“White” diet for 7 days - loses up to 12 kg per week

In the modern world, the problem of obesity and excess weight is becoming more global every day.

People began to move a lot, and calorie consumption increased significantly. And if earlier, in order to get a piece of meat, a person fought with wild nature, now it is enough to call the phone and food will be delivered right to your door.

And not just any meat, but processed industrial food.

The diet, which is based on these products, boasts its exquisite taste, but not its benefits.

Often, consumption of processed food leads to problems with excess weight, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system, diabetes and other metabolic ailments.

Advantages and disadvantages

The white diet is effective due to the consumption of predominantly protein foods, the absorption of which the body spends a lot of energy, thereby starting the process of fat burning. The main advantages of a diet based on white foods are:

  • strengthening the skeletal system and muscle tissue;
  • weight loss by 3-5 kg ​​within a week;
  • improvement of intestinal microflora, normalization of the digestive process;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • cleansing the body of toxins, waste, poisons, pesticides and other harmful substances;
  • improving the condition of the skin (increasing its elasticity, firmness, starting the processes of rejuvenation and renewal of skin cells).

Quick and relatively comfortable weight loss, however, also has disadvantages. The disadvantages of a white power system include:

  • possible problems with the gastrointestinal tract (flatulence, constipation);
  • deficiency of vitamins, microelements, minerals;
  • oversaturation of the body with calcium, as a result of which toxins can be deposited and the absorption of protein foods can be disrupted;
  • The technique is contraindicated for use in people with gastritis, stomach ulcers, and other pathologies of the digestive tract.


We are talking about white rice. Consuming this product more than four times a week increases the risk of diabetes by 20%. In addition, white rice has nothing useful in its composition other than a quick source of carbohydrates, and therefore it can be equated to sugar.

However, it is worth noting that there is a healthier option - brown rice, which, unlike white rice, retains nutrients and fiber. This is because this type of rice is not processed in any way at the factory, that is, manufacturers do not strip it of its shell.


A protein diet is more suitable for meat-eaters with an active lifestyle - athletes, bodybuilders, men whose work involves heavy physical labor. In combination with exercise, the white nutrition system increases or maintains muscle mass by breaking down fat deposits . The diet is allowed even for women who have given birth, but should not last longer than 7 days. Mandatory rules of the white weight loss method:

  • sour and citrus fruits are prohibited;
  • fermented milk and dairy products should not have a fat content higher than 4%;
  • 15 minutes before a meal, you should drink a glass of still mineral water to start your metabolism and reduce the amount of food you eat, dulling hunger;
  • Sugar and salt should be completely excluded from the diet;
  • It is recommended to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day;
  • the total daily number of calories should be less than 1200;
  • during the diet, you should follow split meals (the optimal number of meals is 5-6), while dinner should end 3 hours before bedtime;
  • during weight loss, it is recommended to take an additional vitamin-mineral complex;
  • to improve the results of the white diet, you should exercise;
  • It is important to stick to your diet (eat at the same time every day).

How are these products made?

Let's take sugar for example. The manufacturer takes as a basis a whole and healthy source of nutrition - beets.

Using heat treatment and grinding, the output is small white crystals, devoid of all the beneficial properties and vitamins that are present in the original product. Exactly the same system with other products. Taking a whole product as a basis, the manufacturer removes everything useful from it: vitamins, minerals, fiber.

In this regard, let's find out which 5 industrial white foods are highly recommended to exclude (or reduce) from your diet:

Permitted and prohibited products

The white diet for weight loss is not balanced, and therefore requires additional intake of vitamins and microelements. The following products are suitable for the dietary food system:

Product type What can you eat
Grocery Boiled rice, oatmeal, white beans.
Fish White varieties (blue whiting, hake, pollock, flounder).
Dairy and fermented milk products Cheese, low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir.
Meat Chicken breast.
Beverages Green tea, still water, white wine.
Vegetables White cabbage, Chinese cabbage.
Eggs Protein.

To saturate the diet with fiber, natural sugar and vitamins, a small amount of berries and fruits can be added to the listed products. Occasionally allowed use:

  • bananas;
  • peaches;
  • white currant;
  • apricots;
  • pears;
  • green apples;
  • white grapes (raisins).

Maintaining a drinking regime is extremely important. It is recommended to drink clean water, unsweetened green tea, sugar-free compote, natural grape juice (from white varieties) . Prohibited foods during the diet are the following:

Product type What not to eat
Meat Fatty meat, lard, meat broths.
Fish Fatty varieties.
Vegetables fruits Potatoes, sweet fruits, juices from the latter.
Sauces Any with salt.
Sweets Any.
Other products Chocolate, smoked foods, canned food, sausages, fried, full-fat dairy products (cream, butter, cheeses, etc.), bread, pastries.
Beverages Alcohol, coffee, black tea.

How strictly should you follow the white diet?

As much as possible with a diet. For example, in order for the effect to last for a long time, when on a white diet, you should avoid foods with coloring pigments for 2 to 3 weeks after the procedure.

Also, as part of the white diet, experts advise gradually introducing useful habits: partially or completely giving up red wine, coffee or black tea, drinking colored drinks through a straw, replacing the same tea with kefir or milk.

Remember! Pigment substances are not harmful to healthy tooth enamel, but in the presence of inevitable microdamages after bleaching, dyes can penetrate deep into it and stain it.

The most important thing in the white diet is to pay attention to the color of the foods. The diet has no strict restrictions on the quantity or variety of food products.

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Sample menu

It is recommended to boil, bake, steam or grill food. Some dishes can be fried in a dry frying pan. Salads should not contain a lot of sauce (only a little vegetable oil is allowed), and the addition of salt or vinegar should not be added. Seasonings are allowed only natural and in small quantities. There are several types of white diet, each of them is described in more detail below.

White milk diet

Before you start losing weight in this way, you should consult your doctor to make sure that such a diet will not harm your gastrointestinal tract . The dairy diet is followed for 7 days, during which you can lose 3 to 5 extra pounds. Sample dairy diet menu for a week:

Day Breakfast Dinner Snack Dinner
1,4 Cottage cheese (100 g), kefir (150 ml), oatmeal with low-fat milk (100 g). Banana, natural yogurt without sugar and fillers (100 g), dried apricots (2 pcs.). Cottage cheese (150 g), 2 boiled eggs, a cup of unsweetened green tea. A glass of kefir.
2,5 Milk tea without sugar (cup), 100 g rice with 1 tsp. liquid honey, yogurt (1/2 tbsp.). 1 peach, ½ cup yogurt. A glass of milk, cheesecakes (200 g). Banana, ice cream (70 g).
3,6 A glass of milk, stewed cabbage with low-fat sour cream (150 g). 3 plums, ½ cup fermented baked milk. Oatmeal with milk and honey (150 g), unsweetened green tea (200 ml). 2 boiled eggs, a couple of slices of low-fat cheese.
4,7 A cup of kefir, rice pudding with honey (150 g). Prunes (2 pcs.), 100 g of cottage cheese. Steamed fish fillet (150 g), mashed potatoes (70 g), cabbage salad (100 g), milk (1 tbsp.). Unsweetened yogurt, banana and apple puree.

On white beans

This version of the white diet is designed for a week and involves combining beans with dairy products, fruits, vegetables, soups and a small amount of grains. Example of a daily diet menu:

Breakfast Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
100 g of cottage cheese, a slice of hard cheese, wheat bread. 100 g boiled white beans, 100 g cottage cheese with kefir, 1 loaf of bread. Dried fruits or berries (a handful). Mushroom or chicken soup (300 ml), 100 g boiled beans.

On white rice

The main product of this diet is boiled rice, the daily norm of which is 500 g. It is recommended to eat the maximum amount of porridge in the morning and at lunchtime, and leave only 100 g of cereal for dinner . The side dish can be served with lean chicken, boiled eggs, cabbage salad, and some fruits. A small amount of fermented milk products and milk is allowed. A sample white diet menu for the day looks like this:

Breakfast Snack Dinner Snack Dinner
Boiled rice (200 g), chicken breast (100 g), unsweetened green tea (200 ml). Pear, yogurt without fillers (100 ml). A serving of rice (200 g), 200 g of cabbage salad (can be seasoned with a spoon of olive oil), a couple of boiled proteins. Kefir (200 ml). Boiled rice (100 g), stewed cabbage with sour cream (100 g).


In a week, such a diet helps you lose up to 10 kg of excess weight. The basis of the diet is white products, the main place among which is kefir. The fat content of the product should be 2.5%. The white kefir diet has the following benefits:

  • improved digestion, faster digestion of food;
  • quick cleansing of the body, removal of nitrates, waste, toxins, excess fluid;
  • Providing a fat burning effect;
  • replenishment of calcium in the body;
  • lack of hunger.

The kefir weight loss method involves eating six meals a day. If desired, you can repeat the white diet every 3 months. An example of a weekly diet looks like this:

Day Breakfast Snack Dinner Snack 1 dinner 2 dinner
1 A glass of kefir, unsweetened cheesecakes (2 pcs.), unsweetened coffee with milk. Kefir (150 ml), curd soufflé with sugar substitute (150 g). A cup of kefir, boiled chicken fillet (250 g). Kefir (150 ml), low-fat cottage cheese, seasoned with yogurt (150 g). A glass of kefir, baked turkey fillet (250 g). A glass of kefir.
2 A cup of kefir, cottage cheese casserole (150 g), coffee with milk (cup). A cup of kefir, dietary creamy homemade sweets (3 pcs.). A glass of protein shake with kefir. Boiled beef (200 g), a glass of fermented milk drink. Kefir (200 ml), baked breast with cottage cheese (150 g). A glass of fermented milk drink.
3 A serving of fermented milk drink, a steam omelette of 2 eggs. Protein shake (200 ml). A cup of kefir, cottage cheese soufflé without sugar (150 g). Boiled beef (150 g), 1 serving of fermented milk product. A cup of kefir, low-fat cheese (50 g). Fermented milk drink (150 ml).
4 A glass of kefir, cheesecakes, unsweetened rosehip broth (100 ml). A cup of kefir, stuffed with 2 eggs with salmon. Fermented milk drink (150 ml), chicken broth with boiled chicken fillet (200 ml). A glass of kefir, boiled beef (200 g). A serving of fermented milk drink, baked turkey fillet (200 g). A glass of kefir.
5 Kefir 200 ml, low-fat cottage cheese with yogurt (150 g). A serving of fermented milk drink. 5 crab sticks, a glass of fermented milk product. Kefir 150 ml, salad with chicken fillet and eggs, seasoned with sour cream (150 g). Boiled chicken breast (150 g), fermented milk drink (1 glass). Baked beef (150 g), a cup of kefir.
6, 7 Fermented milk drink (150 ml), curd soufflé (150 g). A cup of kefir, crab sticks – 3 pcs. Kefir (200 ml), baked beef (250 g). Fermented milk drink (200 ml), cheesecakes – 2 pcs. Boiled turkey (150 g), a glass of kefir. A serving of fermented milk drink.

On white meat

With this diet option, it is recommended to limit yourself to 1200-1400 kcal per day. The predicted result is minus 5 kg per week . White foods that are allowed to be consumed while losing weight are represented by egg whites, chicken, turkey, kefir, unsweetened apples, and milk. Sample menu for the day:

Breakfast Snack Dinner Dinner
A serving of unsweetened yogurt with dried fruits, green tea with a spoon of natural honey (200 ml). Oatmeal with low-fat milk (150 g), 100 g of fresh cottage cheese, the same amount of low-fat milk. Boiled chicken fillet (200 g), salad with cucumber and tomato (150 g), seasoned with sour cream, fermented baked milk (200 g). Any fruit, 100 ml unsweetened yogurt.


There are a lot of varieties of diets based on white foods, but the rule is the same for all – the duration is no more than 1 week. This time is enough to become slimmer. Among the most popular methods:

  • Dairy.
  • Kefir.
  • Cottage cheese.
  • Rice.
  • On white dietary meat.
  • On white beans.
  • On coconuts.

There is plenty to choose from. If you want to lose weight, experiment and lose weight on white foods.

The right way out of the diet

To prevent digestive problems and consolidate the results, you should complete your weight loss correctly. Continue to give up sweets and starchy foods, and don’t indulge in fatty foods. Before breakfast, it is advisable to drink a glass of water, and half an hour later eat oatmeal with fruit or low-fat cottage cheese. For lunch, the ideal option would be low-fat soups, baked or steamed fish, and lean meat. Vegetables are allowed in any form - raw, stewed, boiled, etc.

It is better to avoid eating potatoes for the first few weeks, as they contain a lot of starch. Gradually begin to introduce familiar foods into the menu, but continue to eat in small portions 4-6 times a day - this will greatly ease the work of the stomach. Be sure to exercise at least three times a week, then the effect of losing weight will last for a long time and your health will be excellent.

General recommendations

After whitening, tooth enamel is highly susceptible to damage from the external environment.

The white diet is not only based on the fact that you should not eat a number of foods, but also on the fact that you should change your usual lifestyle .

Approximate diet during the diet

You should know! It is better to create a menu according to this principle:

  • Breakfast - yogurt or porridge . In addition, you can eat boiled egg white.
  • Lunch - for the first you can eat cream soup of porcini mushrooms or cheese, for the second - fish or meat with a side dish of rice . Drinks you can choose from include milk.
  • Afternoon snack - you can eat a savory bun, fruit . Add a glass of milk or homemade natural tea.
  • Dinner - a piece of meat or fish , preferably boiled or baked. Serve it with mashed potatoes and a light salad.

The main rule of the white diet is good nutrition.
In order for tooth enamel to be restored and strengthened, food must be varied and healthy .

The white diet does not involve starvation; it is aimed at restoring enamel and preserving the color of teeth for a long time.

Hygiene procedures

The white diet is a fairly effective way to prolong the effect of the whitening procedure. But diet alone will not be enough.

Stay up to date! It is necessary to take proper care of the oral cavity.

Hygiene procedures include :

  • Brushing your teeth twice a day for at least three to five minutes. The brush should be of medium hardness, and the teeth cleaning itself should be intensive. If you eat food from the prohibited list, you must brush your teeth immediately after eating.
  • Use mouthwash after every meal and brushing your teeth.
  • It is better to choose a toothpaste and rinse with a high fluoride content .
  • Using dental floss to clean between teeth. A toothbrush is useless in these areas. And leftover food can cause caries and tartar.
  • It is better for women to avoid using lipstick and liquid glosses for two to three days after the procedure.

Bad habits

Bad habits harm not only internal organs, but also the aesthetic appearance of a person.

For your information! After teeth whitening, it is better to avoid alcoholic cocktails that contain dyes. Avoid drinking red wine and colored liqueurs.

Smoking also affects the color of teeth . During the period of the white diet, it is better to completely abandon this bad habit . Or at least reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke to a minimum.

Orange products

Vegetables – orange varieties of pumpkin, carrots, orange bell peppers, etc. Fruits and berries – persimmons, sea buckthorn, apricots, tangerines, oranges, grapefruits, kumquats, physalis, etc. Seasonings – saffron, orange zest, curry, etc.

Orange-colored products have a harmonizing effect, tone and energize, regulate the functioning of the digestive and excretory systems, rejuvenate, strengthen the immune system and prevent cancer.

Orange foods are useful for spasms, skin problems, depression and apathy.

Orange color awakens sexuality, joy and optimism, relieves tension and negative thoughts.

Examples of orange-colored live cuisine dishes:

  • Carrot salad “Little Chanterelle”
  • Sea buckthorn mousse
  • Soft-serve ice cream made from persimmon and bananas
  • Salad with persimmon “Fruit mood”
  • Meatball soup

Blue-violet foods

Vegetables – eggplant, red cabbage, red onion, etc. Fruits and berries – blueberries, blueberries, honeysuckle, black grapes, figs, black raisins, prunes, acai berries, etc. Seasonings – violet, lavender, blue basil, etc.

See also: What is kabocha squash?

Blue-violet foods stimulate hematopoiesis, have anti-inflammatory properties, have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and lungs, and support the functioning of the nervous system.

Blue-violet products are useful for high blood pressure, insomnia, and increased excitability.

The blue-violet range awakens spirituality and intuition, develops contemplation and promotes relaxation.

Examples of purple living cuisine dishes:

  • Delicious red cabbage salad
  • Salad with grapefruit “Morning of the Fairy”
  • Watermelon smoothie with basil
  • Berry jelly based on agar
  • Muffins with berries

Brown products

Vegetables – potatoes, wild mushrooms, portobello mushrooms, brown beans, oats, wheat, rye, etc. Fruits and – dates, dried figs, dried bananas, etc. Seasonings and nuts – cinnamon, walnuts, Brazil nuts, hazelnuts, live cocoa, carob, star anise, cardamom, nutmeg, vanilla, buckwheat honey, etc.

Brown foods regulate the functioning of the thyroid gland, improve vision and hearing, and activate mental and physical abilities.

Brown foods are useful for general decreased tone, otolaryngological problems and diseases of the skin and lungs.

Brown awakens honesty and compassion, improves inner vision and brings clarity to life, as this color is associated with the third eye.

Examples of brown live cuisine dishes:

  • Halva in chocolate
  • Chocolate cream
  • Wonderful carob chocolate
  • Praline with chocolate and berries
  • Live cocoa candies

Green products

Vegetables - all types of greens, zucchini, cucumbers, green peppers, green cabbage, green radishes, seaweed, mung beans, etc. Fruits and berries - green apples, limes, avocados, kiwis, etc. Seasonings and nuts - dried herbs, pine needles, pistachios, etc.

Green products stimulate tissue regeneration and restoration, activate the immune system, have a strong cleansing effect and regulate metabolic processes.

Green foods are useful for metabolic disorders, diseases of the cardiovascular system and nervous disorders.

Green is the color of recovery, harmony and hope. Green color brings balance and peace, helping to get rid of emotional tension and stress.

Examples of green live cuisine dishes:

  • Green salad with rhubarb
  • Pine needle cocktail
  • Raw green sauce
  • Gourmet salad with pear and fennel
  • Green smoothie with pineapple

Yellow products

Vegetables – yellow pumpkin and zucchini, yellow bell peppers, turnips, yellow tomatoes, corn, etc. Fruits and berries – yellow apples, plums, lemons, carambola, mangoes, peaches, bananas, pineapples, etc. Seasonings – turmeric, fenugreek seed, ginger, mustard seeds, chamomile, yellow honey, etc.

Yellow foods activate the lymphatic system, support the activity of the endocrine glands and regulate the activity of the digestive system.

Yellow products improve skin condition and are useful for weak digestion, excessive nervousness and mental fatigue.

Yellow color stimulates thought processes, concentration and memory, awakens talents and intuition.

Examples of yellow live cuisine dishes:

  • Cookies with coconut
  • Yellow Egyptian tea
  • Pumpkin pudding
  • Fried potatoes
  • Mustard sauce
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