Why pigment spots appear on the face: causes of pigmentation, types of pigmentation and treatment

How is it formed

Every person from birth has a genetically determined skin color - the so-called permanent pigment.
When exposed to external and internal factors, an additional one is produced, which can be either a temporary physiological phenomenon (natural tanning) or a pathological one, difficult to remove even with special lasers (lentigo, vitiligo, etc.). The formation mechanism itself occurs in the epidermal layer. Here are located keratinocytes - epidermal cells. Their life cycle is up to 60 days, so they are constantly updated. To protect young and vulnerable cellular structures from sun exposure, melanocytes exist. They belong to the nervous system and are called upon to produce melanin, which absorbs ultraviolet radiation.

If the body is healthy, there is no overdose of solar radiation, melanocytes will produce a sufficient amount of protection. However, if there are failures, the “protectors” begin to be distributed unevenly, which leads to the formation of hyperpigmented areas.

Causes of hyperpigmentation

An increase in melanin production can be associated both with physiological changes occurring in the body and as a result of pathologies. The most well-known factors influencing the occurrence of stains are:

  • endocrine diseases;
  • hormonal changes during pregnancy or menopause;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and adrenal glands;
  • metabolic disorder;
  • vitamin deficiency or hypervitaminosis;
  • helminthic infestations;
  • severe intoxication of the body;
  • trauma or inflammatory processes;
  • prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • taking medications - antibiotics of the tetracycline group, gentamicins, erythromycins, as well as some NSAIDs, salicylic acid, antidepressants, diuretics, sleeping pills and sedatives, antihistamines, St. John's wort extract, etc.;
  • heredity.

Changes can also appear due to prolonged stress. Since melanocytes belong to the nervous system, any fluctuations and unstable conditions lead to serious pigmentation disorders.

Localization of spots

They can have different sizes, both with clear contours and blurry ones, merge together or not grow at all. Depending on the differential diagnosis and the type of hypermelanosis, they can be located both in certain areas and without specific boundaries, covering absolutely any area of ​​the body.

On the face

One of the most common sites of localization of many hyperpigmentations. This is due to the fact that the skin here is thin enough so that negative factors can attack them faster. Among the common phenomena are freckles, which can decorate the face all year round and also appear and disappear after exposure to the sun. They are also localized over the entire surface or located pointwise in the area of ​​the cheeks, eyes, and forehead.

Anti-age drugs

Bb Laboratories – Delicate oil for deep cleansing

Laennec – solution for injection

Bb Laboratories – Two-phase serum concentrate

Two-phase placental serum concentrate

On the body

Namely on the arms, shoulders, chest, back, groin area. For each individual disease, there are areas where pigment accumulation is observed. For example, senile hyperpigmentation is typically located on the hands, forearms, and upper back.

Why does it appear in the summer?

A pigmented area is not always considered a pathology. If it appears in the summer and with the arrival of autumn it gradually becomes lighter and disappears, then a possible reason is the anatomical features of the face. There is no need to worry about stains, just be careful before going out into the sun.

Protect your face with sunscreens with SPF above 25 for city conditions and stronger barriers when traveling in hot countries. To prevent ultraviolet radiation from causing damage, apply the product 15-20 minutes before leaving the room.

Types and symptoms of age spots

Let's consider the most characteristic signs of hypermelanosis, as well as control methods that are relevant for each specific type of pathology.


The most common type of melanin accumulation. They are mainly located on the face, in the cheek area. In advanced cases, they can completely cover the entire surface of the skin with small distances between the spots. And also have a round or oval shape, small diameter, clear contours.

Genetic predisposition plays a major role, so freckles can appear in childhood. People with red and blond hair are most susceptible to them. This is due to the need for high melanin production to protect the skin.

Freckles can be easily distinguished from other types of spots by the complete disappearance of pigmentation in cold weather, and the appearance of a whole scattering on the face with the arrival of warmth. Therefore, to combat them, creams with maximum sun filters are used throughout the year, as well as lightening cosmetics.


Spots without clear boundaries and endings, varying in shade from bronze to dark brown. They have the ability to stretch, grow, and merge with each other into huge pigmented areas that occupy a large surface of the body. The main provoking factor is considered to be hormonal disorders caused by menopause, pregnancy, and the use of oral contraceptives. Treatments include peeling methods and procedures that promote cell renewal. When the root causes are eliminated, the stains quickly disappear.


The second name is melanosis. It can be acquired or hereditary, manifests itself in the form of an accumulation of melanin with uneven but clear boundaries and localization in open areas of the body. May occur as a result of Addison's disease, hemochromatosis, due to sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, anthracene or acridine substances, diseases of the pituitary gland, ovaries, adrenal glands, syphilis, tuberculosis, malaria, treatment with hormones. Pigmentation is accompanied by redness, itching, peeling, and roughening of the skin.

To prevent progress, sunscreens are used, drug therapy is prescribed with steroid groups, retinoids, hydroacids, and vitamins B (1.6) and C are additionally used.

Becker's nevus

A characteristic defect in men, it is much less common in women. The first manifestations can be as early as 10 years of age. It is a hyperpigmented area protruding above the surface of the skin, on which dark long hairs grow. It occurs both as a result of genetic factors and can appear after sun exposure, changes in hormonal levels, in particular androgens. The location most often is the upper back and chest; it is not often found on the legs, groin, or head. It has a warty surface on which acne or comedones can be seen. Does not respond well to any cosmetic procedures or medications. An argon laser is used to minimize the aesthetic defect.


Occurs at the site of mechanical damage. They can be either deep cuts, scratches, or acne, comedones, ulcers and other superficial causes that trigger the inflammatory process in the skin cells. There is an excess of melanin, resulting in staining. They are localized where the damage was and go away after the area returns to normal and the inflammation disappears. To speed up the lightening process, you can use special lightening creams or cosmetic procedures aimed at renewing the epidermal layer.


As we age, the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation lead to increased melanin production in certain areas of the body. These are usually open areas that have been exposed to a lot of sunlight during their lifetime. With age, spots appear with a diameter of 1 to 5 cm, which are darker in color than the entire surface of the skin.

Berlocc's dermatitis

Refers to contact types of immune response to irritants. Usually due to contact with perfumes, colognes, and deodorants. It is located where the skin came into contact with the substance. Symptoms may include not only a change in the color of the dermal layer, but also itching, peeling, and swelling. It disappears quickly, just stop using perfume and in a few days everything will return to normal.


Large spots can merge into one large skin defect. They do not have a clear contour or boundaries and can grow and increase in size throughout life. Among the provoking factors are pregnancy and lactation, menopause, changes in hormonal levels due to diseases, stress, taking oral contraceptives, steroids, the use of hormone-containing ointments and some cosmetics.

Review of real reviews on getting rid of pigmentation

In order not to be unfounded, we studied the reviews of women who underwent pigmentation treatment therapy. Here are some of them:

Violetta, St. Petersburg, 35 years old:

“I went to the south and returned with a gift - pigmentation near the mouth. I couldn’t fix it with sour cream at home. I went to the salon 3 times for laser treatment. Now everything is as before.”

Lera, Arkhangelsk, 32 years old:

“Every year, pigmentation appeared on my face by summer. Its appearance stopped after I started using creams with arbutin.”

Svetlana, Rostov-on-Don, 29 years old:

“I found a great way to get rid of pigment spots above the lips. As soon as darkening appears, I start rubbing it with frozen parsley infusion.”

For information on how to get rid of age spots, see the “Live Healthy” program:

What causes pigment spots to appear on the face after sunbathing?

Most manifestations of hyperpigmentation occur after the negative effects of ultraviolet rays. Among those that immediately appear are freckles, various melasma and chloasma. There are also those that have a cumulative effect, for example, lentigo.

Also, if during the summer vacation there were inflammatory processes in open areas of the body, most likely after they heal, a change in shade can be clearly observed.

Prolonged exposure to the hot sun with the presence of existing tumors and increased pigmentation can be fraught with the degeneration of harmless spots into aggressive cancer - melanoma. Therefore, you should limit your tanning time and use special cosmetics for protection.

Age spots and peeling

Melanin accumulation occurs in the upper layers of the epidermis. In order to remove unaesthetic problems, products that stimulate the renewal of the dermis are used. The most effective peelings are: chemical, mechanical, laser. They promote the regeneration of epidermal cells, forcing keratinocytes to produce new ones as quickly as possible, which will not have a large accumulation of coloring pigment. When eliminating the root causes of hyperpigmentation, there is a chance that you will forget about various spots for a long time.

Post-procedure care

Considering that eyebrow and lip tattoos are performed by piercing the skin with a needle and introducing a foreign coloring pigment, the top layer of skin becomes inflamed in the first days, turns red and secretes ichor. Therefore, for 7 days after the procedure, it is necessary to properly care for the area subjected to correction.

Care after eyebrow tattoo

After this procedure, experts recommend using any healing cream that does not contain alcohol to quickly heal wounds. This could be Rescuer ointment, Solcoseryl, Panthenol, Contractubex.

During the healing process you cannot:

  • rub inflamed areas;
  • peel off the crust;
  • go to the bathhouse, take a steam bath;
  • apply cosmetic compositions to the eyebrows;
  • pull out hairs;
  • wet and air the inflamed areas for the first 3 days until a crust appears;
  • drink alcohol (as it reduces immunity).

Causeless manifestations

It happens that people try to protect their skin, use special sunscreens, but hyperpigmented areas still appear. It's like it happens for no apparent reason. However, for melanocytes to malfunction, even a small but prolonged stress or temporary hormonal imbalance is enough.

It is also worth noting the cumulative negative effect of ultraviolet radiation, which can manifest itself over the years on areas of the body that received sunburn in early childhood. Therefore, only at first glance it seems that hypermelanosis arose without provoking factors. In fact, he has hidden reasons.

Preventive measures

As you know, prevention is always easier and cheaper than subsequent treatment. To avoid the appearance of pigmentation above the upper lip, it is recommended:

  • undergo regular preventive medical examinations;
  • if problems with hormonal levels are identified, it is necessary to be treated, following all the doctor’s instructions;
  • Carefully protect your skin from the sun; for this it is recommended to constantly use sunscreen. Sun protection is needed not only on vacation, but also in the city.

Liver pigment spots

Deterioration in the functionality of internal organs can also lead to the formation of aesthetic defects. The liver plays the role of a filter, retaining and processing all dangerous substances, and then removing them from the body. In cases where she fails to cope with her duties, slow but sure intoxication occurs, which is manifested not only by internal, but also by external pathologies.

Metabolic processes in tissues are disrupted, including the normal distribution of melanin; it accumulates in certain areas. Most often it appears on the face. The contours of such spots are not uniform, they do not have a clear boundary. The color can also vary from light to dark brown.

What is tattooing?

Tattooing refers to permanent makeup, which is applied according to a principle similar to a tattoo. But tattooing, unlike tattoos, disappears over time. This metamorphosis is explained by the fact that a dye is introduced under the human skin to a depth of no more than 1 mm. The most popular tattooing today is eyebrow tattooing, as well as lip tattooing. We will devote this article to their description.

What is lip tattoo

Lip tattooing involves changing the lip line by drawing it more clearly. Lip tattooing allows you not only to change the contour, but also to make it more correct. Permanent lip makeup allows you to give up the daily application of lipstick and pencil to your lips.

What is eyebrow tattooing

Eyebrow tattooing is a popular service among ladies, which allows you not only to add richness to your eyebrows, but also to change their shape. Eyebrow tattooing frees the fair sex from the daily task of drawing in eyebrows with a pencil.


The phenomenon is popularly known as “senile ripples.” Appears in older people in areas of the body that have been exposed to intense ultraviolet rays throughout their lives. The pigment usually appears on the arms from the hands to the top of the shoulders, upper back, décolleté, and face. It is distinguished by its small size, different diameters and chaotic arrangement of spots.

The first manifestations can be noticed after 40 years; they noticeably age the appearance, so many people at this stage turn to cosmetologists to eliminate the defect. During menopause, hormonal changes lead to an increase in the amount of pigment. Chemical, mechanical and laser peels are used for treatment. Cosmetics and whitening creams will not cope with the problem.

Aging lips

    What happens to lips as you age?

  • the corners are lowered
  • the contour is smoothed out
  • lip volume decreases
  • purse string wrinkles form
  • a “weathered” effect appears - dryness and more wrinkles
  • Initially thin lips hide with age so that you can’t find them

After beautification:

They become the same as before, there is no need to change the shape at all, you can simply restore the contour and add light volume

corners are raised - no more sadness

restored lip contour is the prevention of purse-string wrinkles, lipstick does not spread onto the skin along the creases

joy and desire to stick to every mirror - 100%

Attention! There will be additional expenses for new lipsticks

Cosmetologist's work with aging lips

  • After about 30 years, the quality of the skin begins to change, its middle layers lose collagen and elastin fibers, the skin becomes less elastic, its tone and moisture decrease. And of course, all these sad changes also apply to the red border of the lips. Closer to 40-45 years, or even earlier, all signs of lip fading appear fully.
  • The contour of the lips settles
  • “Cupid's Bow” and the columns of the philtrum also settle, and along with them and the contour, clarity and shape disappear. The older a person is, the more the lips change in shape from their original youthful state.
  • The clear bow of the lips becomes flat, the lips lose volume, seem to shrink and become covered with additional transverse folds.
  • Thin purse-string wrinkles, also called “barcode”, begin to dot the skin of the upper and sometimes lower lip, extend to the vermilion border itself, and the contour no longer holds them as before in youth. Lipstick and gloss spread along these small wrinkles, from the lips onto the white skin - this is a sign that you should think about rejuvenating this area.
  • The corners of the lips droop, creating a sad expression on the face
  • Losing volume, lips become flatter and thinner, sometimes previously invisible asymmetry becomes visible.


Restoration (with filler) based on hyaluronic acid of the lip contour, “Cupid’s bow” and columns of the filtrum, soft reversal of the corners of the lips, as well as the upper and lower lips to restore the original size and volume.

A cosmetologist has no right to make a mistake when choosing the volume of the drug, especially when the patient is over 45-50 years old. Aging lips do not forgive excess of the drug and ill-conceived injection technique, and unnaturalness and “puffiness” of the lips cheapen a woman’s appearance and create the impression of a desperate pursuit of youth.


“With the correct selection of the drug and high-quality procedure technique, the results of such corrections are simply amazing. This is one of the most rewarding procedures in terms of effectiveness. Lip beauty alone can take 5-7 years off your face, let alone complex facial corrections.

Solarium - is it harmful?

It is also a mistake to think that sun tanning is harmful, and nothing will happen in specialized salons in a few minutes. On the beach, the skin gets a lot of heat, but this happens gradually. In the booths, a loading dose of ultraviolet radiation is given in a few minutes, which is difficult to obtain outdoors even in a whole day.

People with a fair skin type, with the presence of moles and nevi, freckles, existing aesthetic defects in the form of increased melanin production, need to get rid of the habit of visiting a solarium. The consequences can be expressed both in the progression of unsightly changes in the epidermal layer, and in their degeneration into malignant neoplasms.

Types of tattooing

Since permanent makeup has become very popular today, many types of lip and eyebrow tattooing have appeared. Let's look at them below.

Types of permanent lip makeup

Permanent lip makeup is achieved today through the use of various techniques. This:

  • "Contouring" . In this case, the master applies pigment along the lip line. This method involves the artist using a tattoo machine and introducing a pigment that will match the natural color of the lips.
  • "Contour with shading" . This method involves performing the contour first, and then the shading procedure. As a result, you will be able to obtain a well-defined natural beauty of the lips.
  • "Easy watercolor" . This technique involves introducing soft pigment paints into the upper subcutaneous layer of the lips (to a depth of no more than 1 mm). Only after this is shading carried out.
  • 3D technique . First, the master and the client select a pigment shade that matches the color of the salon visitor’s lips. After local anesthesia, a special mineral-based dye is injected. The second stage is a new procedure that involves shading the paint over the entire surface.

Types of eyebrow tattoo

Eyebrow tattooing comes in different forms. The type of tattoo depends on the chosen technique. Today in demand:

  • the shot technique (also called the shading technique), the eyebrows end up looking like they have been tinted with shadow or shaded. This technique is suitable for those who do not want to radically change anything in their appearance. Shotting allows you to hide unevenness and neatly camouflage bald spots. The shot technique is also called the “ten-minute method.” Tattooing using this technique is done as follows: the artist visually divides the eyebrow into two equal parts, a bright dark pigment is injected subcutaneously into the center of the brow arch, gradually moving to each edge of the brow arch, the artist uses a coloring pigment of a lighter shade. This method allows your eyebrows to look beautiful and natural.
  • Drawing technique. Its essence is that the master draws on the hairs, which become very similar to natural ones. This hair technique is divided into the Eastern method and the European method. The European technique is simpler, as it involves drawing hairs of the same length, one after another. Eastern technique involves drawing hairs of different lengths and at different angles. This type of eyebrow tattoo allows the brow ridges to look as natural as possible.
  • 3D technology. This method involves a combination of shooting and the method of drawing hairs.


To accurately determine the type of hypermelanosis, as well as to identify effective means of control, you need to contact a dermatologist. At the initial visit, the doctor will collect the patient's medical history to determine the most likely internal and external factors that will indicate a certain type of disorder. He will examine the skin and also prescribe a number of tests:

  • AOK and OAM;
  • blood biochemistry;
  • Wood's lamp tests;
  • scraping;
  • biopsy.

If a malignant neoplasm or fungal infection is suspected, referrals will be given for the last two procedures on the list. As a result, the specialist will be able to accurately determine the type of illness and prescribe therapeutic or cosmetic procedures.

Anti-age drugs

Bb Laboratories – Hyaluron-elastin-collagen extract

Laennec – solution for injection

Curacen Essence (20 fl x 2 ml)

Two-phase placental serum concentrate

How to fight

Among the modern and effective methods of struggle, it is worth highlighting:

  • cosmetic preparations;
  • laser peeling;
  • phototherapy.

Depending on the variety, medications may be prescribed to address the underlying causes. However, to remove an aesthetic defect, it will be necessary to wait for the cell surface to renew itself, or to help it renew itself faster with the help of additional deep peeling and cosmetic photorejuvenation procedures.

Cosmetic preparations

Among the popular drugs that give noticeable results in the fight against hyperpigmentation are placental products with a high content of natural peptides, amino acids and hyaluronic acid, as well as vitamins, micro- and macroelements. Injection product Curacen (Curasen) and non-injection drug Curacen Essence (Curasen Essence) are the ideal choice of cosmetologists for triple action: brightening, moisturizing and eliminating wrinkles. You can also use specialized cosmetics from the Laennec Skincare brand - LNC. This line offers to transform the skin at the cellular level, eliminating and preventing hyperpigmentation.

Now you know about the main causes of pigmentation, as well as what causes the appearance of age spots on the face, and you can easily answer the question - what to do when pigments have already appeared. Dermatologists recommend not only limiting time spent on the beach and using sunscreen in summer, but also year-round use of skin protection from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation. It is this that becomes the main catalyst, and in combination with internal disorders of the body can lead to serious changes in the epidermal layer.

Do you need a tint?

Korean tint is not like the lipstick or gloss we are used to. The result of its use is similar to coloring the skin with beetroot or carrot juice - the pigment also naturally and firmly eats into the lips, giving them the desired shade. This means that the product is ideal for everyone who is a fan of natural and weightless makeup. It can be used as a stand-alone product or as an indestructible backing for lipstick, and can also be combined with other shades. Do you need it in your cosmetic bag? Definitely yes! Be sure to check out this new product, and I’m sure it will take its rightful place in your collection of must-have products!

With wishes of pleasant beauty finds (and more), Nastya Vorobyova. ;)

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