repeated once a year.

Doctors advise using varnishes for whitening only in isolated cases. Fluoride should not be applied too often, as this can result in the destruction of the enamel due to its oversaturation with this mineral.

A person should decide on an individual basis with their dentist whether to use a fluoride product and how often to do so. You cannot use varnishes and enamels irresponsibly - this can have a bad effect on your health.

Source: //


Reviews about the use of varnish are contradictory. Some are satisfied with the resulting effect, while others note a lot of shortcomings. Particular attention is paid to the difficulties of self-application and the unnaturalness of the resulting layer.

If you have experience using dental varnish, you can share your opinion by leaving a review in the comments to this article.

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