TOP 15 best children's electric toothbrushes -

Small children are afraid or simply do not want to brush their teeth, so unusual electric toothbrushes are bought for them. Their original design will turn ordinary teeth brushing into an interesting adventure.

In addition, the rapid rotation of the head of the electric device ensures thorough cleaning of teeth in hard-to-reach places, and the child practically does not have to make any effort to do this.

What parameters, besides design, should you pay attention to?

First of all, they take into account the age of the future owner, the degree of stiffness of the bristles and the type of nutrition.

They also take into account the comfort of the handle and the number of attachments that are provided in the kit. To make it easier for parents to choose an electric toothbrush for their child, we have prepared a list of basic criteria and a rating of the best electric toothbrushes according to the 2022 version in terms of price/quality ratio.

Rating of the TOP 15 best children's electric toothbrushes of 2022

TOP 3 best children's electric toothbrushes by price/quality for 2022
1CS Medica CS-562 JuniorFind out the price
2Oral-B Vitality Kids Cars D100.413.2KFind out the price
3Hapica KidsFind out the price
TOP 3 best children's electric toothbrushes from 1 year
1MEGA Ten Kids Sonic HamsterFind out the price
2Philips Sonicare For Kids HX6311/07Find out the price
3Revyline RL020 Kids (2 attachments)Find out the price
TOP 3 best children's electric toothbrushes from 3 years old
1CS Medica CS-462-P KidsFind out the price
2Oral-B Vitality Kids Star Wars D100.413.2KXFind out the price
3DBK-5RWG PandaFind out the price
TOP 3 best children's electric toothbrushes from 5 years old
1Hapica BabyFind out the price
2CS Medica CS-463-B KidsFind out the price
3Oral-B Mickey KidsFind out the price
TOP 3 best children's electric toothbrushes from 7 years old
1Oral-B JuniorFind out the price
2Philips Sonicare For Kids HX6352/42Find out the price
3Soocas C1Find out the price

Design Features

Sonic teeth cleaning technology is the next generation after conventional electric brushes. They are easily recognized by their elongated oval head shape.

The name determines the operating principle of such toothbrushes - the bristles move thanks to sound waves created by a high-frequency generator (standard frequency 200-400 Hz). In operating mode, the brush makes a quiet sound.

The teeth are affected not only by the bristles, which make tens of thousands of revolutions per minute, but also by sound vibrations - this helps remove plaque, which firmly adheres to the tooth enamel.

Contraindications for using a sonic toothbrush are::

  • acute gum diseases;
  • inflammation of tooth roots;
  • tumors in the oral cavity;
  • recovery period after oral surgery.

Adults often face similar problems, so after consulting with a dentist, you can safely buy a sonic brush for your child. Children's models are smaller in size and weight, brighter in design - if you look, you can find them with your favorite cartoon characters, princesses or dinosaurs.

How to choose a children's electric toothbrush?

An electric toothbrush is much better than a regular toothbrush at removing plaque. In addition, it allows cleaning in hard-to-reach places.

When choosing a brush, pay attention to:

  1. Child's age . The size of the nozzle used in the brush directly depends on it. Some models come with different sized attachments to make the device suitable for children of different ages.
  2. Handle . To make it more comfortable for the baby to hold the brush, it is better that its handle is made of rubberized material.
  3. Stiffness of the bristles . It is not recommended to buy brushes with hard bristles for children. Models with soft bristles clean teeth with sensitive enamel more gently and gently massage sore gums, so they are suitable for very young children. For older children, you can buy a brush with moderately soft bristles, because it better penetrates into the gaps between teeth and removes food debris.
  4. Type of food. Electric brushes can be powered by mains or batteries. It is better to give preference to the latter option, because such devices are safer and do not restrict the baby’s movements during hygiene procedures.

It is also advisable that the brush have a wear indicator on the attachments. This will make it easier for parents to control when to change the nozzle. In addition, attention is paid to the age range: it should be as narrow as possible. For example, if a toothbrush is intended for children 4-5 years old, it will have the optimal size and will be ideal for cleaning baby teeth. If the brush says it is for children 5-10 years old, it may be too small or large for the child.

How to choose and what to pay attention to?

The debate about which brush is better - electric or conventional - has not subsided for a long time, since both brushes have their own advantages and disadvantages, as well as their admirers and opponents.

At the same time, most dentists agree that it does not matter what kind of brush is used by a child or an adult, what is important is how well and regularly a person brushes their teeth with it.

When choosing an electric toothbrush for the smallest member of the family, you should be guided by the following criteria:

  • an electric toothbrush should be specifically for children, since the technical characteristics of an adult brush (number of movements and vibration ability) are not suitable for children’s teeth, for this reason, replaceable “children’s” heads on an adult brush are a very bad solution;
  • suitable age - the recommended indicators indicated in the documents for the electric brush must correspond to the real age of the baby;
  • ergonomic non-slip comfortable handle that will allow the child to independently hold the device during use;
  • small brush head size, convenient for baby;
  • soft, thick synthetic bristles that do not damage children's tooth enamel;
  • method of movement of the bristles: reciprocating, pulsating or universal brushes, combining both methods;
  • the number of head movements, which should vary between 4000-6000 rpm;
  • presence of a timer (built into the brush or stand);
  • power sources: batteries, accumulators, cord, combinations thereof;
  • additional optional features and equipment of the device: number of operating modes, presence of a pressure sensor, replaceable attachments, case, etc.;
  • cute appearance and additional functionality that the child likes: favorite cartoon characters, bright pictures, pleasant sound accompaniment of the cleaning process.

Children's hygiene. Do children need a sonic toothbrush?

It is important to start taking care of your child's teeth from the moment they erupt. Due to the misconception of many parents that baby teeth will soon fall out anyway, taking care of their health is not very important. This is completely unacceptable. Baby teeth damaged by infection can lead to the spread of the disease to future molars, and also contribute to the curvature of permanent teeth. In addition, the risk of developing diseases such as caries, stomatitis and pulpitis increases. Diction suffers, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract appear.

In childhood, the probability of caries occurring is close to 100%. This is due to the inability of the child’s body to resist bacteria, the structure and vulnerable structure of the tooth itself, and other factors. Prevention is the basis of a child’s oral health. Treatment of caries will cost much more. Thus, it is necessary to carry out hygienic oral care literally from the birth of the baby, and the first toothbrush for a child should be purchased no later than the first tooth erupts. This is necessary in order to prevent the formation of infections in the oral cavity and related diseases associated with improper dental care.

The main assistants in the process of cleaning the oral cavity are toothbrushes for children. But how to choose them correctly for your baby, what to look for when buying such hygiene products? We will answer these and other questions in our article.

Basic rules of oral hygiene for children:

  • brush your teeth at least twice a day with special children's toothpaste and a soft brush, selected according to age
  • change the brush (or attachments) at least once every 3 months
  • use baby mouthwash
  • Dental floss can become an indispensable aid in oral hygiene
  • Every six months you should visit the pediatric dentist's office

Cleaning children's teeth has characteristics in each age period. Until the age of 15, a constant restructuring of the bite occurs; from six months to 2.5 years, a milk bite is formed, which at six years begins to change to a permanent one. At 13–14 years of age, there are normally no baby teeth left in the mouth and second molars grow in. Therefore, experts have developed hygiene products for each age period, taking into account its characteristics. The manufacturer is required to indicate the age category for which the product is intended, since the brushes will differ in the mechanism and force of influence, the stiffness of the bristles, and the material of manufacture.

0-1 year . It is recommended that children brush their teeth from the age of six months, when teething begins. At this age, cleaning is carried out by the mother using a bandage wrapped around a finger and moistened with water in a weak saline solution, special napkins or a finger brush.

1-3 years. After the first year of life, it is recommended to accustom your baby to oral hygiene. To do this, you can take it with you to the bathroom and brush your teeth together as a game. You need to use a children's toothbrush and toothpaste, which are gentle. To do this, it is better to use a manual (classic) toothbrush with soft bristles and a short, thick handle. In this case, you need to start with 15-20 seconds for each cleaning, gradually increasing the duration. The main task of the mother at the stage of introducing the child to the brush is to awaken interest in this activity. This can be done by showing by example or by playing with a child. There are devices that attract the baby's attention to the brushing process, for example, a children's hourglass (for maintaining the required brushing time) or funny toothbrush cases in the shape of animals. The dosage of the paste should not exceed the size of the nail on the child’s little finger. The baby will be more willing to brush his teeth with a special children's toothpaste with a pleasant taste and aroma. Additionally, teach children to rinse their mouths after every meal.

3-6 years. From the age of three, you can use an electric toothbrush for children. At this age, children already have sufficient skills and can safely brush their teeth under the supervision of an adult. Many dentists, in a situation when you are not at home, recommend using sugar-free children's chewing gum, thereby restoring the alkaline balance. However, the process of chewing it should not exceed 10 - 15 minutes.

6-18 years old. You can use sonic, ultrasonic children's brushes, mouth rinses, threads, and children's irrigators.

Children's oral hygiene is important and necessary, but teaching a child to brush their teeth correctly and devote enough time to it is not easy. Therefore, parents are increasingly thinking about replacing a regular toothbrush with an electric one. There are various models on the market - battery-powered, rechargeable, with a special handle, and innovative technology. But the most popular is the children's sonic toothbrush. Since this new product has been released not so long ago, many parents are concerned with questions: what is a children's sonic brush, is it dangerous for teeth? Modern manufacturers offer a wide selection of devices for children, and they should be chosen carefully.

Sound models work on vibrational waves, that is, cleansing is performed not only by mechanical sweeping. The sonic brush contains a high-frequency generator that produces sound vibration waves. About 18,000 oscillatory movements occur per minute, which not only remove plaque, but also help eliminate bacteria. Before using a new brush, you must rinse it thoroughly in water; the product must not be boiled. It is recommended to store the brush in an upright position; the head should be closed with a cap or case. It is better to change brush heads every 3 months.

Things to consider when choosing a baby sonic brush:

  • Age characteristics. Children's brushes always indicate the age for which they are designed.
  • The stiffness of the bristles. The bristles should be soft or medium hard
  • Speed ​​mode. Children's brushes have different cleaning modes and the speed is lower than for adults
  • Lever. It should be comfortable for the child and have a rubber studded coating to prevent slipping during use.
  • The brush should be able to change attachments. The nozzles should be small (Kids), with soft bristles
  • Water resistance. Electric brushes with an inductively charged device are not afraid of complete immersion in water; a child can drop the device into water without damaging it
  • Built-in timer. Allows you to keep track of cleaning time
  • Additional functions. For example, communication with a smartphone, an application with games, ringtones
  • Attractive to a child. The presence of cheerful colors, stickers, images of fairy-tale characters

Advantages of children's sonic brushes:

  • the ability to brush teeth in hard-to-reach places. Qualitatively and effectively cleans teeth of all types of dental deposits
  • not only remove plaque, but also help eliminate bacteria
  • tooth brushing time is reduced. For a child who quickly gets bored with the monotonous cleaning process, this is very important.
  • ease of use: the child does not need to make any effort, since the toothbrushes do everything themselves
  • increases interest in dental hygiene in children, the image in the form of a favorite character will additionally attract attention and make the brush look like a toy
  • setting the brush operating mode allows you to monitor the optimal pressure on the gums and teeth
  • some models are equipped with a special digital reminder to replace attachments or batteries

The disadvantages include:

  • impossibility of use for certain diseases (acute inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, gum disease, heart disease in the acute phase or the presence of a pacemaker, the presence of thin and fragile enamel, a large amount of dental plaque, diseases of the hard tissues of teeth)
  • Despite the obvious advantages of a sonic brush over a regular one, you should consult with an experienced pediatric dentist before purchasing
  • the need to alternate with a manual brush in the presence of thin enamel
  • the price of sonic toothbrushes for children is higher than that of classic ones

Choosing your first sonic toothbrush is a very important decision. There are enough children's models on the market, both very expensive and quite affordable for any family. You can understand this diversity by studying the parameters of the brushes themselves.

Manufacturers produce devices even for the youngest children, but it is recommended to use an electric brush after 3 years.

Hapica is one of the most popular children's sonic toothbrushes. Available in different age versions: Baby (from 1 to 6 years), Kids (from 3 to 10 years). The brush is very comfortable, has a bright and interesting design, light weight (58 grams), and a small head with soft bristles. 1500 atraumatic bristles made of soft and thin DuPont Tynex nylon will gently clean the entire surface of the tooth without damaging the thin enamel of baby teeth and delicate gums. The noise level during operation is 47 dB, which corresponds to the noise level of a quiet conversation. One AA battery powers the brush for more than three months in daily brushing mode for three minutes twice a day.

Philips HX 6311/07 For Kids - for children from four years old. The Kid-timer feature gradually increases brushing time over 90 days, aiming for the dentist-recommended 2 minutes. Has a built-in music timer. Funny melodies turn brushing your teeth into an interesting game and teach your baby how to properly brush his teeth. 2 child-safe cleaning modes designed for different ages, providing a gentle clean that's perfect for different ages. There is a gentle cleaning mode for children aged 4 years and over and an intensive cleaning mode for children aged 7 years and older. Includes 8 reusable front panel stickers. Comfortable rubberized handle, ergonomic design.

Smart toothbrush Kolibree (Hummingbird) V1 for children from 6 years old and adults. This is the world's first sonic toothbrush with artificial intelligence, Bluetooth support and unique technology to analyze the process of brushing your teeth. The Hummingbird Brush remembers how long and how thoroughly you brush each tooth and gums, and displays your progress on a mobile dashboard on your smartphone. Soft bristles with rounded ends prevent damage to children's sensitive teeth and gums. The stylish handle design is comfortable for adults and children's hands. Weight only 80 grams. Motion sensors built into the Kolibri v1 brush turn the brush into a game controller. Using the Hummingbird brush with a phone or tablet connected to it via Bluetooth allows your child to take part in a game designed to improve their oral brushing technique. The game form allows you to keep the child’s attention, so the duration of the cleaning process reaches 2 minutes. You can also download additional games from Google Play or the App Store, absolutely free.

After 13–14 years of age, you can use an adult sonic brush.

Choosing the right children's toothbrush will help develop your child's dental care skills. After all, as healthy as baby teeth are, the molars will be as strong. Children do not like to brush their teeth and do it reluctantly. With an electric brush, a child in a short period of time is able to clean his teeth well in a way that he could not do with a regular one. This is the key to high-quality and effective cleaning even in hard-to-reach places. Using a sonic electric toothbrush encourages children to brush their teeth regularly.

When purchasing, it is important to pay attention to the availability of attachments and special modes for children of different ages. The presence of a timer with sound signals in the form of a melody will arouse the child’s interest, and the ergonomic short handle will prevent the brush from slipping out of the hand. According to dentists, a child can use an electric toothbrush from the age of three under adult supervision. You need to buy a special model that is intended for use by children. You need to remember that the enamel of children's teeth is more capricious, so you need to use brushes very carefully. According to dentists, such devices can clean teeth more effectively and at the same time protect gums from possible diseases, provided they are properly cleaned. The variety of children's electric toothbrushes allows you to choose a model to suit every taste.

If you have any questions, just call us at

Useful tips

The lower the age range indicated on the packaging, the better the brush. Children's teeth change a lot with age, and if it is written that the brush is suitable for children from 3 to 10 years old, this does not characterize the manufacturer well.

  • The brush should be light enough so that the child’s hand does not get tired.
  • For little ones, models with a long handle are recommended so that parents can help with brushing their teeth. After 5 years, buy a brush with a shorter handle.
  • The head of a children's sonic brush should be miniature and rounded so that even with careless cleaning it cannot be injured.
  • Battery-powered brushes are preferable for babies, and battery-powered brushes are also suitable for older children.
( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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