Reasons for the appearance of herpes on the face and other places. Symptoms, treatment

Causes of herpes on the face, treatment, prevention

They say about herpes: “small but vicious.”
After all, the size of the lesion is small, but subjectively it is very disturbing. Many of us have asked the question: “Which doctor should we contact to treat herpes on the lips in order to get rid of the disease once and for all?” – because this disease can recur more than once, appearing at the most inopportune moment. Herpes is a viral disease that manifests itself in small infiltrates that develop into vesicles (cavities with liquid). The symptoms of herpes simplex infection are too typical not to recognize the painful blisters that torment a person for several days. Theoretically, pathology can develop on any part of the skin of the human body. But most often the virus “loves” to infect:

  • the mucous membrane of the lips is the area most often “visited” by the pathogen;
  • the border of the mucous membrane of the lips and skin around the mouth;
  • conjunctiva;
  • cornea;
  • external genitalia (both men and women).

Unfortunately, injections or pills have not yet been invented to prevent herpes. Therefore, you should study the information about it well in order to successfully fight the disease at the first signs of manifestation, and, if possible, prevent it. You should especially be wary of herpes on the lips of women in early pregnancy. Its presence means that a viral agent has entered the body of the expectant mother, which can affect the intrauterine development of the fetus.

Types of herpes simplex virus and their features

If we talk about such a manifestation of herpes as a “cold” on the lips, then it is caused by the first two types of virus: HSV-1 and HSV-2. They are very contagious and contribute to the appearance of small bubbles - vesicles - on the mucous membranes. The favorite site of manifestation of HSV-1 is the oral cavity, and HSV-2 usually affects areas in the genital area.

Herpes disease does not always appear only on the lips or genitals. Other areas of the body may also be affected: fingertips, cornea, skin, internal organs and systems, even the spinal cord and brain.

Factors causing the disease

The herpes virus may be present in our body, but not manifest itself. The disease begins to develop under certain factors - the virus is activated. The reasons for the appearance of herpes on the face are the same as the reasons for the appearance of herpetic blisters on other areas of the skin:

  • hypothermia;
  • violation of work and rest schedules;
  • hypovitaminosis (regardless of the time of year);
  • fatigue;
  • chronic disorders of the immune system.

For relapses, it is also important that a periodically ill person does not attach importance to herpes and lets everything take its course, each time expecting that “it will go away on its own.”

You don't have to catch a cold

Once it appears in the body, herpes does not disappear. For most people, it sits quietly in the cells of the nervous system, exacerbating a couple of times a year, or even less often. Frequent relapses occur in only 10-20% of infected people. Each such case must be dealt with separately by an immunologist. After all, an infection can have a destructive effect on all systems of the body. There is also data on the oncogenic properties of herpes.

The virus is activated by any decrease in immunity, so “fevers” often occur against the background of flu and colds. However, the appearance of painful blisters on the lip is not a symptom of respiratory infections, but an independent pathology. And in the same way, herpes can worsen after a protracted serious illness or from stress, as a result of severe overheating, great fatigue, hypovitaminosis and other negative aspects.

Why is herpes in the ear dangerous? And how to distinguish pathology from habitual otitis Read more

Symptoms of herpes simplex infection

There are few signs of herpes, but they are all very characteristic. Therefore, difficulties in differential diagnosis almost never arise.

The main symptoms of infection with herpes simplex, which is the most common form of herpetic lesions, are as follows:

  • painful tissue swelling appears in the affected area;
  • after 1-2 days it transforms into a denser infiltrate;
  • the infiltrate turns into a bubble with liquid;
  • the blister bursts and a painful ulcer forms in its place;
  • the ulceration dries out and is covered with a new layer of epithelium - the wound heals.

The way lips look after herpes is the same as after any other skin disease: the swelling disappears, but the ulcer cannot heal for some time. It is covered with a yellowish film that constantly “peels off” from the wound surface, thereby exposing the wound and delaying the process of epithelial regeneration at the site of the lesion.

Diagnosis of the disease

Herpetic blisters look so characteristic that they cannot be confused with the morphological signs of other diseases - neither with an abscess, nor with specific ulcerations, nor with an allergic rash. In the vast majority of cases, the diagnosis is made on the basis of clinical manifestations.

A blood test for antibodies to the herpes simplex virus is an indirect method of identifying the pathogen in the body. It can be used if the body’s reactivity (the intensity of the response to external harmful agents) is low, and the infiltrate does not develop into characteristic blisters, which raises the question among clinicians: is it herpes?

Herpes simplex, which is manifested purely by a rash on the face, should be distinguished from herpes type 6, which is characterized not only by a rash, but also by a sharp increase in temperature.

How to get rid of constantly appearing herpes on the lips

Herpes is the competence of a dermatovenerologist. Only a qualified doctor can tell you how to treat different types of herpes, taking into account:

  • characteristics of the immune system of a particular person;
  • the degree of weakening of the body at the time of the disease;
  • tendency to relapse.

Medicines that are used for herpes on the lips:

  • antiviral drugs in the form of ointments and gels (acyclovir, herperax);
  • immunomodulators that increase the body's resistance (cycloferon, arbidol);
  • at the stage of herpetic ulcers - softening balms with Vaseline and allantoin.

Many people wonder how to quickly cure colds on the lips in adults in 1 day (based on analogies with the influenza virus, colds on the lips mean a herpetic rash). Answer: if the process has developed beyond the infiltration stage, no way. The vesicle must go the entire way from its appearance to self-opening, the formation of a wound surface and its healing, and this will take an average of 2-3-4 days. An ointment for colds on the lips that would speed up this process has not yet been invented.

But if you just feel characteristic pain and notice swelling, physiotherapy methods (UHF, microwave) can contribute to the reverse development of the infiltrate, and it does not transform into an ugly bubble that spoils the anatomical aesthetics.

Medicine for herpes on the lips of a child should be used strictly according to the doctor’s instructions - regardless of whether this concerns immunomodulators or antiviral drugs.

You can read more about what treatment methods are used for herpes on our clinic’s website


Treatment of fever on the lips is aimed at deactivating the virus. There are special drugs that remove pathogen DNA from skin cells. As a result of this therapy, the manifestations of the disease disappear.

At the first stage of the disease, when there are no blistering rashes yet, antiviral tablets are prescribed:

  • "Acyclovir";
  • "Gerpevir".

These medications need to be taken twice a day for about 3-4 days. In many cases, drug therapy can prevent the blisters from appearing. However, medications in tablet form are effective only in the first days of illness.

At the stage of the appearance of rashes and the formation of ulcers, it is necessary to use antiviral ointments for fever on the lips:

  • "Zovirax";
  • "Acyclovir";
  • "Fenistil Pentsivir";
  • "Gerpevir".

These products must be applied very carefully using a cotton swab. Do not smear the drug on the skin, as this will cause the rash to spread to healthy areas.

At the stage of healing and crust formation, you need to use emollient ointments and creams based on zinc.

In some patients, exacerbations of herpes occur very often, more than 5 times a year. How to treat fever on the lips in such difficult cases? For persistent relapses of infection, a long course of immunomodulators is prescribed:

  • "Viferona";
  • "Cycloferon";
  • "Kipferon";
  • "Ingarona";
  • "Amiksina".

These drugs stimulate the production of interferon in the body and help strengthen the immune system.

In severe cases, after relief of acute symptoms of the disease, the herpes vaccine “Vitagerpavak” is administered. It protects against relapse of the disease. After 6 months, the vaccine is repeated to consolidate the results. One of the indications for vaccination is frequent exacerbations of herpes (more than 4 times a year).


The secrets of prevention, how to get rid of constantly appearing herpes on the lips and reduce the possibility of its recurrence, are quite simple:

  • according to all the rules, cure fresh herpetic rashes using antiviral and drying ointments;
  • strengthen the immune system with the help of immunomodulators, vitamin therapy;
  • Do not touch shared utensils with your lips without treating them additionally.

If your partner has herpes, personal relationships also need to be adjusted to preventive measures - in other words, avoid kissing (not only on the affected lips, but also on intimate places where genital herpes can develop. Even if the herpes “only popped up” on the lips – it is possible that the pathogen may be on the mucous membrane of the genital organs, although their morphological changes have not yet been observed).

Knowing how the herpes virus type 6 is transmitted in children (and it is transmitted through breastfeeding and through saliva, most often from the mother), it can be prevented as follows:

  • if you suspect you have a disease, do not kiss your child;
  • do not give water to your child from your own mug;
  • stop breastfeeding;
  • Do not “clean” a baby’s dropped pacifier or pacifier in a quick way by sucking it in your mouth (an archaic method that, nevertheless, for some reason has taken root among mothers).

Related services: Consultation with a dermatologist Dermatovenereology


It’s better to pay enough attention to this problem and immediately think about what to do if you have herpes on your lip. The herpes virus itself does not pose very serious threats, but certain factors can cause serious complications.

The state of immunity and treatment play an important role in this. If the immune system is so weak that it does not show an independent reaction to the herpes virus, all hope remains for external treatment.

However, if you don’t do this and just start herpes, there can be dangerous consequences. This development often leads to damage to the nervous system, which in turn can cause encephalitis or meningitis.

At a minimum, therefore, it is important to find out in time how to properly treat herpes on the lips. Recent studies have shown that herpes is one of the causes of the so-called fatigue syndrome. It may be more serious - Alzheimer's disease also originates from a simple herpes virus.

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