Splitting: why cut your tongue into two halves? pros and cons

The division of the tongue (snake, forked tongue) is called splitting (from the English split - “to separate”). This is an extreme type of body modification, which involves surgically dividing the organ into two parts along the midline, from tip to middle. The purpose of this procedure is self-expression, emphasizing one’s own individuality. Some people resort to this type of body fashion to match fashion and youth trends. Another meaning of splitting is to increase sensuality and expand opportunities in intimate relationships. Kissing and caresses with a forked tongue evoke more vivid sensual sensations in your partner. Most people who decide to split can control the two halves of the tongue separately using muscles.

Features and Precautions

Split tongue is a more complex type of body modification than puncture (piercing). It requires the participation of a qualified performer, preferably with medical, and even better, surgical education. It is not recommended to perform the manipulation at home or in “handicraft” conditions; this task should also not be entrusted to a first-year medical student. To avoid complications, sterile conditions, special drugs (anaesthetics, hemostatic agents) and professional surgical instruments are required. At home, these requirements are difficult to meet.

Before undergoing the splitting procedure, it is necessary to study the contraindications. They are as follows:

  • Allergy to anesthetics is very dangerous, because... During the operation, anaphylactic shock and Quincke's edema may develop (an increase in the volume of the larynx and, as a result, the inability to breathe);
  • problems with blood clotting, a tendency to bleed, taking anticoagulants (even simple aspirin) can lead to blood loss and require more complex manipulations;
  • high temperature, fever and other acute conditions are a general contraindication to any interventions, including surgical division of an organ;
  • Oncological diseases are also a general absolute contraindication.

Complications and health consequences should also be kept in mind. If the procedure is performed by an unqualified doctor, this can lead to unfavorable developments:

  • infection and tissue necrosis;
  • nerve damage.

While the infection is a reversible process that can be stopped with antibiotics, damage to the nerves responsible for sensation and movement is difficult to reverse. This will require more complex and expensive surgery, but a positive outcome is not guaranteed.

When the halves heal, the person still expects specific consequences:

  • poor diction (usually it becomes more difficult for a person to pronounce the sounds D, T, R and other fricatives);
  • increased hissing and whistling sounds;
  • spitting saliva while speaking.

If the procedure is performed professionally, then the taste of food does not change during bifurcation.

Forked tongue, split tongue, cutting tongue, snake tongue

“Cutting tongue”, “Forking tongue”, “Snake tongue”, etc. These are all names for cutting the tongue, the central splitting of the tongue. Simply put, the tongue is cut down the middle and then heals, leaving a forked tongue. In general, no changes occur to the tongue and no tissue is removed. The fibrous tissue divides in the middle, forming the two lateral halves of the tongue. When performed carefully and accurately, the operation is virtually harmless.

There is no quantitative benefit. In fact, it is difficult to identify an objective reason for this, but, realistically, we can say that this is due not only to the body fashion movement, to which the split tongue is directly related, but also to the personal views that the person has chosen for himself. At its core, forking the tongue is cool. It looks good. This creates a pleasant sensation in the mouth. It's fun when you twist both halves in different directions.

In the erotic arena, the benefits, along with practice, are obvious for both men and women. If you are "experienced", a forked tongue can make you better by giving you a good tool, but if you don't know why you are doing it, then a forked tongue will not guarantee that all your problems will be solved. A large number of people talk about the spiritual benefits of forking the tongue. It's very difficult to explain; – these are rather stories from the category “until you experience it yourself, you won’t understand.” Simply put, the tongue is one of the most mobile organs of the body. Humans have extraordinary coordination of the tongue, and we get tremendous benefit from it. When we change its structure and free ourselves from the physical boundary of your biological existence, because... in many people this locks in a lot of freedom on a spiritual level.

Of course, cutting the tongue, in some practices of “Kechari Mudra”, this is part of Hatha and Kumbhaka yoga (one of the stages of Yoga, approx. Transl.), where the tongue is cut until it becomes long enough to remove it back into the mouth and, throwing it back into the throat, close the throat to allow air to flow in (Refers to Breathing Practices, approx. Transl.). After this, it was used in breathing exercises in order to preserve the energy of the body and direct it inward, thus entering a state in which one can move back and forth through life and death (Apparently we are talking about the state of Somatha, the 8th stage of Yoga, the most complex, approx. Transl.).

Yogis who practice such rituals believe that this will allow them to connect with God (with the universal soul, also facilitated by the experience of hanging and other body ceremonies). Also, Kali (Vishvamata, as she is better known, approx. Transl.) and other characters of Indian mythology are depicted with cut tongues, as well as many characters (usually evil) of other religions. In Christianity, a forked tongue is usually attributed to Satan.

Nowadays, many of us in the Bod-Mod community have heard about it from each other, but there was no official information about tongue cutting until it was confirmed in mid-1997 by an article and photographs that featured an Italian man who had his tongue cut by his dentist. tongue, about Dustin (featuring Fakir Mustafa's Body Play Show) who cut her own tongue, about Tim Cridland (King of Torture) who also cut his own tongue, and about Eric Spark (Lizard Man) and me ( Shannon Laratt) had their tongues split with the help of a facial surgeon. After which this type of modification began to gain momentum like a snowball.

Doing the surgery yourself has some risk, which is why many people in this mainstream are afraid of it.

It is foolish to think that if the operation is performed by a doctor, then the risk is reduced to zero and the complexity that arises in a controlled medical environment can be easily resolved. Doctors should provide you with papers that explain secondary risks associated with anesthesia, etc. If the operation does not take place in a medical environment, the single greatest danger is blood loss. The tongue contains large blood vessels and without proper training and tools, a non-professional may lose control and cause blood loss. In such situations, immediate hospitalization is necessary! There is also a risk of damage to the tonsils and nerves in the tongue itself, although this is unlikely if the incision is not deep and is made in the center. You also need to be careful not to accidentally damage the tonsils or oral cavity. Infection and scarring are also possible but are extremely rare.

You have three ways to solve this problem: a surgeon, a person without medical education, and you yourself. In my opinion, visiting a surgeon is seen as your best choice, although if you have set yourself a goal of self-modification, you can do it yourself.

At the moment there are 3 methods: Bonding, Scalpeling and Laser. Tying is when the tongue is tied from the piercing channel to the tip with a tight loop of fishing line or thread, gradually reducing the distance over days or weeks. Scalpeling is based on cutting the tissue of the tongue with a scalpel, and later began to trim the halves to control bleeding and satisfy the cosmetic result. Laser bifurcation is used primarily in the medical environment, using a laser for a relatively bloodless operation.

A fishing line or thread is threaded through the central puncture of the tongue and tied tightly, while resting on the very tip of the tongue. The thread should be pulled as tight as possible so that the thread “cuts” into the tongue, gradually passing through it, leaving the tongue cut. In this case, it is necessary to constantly tighten the thread so that the tension of the thread does not fall as the tongue bifurcates. Most people who choose this method give up halfway through. This requires a high pain tolerance over a fairly long period of time. During the procedure, the tonsils typically become swollen, significantly impairing communication, speech, and ability to eat. Many, having given up this method, cut off the remaining part of the tongue.

Explained in a nutshell, the tongue is cut into two halves by a blade. This method is almost always accompanied by bleeding, which is difficult to control. Many practitioners use chemical or herbal methods to control bleeding, which also help with healing (for example, preparations containing extracts of arnica montana, drugs that increase blood clotting and lower blood pressure). Some use the “pinch and cut” technique, very similar to the home meatotomy technique, although this is definitely unusual. Using a long clamp, the area of ​​the tongue that will be cut is compressed to the thickness of a paper sheet and left in this state for 45 minutes. When the clamp is removed, the incision line becomes very thin, presumably in this case bleeding is either eliminated or minimized. (outdated and irrelevant method - ed.)

After applying anesthesia, using a laser, the practitioner will first create a guideline along the top and base of the tongue. The distance will then be slowly reduced through the tissue until the tongue is forked. In total, this procedure takes a maximum of 15 minutes. There is practically no bleeding observed. The only bleeding may be at the piercing site, because... the tissue is not burned there. But in general, in an amicable way, experts recommend making a large-diameter piercing before cutting. If the piercing is not done in advance, it is done before surgery using a #11 scalpel and after stretching, inserting a 2ga or 0ga piece of jewelry. Over the course of approximately a month, the piercing heals, thereby creating good conditions for the procedure; the healed canal provides a kind of basis for the formation of the halves of the tongue.

The fact is that with a normal cut, the tongue begins to grow together from the end of the cut. If before the procedure this place is already healed in advance, regenerative processes will not glue the halves together.

Simply, keep the cut open and it will heal open. Placing a hemostatic sponge into the incision greatly helps solve this problem. This should be done regularly - the tissues in the mouth heal much faster than you think. In addition to the fusion that will occur during the first initial healing period, there will be some fusion throughout the year, although this is minor. Many have noted that having a well-healed bore of a large piercing (usually 4ga – 0ga) acts as an anchor for the cut tongue, preventing it from healing. Since the piercing channel is surrounded by hard tissue, which by its nature will not simply grow together, a cut made to half of this channel will not heal on its own, so the fusion of the cut tongue is almost eliminated.

Usually, when cutting “from scratch,” the tongue fuses to half, and sometimes 2/3 of the previously made cut. This happens in about 2-3 months. Although cases of faster fusion or its absence cannot be ruled out. Therefore, as a rule, the tongue is cut again after a couple of months. After this, it grows together not so significantly.

Stitching or spot cautery is used to physically control bleeding. Their difference is in the cosmetic effect - when sheathed, the halves are rounded and look more natural, as well as in hygiene - when eating, fewer organic particles enter the sheathed tongue, which can begin to rot and decompose, causing complications during healing. Masters strongly recommend trimming the tongue when scalpeling.

It hurts. When sewing halves, the master must administer anesthesia to avoid anaphylactic shock: sewing is not a quick process, the client can easily lose consciousness from pain.

Usually in Russia local anesthesia is injected directly into the tongue. But if the master is trained in mandibular (conduction) anesthesia, it is better and safer to use it. (this type of anesthesia is used in dentistry, but it is many times more dangerous than local anesthesia, if performed illiterately. Unfortunately, almost no one in Russia knows how to do it) In general, anesthesia in the oral cavity is dangerous, so make sure that the specialist is qualified before entrusting your health to him .

A cut tongue takes about the same time to heal as a simple tongue piercing. Primary healing (at which time you can speak and eat relatively normally) occurs within one to two weeks, and complete healing usually takes up to one month.

After the incision, it is necessary to place a hemostatic sponge between the halves and wear it there until the end of primary healing. Change after meals, at least 2 times a day. More often is better. In addition, after each cigarette candy, rinse your mouth with chlorhexidine/miramistin. Avoid alcohol during healing.

A bifurcated tongue should not significantly affect the change in speech. The sounds D, T will become less clear and speech in general will become a little more whistling. Some people report a very slight lisp, although this will only be noticed by those who have known you and your speech for a long time. Only in extremely deep cuttings is there a possibility of significant lisp, and I have never met people who would report that cutting their tongue took away their ability to communicate with people.

The likelihood that nerves will be damaged after a bifurcated tongue is very small, and a change in taste should not occur in any case. Regeneration of taste buds occurs very quickly, and their location does not change after cutting, and the location of the nerves does not change. In any case, no significant change in taste has been reported following tongue bifurcation.

By trimming the tissue from inside the incision and joining the cut parts together, the tongue can be fused back (“to its normal state”). I do not know of people willing to undergo such a procedure, although there have been cases of forced tongue splicing under new military regulations in the United States. Restoring a cut tongue is a much more painful procedure than bifurcation itself, and requires much more time for the tongue to look more or less attractive. Due to the scar left after the fusion, permanent damage to the mobility of the tongue is not unprecedented, the tongue becomes short, narrow and no longer distinguished by dexterity, which leads to a significant deterioration in speech and speech activity. It should be noted that the damage to the nerves and taste buds when restoring a cut tongue is significant, which again leads to a partial loss of taste and sensation. Repairing a cut tongue is very daunting - don't cut your tongue if you're thinking of regrowing it in the future!

I strongly urge people to seek help from a legally competent medical professional. Each method has its own advantages. All I can tell you is to study more about it and make a fresh decision. Don't be afraid to ask questions and don't be afraid to tell someone that you are not happy with the terms of someone who will be working with you.

Naturally, you may not know, but this is also a guarantee that possible complications may arise that are very difficult to cope with outside the medical environment. Additionally, there is no recognized training for this procedure other than the transfer of knowledge and practice from a master or experienced surgeon to an apprentice. In my opinion, any practitioner who says otherwise is lying and should be feared! This confirms that your best defense is education. The more you know, the better decisions you can make. Talk to the foreman as if you were interviewing a potential employee for your company. If you don't like his answers, don't hire him. You can also use questions from this FAQ, because... many “masters” do not know even half of what is stated here. Remember - if you allow an unqualified person to deceive you, you are putting your life in danger.

It is important for doctors that you know what you are getting into, that you are sane and psychologically stable. When you talk to the doctor, you must convince him and all the medical staff. the staff is that you are friendly towards them, you are motivated to split your tongue, in general, you know what you want. Sometimes you will need a health certificate from a psychotherapist. Usually, doctors appreciate that you come to them instead of making the cut at home or with someone else. It's also very helpful to bring this FAQ with you! And also stories and pictures of people who performed these operations. This will show doctors (if they don't already know) that this form of body modification is quite common in your subculture. Finally, just because one doctor sends you away doesn't mean another doctor will do the same.

If the surgery is performed by a facial surgeon, you may have your wisdom teeth pulled out. This will help you save some money.

Facial surgeons charge from $500 to $1000 for this operation, depending on the policy and type of anesthesia (general anesthesia - general anesthesia, for example, will cost more, of course). Non-medical practitioners (body modifiers) typically charge between $100 and $500.

Both halves of the cut tongue contain different muscle groups that are anatomically and neurally separate and thus can be controlled independently. The degree of mastery of halves directly depends on the amount of practice in this. Some people have independent control naturally, while others need to spend a lot of time in front of a mirror before they can master a task - similar to being able to move their nose or ears.

Theoretically, the tongue can be cut down to the base. Attempting such an operation may compromise the tongue muscles, which should not really be damaged, as well as some glandular structures in the oral cavity. Let me note again that the deeper the tongue is cut, the more speech changes, and the changes are for the worse.

This is very risky, because... The lingual nerves, tonsils, and numerous blood vessels will then be at risk, which can lead to complete loss of control over the tongue, even if the operation was performed by a surgeon. An attempt to "upset" (or more) will certainly end in failure.

In Russia - either to an experienced master-mentor, or to the Military Medical Academy.

Yes, many people (including historical evidence) want to combine these procedures, either in parallel or separately.

Tongue elongation can be divided into two categories. In historical and yogic contexts, the tongue can actually be lengthened and enlarged by stretching it, a process most analogous to vacuum enlargement. Simply put, the tongue is massaged and then, using a clamp to hold it, the tongue is pulled and twisted for a few minutes. Over time, this procedure makes the tongue very elongated for use in advanced yoga techniques that are beyond the scope of this FAQ. If you are interested in this, study Khechari Mudra and the yogic techniques of Jivhanirlekhan, but be aware that not all practitioners of these arts in the West will support these secret methods of body modification. This will become commonplace if everyone in the West sees this only way to change the length of the tongue - reducing the lingual frenulum. This does not actually lengthen the tongue, but some of the tongue's abilities can be greatly increased, its mobility, eliminating the "tied tongue" effect, giving both the illusion and the function of lengthening. Not all people can achieve lengthening using this technique, but more drastic procedures that contract the muscles under the tongue further exaggerate the effect.

You will have a longer tongue and everything that goes with it.

No, it is often cut parallel to the cut.

You can talk to an experienced master - he will answer your questions.

Cutting the tongue – article by Shannon Larratt translation

How is splitting done?

Division into two halves is a surgical operation, it is performed under local anesthesia using a scalpel. Technically, this is a simple operation, although the preparation for the operation and the method of making the incision depend on the experience and chosen technique of the specialist. The standard bifurcation steps are:

  • Before surgery, the patient is recommended to brush his teeth and remove white plaque with a brush, then rinse his mouth with an antiseptic solution;
  • the doctor injects an anesthetic directly into the tongue;
  • With a special surgical instrument, the master clamps the tongue in the middle and leaves the clamp for 30-45 minutes to stop the blood supply at the incision site;
  • Using a sterile scalpel, the doctor cuts the tongue into two parts;
  • A piece of gauze with an antiseptic is placed between the halves of the fabric.

This algorithm may vary depending on the skill and experience of the performer. Applying a clamp helps keep blood loss to a minimum. Other specialists, in addition to the incision, sutured the two halves to stop bleeding and reduce the risk of tissue infection.

In rare cases, splitting can be performed with a laser, but for this you need to find a specialized medical institution that provides this type of service. In practice, it is very difficult to find, so in most cases, bifurcation is performed surgically.

What is lingual frenuloplasty?

The frenulum is a small membrane that connects the lower part of the tongue and the mucous membrane of the lower jaw. Despite its small size, it performs very important functions: it is responsible for the formation of dental occlusion, controls the mobility of the tongue and the functioning of the facial muscles.

There are three main pathologies of the tongue frenulum that require surgical correction.

  1. Wrong shape.
    A healthy frenulum is a fold of mucous membrane in the shape of an arc.
  2. Small size
    (in medical terminology - ankyloglossia). The average length of the frenulum of the tongue in an adult is 3 centimeters; in a child it is shorter. In the case of ankyloglossia, the frenulum will not allow the tongue to be raised completely upward.
  3. Incorrect mounting location.
    A healthy frenulum is attached to the middle of the tongue, and with pathology it can be shifted to the tip.

In some cases, it becomes necessary to perform plastic surgery of the lip frenulum - the fold of mucous membrane connecting the lip and gum. The operation is performed to avoid impaired diction and the formation of malocclusion. Read more about lip frenuloplasty here.

Care, healing time and possible complications

The most difficult period after cutting is the first few days. At this time, a natural reaction of the body is observed - inflammation and swelling. The tongue will hurt and increase in size, making it impossible to speak and eat normally. Within 1-3 days, body temperature may increase - this is a normal phenomenon that can be controlled with antipyretic or anti-inflammatory drugs.

During the first week after the incision, you will have to eat pureed or liquid food. Sour, salty foods (marinades, sauces, tomato juice), spices and other foods that cause irritation will have to be excluded from the diet. After each meal, you should rinse your mouth with an antiseptic solution without alcohol.

To ensure healing occurs faster and the halves do not grow back together, it is necessary to use a special homeostatic sponge, which must be placed between the two parts and changed every 4 hours.

If all recommendations are followed correctly, healing occurs without complications within 1.5-2 months.

Temporary inconvenience

First of all, they are that it will be painful to eat for the first few days. Most people do not eat anything at all during the first 24 hours after surgery. Later, you can take liquid food, for example, meat or vegetable broth, drinking yogurt, etc. But the main aspect is oral hygiene, which must be done after every meal, even liquid food.

Temporary inconveniences also include the effect of a cut tongue on diction. Until it heals, some sounds will be a lisp, which is quite natural. To restore normal speech, you will have to do various articulation exercises in order to learn again, as before, to cope well with your new model of language. Over time, diction will certainly acquire the same clarity of sound.

How to choose a specialist for splitting?

Typically, this type of service is provided by specialized salons that perform other cosmetic and minimally invasive operations - piercings, tattoos. Well-established large salons with a good reputation are the best choice. Before starting the procedure, check how sterile the instruments are. You have every right to do this, do not be afraid to offend the master. In self-respecting offices this should not be a problem, and a specialist will be happy to tell you and even demonstrate tools and equipment for sterilizing instruments. If you have the slightest doubt about the reliability of the master, it is better to refuse his services.

Pros of the operation

  • Uniqueness . A person decides to take such a step in order to be different from other people. All for the sake of the so-called emotional uplift.
  • To attract attention. Anyone who sees such a modification on someone will definitely not remain indifferent. Riveted glances are guaranteed. For young people, this is, in a sense, a manifestation of protest against society, the destruction of stereotypes.
  • Popularity. A person with a split will definitely become famous in his circle, since the operation, although fashionable, is quite rare.
  • Self-determination . This operation is also performed by people in order to maintain their status as a certain subculture. Most often, punks, emo, and followers of body mod apply for this modification.
  • Aesthetics . For some people, a split is a decoration of the body for the soul.
  • New sensations. The operation is sometimes performed in pursuit of something unusual that will dilute the gray everyday life. It even becomes possible to control each half of the taste organ.
  • Possibility of reverse action . The tongue can always be sewn back together.


If you decide to have your tongue cut, you should also be aware of all the possible consequences:

  1. Once your tongue is cut with a scalpel, the tongue will not be able to return to its original state unless you resort to special surgery. But here it is worth noting that it will be more painful and expensive.
  2. A forked tongue will affect your diction. You will begin to lisp when speaking and will most likely spit.
  3. The first time after the incision, it will not only be painful to talk, but also to eat. After a few months, the pain will go away.
  4. If the work is done poorly by a master or if you decide to cut your tongue (under no circumstances!), it can fester, so splitting can only be carried out in a medical institution (a good BM studio must have the appropriate license).

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