TOP 24 best electric toothbrushes: rating 2021-2022 (including regular and sonic) by quality and price

Many consumers believe that, compared to conventional brushes, electric brushes have more advantages: they do not have such an aggressive effect on the enamel, prevent periodontitis and periodontal disease, help avoid bleeding gums, and remove food debris from the space between teeth more efficiently. But choosing this device is not as simple a task as it seems at first glance.

Let's find out: what you need to pay attention to when buying and how to choose a brush that will last a long time, and is it worth buying expensive models?

Rating of the TOP 22 best electric toothbrushes of 2021-2022

TOP 3 best sonic electric toothbrushes by price/quality for 2021-2022
1CS Medica CS-167Find out the price
2Emmi-dent 6 ProfessionalFind out the price
3Megasonex MegasonexFind out the price
TOP 5 best electric toothbrushes
1Oral-B Vitality 3D WhiteFind out the price
2Oral-B Pro 500 CrossActionFind out the price
3Oral-B Pro 570 CrossActionFind out the price
4Oral-B Genius 10000NFind out the price
5Oral-B Smart 4 4000Find out the price
TOP 10 best sonic toothbrushes
1ACleon F36/F38Find out the price
2Polaris PETB 0101 TCFind out the price
3Soocas X5Find out the price
4Philips Sonicare 2 Series plaque control HX6212Find out the price
5CS Medica CS-333Find out the price
6Philips Sonicare 2 Series gum health HX6232/41Find out the price
7Soocas X3Find out the price
8Donfeel HSD-015Find out the price
9VES electric RLT204Find out the price
10Emmi-dent 6 PlatinumFind out the price
TOP 6 best children's toothbrushes
1CS Medica CS-562 JuniorFind out the price
2Oral-B Stages Power Frozen Elsa, Anna, Olaf D12.513KFind out the price
3Oral-B Stages Power Wheelbarrows D12.513KFind out the price
4Oral-B Stages Power Star Wars D12.513KFind out the price
5Oral-B JuniorFind out the price
6Soocas C1Find out the price

Brush technology

With a regular manual brush, everyone brushes their teeth with the usual back-and-forth movements. But it has long been proven that such cleaning does not remove plaque, but leads to the formation of tartar. Modern electrical devices are capable of performing a maximum number of rotations and sweeps, sufficient for complete cleaning.


Effective cleaning depends on the technology of the toothbrush. The presence of a rotating nozzle allows you to remove plaque and food debris. In addition, she additionally massages the gums. These electric toothbrushes include models from the Oral-B line.


Many dentists recommend brushing your teeth with brushes that have a built-in sweep function. The nozzle makes the same movements in the same direction. This removes plaque and food faster. Good brushes can rotate and sweep at the same time. Such models are easy to find from Philips.

Reciprocating movements

The principle of operation is an oscillatory effect on the teeth. The brush head is usually made in the shape of a bowl. It rotates in a vertical position, very quickly cleaning each tooth individually. The compact shape of the nozzle allows you to clean even molars. The number of reciprocating movements rarely exceeds 10,000 movements.

How to choose and what to pay attention to?

There are 3 types of electric brushes on the market:

  • Rotary : with a movable upper part (called the head) that performs reciprocating or rotating movements. Head rotation speed: from 2,000 to 30,000 per minute. Suitable for all faces (even small children and adults with sensitive enamel).
  • Sonic : These devices have a high-frequency generator in the holder that rotates at a speed of 25,000-30,000 movements in 60 seconds. They do not harm artificial structures in the mouth, clean teeth and tongue gently, improve microcirculation of blood in tissues and are affordable.
  • Ultrasonic : These brushes are considered to successfully replace professional cleaning in the dental office. This device uses vibration to destroy mineralized and pigmented plaque on the teeth and in the spaces between them. However, doctors warn: exposure to sound waves can destroy fillings, veneers and other artificial structures in the oral cavity.

It is better to choose a brush with a round head: it will not scratch your gums and cheeks.
If the back side is rough, this will also clear the tongue of plaque. The head size for children should not exceed 22 mm, for adults - 27 mm .

Choose the hardness based on the condition of your gums and the sensitivity of the enamel.

The bristles can be made of synthetic or natural bristles. Synthetic lasts a long time and is inexpensive, has no pores.

Natural - ideal for allergy sufferers, but expensive and does not last long.


Modern electric toothbrushes show excellent results in caring for the oral cavity, in contrast to conventional, non-mechanical analogues. They perfectly remove plaque, prevent the spread of pathogenic microbes and the occurrence of diseases (periodontal disease, gingivitis, caries). When choosing a good brush, take into account its purpose, the age of the user and other nuances.

By purpose

Devices of this type allow you to clean the oral cavity as efficiently as possible. But if most electric brushes are suitable for adults, then a special device is selected for the child.

For adults

There are several types of battery-powered toothbrushes. These are mechanical, sound and ultrasonic devices. Adults select them depending on their needs. If there are no special problems with your teeth, then choose a mechanical brush. Less often - sound.

Both devices do a good job of whitening and plaque removal, and are also suitable for owners of false teeth, crowns, fillings, and braces. Ultrasonic brushes have a strong effect on tooth enamel and gums, so they are chosen for maximum cleansing of the oral cavity.

For children

Many well-known brands produce special lines of electric brushes for small users. But dentists do not recommend buying them for children under 3-4 years old. Such models are designed specifically for children's teeth. The bristles are very soft, and the number of movements is much less than intended for adults.


Before purchasing an electric toothbrush, be sure to consider the type of cleaning. There are several varieties, including standard (mechanical), ultrasonic, sound, vibration.

What is Orange Blossom?


This is a popular type of toothbrush with a simple operating principle. Makes no more than 30,000 movements per minute, providing safe and gentle cleansing. Suitable for children and people with sensitive teeth. Standard brushes are divided into several types based on the principle of head movement.


These high-tech toothbrushes work using electromagnets that move the head at high frequencies. They allow you to quickly clean the oral cavity, destroy pathogenic bacteria, and are great for daily use.


Modern toothbrushes allow you to clean the oral cavity not only with bristles, but also with sound vibrations. Thanks to special sound waves, it creates a homogeneous consistency from water, air and paste. Sonic brushes are great for those with dentures, veneers or braces. They are recommended to be used for sensitive gums prone to bleeding.


The operating principle is similar to sound ones. But their number of rotations per minute is much higher. This allows you to more effectively clean tooth enamel and penetrate into the most difficult to reach areas. Additional benefits include minimal effort on the part of the user and savings on toothpaste.

But if you have problems with your gums, as well as those with veneers, crowns and fillings, you should be careful. Due to the large number of pulsations during use, the brush can aggravate the problem (loss of fillings, increased bleeding of the gums). Such powerful devices are rarely purchased for children.

By food type

Electric toothbrushes are very convenient to use and increase the efficiency of daily brushing several times. But their autonomy depends on the type of power supply. There are several varieties.

From batteries

More affordable devices that run on regular lithium batteries. Perfect for travelers who do not have the ability to charge battery models. They are often chosen by people who are using electric brushes for the first time and do not want to spend money on expensive models.


Expensive models, the battery life of which is lower than that of toothbrushes with conventional batteries. But they need to be charged no more than 1-2 times a month. It all depends on the battery capacity. For example, models with a capacity of about 1,000 mAh can easily work for 30-40 days without recharging. The charging duration also depends on this – from 12 to 24 hours.

TOP 3 best sonic electric toothbrushes by price/quality for 2021-2022

CS Medica CS-167

Electric sonic toothbrush CS Medica CS-167 helps to provide complete oral care . The brush is intended for adults and children over 12 years old.

The laconic design in the Japanese style is made in two color options - black and white.

The brush body is waterproof. This allows you to protect the internal mechanism of the device from moisture. This model can be used even while you are taking a shower .

The package includes everything you need: a protective cap, a battery and 2 attachments.

The weight of the CS Medica CS-167 model is only 20 g. It is a compact and lightweight device, simple and easy to use.

The vibration frequency of the brush is 28,000 movements per minute, which determines its high cleaning ability.

CS Medica CS-167 operates from one battery, the operating life is about 120 days. Along with the brush you receive spare attachments that need to be changed every 3 months. Please note that attachments can be purchased separately.


  • Pulsations per minute - 28000,
  • nozzles included - 2,
  • power supply is from batteries.


  • good appearance,
  • long battery life.


  • No.


Emmi-dent 6 Professional

A convenient brush that can also be used for weakened, problem gums . Fine

copes with plaque and massages the oral cavity, does not damage tooth enamel and does not injure the oral mucosa.

Works for a long time on one charge.

The kit includes a couple of additional attachments.

Parents need to monitor the wear of the bristles on the head, since there is no electronic alert sensor.

Battery life is up to 10 days, charges quickly.

  • Operating modes - 1,
  • 96,000,000 pulsations per minute.


  • high quality plastic,
  • light,
  • attractive design.


  • high price,
  • does not clean the spaces between teeth well,

Megasonex Megasonex

Health-safe brush with soft bristles and 3 cleaning modes: standard (18,000 rotations per minute), gentle (9,000 movements for sensitive mouths) and no sound (no sound).

In addition to the main components, the kit also includes a convenient travel case.

It copes not only with plaque, but also with tartar, and reduces bleeding gums.

The green indicator light on the handle will tell you whether the ultrasound is working.

Silent model with two nozzles, which will last for 6 months.

  • Maximum pulsation speed - 96,000,000 per minute,
  • Power consumption - 12 W.


  • light,
  • compact,
  • removes plaque well and cleans spaces between teeth,
  • There is a travel case.


  • allows moisture to pass through,
  • difficult to find a replacement battery,
  • Expensive.

Top best manufacturing companies

When looking at a particular product, you involuntarily pay attention to the market leaders. They are trusted with their choice, they captivate with a huge range, new functions and a large number of accessories. And the support of such companies is well developed so that you can ask for help if something happens.

The electric brushes segment is characterized by the following leaders:

  • Oral-B is the world's leading manufacturer of oral care products. The company produces absolutely everything related to dentistry, treatment and prevention of diseases;
  • Philips is a serious player in the medical equipment market, including dental equipment. Always offers a little more than competitors at a comparable cost;
  • B.Well is a specialized Swiss brand that creates products for medicine and personal care. Traditional quality, an abundance of accessories and replaceable attachments are the company’s calling card;
  • Colgate is the same company that is recommended by 9 out of 10 dentists around the world. In fact, these are affordable and high-quality oral care products for children and adults;
  • CS Medica is one of the leaders in the Russian market, creating medical equipment for companies and personal use. Strongly aimed at children's audiences.

Also worth mentioning are key players such as Revyline, Ecovel, Braun, Donfeel and, oddly enough, Xiaomi. And even though they are just intermediaries, they bring to the market a truly high-quality product with competitive characteristics, helping young companies develop.

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A selection of the best products from Geeksus

The best electric toothbrushes

Oral-B Vitality 3D White

A successful rotary model with a rubberized waterproof body and rounded bristles..

The set includes 1 nozzle. Battery powered. Medium-hard bristles allow you to cope with both tartar and plaque.

Fits comfortably in the hand.

A charged battery lasts for two weeks of operation (2 times a day).

The timer vibrates every 2 minutes, letting you know it's time to end the process.

This model has proven itself well in 2021-2022.

  • Number of directed movements - 7600 per minute,
  • Charging time - 16 hours,
  • Operating time - 20 minutes,
  • Nozzle for children - no.


  • built-in timer,
  • there is a stand.


  • 1 operating mode.

Oral-B Pro 500 CrossAction

A modern model with an exclusive round nozzle: the bristles are located at an angle to each other.

The blue color of the bristles darkens with use and thereby indicates when the brush head needs to be changed.

The timer can be set for 2 time periods - 30 seconds. and 2 minutes.

The battery will last 2 weeks without recharging. The tips of the bristles are rounded to protect the enamel.

  • Warranty period - 2 years,
  • 20,000 pulsations per minute.


  • brush charging and discharging indicator,
  • cleans interdental spaces well,
  • mechanical pressure sensor.


  • no display,
  • high price.

Oral-B Pro 570 CrossAction

Autonomous operation - 28 hours . Medium-stiff bristles penetrate deeply into crevices

between teeth, breaking up and removing plaque.

The bristles become discolored over time.

There is a stand with holders for attachments included..

The device is in the mid-price category, replacement heads are easy to find on sale. Affordable.

  • Charging time - 16 hours,
  • Battery life is a week.


  • charging indicator,
  • timer,
  • pressure adjustment sensor,
  • 2 replaceable nozzles included.


  • only 1 operating mode.

Oral-B Genius 10000N

Ultra-modern model with 4 attachments included and 4 operating modes: delicate cleaning, massage, whitening and standard cleaning.

Visual inspection of the bristles is necessary.

Synchronizes with your smartphone: a special program will calculate your progress and suggest the procedure for cleaning.


  • Pulsations per minute - 48,000,
  • Warranty period - 2 years.


  • charging indicator,
  • pressure sensor,
  • timer.


  • statistics on cleanings and achievements in the program often disappear,
  • Battery capacity is too small.

Oral-B Smart 4 4000

A brush with 3D cleaning technology removes, according to manufacturers, absolutely all plaque.

To control the process, you can synchronize the device with the Oral-B App on your smartphone, which allows you to monitor the brushing process and learn new skills.

Has 3 cleaning modes: standard, intensive, sensitive . Power comes from the battery.

  • Pulsations per minute - 40,000,
  • Battery life - 2 weeks.


  • 2 nozzles included,
  • visual inspection of brush wear,
  • timer,
  • tooth pressure sensor,
  • the battery holds a charge for a long time,
  • waterproof case,
  • fits comfortably in the hand.


  • no travel case,
  • The indicator does not show the remaining charge.


Standard electric toothbrushes have a rotating head that moves in different modes.

For your information! The rotation speed varies from 2 to 3 thousand movements per minute, and largely depends on the manufacturer.

Devices of this type are ideal for children and adults with sensitive enamel. The standard rating includes the 6 best models based on customer reviews and ratings.

B.Well PRO-810

A simple, inexpensive and effective battery-powered toothbrush.

The model is equipped with only one control button - this makes operation simple and intuitive even for those who have never used an electric toothbrush before.

High-quality DuPont bristles remove plaque without injuring the gums or erasing the enamel. The circular bristles reach every tooth for comprehensive cleaning.

The built-in timer correctly calculates the time spent on the procedure.


  • Purpose: for adults.
  • Power type: batteries.
  • Nozzle included: standard.
  • Modes: daily cleaning.
  • Battery life: depending on the battery capacity.
  • Additional functionality: timer.


  • Does not require recharging and is not dependent on the network.
  • Compact and not heavy for the hand.
  • Rubberized, anti-slip handle.
  • Does not make noise during operation.
  • Affordable price.


  • Requires battery replacement.
  • Only 1 nozzle included.

CS Medica CS-485

The CS Medica CS-485 electric toothbrush helps provide complete oral care. The brush is intended for adults and children over 12 years old.

The CS-485 model head makes about 8,000 reciprocating movements per minute, fully cleaning the surface of the teeth and interdental spaces, and also gently massages the gums.

You can choose one of 4 cleaning modes that will not damage your enamel:

  • whitening;
  • daily;
  • massage;
  • sensitive.

The delivery set includes three nozzles. It is recommended to change them every three months. Thus, you save on the purchase of replacement attachments and use them for almost a year without spending extra money.

To store attachments, use a special compartment located on the charging stand of the device.

The waterproof case will ensure safe use and storage of the brush in the bathroom.


  • Intended use: for children over 12 years of age and adults.
  • Power type: battery.
  • Nozzles included: 3 pcs.
  • Modes: daily cleaning, whitening, massage, delicate cleaning.
  • Maximum speed: 8000 reciprocating movements per minute.


  • Suitable for children.
  • Convenient charging option via USB or contactless method.
  • Several attachments included.
  • Several cleaning modes.
  • Additional replacement tips are easy to purchase.
  • Good gum massage.


  • Average noise during operation.

Oral-B Genius X Sensi 20000N

A toothbrush with “Artificial Intelligence” that recognizes your brushing style and provides instructions for improving it.

The toothbrush is equipped with motion sensors and artificial intelligence, which recognizes the style of brushing your teeth and issues new instructions every day to improve it.

The cleaning head performs up to 10.5 thousand rotational movements and up to 48 thousand pulsations per minute.

A two-minute timer allows you to control the cleaning time, and 6 operating modes and a pressure sensor make hygiene more complete.

Synchronizes with the Oral-B App mobile device.


  • Purpose: for adults.
  • Power type: battery.
  • Nozzle included: standard.
  • Modes: daily cleaning, delicate cleaning, whitening, massage.
  • Battery life: 48 hours.
  • Additional functionality: pressure sensor, timer, charging indicator, synchronization with a mobile application.


  • There is a case for storage and transportation.
  • For sensitive enamel, the “delicate cleaning” mode is ideal.
  • Charges quickly.
  • Can work without recharging for about 10 days.
  • Attractive design.


  • The charging cord is too short.
  • Data in the application is not always displayed correctly.
  • Compared to analogues it is expensive.

Oral-B Smart 4 4000

Ideal as a first electric toothbrush for children over 3 years old and adults with sensitive enamel.

The brush is equipped with a Bluetooth interface that allows you to synchronize the device with a free mobile application from the manufacturer.

The application analyzes teeth brushing and makes recommendations for improving the process, pointing out mistakes made.

The indicator indicates that the bristles are worn out and that the cleaning head needs to be replaced.

3D cleaning technology combines reciprocating movements and pulsation.


  • Intended use: for adults and children over 3 years old.
  • Power type: battery.
  • Nozzle included: standard and whitening nozzle.
  • Modes: daily cleaning, delicate cleaning, whitening.
  • Battery life: about 2 weeks without recharging.
  • Additional functionality: pressure sensor, timer, charge level indication, synchronization with a smartphone.


  • High quality build.
  • Gives a feeling of perfectly smooth teeth after every brushing.
  • Convenient and practical stand.
  • The timer goes off every 30 seconds, reminding you to move to a new cleaning sector.
  • Waterproof housing.


  • There is no travel case included.
  • Replacement brushes are too expensive.
  • The app is useless and monotonous.

Oral-B Vitality 3D White

Gently and effectively removes pigmented plaque - a good option for black coffee lovers and heavy smokers.

The brush has a polishing cup field in the very center of the nozzle: it allows you to effectively remove plaque, making your teeth smooth and snow-white.

Another toothbrush from Oral-B, which has received positive recommendations from most dentists in the world.

Thanks to 2D cleaning technology, the head makes about 7600 reciprocating movements per minute.

Compatible with all replacement attachments produced by Oral-B, except for the sonic “Sonic”.

The blue bristles fade by half when it's time to change the brush head. The compact charger can be conveniently stored in a hanging drawer in the bathroom.


  • Purpose: for adults.
  • Power type: battery.
  • Nozzle included: whitening nozzle.
  • Modes: daily cleaning.
  • Battery life: 28 hours.
  • Additional functionality: pressure sensor, timer.


  • The quality of cleaning is much higher compared to standard “manual” cleaning.
  • Waterproof housing.
  • Reduces toothpaste consumption.
  • Fits comfortably in the hand.
  • It even reaches the back teeth.


  • It takes too long to charge - you need to keep it on the charging station all the time.
  • It vibrates noticeably, which can be unpleasant.
  • Buying attachments will cost more than buying the brush itself.
  • Sharp bristles can cause bleeding gums.

Oral-B Pro 500 CrossAction

Qualitatively better plaque removal compared to classic brushes.

Dynamic reciprocating movements allow you to achieve the feeling of smooth and clean teeth in the shortest possible time.

Three-dimensional cleansing technology, combined with pulsation, allows the bristles to penetrate into the interdental spaces, sweeping away food debris and soft plaque.

The cleaning quality is twice as good as a regular toothbrush.


  • Purpose: for adults.
  • Power type: battery.
  • Nozzle included: standard.
  • Modes: daily cleaning.
  • Additional functionality: pressure sensor, timer, charging indicator.


  • Affordable price.
  • Battery life.
  • Comfortable feeling when cleaning.
  • Removes plaque well - teeth become smooth and shiny after the first brushing.
  • High build quality.


  • The battery takes a very long time to charge – it takes a day to fully charge.
  • The pressure sensor does not always work.
  • Buying new attachments is too expensive.

The best sonic toothbrushes

Acleon F36/F38

Functional ultrasonic brush Acleon F36/F38. Available in black and white,

Therefore, it can be purchased for both men and women. With this configuration, the characteristics of the brushes do not differ.

Among the features of the Akleon brush are many options and a waterproof body. The brush works autonomously and charges within 1 hour, while the autonomy is enough for two weeks of use.

There are four cleaning modes: standard, soft for sensitive teeth, whitening and gum massage. There are also 2 built-in timers - for 2 minutes (optimal cleaning time) and for 30 seconds (signals when it’s time to move to another area of ​​the jaw).

There are 5 attachments in total, two of which are for orthodontic structures. There is a case for transportation and storage with an ultraviolet lamp that disinfects the nozzles.


  • Number of directed movements – up to 60,000 per minute,
  • Charging time – up to 60 minutes,
  • Operating time – 120 minutes,
  • Number of nozzles – 5 pcs.


  • built-in timer;
  • travel case;
  • waterproof case;
  • long battery life.


  • none.

Polaris PETB 0101 TC

Stylish and functional Polaris PETB 0101 TC toothbrush provides 2 types of cleaning


Vibrating bristles remove plaque from the surface of the teeth , and sound waves create a homogeneous foam from paste, water and air, which carefully and effectively removes dirt even in hard-to-reach areas.

Distinctive features of the brush are a waterproof body and 5 cleaning modes:

  • Clean (intensive cleaning) – 41,000 pulsations/min;
  • White (lightening) – 48,000 pulsations/min;
  • Polish (polishing) – 45,000 pulsations/min;
  • Gum care (gum care) – 35,000 pulsations/min;
  • Sensitive (gentle cleaning, suitable for daily use) – 31,000 pulsations/min.

The next time you turn on the brush, it automatically starts working in the last selected mode, this greatly simplifies interaction with the device and saves time.

There is a 2-minute timer and prompts about the need to change the cleaning area (the indicator goes off every 30 seconds).

Includes a waterproof contactless charger, 3 replacement brush heads with durable Dupont bristles, and a travel case with USB charging. The model is available in black and white colors.


  • Up to 48,000 pulsations per minute.
  • Operating time: up to 60 days (in Sensitive mode).
  • Charging time: 9–16 hours.
  • Includes 3 replacement tips, contactless charger and travel case.
  • Noise level: <67 dB.
  • 2 years warranty.


  • 5 automatic modes;
  • built-in timer;
  • charging indicator;
  • color indicator of bristle wear;
  • waterproof case;
  • contactless charger;
  • travel case;
  • approved by the Russian Dental Association.


  • none.

Soocas X5

Premium, improved version of the Soocas X3 model with updated design and magnetic levitation monitor.

The maximum possible number of modes is 12.

The built-in NFC chip signals the need to change the nozzle. Weighs 430 g. Suitable for both sensitive teeth and weak gums.

All nodes are hermetically sealed.

  • 31000 pulsations per minute,
  • Operating time after charging is 14 days.


  • attractive appearance,
  • battery life increased to 30 days,
  • the damper pad on the body makes vibration almost invisible,
  • you can purchase an additional attachment and turn the brush into a massager for the neck and face,
  • synchronizes with your smartphone.


  • Long charging - more than 14 hours.

Philips Sonicare 2 Series plaque control HX6212

A convenient and affordable brush for both adults and children . Sound notification

helps to change the position of the brush in time and put the device on charge.

It weighs little and does not slip in your hands.

The set includes a stand, 2 attachments and a convenient travel case . Suitable for sensitive enamel and damaged gums.

  • Pulsations per minute - 31,000,
  • Operating time after full charge is 2 weeks.


  • timer,
  • charging indication,
  • function of getting used to the device.


  • only one operating mode,
  • high price for components.

CS Medica CS-333

A device for complete oral care . The habituation function allows

Learn how to brush your teeth properly.

It is easy to use, has an ergonomic design and 5 operating modes: standard, whitening, training, massage, polishing.

The set includes 1 nozzle and stand . It cleans tartar well and massages the gums.

  • Battery charging time - 16 hours,
  • 31000 pulsations per minute,
  • Battery life is 14 days.


  • Beautiful design,
  • works for a long time on one charge,
  • comfortable,
  • cleans well.


  • 1 nozzle
  • there are no fastenings for replaceable nozzles,
  • additional components are expensive,
  • no travel case.

Philips Sonicare 2 Series gum health HX6232/41

The kit includes 2 brushes, a charger, and replaceable blocks . Comfortable knurled handle

slips out of the palm and is firmly attached to the holder.

There is a convenient timer and charging indicator.

There is no bristle wear indicator.

There is only one cleaning mode, but for people trying this device for the first time, it is quite enough.

  • Number of pulsations: 31,000 per minute,
  • Service life - 1 year.


  • holds a charge for a long time,
  • perfectly cleans enamel,
  • beautiful in appearance.


  • very expensive attachments
  • takes a long time to charge,
  • no carrying case,
  • stubble too small

Soocas X3

Not only does this brush have a beautiful design, it does a great job of cleaning your teeth and tongue..

4 modes: regular cleaning, massage, whitening and delicate cleaning (for sore gums and weak enamel).

The timer will help you carry out the procedure without violating the deadlines, and the charging indication will show when the device needs to be connected to the mains.

Synchronizes with the program on your smartphone . Includes: 1 nozzle, handle, charger, stand.

  • Power: 2 W,
  • Battery life is 16 hours.


  • the battery holds a charge for a long time,
  • electronic bristle wear monitoring,
  • weighs little.


  • takes a long time to charge,
  • the power button quickly starts to “stick”,
  • Water gets inside despite the waterproof housing,

TOP 5 best ultrasonic toothbrushes

Donfeel HSD-015

Fashionable brush with many modes . Works for a long time without recharging. Pen

comfortable, does not slip even in wet hands.

The battery holds a charge for several weeks.

The body is made of a material that is pleasant to the touch.

Additional attachments are inexpensive. Perfectly removes plaque and whitens tooth enamel.

This brush can be used even by children, thanks to the special ultra-soft soft mode.

The model does not lose its relevance in 2021-2022.

  • 2800000 pulsations per minute,
  • 5 cleaning modes,
  • Service life - 1 year.


  • excellent value for money,
  • nice to hold in your hands,
  • good assembly,
  • 3 nozzles included.


  • the bristles are not stiff enough to clean the surface of the tongue,
  • inconvenient stand for the device and components.

VES electric RLT204

Multifunctional brush with 5 operating modes (regular, polishing, whitening, delicate cleaning for weak gums, massage).

A special advantage: the customization mode, which allows you to set the main parameters to your liking.

There is a convenient timer and charge level indicator.

Attractive design and high-quality assembly have made this model one of the most popular electric brushes on the market.

  • Power: 1.3 W,
  • Battery life is up to 10 days.


  • affordable,
  • many modes,
  • high-quality assembly.


  • small number of pulsations,
  • tight nozzles.

Emmi-dent 6 Platinum

High-quality assembly device from Germany . The set comes with a pleasant-tasting paste. Pen

1, nozzle also 1.

Convenient timer, charging indication is clear even to a child.

The elongated head allows you to reach the farthest teeth.

Cleans the spaces between teeth well, does not scratch the mucous membrane, and is also suitable for hypersensitive enamel.

Can be used for bleeding gums.

  • Maximum speed - 96,000,000 per minute,
  • Battery life: up to 25 days.


  • carefully clean tooth enamel,
  • the charge lasts for 14 days,
  • there is a holder.


  • Expensive.

Emmi-dent 6 Professional

A convenient brush that can also be used for weakened, problem gums . Fine

copes with plaque and massages the oral cavity, does not damage tooth enamel and does not injure the oral mucosa.

Works for a long time on one charge.

The kit includes a couple of additional attachments.

Parents need to monitor the wear of the bristles on the head, since there is no electronic alert sensor.

Battery life is up to 10 days, charges quickly.

  • Operating modes - 1,
  • 96,000,000 pulsations per minute.


  • high quality plastic,
  • light,
  • attractive design.


  • high price,
  • does not clean the spaces between teeth well,

Megasonex Megasonex

Health-safe brush with soft bristles and 3 cleaning modes: standard (18,000 rotations per minute), gentle (9,000 movements for sensitive mouths) and no sound (no sound).

In addition to the main components, the kit also includes a convenient travel case.

It copes not only with plaque, but also with tartar, and reduces bleeding gums.

The green indicator light on the handle will tell you whether the ultrasound is working.

Silent model with two nozzles, which will last for 6 months.

  • Maximum pulsation speed - 96,000,000 per minute,
  • Power consumption - 12 W.


  • light,
  • compact,
  • removes plaque well and cleans spaces between teeth,
  • There is a travel case.


  • allows moisture to pass through,
  • difficult to find a replacement battery,
  • Expensive.


The main difference from sonic brushes is the high frequency of rotation, which removes not only soft plaque, but also mineralized dental stones and pigment spots , making the enamel perfectly smooth, thanks to ultrasonic vibrations.

Stay up to date! These brushes are powered by an electric motor that converts electricity into high-frequency ultrasonic waves that are transmitted to the bristles.

During hygiene procedures, a person may feel some warmth, which is rather a positive effect.

After all, a slight increase in temperature accelerates blood circulation in the gum tissue.

The best ultrasound models for adults - TOP 4 devices.

Donfeel HSD-015

A model that combines advanced oral care technologies, cost-effectiveness and health benefits.

A brush created for people who value benefits, convenience, reliability and quality.

The manufacturer has equipped the device with the most powerful battery. With regular use twice a day, the brush will not require recharging for more than 6 weeks.

To the three standard modes (daily cleaning, whitening, massage), two more have been added - soft cleaning for sensitive enamel and polishing.

The set includes three interchangeable nozzles of medium hardness.

The main feature of the device is a UV lamp built into the charging station, which allows you to clean the brush from pathogenic bacteria and fungi without additional means.


  • Purpose: for adults and children.
  • Power type: battery.
  • Nozzle included: three standard nozzles included.
  • Modes: daily reading, delicate cleaning for sensitive enamel, whitening, massage, polishing.
  • Additional functionality: timer, charge indicator.


  • The optimum ratio of price and quality.
  • Visibly whitens teeth with regular use.
  • Rich factory equipment.
  • The components are inexpensive.
  • An ultraviolet lamp makes the cleaning process even safer and better.


  • At first it seems that it is cleaning too aggressively.
  • The UV lamp is not covered by the warranty.
  • The base is not intended for storage in the bathroom.

VES electric RLT204

An affordable mid-price model designed for high-quality oral care.

The brush works based on 2D sonic cleaning. The electric drive causes the bristles to oscillate at a frequency of 800 Hz.

Vibration creates active foam from a small pea of ​​toothpaste, penetrating into the interdental spaces and gum pockets, removing dirt and plaque.

The basic kit includes a replaceable nozzle with an oval head and special DuPont bristles.


  • Purpose: for adults and children.
  • Power type: battery.
  • Nozzle included: standard nozzles included.
  • Modes: daily cleaning, delicate cleaning, whitening, massage, polishing.
  • Additional functionality: timer, charging indication.


  • Affordable price.
  • Multifunctionality.
  • Attractive design.
  • Energy-intensive battery.
  • High quality build and materials.


  • No synchronization with mobile device.
  • The included attachments are difficult to put on and secure.
  • A tickling sensation may occur during brushing.

Emmi-dent 6 Platinum

A brush from a German manufacturer that embodies unique innovative developments in the field of teeth cleaning.

This model uses ultrasound technologies similar to those used in neurology, ophthalmology, gastroenterology and other medical fields.

High-purity vibrations qualitatively clean the entire oral cavity, preventing the development of caries and inflammatory processes of mucous tissues.

Implants, crowns, bridges and other orthodontic structures are not a contraindication for use.


  • Purpose: for adults and children.
  • Power type: battery.
  • Nozzle included: standard nozzle included.
  • Modes: daily cleaning.
  • Additional functionality: timer, charging indicator.


  • High quality build.
  • Battery charge indicator.
  • Unusual and attractive design.
  • Country of origin: Germany.
  • The feeling of cleanliness and freshness lasts from morning to evening cleansing.


  • It is more expensive compared to analogues.
  • No additional modes.
  • The gums may bleed slightly at first.

Emmi-dent 6 Professional

One of the most modern models of electric brushes operating on 100% ultrasound.

The design of the brush has been improved in accordance with all the wishes of consumers.

The on/off area is located on the handle, and the electronics are modernized.

The battery capacity is increased to cover all functionality.

Thanks to ultrasound technology, the good thing about this model is that all cleaning is done motionlessly, without injuring the gums and enamel.


  • Purpose: for adults and children.
  • Power type: battery.
  • Nozzle included: standard nozzles included.
  • Modes: daily cleaning.


  • Prevents inflammation and minimizes existing processes.
  • Great for people with sensitive enamel.
  • Works for a long time on one charge.
  • Removes plaque well.
  • Cleans the entire oral cavity efficiently.


  • There is no charge level indicator.
  • You'll have to get used to the noticeable vibration.
  • You need to buy new attachments every 3-4 months.

The best children's toothbrushes

CS Medica CS-562 Junior

Recommended by pediatric dentists for daily use.

The use of CS Medica CS-561 Kids toothbrushes helps prevent dental caries and inflammatory periodontal (gum) diseases in children.

For children aged 5 years and older.

A compact and lightweight electric toothbrush recommended for effective teeth cleaning in children and adolescents. 16,000 movements per minute .

Soft bristles gently clean your teeth without damaging your enamel and gums.

The brush is equipped with a backlit head, which makes brushing your teeth interesting and fun.

An intermediate timer will teach your child to clean all areas of the mouth evenly..

Thanks to the rubberized insert on the handle, the brush will not slip out of a child's hand.

Electric toothbrush CS Medica CS-562 Junior for children over 5 years old - find out its secret!


  • Speed ​​- 16,000 pulsations per minute;
  • Nozzles included - 2;
  • Power supply is from batteries.


  • Beautiful design;
  • 2 nozzles included;
  • light.


  • No.

Oral-B Stages Power Frozen Elsa, Anna, Olaf D12.513K

This brush in the style of the famous cartoon is intended for children over 3 years old . She has

wide comfortable handle, soft bristles, 1 nozzle with oval head and long service life.

The charge lasts for a week.

There is a convenient timer.

The case is waterproof and durable. One operating mode. It fits in your hand like a glove, does not fall out and does not slip.

According to reviews, it cleans well, until “smooth.”

  • Speed ​​- 7000 movements per minute,
  • Battery life: 28 hours.


  • light,
  • comfortable,
  • beautiful in appearance,
  • affordable,
  • There is a stand included.


  • no indication,
  • makes a loud noise during operation,
  • There is no pressure adjustment on the gums.

Oral-B Stages Power Wheelbarrows D12.513K

A brush that is comfortable for children's hands . Mode one, extra soft bristles, brush compatible with

application on a smartphone.

One handle included.

It lasts a long time on charge. The treatment of the case does not allow water to get inside. It lasts a long time - at least 1 year.

Despite its significant weight, it does not slip out of your hands and does not cause inconvenience during daily use..

  • Charging time - 5 hours,
  • Battery life is 5 hours.


  • travel case,
  • colorful and bright models with your favorite characters on the body,
  • detailed instructions.


  • there is no indication on charging,
  • There is not enough timer for 30 seconds.

Oral-B Stages Power Star Wars D12.513K

A device in the spirit of Star Wars: with a symbolic color (blue and scarlet) and a small round head.

There is synchronization with a smartphone: your child can watch an educational cartoon and play a fun game.

Convenient charging indicator . Parents will have to monitor the wear of the bristles themselves.

The body is covered with rubber, making it non-slip.

  • Operating time - 28 minutes,
  • Movements per minute - 7600,
  • The body is covered with a layer of rubber,
  • The declared autonomy is 28 minutes.


  • affordable price ,
  • long service life,
  • ergonomic body,
  • compatible with mobile application,
  • timer.


  • hard stubble,
  • expensive replacement tips,
  • 1 cleaning mode.

Oral-B Junior

With this beautiful and convenient brush, caring for your baby's oral cavity becomes a real pleasure..

Type 4729, comfortable non-slip handle and clear timer. The corrugated body is comfortable and does not slip even from a wet child’s hand.

The kit includes a brush head with regular and ultra-fine bristles..

A flashing green light will indicate when the device needs charging.

This model is highly reliable for 2021-2022.

  • Movements per minute: 20,000.
  • Warranty - 2 years,
  • SENSI Ultrathin brush head with soft bristles.


  • timer,
  • attractive appearance for the baby,
  • bright alert indicator,
  • weighs little
  • Colorful and clear brochure included.


  • only 1 nozzle,
  • charges in 22 hours.

Soocas C1

Device for children over 4 years old, with soft bristles and attractive appearance.

In addition to the nozzle, handle and charger, the kit includes replaceable panels (2 pcs.) and colorful gift stickers.

The brush weighs a little and is very convenient for a child's hand.

Electronic wear control, notifies of a problem with an audible signal . The set includes 2 front panels: for a boy and for a girl.

  • Weight - 106 g,
  • Power - 2 W,
  • 2 operating modes: simple and delicate,
  • Warranty - 2 years.


  • affordable price,
  • synchronization with a smartphone and a special children's program showing
  • educational cartoons,
  • There is a tooth pressure sensor and a timer.


  • it is difficult to find replacement heads on the open market,
  • takes a long time to charge,

Ultrasonic brushes are not recommended for use by children under 3 years of age, cancer patients, gingivitis (hypertrophic), or stomatitis.

Proper brushing of teeth

So you bought an electric toothbrush. But don’t rush to use your new device right away. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the basic cleaning rules that will help facilitate the process of removing plaque and avoid possible unpleasant sensations.

  • Only turn on the device when it is in your mouth - otherwise, after brushing your teeth, you will have to clean the bathroom. The quick oscillating movements of the bristles spray the paste throughout the room.
  • Do not immediately set the power to high - allow your teeth to get used to the new method of cleansing for two weeks.
  • Do not press too hard on the electric toothbrush; to avoid gum damage and bleeding, it is important to apply only light pressure. Good models have a pressure sensor that lights up red when the pressure increases.
  • Avoid additional manipulation: the bristles of electric brushes do not change the direction of movement, which helps preserve the enamel and avoid erosion. Just install the head on the tooth - and the smart gadget will do everything for you.
  • Do not shorten the procedure time. Experts recommend brushing your teeth for two to three minutes, brushing one tooth should take 3-4 seconds.
  • Rinse the device after use. Change heads regularly. Replacement attachments have a limited service life (9-12 weeks). Reliable manufacturers supply products with wear indicators.

We hope that the participants in the rating of the best electric toothbrushes will help make the cleaning process easier and reduce trips to the dentist to a minimum. Which model did you focus on, what are the pros and cons of your new assistant? Share your opinion with us in the comments.

Top 2. B.Well PRO-810

Rating (2021): 4.60

122 reviews from resources were taken into account: Yandex.Market, Otzovik, IRecommend, DNS Citilink, Ozon

Best price B.Well PRO-810 can be purchased for an average of 850 rubles. This is the most profitable offer in the ranking of the best.

  • Characteristics

    Average price: 850 rub.

  • Country: China
  • Warranty: 1 year
  • Operating modes: 3, daily cleaning
  • Autonomy: battery powered
  • Contents: 1 nozzle, main unit, batteries

B.Well PRO-810 is an inexpensive and undoubtedly worthy regular electric brush. This model is the best choice for traveling; it runs on batteries and does not require constant charging. Users in reviews sometimes complain that the batteries run out quickly, but in this case it is enough to simply replace them with new ones. The brush has three cleaning modes with different speeds, and is equipped with an optimal timer of 2 minutes. The ergonomic rubberized handle is very comfortable, but slips when wet. We did not find any critical flaws, but some owners note that the bristles are too soft. However, this judgment is relative, since softness makes cleaning more delicate.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Convenient 2 minute timer
  • Daily cleaning in 3 modes
  • Reciprocating speed 6000 per minute
  • Convenient to take on the go, battery operated
  • Ergonomic rubberized handle
  • The bristles of the brush head are too soft

See also:

  • 10 best toothpastes for sensitive teeth

Top 3. Oral-B Genius 10000N Sensi Rose Gold

Rating (2021): 4.22

69 reviews from resources were taken into account: Yandex.Market, Otzovik, IRecommend, Ozon

Maximum functionality The brush has 6 daily cleaning modes. There are also functions of whitening, delicate and professional care, gum massage and tongue hygiene.

  • Characteristics

    Average price: 9550 rub.

  • Country: Germany
  • Warranty: 2 years
  • Operating modes: 6, daily cleaning, whitening, delicate cleaning, gum care, tongue cleaning, professional cleaning
  • Autonomy: battery, 48 minutes of continuous operation
  • Contents: brush, 1 nozzle, charger, smartphone holder, stand, travel case

At a relatively low price, it offers one of the most technologically advanced and functional toothbrushes, Genius 10000N Sensi Rose Gold. This model has a stylish design and ample capabilities. There are 6 modes, which is more than its closest competitors, each of them has several degrees of intensity. In addition, the brush allows for professional cleaning and whitening. The model impresses with its rich set of components; it even includes a holder for a smartphone. The model synchronizes with the latter via Bluetooth. The brush is excellent, but there are examples with poor quality assembly; we recommend checking the device in a store.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • The largest number of modes and functions
  • Rich equipment (everything is taken into account)
  • Tooth pressure sensor, timer, charge indication
  • Good speed (10500 rotations and 48000 pulsations per minute)
  • Possibility of professional cleaning
  • There are models with poor quality assembly
( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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