A beautiful smile is the job of a dental technician: we tell you everything about the profession

Beautiful and straight teeth today are not only a sign and an important component of health, but an indicator of the success and social status of their owner. Alas, not everyone manages to maintain a complete set of teeth into old age. For various reasons (mechanical injuries, various diseases of the oral cavity and insufficient hygiene, genetic predisposition), many people have to deal with the problem of premature tooth loss.

This unpleasant phenomenon has the most negative impact on the general condition of the body and certainly does not add self-confidence. Even our distant ancestors tried in every possible way to eliminate cosmetic defects in the mouth, using animal teeth or analogues of dentures made from mollusk shells as replacements for real ones.

Fortunately, medical science has advanced so far that modern implants and dentures cannot be distinguished from natural teeth either in appearance or in their properties. For the patient to be satisfied with the result, everything must be done perfectly. Magicians who help restore the beauty of a smile are called dental technicians. Everything you need to know about this complex and responsible profession is in the FAN .

The essence of the profession

Unlike a dentist, a dental technician does not directly treat teeth or gums. This specialist must make dentures, orthodontic braces and other similar structures. These are quite complex jobs that require a high level of theoretical knowledge and relevant practical skills. They are performed in a closed box, where high hygiene and sanitary safety requirements are observed. For this, sophisticated modern tools are used, since such work requires literally jeweler's precision. Make a slight mistake, deviate a couple of millimeters from the specified parameters, and the entire prosthesis will be hopelessly damaged. The patient will develop an abnormal bite, and this is fraught with the development of diseases of the respiratory system.

If we talk about specifics, then the tasks of a dental technician are:

  1. selection of material for the manufacture of a prosthesis - optimal for a particular case,
  2. development of a model of a future prosthesis using computer technology,
  3. creation of the prosthesis itself, taking into account all the structural features of the jaws,
  4. restoration of dental prostheses and other similar structures.

In short, the importance and complexity of such work can hardly be overestimated. And a dental technician is required to have a high level of theoretical training, good practical skills and developed fine motor skills, responsibility, pedantry, and attention to detail. In addition, a dental technician is a profession that requires a certain creativity, since sometimes it is necessary to solve non-standard problems. And such a specialist must have a specialized medical education - this is a mandatory requirement.

How to become a dentist

You can become a professional dentist who can count on a high salary if you know some rules:

  1. It is important to get a specialized education in a good educational institution that provides valuable knowledge;
  2. The level of qualifications needs to be raised through specialized courses, as they contribute to the development of theoretical and practical capabilities;
  3. It is necessary to strive to gain experience, so you should not neglect practices, as this is the right path to receiving positive recommendations.

Dental technicians are high-level doctors due to the complexity of the procedure, so the salary level depends on the capabilities of the specialist and his knowledge.

In Russia there is every chance of getting a highly paid position, but it is important not to neglect the rules as part of training and advanced training.

What does a dental technician's salary depend on?

As with any other medical specialties, qualification categories are established for dental technicians. The salary level is primarily influenced by these categories, as well as work experience. When applying for a job in a private clinic, a specialist can “bargain” for himself better payment conditions if he has good recommendations from previous places of work.

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Theoretically, when hired, all dental technicians are required to provide a diploma of specialized education, which will not in any way affect their future career. However, in practice, when finding employment in a private clinic, it often turns out to be very important which educational institution issued this diploma. In a public clinic, of course, this point is not given such importance.

As for the salary system, in government agencies it consists of a salary clearly established by the salary schedule and additional allowances - for example, for qualification category, for length of service, for the complexity and intensity of work. There are also compensatory payments for overtime work. Bonuses may be paid at the end of the quarter or year.

In private clinics, the salary also consists of two parts. One is a fixed salary, and the second is additional funds that the dental technician receives depending on the number of orders he has completed. The cost of orders is taken into account. And here everything depends on the type of prosthetics (which can be removable, fixed or partially removable), since it is this that affects the complexity of the work, their cost, that is, in the end, the amount that the clinic receives.

Training and professional skills

To work in a profession, it is enough to obtain secondary vocational education, i.e. graduate from medical college in the relevant field. Full-time training lasts for 3 years, part-time – 4 years. Specialists with higher medical education will also be able to work if they complete retraining courses.

The work of a dentist mainly involves delicate manual labor. Therefore, the following skills are required:

  • good hand motor skills;
  • excellent vision;
  • good color discrimination;
  • spatial thinking.

A dentist is a medical professional. However, he is not entitled to early retirement, since the working conditions are not harmful or dangerous. In this case, the duration of paid leave is 45 calendar days. It may be provided in one or more periods.

Private clinics may provide additional benefits, for example, voluntary health insurance, bonuses, corporate pension programs and others. In state and municipal clinics such opportunities, as a rule, are not available.

Salary level in Moscow

Much here is determined by the type of medical institution in which the dental technician works. But even in public clinics in Moscow, such a specialist’s salary is significantly higher than in the regions as a whole.

If we consider beginning specialists, then the monthly salary in this case is 60-70 thousand rubles, although if you are lucky, you can find a vacancy that will offer 80 thousand rubles. But a specialist of the highest category, with experience and recommendations, can find a place in a good clinic with a salary of at least 100 thousand rubles, or even up to 140 thousand rubles with all allowances. In elite dental clinics, such a specialist can be paid 200-250 thousand rubles monthly. But the requirements there are much higher, and the range of responsibilities is wider, and you often have to work with capricious patients.

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Benefits, bonuses, retirement

In the Russian Federation, dental technicians are given some bonuses for working in this industry. The most advantageous thing is that if there are dental problems, the master can make a prosthesis for himself or contact a colleague for consultation, which will save time and money.

An even bigger advantage is the paid vacation extended to 45 days. In public clinics, milk is provided to specialists free of charge.

There is no provision for retirement based on length of service in the profession of a dental technician.

In conclusion, we can say that today the profession of a dental technician is not only promising and highly paid, but also very necessary for people. Every person wants to have healthy teeth, a beautiful smile and does everything possible to meet their needs and desires.

Salary in other regions of Russia

Although the Moscow region is usually significantly inferior to the capital in terms of the level of wages, this does not apply to a profession such as a dental technician. The salary level in the region is 60-150 thousand rubles per month, depending on qualifications and place of work.

In St. Petersburg, the salary of a beginning dentist is 50 thousand rubles, and for a specialist of the highest category - 72-73 thousand rubles. But you can also find higher salaries - up to 100 thousand rubles. Almost the same ratio is observed in the Leningrad region.

In most Russian regions, the average monthly salary of a dental technician is 35-60 thousand rubles. However, in Yakutia and the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug (northeast of the country) there are territorial coefficients that are calculated for work under special conditions. Since the coefficient is 1.8-2.0, a dental technician in public clinics in these regions earns almost twice as much as his colleagues in the central part of the country.

If we take private clinics, then the leader here is the Krasnodar region. Here you can also find salaries at the level of 150-200 thousand rubles. It is followed by the Rostov region, where in private clinics dental technicians can earn 85-110 thousand rubles. In the Murmansk region, the average monthly salary is 80-90 thousand rubles. Dental technicians in the Sverdlovsk region receive the least amount – 40-60 thousand rubles.

What salary do dental technicians live on in Western countries?

In almost all countries, dental technician is a promising profession. But, perhaps, such work is best paid in the USA. In this country, it is customary to pay a lot of attention to dental health and the beauty of a smile, so dentists are traditionally among the most highly paid experts. But the techniques are not too inferior to them. Even an employee with no experience can count on a rate of 6 thousand dollars per month. At the same time, a more experienced and qualified professional can receive up to 120 thousand dollars a year. It is clear that place of residence plays an important role here, and in a metropolis or state capital there are more vacancies and higher salaries.

In France, the profession in question does not pay as well as in America. However, on average their monthly earnings are even higher than those of doctors in other medical specialties. For example, a recently graduated dental technician receives 2.5-3 thousand euros before taxes. Over time, having joined a reputable clinic or gained experience, such a specialist can already earn 5-6 thousand euros.

But in Germany, the salaries of such specialists are at the same level as the salaries of other medical workers with appropriate qualifications and education. In particular, a dental technician without practical experience will receive a salary of up to 2 thousand euros per month in accordance with the tariff schedule. By becoming more experienced and improving his qualifications, he will be able to increase his salary to 3 thousand euros.

Benefits for dentists

According to statistics, the highest paid dentists are prosthetists with an average salary of 60 thousand rubles and orthodontists with a salary of 75 thousand rubles.

An orthodontist belongs to the category of highly paid dentists

In addition, the authority of the clinic and the wealth of its clients play an important role. Dentists at the Clinical Institute of Aesthetic Medicine on Novy Arbat specialize in teeth whitening. Among the institute’s patients are TV presenter Marina Kim and head coach of Russian gymnasts Irina Viner. The cost of a whitening procedure in the clinic starts from 28 thousand rubles.

The work of a dentist is complex and requires extensive training and continuous improvement. At the same time, doctors with “golden hands” are always in demand and can count on high incomes.

Benefits for doctors of this category are the same as for everyone else in accordance with Russian legislation.

Medical workers in cities can count on:

  • Provision of office living space.
  • Partial refund of funds for housing and communal services.
  • Providing a plot for individual construction.
  • Social mortgage.
  • Partial refund of mortgage funds.

Healthcare workers in rural areas can count on:

  1. All benefits as for employees in cities.
  2. Doubling your work experience: 1 year of work – 2 years of work experience.
  3. Supplements to wages.
  4. Participation in social programs.
  5. Receiving a subsidy for the purchase of housing - 1,000,000 rubles.

The dentist's profession is interesting, complex, requiring constant concentration, attention, and knowledge of a large amount of information. This profession is not available to everyone. Before choosing your business, you should think carefully and weigh all the pros and cons.

When choosing a dentist profession, most people focus on the salary. This profession is one of the most prestigious, because this is the doctor who is visited most often. The amount of earnings depends not only on the place of work, city, but also on other factors. From this article you will find out how much dentists earn on average per month in various cities of Russia, and also get acquainted with the amount of wages in other countries of the world.

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