Awarding the best dentistry in Russia 2022, 2022 and 2022

Awarding the best dentistry in Russia 2022, 2022 and 2022

Speech by the head of the StartSmile holding Yulia Klouda

The rating of the best dentists in Moscow and Russia is a professional assessment of the quality of dental services provided to patients. We have to analyze a huge amount of information and this time we had:

  • more than 110 cities
    in Russia, and last year just over 100 cities,
  • 240 criteria
    , and a year ago it was only 200 criteria.

Processing such a huge amount of information on all participants in the all-Russian rating is not an easy task, so today I would like to very briefly thank everyone.


, to thank our partners - this is the Kommersant Publishing House, without which this idea would not have come to fruition at all. This is Elaine Technology (Invisalign brand) for supporting our rating.


, thank our partners - clinics who come to the awards, which set an example for absolutely the entire dental industry. Here at StartSmile, when they ask us to promote a clinic, the heads of the clinics say “we want to be like, for example, the German Implantology Center,” because they do not stand still. Those clinics that are in the rating are moving non-stop forward, and not just non-stop forward, but it’s impossible to keep up with them, and if someone weakens in moving towards this level, he immediately moves to a lower position. There is such strong competition in the market now.

I believe that we are changing the world! We are changing the world, and this is tangible, because here they are - the results. Previously, when dental clinics opened, only minimal equipment and a few qualified doctors were enough. And now a huge number of clinics are opening, already equal to our TOP leaders in the dental industry.

Thank you very much!

After the award, the permanent director of the clinics of the German Implantology Center, Maret Khashieva, gave a thank-you speech


Thank you! To become the best dentistry in Moscow and Russia

- this is a huge daily work of our dentists. To say that it’s nice, especially first place, is to say nothing at all. This is a great honor, thank you very much! I want to say that this year the Start Smile rating was especially picky, we were checked on all counts, and the coronavirus quarantine also left its mark of responsibility. In general, there were many difficulties. I was very worried about how it would all turn out, and to be honest, three days ago I just found out the result of the all-Russian rating and was very happy! I would like to say a big thank you to Start Smile and the Kommersant Publishing House, a big thank you to everyone who participated in this.

On behalf of the head of the clinic, I want to thank my colleagues, I want to thank my doctors for giving all their time, all their strength, all their knowledge - they give everything to patients. I am so happy.

One very smart person once told me: “You know, we are in a business in which you cannot achieve success with an army of mercenaries, only with colleagues, only with like-minded people.” Here I am surrounded by a huge team, about 50 of us. 50 like-minded people are a great happiness. Our dentists in Moscow, which have become the best clinics in Russia, are a well-deserved award.

Thanks everyone!

Yulia Klouda, thank you very much!

Actor, athlete, writer... Dentists who became celebrities!

What do you think a dentist should look like? A nerdy doctor who examines patients' teeth all day long? - Now your opinion will change! There are dentists in the world who are also well-known people in their field of activity. Hard to believe? Let's get a look!


1. Les Horward - Played professional football in the HFL as a linebacker and quarterback for the Los Angeles Rams and Cleveland Browns. Howard graduated from dental school in 1945 and served two years as a dental officer in the U.S. Navy. After his dismissal, he became a professional footballer, winning several league championships. Howard retired from the sport in 1950 and moved to Los Angeles to pursue his passion: dentistry. He lived there for the rest of his life. 2. Markus Merk was a top-level football referee, considered one of the best referees in the field.

A dentist by profession, he simultaneously worked in a clinic and led football matches. In 2005, Merck stopped practicing due to his disagreement with the so-called “Praxisgebühr,” a measure introduced by the German government to tax patients. However, his judicial career continued.


Alexander Ivanovich Evdokimov is a Soviet scientist, dentist and maxillofacial surgeon, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, Honored Scientist of the RSFSR, Hero of Socialist Labor. He made a great contribution to the development of surgical and military dentistry, for which he was awarded and revered.


Edgar Buchanan was a successful actor. He starred in such films as “The Hillbilly from Beverly Hills”, “Green Space”, “Yubochkina Station”. After receiving his education as a dentist, he moved to California, where he practiced. There he joined the Pasadena Playhouse circle as an aspiring actor. We can say that it was the move for medical practice that played a major role in the development of Edgar Buchanan as an actor.

Hip-hop and rock stars:

GReeeeN is a pop rock/hip hop/breakbeat vocal group that recorded their debut album with Universal music in 2007. The group had a logo with a tooth. It's funny, isn't it?


Zen Gray - wrote more than 80 novels in the Western style, he is considered one of the founders of this genre.

After graduating from university, Gray practiced in New York City under the name Dr. Zane Gray in 1896. He began writing in the evenings to compensate for the boredom of his dental practice. Struggling financially and emotionally. Over time, Gray began to earn money from his works and stopped working in his profession.


Paul River is one of the most celebrated heroes of the American Revolution. He was a dentist and specialized in making artificial teeth. One of his clients was local doctor and opposition leader Joseph Warren, with whom River developed a close friendship. It was Warren who brought him into opposition activities. River became a national hero, and his house, which has become a museum, is still preserved in Boston.

As is the case with these renowned professionals, patience and determination are a must in order to go a long way in dentistry and in life in general.

The formation of Soviet dentistry

In 1918, dental education was transferred to the medical faculties of universities, and starting in March 1920, departments of dentistry began to be opened at the faculties. Specialized universities were founded: in 1919 - the Institute of Public Dentistry in Petrograd; in 1922 - Odontological Institute in Kyiv; in 1927 - the State Institute of Dentistry in Moscow (later it was renamed the State Institute of Dentistry and Odontology, and then the Moscow Medical Dental Institute); in 1928 - Scientific Research Institute of Dentistry in Odessa. By 1935, 11 dental institutes were opened in the country.

In the 1920s, dentistry began to become a separate discipline. This period was also important because the formation of the state system of dental care was taking place, and the search for optimal ways to organize services to the population was underway. In 1923, the People's Commissariat of Health issued a circular “On measures to improve local dentistry.” According to it, dental offices (departments) at general outpatient clinics were approved as the best organizational form of dental care for the population. This led to the expansion of offices and an increase in physician positions to four or five or more.

The next circular, issued in 1925, “On improving the management of dentistry in connection with modern preventive tasks,” prescribed the organization of additional dental offices at outpatient clinics and clinics in order to more widely cover the population subject to medical examination. This document is also notable for the fact that it determined the scope of treatment and preventive measures and the preventive minimum obligatory for the dentist, which also included the application of at least 8 to 10 fillings daily.

In 1926, P. G. Dauge proposed a new system for recording and evaluating the work of a dentist. He believed that this work should be measured not only by the number of patients seen by the doctor, but by the specific labor result. And to measure and account for it, it is necessary to take some kind of unit as a basis - Dauge proposed using the concept of “labor unit”, to which the main dental manipulations will be reduced. In his opinion, as a dentist, one labor unit should be 20 minutes - that’s how long it takes to treat one carious tooth. Later, the concept of “labor unit” became the main criterion for assessing and accounting for dental work in Soviet dentistry.

By the early 1930s, several types of dental institutions operated in the country: special dental outpatient clinics (which, in turn, were divided into general use outpatient clinics, for the insured, and school preventive clinics); dental offices in hospitals and general outpatient clinics; separate dental offices and dental prosthetic institutions. According to data as of January 1, 1928, there were about 4.6 thousand dentists in the public service.

Rice. 3 Propaganda poster. State Medical Publishing House, Moscow, 1929. Source:

Top 100 dental clinics in Russia operating for over three years*

Dentistry InWhite MedicalMoscow>Mosfilmovskaya st., 53, no. 125
2Iceberg clinicMoscowShchukinskaya st., 2
3German Implantology CenterMoscowNab. Taras Shevchenko, 1/2
4Boston Institute of Aesthetic MedicineMoscowMichurinsky Avenue, 7, building 1
5Center for private dentistry "Doctor Levin"MoscowSt. Lev Tolstoy, 5/1
6Dentistry JSC "Medicine"Moscow2nd Tverskoy-Yamskaya lane, 10
7Dentistry DLclinicSaint PetersburgBolshoy Ave. P.S., 9
8German Center for Aesthetic Dentistry SDentMoscowProfsoyuznaya st., 31, p. 1
9European Dental Center EMCMoscowSt. Shchepkina, 35
10SkydentNovosibirskMilitary street, 9/2
11Dentistry Agami CenterMoscowSt. Soviet Army, 17/52
12DentalVoronezhSt. Lenina, 104-b
13"Family Dentistry"MoscowSt. Marshala Rybalko, 2, building 3
14VoronezhSt. Vladimir Nevsky, 14
15DentalMoscowSt. Nightingale Grove, 16
16German Dental CenterMoscowVolochaevskaya st., 2, building 1
17Dentistry Alba ApexMoscowSt. Klimashkina, 5
18Dental practice "Algardi"MoscowSt. Krzhizhanovskogo, 13, building 2
19Vladimir Novikov Center for Personal DentistryMoscowLopukhinsky lane, 3, p. 3
20Center for Interdisciplinary Dentistry and NeurologyMoscowKomsomolsky Prospekt, 32, building 2
21Dental clinic "Grandmed"Saint PetersburgSpassky lane, 14/35
22Dental clinic US Dental CareMoscowOlympic Avenue, 16, p. 5
23Dentistry of innovative technologies Smile-at-OnceMoscowSt. Stanislavsky, 11
24Center for Dentistry of Innovative Technologies named after. Tikhonova I. E. TulaSt. Revolution, 17a
25Clinic of aesthetic dentistry "Galadent"UfaRossiyskaya st., 94, building 2
26Dental clinic "Reutdent"ReutovSt. Kalinina, 26
27Dentistry "Health"Saint PetersburgSt. Babushkina, 3
28KrasnoyarskSt. Molokova, 1, building 4
29Dentistry "Dmitrovich and colleagues"MoscowPetrovsko-Razumovskaya alley, 10
30Dental clinic "Activstom"Moscow4th Krutitsky lane, 14
31Dental clinic "Domodent"Domodedovo1st Kommunisticheskaya st., 31b
32Restorative Dentistry Clinic “On the Road”MoscowSt. Usievicha, 13
33Dental clinic "May"MoscowSimferopolsky Blvd., 29, building 1
34Family dentistry Family SmileMoscowVorontsovskaya st., 20
35Professorial Dental Clinic on ArbatMoscowSt. Arbat, 9, p. 2
36Shifa Medical and Dental ClinicMoscowLomonosovsky Prospekt, 25, building 1
37Center for Modern Dentistry on BaumanskayaMoscowBaumanskaya st., 32
38"Dentistry 31"MoscowNovinsky Blvd., 31
39Dental clinic "Olga"VolgogradKomsomolskaya st., 6
40Dentistry "Dental World"Moscow6th Kozhukhovskaya st., 3, building 1
41Dentistry "Megadenta Clinic"EkaterinburgKuznechnaya st., 83
42Dental clinic VIDRostov-on-DonAve. Strikes, 177/2
43Dentistry Esthetic Classic DentMoscowSadovaya-Chernogryazskaya st., 3b, village. 1
44DentalUlyanovskSt. 40th anniversary of Victory, 9
45Scientific and Clinical Center for Maxillofacial Surgery and Dentistry SanabilisMoscowSt. Marshala Timoshenko, 17, building 2
46National Health Institution "Central Dental Clinic of JSC Russian Railways"MoscowSt. Butyrskaya, 6, building 3
47Face Smile ClinicMoscowNakhimovsky Ave., 56
48EagleSt. Komsomolskaya, 32
49Dentistry Kraftway ClinicMoscow3rd Mytishchinskaya st., 16, p. 3
50GMS DentalMoscow1st Nikoloshchepovsky lane, 6/1
51PermianKomsomolsky Prospekt, 28a
52Dental clinic "Alex"ZhukovskySt. Zhukovskogo, 18
53Dental clinic Dental HouseSaint PetersburgNab. Chernaya Rechka, 51
54Dental clinic "Author's Dentistry"Rostov-on-DonSovetskaya st., 23/1
55Dental clinic Smile ClinicMoscowSmolnaya st., 24a
56Dental clinic "Naudent"MoscowSt. Grizodubova, 1a
57MedicalSaint PetersburgSt. Telmana, 41, building 1
58Dental clinic "Mipol"MoscowKurkinskoe highway, 17
59Implantology center NKclinicMoscowLeninsky Prospekt, 72/2
60Dental clinic "Capital"MoscowAve. Mira 12, p. 3
61Stomartstudio LeonardoMoscowIstrinskaya st., 8, building 3
62Center for Aesthetic Medicine “Your Dentist”VoronezhBlvd. Pionerov, 17b
633D dentistry "Novadent"TulaSt. Demonstrations, 1g
64Private practice of Irina ZaitsevaMoscowSt. Vavilova, 7
65Dentistry "Doctor Dent"Saint PetersburgLiteiny Avenue, 24
66Dental clinic "White Clematis"MoscowIzmailovsky Blvd., 38/11
67German dentistry RecomendentNovosibirskSt. Saltykova-Shchedrina, 118
68Dentistry "Demostom"MoscowRuzheyny Lane, 3
69Academy of Plastic Surgery, Medical Cosmetology and Aesthetic Dentistry Atribeaute CliniqueSaint PetersburgNovocherkassky Avenue, 33, building 3
70Dentistry "Ladent"Moscow1st Kolobovsky lane, 19, p. 3
71Clinic "Dentistry Best"MoscowOktyabrskaya st., 36
72Dentistry "Doctor Osipov"MoscowSt. Kosygina, 5
73Author's dental clinic of academician I.V. MalaninKrasnodarMoskovskaya st., 79, building 1
74Swiss dental clinic Swiss SmileMoscowVsevolozhsky lane, 2, p. 2
75Happy DentsMoscowLeninsky Prospekt, 111, building 1
76Dental clinic “Anatomy of a Smile”MoscowChapaevsky lane, 3
77Family dentistry "Interdent"MoscowSt. Artamonova, 16, building 1
78Dentistry "Lucky Smile"MoscowTessinsky lane, 5, p. 1
79Dental studio "Tarilux"KhabarovskSt. Dzerzhinsky, 65
80Studio32MoscowSt. Usacheva, 62, p. 1
81Dental clinic "Guild of Dentists"Saint PetersburgAve. Sizova, 21, building 2
82Dentistry "Avanstom"MoscowElektrodnaya st., 2, p. 1a
83Dental clinic DentblancMoscowMichurinsky Avenue, 5
84Clinic Firadent & Co.MoscowSt. Talalikhina, 35
85Dental clinic ZUUB.RFMoscow2nd Brestskaya st., 46, p. 1
86Multidisciplinary clinic CELTMoscowSh. Entuziastov, 62
87Dental clinic DiezDentMoscowSt. Aircraft designer Mikoyan, 14/4
88"Dental practice 14×14"BalashikhaSh. Entuziastov, 36
89Dentistry "Best Clinic"MoscowNovocheremushkinskaya st., 34, building 2
90Atis FaberChelyabinskSt. Pushkina, 71
91Dentistry "Implantmaster"MoscowMaly Sukharevsky lane, 9. p. 1
92"Clinic of Doctor Osipova"MoscowSt. Ostrovityanova, 9, building 1
93Dentistry "Vital EVV"EkaterinburgSt. Sheinkmana, 136
94Dentistry "Doctor Bon"MoscowBratislavskaya st., 10
95Dental clinic "Moscow region"YaroslavlSt. Nekrasova, 41
96Dental clinic "Unident"TyumenSt. March 8, 2/5
97Dental clinic "Implants"VladivostokShilkinskaya st., 6v
98Israeli aesthetic medicine clinic “Seline Clinic”Moscow"Bolshoy Kondratyevsky lane, 7
99Clinical Dentistry Center Dental DreamMoscowZoologicheskaya st., 2
100Center for Aesthetic Medicine "Renovazio"KrasnoyarskSt. Vesny, 7d

According to Startsmile.

*Full data is available at

Post-war years

Among the main tasks facing the domestic healthcare system in the first post-war years were the elimination of the sanitary consequences of the war, the damage caused to the healthcare system, and the restoration of the destroyed network of dental institutions. In 1949, the Ministry of Health issued an order “On improving dental care for the population,” obliging to eliminate shortcomings in the work of the dental service in the RSFSR. Over the ten post-war years, the number of dental clinics, departments and offices in cities increased by 1.2 times, in rural areas - by 2.5 times, the number of dental prosthetic institutions in cities increased by 3.5 times, and in rural areas - by 8, 6 times.

In 1946, the period of study at dental institutes was increased to 5 years. The number of universities training dentists grew, and, as in the post-revolutionary years, not only non-dental institutes were opened, but also dental faculties in medical institutes. The introduction of postgraduate specialization (internship and residency) played an important role in improving the quality of training of young specialists.

In 1963, the Department of Pediatric Dentistry was opened at the Moscow Medical Institute, and later the Department of Physiotherapy. A new discipline was included in the dentistry course program: prevention of dental diseases.

Excerpt characterizing the Dentist

Rostov took the money, avoiding Telyanin’s gaze, and, without saying a word, left the room. But he stopped at the door and turned back. “My God,” he said with tears in his eyes, “how could you do this?” “Count,” said Telyanin, approaching the cadet. “Don’t touch me,” Rostov said, pulling away. - If you need it, take this money. “He threw his wallet at him and ran out of the tavern. In the evening of the same day, there was a lively conversation between the squadron officers at Denisov’s apartment. “And I’m telling you, Rostov, that you need to apologize to the regimental commander,” said a tall staff captain with graying hair, a huge mustache and large features of a wrinkled face, turning to the crimson, excited Rostov. Staff captain Kirsten was demoted to soldier twice for matters of honor and served twice. – I won’t allow anyone to tell me that I’m lying! - Rostov screamed. “He told me I was lying, and I told him he was lying.” It will remain so. He can assign me to duty every day and put me under arrest, but no one will force me to apologize, because if he, as a regimental commander, considers himself unworthy of giving me satisfaction, then... - Just wait, father; “Listen to me,” the captain interrupted the headquarters in his bass voice, calmly smoothing his long mustache. - You tell the regimental commander in front of other officers that the officer stole... - It’s not my fault that the conversation started in front of other officers. Maybe I shouldn’t have spoken in front of them, but I’m not a diplomat. Then I joined the hussars, I thought that there was no need for subtleties, but he tells me that I’m lying... so let him give me satisfaction... - That’s all good, no one thinks that you’re a coward, but that’s not the point. Ask Denisov, does this look like something for a cadet to demand satisfaction from the regimental commander? Denisov, biting his mustache, listened to the conversation with a gloomy look, apparently not wanting to engage in it. When asked by the captain's staff, he shook his head negatively. “You tell the regimental commander about this dirty trick in front of the officers,” the captain continued. - Bogdanych (the regimental commander was called Bogdanych) besieged you. - He didn’t besiege him, but said that I was telling a lie. - Well, yes, and you said something stupid to him, and you need to apologize. - Never! - Rostov shouted. “I didn’t think this from you,” the captain said seriously and sternly. “You don’t want to apologize, but you, father, not only before him, but before the entire regiment, before all of us, you are completely to blame.” Here's how: if only you had thought and consulted on how to deal with this matter, otherwise you would have drunk right in front of the officers. What should the regimental commander do now? Should the officer be put on trial and the entire regiment be soiled? Because of one scoundrel, the whole regiment is disgraced? So, what do you think? But in our opinion, not so. And Bogdanich is great, he told you that you are telling lies. It’s unpleasant, but what can you do, father, they attacked you yourself. And now, as they want to hush up the matter, because of some kind of fanaticism you don’t want to apologize, but want to tell everything. You are offended that you are on duty, but why should you apologize to an old and honest officer! No matter what Bogdanich is, he’s still an honest and brave old colonel, it’s such a shame for you; Is it okay for you to dirty the regiment? – The captain’s voice began to tremble. - You, father, have been in the regiment for a week; today here, tomorrow transferred to adjutants somewhere; you don’t care what they say: “there are thieves among the Pavlograd officers!” But we care. So, what, Denisov? Not all the same? Denisov remained silent and did not move, occasionally glancing at Rostov with his shining black eyes. “You value your own fanabery, you don’t want to apologize,” the headquarters captain continued, “but for us old men, how we grew up, and even if we die, God willing, we will be brought into the regiment, so the honor of the regiment is dear to us, and Bogdanich knows this.” Oh, what a road, father! And this is not good, not good! Be offended or not, I will always tell the truth. Not good! And the headquarters captain stood up and turned away from Rostov. - Pg'avda, why don't you take it! - Denisov shouted, jumping up. - Well, G'ostov! Well! Rostov, blushing and turning pale, looked first at one officer, then at the other. - No, gentlemen, no... don’t think... I really understand, you’re wrong to think about me like that... I... for me... I’m for the honor of the regiment. So what? I will show this in practice, and for me the honor of the banner... well, it’s all the same, really, it’s my fault!.. - Tears stood in his eyes. “I’m guilty, I’m guilty all around!... Well, what else do you need?...” “That’s it, Count,” the captain, turning, shouted, hitting him on the shoulder with his big hand. “I’m telling you,” Denisov shouted, “he’s a nice little guy.” “That’s better, Count,” the headquarters captain repeated, as if beginning to call him a title for his recognition. - Come and apologize, your Excellency, yes sir. “Gentlemen, I’ll do everything, no one will hear a word from me,” Rostov said in a pleading voice, “but I can’t apologize, by God, I can’t, whatever you want!” How will I apologize, like a little one, asking for forgiveness? Denisov laughed. - It's worse for you. Bogdanich is vindictive, you will pay for your stubbornness,” said Kirsten. - By God, not stubbornness! I can’t describe to you what it feels like, I can’t... “Well, it’s your choice,” said the captain. - Well, where did this scoundrel go? – he asked Denisov. “He said he was sick, the manager ordered him to be expelled,” Denisov said. “It’s a disease, there’s no other way to explain it,” said the captain at the headquarters. “It’s not a disease, but if he doesn’t catch my eye, I’ll kill him!” – Denisov shouted bloodthirstyly. Zherkov entered the room. - How are you? - the officers suddenly turned to the newcomer. - Let's go, gentlemen. Mak surrendered as a prisoner and with the army, completely. - You're lying! - I saw it myself. - How? Have you seen Mack alive? with arms, with legs? - Hike! Hike! Give him a bottle for such news. How did you get here? “They sent me back to the regiment again, for the devil’s sake, for Mack.” The Austrian general complained. I congratulated him on Mak’s arrival... Are you from the bathhouse, Rostov? - Here, brother, we have such a mess for the second day. The regimental adjutant came in and confirmed the news brought by Zherkov. We were ordered to perform tomorrow. - Let's go, gentlemen! - Well, thank God, we stayed too long. Kutuzov retreated to Vienna, destroying behind him bridges on the rivers Inn (in Braunau) and Traun (in Linz). On October 23, Russian troops crossed the Enns River. Russian convoys, artillery and columns of troops in the middle of the day stretched through the city of Enns, on this side and on the other side of the bridge. The day was warm, autumn and rainy. The vast perspective that opened up from the elevation where the Russian batteries stood protecting the bridge was suddenly covered with a muslin curtain of slanting rain, then suddenly expanded, and in the light of the sun objects as if covered with varnish became visible far away and clearly. A town could be seen underfoot with its white houses and red roofs, a cathedral and a bridge, on both sides of which masses of Russian troops poured, crowding. At the bend of the Danube one could see ships, an island, and a castle with a park, surrounded by the waters of the Ensa confluence with the Danube; one could see the left rocky bank of the Danube covered with pine forests with the mysterious distance of green peaks and blue gorges. The towers of the monastery were visible, protruding from behind a pine forest that seemed untouched; far ahead on the mountain, on the other side of Ens, enemy patrols could be seen.

Top 30 dental clinics in Russia operating for up to three years*

German Dental Implantology CenterMoscowMichurinsky Avenue, 26
2Center for Digital Dentistry MarT'iMoscow3rd Paveletsky proezd, 3
3Maxim Kopylov Periodontal Center MaxTreatMoscow2nd Chernogryazskaya, 6k2
4CrocodentMoscowShmitovsky proezd, 3с2
5Dental clinic DAZHAEVMoscow3rd street Yamsky field, 9k6
63DENT DENTAL CLINICMoscowNizhnyaya Krasnoselskaya 35 building 23
7GENERATION Family DentistryMoscowEfremova, 10k1
8Clinical and diagnostic center High Guard ClinicMoscowRybnikov lane, 1
9Digital Dentistry Clinic HOUSTONSaint PetersburgKremenchugskaya 9
10White RainbowMoscowKotelnicheskaya embankment, 25с1
11Clinic of Innovative Dentistry “Academy of Smiles”Bryansknamed after A.F. Voystrochenko, 2
12Center for laser dentistry and cosmetologists ROCOSCLINICMoscow17th Maryina Roshchi proezd, 1
13Family SmileSmolenskVorobyova, 11/9
14Vimontale Aesthetic Dentistry ClinicMoscowGreen Avenue, 48k3
15Swiss dentistryChelyabinskKirova, 159
16Dental clinic "Dental"Moscow1st Tverskoy-Yamskaya lane, 16
17Doctor MunMoscowNaprudny Lane, 15
18ValidentMoscowPervomaiskaya, 60k1
19Institute of Implantology "StomDom"MoscowFriedrich Engels, 6с2
20Dental clinic "Bureau 32"MoscowBegovaya, 7
21Digital Dentistry Center Ortus DentalKazanVoskhod, 16
22G&G clinicMoscowMichurinsky prospect, 6k3
23Dental HouseStary OskolPryadchenko, 137
24Dentistry WhiteSaint PetersburgVarshavskaya st., 6k2, building 1
25Chronomedics Dental ClinicMoscowDenisovsky Lane, 22
26Dental clinic BOKHOSaint PetersburgEngelsa Avenue, 21
27Author's dentistry Dr. Kurov MoscowKhodynsky Boulevard, house 2.
28World DentRostov-on-DonTekucheva, 139/94
29ATLANTIS DENTAL CLINICMoscowKronstadt Boulevard, 6k1
30Dental clinic Dental HallUfaKomsomolskaya, 107

According to Startsmile.

*Full data is available at

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