Types of electric toothbrushes - tips on how to choose the right brush

Electric toothbrushes are becoming increasingly popular. They allow you to quickly clean your mouth of food debris and remove plaque from your teeth. They are suitable for almost everyone, including small children. Let's try to figure out how to choose the right electric toothbrush and what functions it should have.

Daily hygiene routines can be made easier, faster and more effective by using modern devices, such as an electric toothbrush.

It removes food debris from the oral cavity better than manual dentistry and cleans plaque from tooth enamel. With its help it is possible to prevent the formation of stones, caries, periodontal disease

In this article

  • How electric brushes work
  • Pros and cons of electric brushes
  • Types of electric toothbrushes
  • How to choose a toothbrush: selection criteria
  • How to choose an electric toothbrush for adults and children

and other dental problems. The main thing is to choose the right device and learn how to use it.

Electric toothbrush: modern models, their features and recommendations for choosing

One of the important aspects in caring for your teeth and oral cavity is the choice of a high-quality brush that meets all criteria and is selected taking into account the current condition of the enamel and gums. Today, electric models have become widely popular. According to the opinions of many experts and users, they cope with their task much better, and a wide range of modifications allows you to find the most suitable option for yourself. In this article we will talk about how to choose an electric toothbrush, what types there are and what characteristics should be used to evaluate quality, efficiency, and safety.

How to use an electric brush correctly

To maintain healthy teeth and an attractive smile for many years, you need to follow some recommendations.

  1. The electric brush must be applied to the tooth so that the bristles completely cover its surface.
  2. During cleaning, there is no need to help the device and move your hand, as when working with a regular brush. The bristles of the electric brush move on their own, so it is enough to apply the brush to your teeth, holding it in this position.
  3. There is no need to rush into trying to reduce your cleaning time.
  4. You should not jump from one area to another. First you need to completely clean the outer surface of one row of teeth, then move on to its inner surface and only after that start cleaning the other row of teeth.

This figure clearly shows the rules for brushing your teeth with an electric brush.

What types of electric brushes are there?

All electric models can be divided into several categories. Moreover, each type has its own characteristics and recommendations for use. Let's look at them in a little more detail.

For mechanical cleaning

Usually it provides a round head with the ability to perform from 5 to 30 thousand reciprocating oscillations of the working area. The handle contains a board that controls the movements of the head. The device can be battery operated or have a battery inside. The estimated cost of a toothbrush of this type varies between 2-5 thousand rubles.

For mechanical cleaning it usually uses a round head

Sound model

In this case, the operating principle of the device is based on the influence of sound vibrations. Such a brush can make about 19 thousand vibrations, due to which the enamel and soft tissues are effectively cleansed from plaque, food debris and bacteria. Such a device will cost from 4 to 8 thousand rubles.

The device is based on the effects of sound vibrations

Ultrasound machine

This is a more advanced and effective option. Ultrasound spreads to the deeper layers of dental tissue, successfully fights plaque and hard deposits, returns teeth to their natural whiteness and does not injure the mucous membrane. This is the most expensive option for home use – 5-10 thousand rubles.

Ultrasound propagates to deeper layers of dental tissues


Stay up to date! Electric devices for cleaning the oral cavity have the following advantages:

  • electrical devices efficiently remove contaminants , regardless of the user’s skills and compliance with the rules of cleaning teeth;
  • automatic devices are easy to operate . Thanks to this, they will be convenient for people with disabilities and small children to use;
  • massaging the gums during a hygiene procedure. As a result, blood flow improves and inflammation in soft tissues is eliminated;
  • economical use of toothpaste;
  • provided that there are several removable individual attachments, the whole family can use one device ;
  • eliminating abrasion of enamel and damage to gums. After all, many electrical appliances are equipped with sensors that monitor the level of pressure on the surface of the teeth.

You should know! An automatic product will be irreplaceable in a family with children. An interesting device will distract the child’s attention, and he will calmly let him brush his teeth.

The common belief that an electric brush (ultrasonic) gets very hot during operation and can damage your teeth is wrong.

The ultrasound generated by the device can increase the temperature of surrounding tissues by no more than 1 ⁰C. And this is safe for oral health.

Types of nozzles and their characteristics

During your consultation with your dentist, be sure to ask which brush is best to choose in your particular case, and which mode is recommended for you. There are models that perform only horizontal or rotational movements - they are not recommended for cases of hyperesthesia or inflamed gums. If we talk about the overwhelming majority, then the optimal choice would be a model with a round or oval nozzle up to 30 mm in size. In this case, you can choose an option in which the bristles will perform reciprocating movements and sweeping (2D) or reciprocating rotation with vertical pulsation.

Below are the main types of attachments for electrical devices:

  • universal – for daily use, with medium-hard bristles,
  • bleaching – the pile is treated with a special composition with a bleaching effect, not suitable for permanent use,
  • for teeth with increased sensitivity – soft bristles, suitable also for sensitive gums prone to bleeding,
  • orthodontic – for braces, multi-level bristles with piles of varying density and diameter,
  • for treating interdental spaces - single-tuft, the pile is cut at an angle, used to remove plaque and food debris between teeth, indicated for crowding.

The photo shows the types of attachments
. There are special children's attachments for cleaning the surface of the tongue and mucous membranes, for people with implants, dentures and veneers. In any case, you should talk to your doctor before purchasing.

Criteria for selecting a suitable model

When studying the range of available options, in order to correctly choose the most suitable model for yourself, it is important to take into account many nuances. To make the task easier, familiarize yourself with the main criteria that you should pay attention to.

Bristle hardness

A sufficient degree of flexibility of the bristles allows for better cleaning of interdental spaces and hard-to-reach places. In addition, due to this feature, the brush provides a massage of the gums, which stimulates blood circulation in the mucous membrane, improves its structure and condition. At the same time, the bristles must be stiff enough to effectively remove plaque and prevent the formation of hard deposits. For healthy teeth and gums, a medium-hard option is suitable.

Head parameters

The size of the work area is also important. In fact, the smaller the head of the device, the better, as it offers more ability to thoroughly treat each individual tooth. This allows you to efficiently clean the spaces between the teeth, where the most bacteria accumulate. Universal parameters are from 18 to 30 mm, but this indicator largely depends on the age of the person. If for children the suitable head size is from 20 to 25 mm, then for adults the preferred size is 30 mm1.

Bristle density and number of tufts

For children, it is recommended to choose models with the number of bundles from 20 to 25 pieces. After a complete change in bite, a teenager can move on to specimens with a number of tufts of up to 40 pieces. For adults, nozzles with 55 tufts are recommended.

On a note! Some modern models of premium brands have one interesting feature. Their pile is treated with a special food coloring - absolutely harmless to the teeth and the body as a whole. This is a kind of indicator: when the paint is completely erased, it will mean that it is time to replace the brush.

To keep the bristles in good condition, after each procedure you should rinse them thoroughly with water and treat them with soap. It is advisable to treat it once a week with a special antibacterial composition.

Operating principle - movement characteristics

Different models provide different modes of movement of the working area of ​​the device. So, there are nozzles that perform reciprocating or pulsating movements. The first option provides more gentle cleansing and is suitable for people with sensitive enamel, as well as children and the elderly. Pulsating specimens transmit vibration in combination with circular movements. They effectively remove plaque and fight deposits, but can injure the mucous membrane and enamel.

The photo shows how the brush works

Presence of a timer

Some units come complete with a built-in timer. This means that the brush itself automatically turns off when the procedure can be considered completed. This is another precautionary measure that protects against accidental damage to the enamel during too long and intense cleaning.

Possibility of adjusting the pressure force

A device with a pressure sensor independently regulates the intensity of rotation of the head, reducing it at the moment of excessive pressure on the teeth. This brush itself slightly deflects the work area when there is too much pressure on the enamel. It costs an order of magnitude more, but provides protection against injury to enamel and gums.

Battery charging

Modern examples can be battery operated or “powered” by a built-in battery. The second option is more convenient, and therefore is considered more preferable. There is no need to regularly buy batteries and ensure their timely replacement. It is enough to charge the device from the electrical network from time to time.

Different models provide different characteristics

Caring for your device

Regular cleaning of the device must be performed after each use:

  • After brushing your teeth, turn off the device and hold the brush head under warm running water for 10-15 seconds . Then you need to carefully run your finger over the bristles several times to wash away any remaining paste;
  • disconnect the nozzle from the handle , place the handle under running water, wash off all dirt , and then wipe the part with a dry towel; Afterwards, you need to collect all the elements of the brush and leave them to dry in a vertical position ;
  • It is unacceptable to store the product in a cabinet with closed doors.

Note! Deep clean the product at least once a month; this procedure must also be performed if you have recently suffered from an infectious disease:

  • Pour disinfectant into the glass so that when immersed, the liquid completely covers only the nozzle with bristles. You can use an antiseptic mouthwash, hydrogen peroxide, or make a solution of 1 part alcohol and 2 parts boiled water;
  • after 40-60 seconds, take out the electrical appliance, shake it to get rid of any remaining moisture and leave it to dry .

Always store the brush .

Rating of the best brands

Of the variety of brands on the market, there are several devices that have earned special recognition from users and experts. Below is a rating of the most popular manufacturers and models of electric toothbrushes.

Oral-B Professional Care 700 device

Oral-B is one of the leading companies in the production of modern, new generation electric brushes. This model has a standard rounded head shape - for cleaning each tooth one by one. Includes an additional nozzle with colored bristles. Combined technique with almost 9 thousand directed and 20 thousand pulsating movements per minute.

Oral-B Professional Care 700

“I use electric OralBi. In my opinion, it is very convenient and effective. After the morning procedure, your teeth are clean and white, your breath is fresh. There is a pressure sensor, the brush itself does not injure your teeth or scratch your gums. I didn't experience any hypersensitivity. For me personally, this is the best option, at least more effective than a regular plastic brush...”

Sveta78, St. Petersburg, from correspondence on the woman.ru forum

It is recharged via a battery, from a special base that comes included. A pressure sensor is provided to protect against enamel injury. A good option in the mid-price segment.

Kolibree V1 device

The bristles make low-amplitude oscillations - about 15 thousand per minute. It provides one mode, which, nevertheless, copes with its task perfectly. The set includes 2 more attachments, the hardness is medium, some areas are painted with safe food coloring. There is also a built-in timer, battery, Bluetooth, and the ability to connect to a special application on a smartphone to view statistics on the quality of cleaning and the time spent on the procedure.

Kolibree V1

Oral-B Smart 6 6000N

The set includes 3 attachments, all round, designed to treat each tooth separately. There are specimens for whitening, and the device itself provides several modes: delicate, massage, whitening and standard. The movements of the working area are combined: directional - 10.5 thousand per minute, pulsating - 48 thousand per minute. Rechargeable charging and the ability to synchronize with a smartphone via built-in Bluetooth. There is also a pressure sensor and dye on the bristles for timely replacement of the nozzle.

Oral-B Smart 6 6000N

Philips Sonicare DiamondClean model

Option with display and impressive functionality. The set includes 2 standard attachments, several operating modes are provided: massage, whitening, delicate and universal. The brush makes up to 31 thousand movements per minute, and the device itself is charged from the mains via a built-in battery. The display shows information for switching modes and other necessary data for the user. There is a built-in timer that regulates the optimal duration of the procedure.

Philips Sonicare DiamondClean model

Oral-B Genius 9000 brush

The model is presented in 3 color interpretations: white, black and rose gold. There is a built-in timer and pressure sensor. In addition, the device offers the ability to recognize insufficiently cleaned areas. Provides thorough removal of plaque and deposits, as well as gentle gum massage. The set includes 4 attachments: for 3D whitening, softening and removing plaque, treating sensitive areas, removing bacteria and food debris from interdental spaces.

Oral-B Genius 9000

Approximate prices

Prices for modern models can vary greatly. The comparison table below shows approximate prices for the brushes described in the rating above.

Model nameapproximate cost
Oral-B Professional Care 7005-6 thousand rubles.
Kolibree V110-11 thousand rubles.
Oral-B Smart 6 6000N14-15 thousand rubles.
Philips Sonicare DiamondClean16 thousand rubles.
Oral-B Genius 900020 thousand rubles.

Selection tips for children and adults

Choosing a brush for daily brushing of teeth is not an easy task. Before purchasing, you should visit your dentist and consult with him on this issue. Your attending physician will be better able to assess the current condition of the enamel and gums, so his recommendations must be taken into account when choosing a product. Here are some more universal tips from experts in the field of dentistry and hygiene:

  • If you have extensive fillings, veneers and crowns in your mouth, it is recommended to give preference to the standard or sound model. Ultrasound propagates to the deep layers of dental tissue and provokes microvibrations, which can lead to the destruction of the binder composition,
  • To make cleaning softer and more gentle, you should pay attention to devices with reciprocating oscillations. Vibrating specimens give a more pronounced effect, but act quite intensely,
  • for hyperesthesia, soft bristles are prescribed that will not injure the enamel and mucous membranes - according to the doctor’s indications,
  • synthetic bristles are better, since bacteria accumulate in natural bristles, plaque settles, and all this can lead to infection of soft tissues, as well as resulting dental diseases.

Children's electric models are suitable for use from 3 years of age.
There are special models for children - lightweight and with a short handle. They are made bright and attractive, with unusual colorful designs. With this brush, brushing your teeth will turn into an exciting game. Children's electric models are suitable for use from 3 years of age. The recommended head rotation speed is no more than 18 thousand per minute. The bristles should be very soft (extra soft) for a child under 5 years old and just soft (soft) if the child is older than this age.

Some modifications for children include corolla bristles. This means that each hair at the end is a small brush of soft but quite elastic fibers. This option is suitable for the most delicate enamel of baby teeth. You can transfer your child to an adult brush after a complete change in bite.

  1. Ulitovsky S. B. Individual oral hygiene products: electric and manual toothbrushes, 2003.

Operating modes

Most budget brush options only work in one mode. But already for the middle price category, manufacturers provide from 2 to 5 programs. For example, the standard regimen is suitable for any patient with healthy teeth. If you have problems (gum disease or sensitive enamel), you should choose the minimum speed. To whiten teeth, special modes with high intensity vibration or head rotation are used.

The timer allows you to finish brushing your teeth within the recommended time. This function is useful for adults, but can be indispensable for children. Most ultrasonic models emit a signal every half a minute, which is how long it takes to clean half the jaw.

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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