Hollywood smile - snow-white teeth at home

The trend for a Hollywood smile has swept the world. Not only public people, but also ordinary mortals with material wealth are increasingly becoming clients of aesthetic dentistry. Fortunately, the choice of services offered to improve appearance and image is large: a dozen whitening options, as well as veneers, lumineers, composites, and implants. But how safe is it to interfere with the natural structure of teeth? And why do many doctors not recommend such procedures to everyone?


What is a Hollywood smile?

This term has a clear association with film and television stars, which is by no means accidental. It originated in the distant 30s of the last century, its creator was the dentist Ch. Pincus, who worked with the teeth of many celebrities of that time. It was he who invented special plates that, using adhesive powder, were fixed on the teeth of movie stars and caused the notorious “wow” effect. This was practiced only on filming, since the fastening was not strong and reliable, and such pads could not be used in everyday life. Today, there are no such problems, and anyone has the opportunity, with some financial resources, to become the happy owner of a snow-white Hollywood smile.

Do not use acid bleaching methods

Many at-home “natural” teeth whitening methods use acidic or abrasive elements. Avoid them at all costs because their goal is to aggressively break down plaque and stains, which of course also affects tooth enamel. It is better not to try methods that use strawberries or apple cider vinegar, because they will quickly destroy the enamel, weaken the teeth and increase the likelihood of their aging.

Can orthodontists create a snow-white smile?

Of course, they can, because a smile and its beauty largely depend on the shape of the bite. The existing crown anomalies or lumineers will not be corrected; here you need an orthodontist who, with the help of a brace system, can successfully solve this problem.

If areas of the gums are visible more than 20 millimeters when smiling, then such a nuisance, called a gummy smile, can be eliminated by appropriate plastic surgery and veneering; in particularly difficult situations, the intervention of a surgeon may be necessary.

Use home kits

Today, in addition to expensive and painful teeth whitening in a dental clinic, which often damages the enamel, it is now possible to painlessly whiten teeth using a special gel, tray and LED lamp. Many were delighted with the result, so such sets quickly appeared on the market for home use. Their cost is higher than that of whitening pastes, but the result, judging by the reviews, is more effective. Of course, it all depends on your teeth tone, but judging by the reviews, it will be possible to lighten it several shades. The main thing is to follow the “white diet” - do not eat any foods that can stain your teeth, avoid smoking, carbonated drinks, and if you conscientiously go through the entire procedure, you will enjoy a sparkling smile.

Magic Smile home teeth whitening kit. Price about 1000 UAH.


The key factor in this matter will be the correct choice of a dental clinic and a qualified specialist who will conduct an examination of the oral cavity at the proper level and treatment, if necessary. Based on the condition of the teeth and mucous membranes, as well as the patient’s aesthetic preferences, the doctor can offer him the following options for solving the problem of creating a beautiful and snow-white smile:

  • implants;
  • lumineers and veneers;
  • growing teeth.

How to restore enamel to its original color without resorting to bleaching

Advocates of bleaching, of course, insist that this is an absolutely safe and even necessary procedure. But a long-term effect is guaranteed only if a number of conditions are met: the patient should not have bad habits and he must maintain the condition of his enamel and take care of the oral cavity. Otherwise, there is no point in whitening - after a short period of time, the teeth will acquire the same undesirable shade.

Opponents of whitening offer their clients an alternative - hygienic cleaning (SZO - removal of dental plaque - up to 5,000 rubles), which is not only useful, but necessary for everyone every six months. This is a professional cleaning that does not damage the enamel, returns teeth to their natural color and prevents caries.


Veneers are thin overlays that are applied to the desired places in the smile line, selecting their shape and color. Based on the installation technique used, veneers can be:

  1. Instant or direct. This is the simplest and fastest way to solve the problem, but with this option, the doctor’s qualifications become the determining factor. The main work is carried out in the patient’s oral cavity, and not in the laboratory; such veneers are made of very durable material, so you can safely eat a wide variety of foods, including hard foods. In this case, the installation of veneers is carried out without anesthesia, since this method is less traumatic.
  2. Orthopedic or indirect. These veneers are performed in a laboratory environment over a period of time. First, the doctor makes impressions, then the technician uses them to make a wax model for fitting. If after it both the patient and the doctor are satisfied with the result, then a permanent option can be done.

The following materials can be used for the manufacture of orthopedic veneers:

  • ceramics - the classic option, most common;
  • zirconium is the most successful material from the point of view of biological compatibility, but it is difficult to work with and is expensive;
  • glass ceramics - outperforms ceramics in terms of strength and aesthetics; unlike the materials mentioned above, it does not require removal of enamel;
  • Lumineers are durable and thin plates; to install them, you also do not need to prepare your teeth, they last a long time and do not harm the enamel in any way.

Whitening at the dentist

You can get closer to a Hollywood smile if you simply resort to teeth whitening. Today, several methods of this procedure are offered, which will make the appearance of the dentition better - they will visually appear smoother and healthier.


The use of chemical compounds makes the method both the most effective and the most dangerous to health

Zoom teeth whitening is currently considered the best and most effective process.

The method involves the use of chemical compounds, due to which teeth become 3-4 shades lighter after just one session.

The use of chemical compounds makes the method both the most effective and the most dangerous to health.

The principle is to apply a special composition to the teeth , causing the enamel to open and acid to penetrate into it.

An oxidative reaction results, causing the color to become lighter, but at the same time dentin damage occurs.

Other disadvantages include the following factors:

  • High cost - at least 15 thousand per session.
  • Over the course of several weeks, tooth sensitivity increases—drinking hot drinks or drinking cold drinks is almost impossible.
  • For several weeks after the session, you should give up tea and coffee, smoking and other products that can stain the enamel.
  • Whitening often occurs unevenly - this is due to the uneven distribution of acid in the exposed enamel.

Reviews about Zoom whitening are mostly negative:

  • Firstly , dentists promise whitening by 8 tones in one session, but patients themselves note only 2-3 tones.
  • Secondly , the promised long-term result is not fixed - the teeth quickly turn black within a year after the session.


Beyond is a new cold whitening that uses a chemical composition based on hydrogen peroxide.

The composition is applied to the teeth being treated, and then an accelerator is used - a device that acts on ultraviolet light. The procedure is referred to as cold bleaching and is therefore safe to perform regularly.

The disadvantages of whitening using the presented technology include the mandatory observance of prohibitions - drinking coffee, tea and other coloring products after the session.

Among the advantages are:

  • safety;
  • possibility of teeth whitening up to 10 shades in one procedure;
  • using a gentle bleach gel;
  • Possibility of use in advanced cases, as well as in cases of tooth pigmentation and other pathologies.

The cost of one session is about 20 thousand rubles. At the same time, dentists and patients stipulate that the results will be maintained for several years.

Beyond Polus teeth whitening steps

Vector paro rpo

The presented technique is safe, since bleaching is done with weak ultrasound. Vector paro rpo is a special device with a stream of water applied to the tip. It reduces the dangerous impact, which, when in contact with enamel and gums, leads to the destruction of their top layer.

The advantage of this treatment is to clean the periodontal sacs to a depth of 10 mm. The enamel is not destroyed - natural removal of tartar occurs. The cost of one procedure is about 10 thousand rubles.

It is noted that there is no need to expect a dazzling result - the device removes yellowness due to the elimination of tartar and other pigmentation. The enamel remains intact and the teeth become white.

Teeth brushing Vector Paro

Air flow

The Air flow procedure is used similarly to the previous one - this is a device that acts on the teeth with water, air and fine soda. The procedure is also safe for dental health and requires subsequent avoidance of products that stain the enamel.

You should not expect whitening, since the principle is to eliminate plaque, but with partial penetration into the enamel. The result from Air flow is better than from Vector paro rpo. The cost of one procedure is from 13 to 15 thousand rubles.

Air flow teeth cleaning

Laser whitening

Laser whitening is more effective and of higher quality, which is explained by the application of a special composition with hydrogen peroxide to the teeth and subsequent exposure to the laser.

The laser beam is directed so that it whitens each tooth individually. The presented method is used for whitening in the presence of ceramic crowns and dentures.

The procedure is safe, but the only drawback is the cost. For one procedure you can pay up to 25 thousand rubles.

This is important: Laser whitening has contraindications. These include pregnancy and adolescence, bleeding gums, the presence of fillings in the smile area, and increased sensitivity of teeth and gums.

How are lumineers installed?

Note: The installation of lumineers should only be performed on completely healthy teeth; therefore, if there are problems with their condition, you must first treat them.

Next, a cast is made, according to which the overlays will be made, and at the same stage the color shade is determined. You can visually see the final result using a computer model. First, veneers are installed in a trial version, so that with the help of plastic overlays you can make sure that there are no inaccuracies, and if they are detected, accordingly, everything can be corrected. The final stage involves the installation of porcelain lumineers, secured with special cement.

Barriers to perfection

Unfortunately, no matter what advantages veneers and lumineers have, there are cases when installing them is completely contraindicated, or the process of prosthetics needs to be postponed for some time. We are talking about the following problems:

  • inflammatory processes in the oral cavity,
  • severe tooth decay, large fillings on the outside,
  • grinding teeth, which destroys their enamel,
  • engaging in dangerous sports,
  • presence of bad habits: biting nails, opening bottles with teeth,
  • serious anomalies and malocclusions,
  • absence of teeth: structures can only be installed on your own teeth,
  • too dark spots on the enamel: the plates are thin, so when light is reflected, the spots can be visible through the veneers.

In ancient Japan, there was a custom - before getting married and going to her betrothed’s house, a woman blackened the enamel with a special iron-containing paint. It was believed that the color black is unchangeable, which means that a wife with a smile of a dark shade will be forever faithful and devoted to her husband3.

Growing teeth

This is still a matter for the future, but research in this direction is underway. Today two methods are used:

  • external, when the tooth is grown outside the patient’s body and transplanted into it in a rudimentary state in order to continue to grow in its row;
  • internal, when with the help of an injection a new one grows in place of the missing tooth.

In the future, this technology may make it possible to completely abandon implantation, but at the moment this is a matter of the future.

Dental crowns for a snow-white smile

The need for such crowns arises when we are talking about large-scale tooth decay. It is not very justified to put it on crooked teeth, since it is necessary to grind it down; such a decision seems even more controversial if the teeth are healthy. In the latter case, it is advisable to install braces; this will successfully solve the problem of curvature. Crowns are good because they correct both the shape and position of the teeth, but such an aggressive solution is not suitable for everyone, so many patients prefer the same braces or aligners.

How to use turmeric

Mix turmeric with a little water to create a paste. Then, you need to add classic toothpaste to this mixture. You can make another mixture: • 1 teaspoon turmeric • 1 teaspoon coconut oil • teaspoon vegetable oil Mix all ingredients in a small container. Once you have a paste, dip your toothbrush into it. Brush your teeth as usual and leave the substance on your teeth for 3-5 minutes. After this, rinse your mouth. Repeat the procedure every day.

Research has shown that turmeric has many oral health benefits. Below are the most important reasons to use turmeric.

Is it possible to do it at home?

If financial circumstances do not allow you to see a dentist, then you can try to achieve the effect of a snow-white smile on your own, that is, at home. There are many ways to solve this issue, the main thing here is to choose the right one and strictly follow the recommendations of specialists during the application process, otherwise you can cause serious damage to your health. To whiten your teeth at home, you can use:

  • whitening paste, which will help get rid of plaque and clean the enamel, however, the color of your teeth will not become whiter, and you can only use it for a short time, since it is abrasive;
  • gels with hydrogen peroxide or carbadide, they are used at night and lighten the enamel with their action;
  • soda, which cleanses teeth externally and due to mechanical action;
  • lemon;
  • hydrogen peroxide, which is used to moisten a toothbrush before each brushing.

Whitening with trays

Trays are another interesting teeth whitening product. They are divided into 2 types - purchased and custom-made.

In total, mouthguards are divided into 3 types:

  • Store-bought mouthguards are characterized by bleaching with hydrogen peroxide with additional abrasives

    Standard ones are the most popular, they can be easily purchased at a pharmacy for 2-3 thousand rubles. The set includes 10 caps - 5 for the top row and 5 for the bottom. Their gradual use allows you to improve the appearance of your teeth in 2-3 weeks.

  • Thermoplastic - specially used material for manufacturing reduces discomfort, which is explained by thermal effects, after which the mouth guards are deformed to fit the existing jaw shape. The cost of such products reaches 6 thousand rubles.
  • Custom-made - they are made by the dentist based on the impression obtained from the client’s jaw. The cost of such mouthguards reaches 15 thousand rubles.

Store-bought mouthguards are distinguished by bleaching with hydrogen peroxide with additional abrasives. On the other hand, custom-made products require the dentist to prepare the composition for the process.

He prepares a special composition containing peroxide and additional components in individual proportions. Custom-made mouth guards have the advantage of affecting only the surfaces of the teeth.

You should use purchased or custom-made mouth guards without any differences. They are simply worn at night.

How to learn to smile beautifully?

A beautiful smile is influenced not only by straight and snow-white teeth, but by the symmetry of the face, accordingly, this parameter also needs to be monitored. A set of certain exercises can help in this matter:

  • Purse your lips tightly and exhale several times;
  • make several “figure eights” with your lips extended into a tube;
  • stretch your lips into a tube as far as possible.

There are also several ways to achieve a beautiful smile:

  • find the most suitable one from the many options considered in the mirror and try to “fix” it;
  • repeat such a smile several times in a row at certain intervals;
  • smile not only with your lips, but also with your eyes.

Other secrets to a perfect beautiful smile

A beautiful smile is achieved not only by snow-white teeth.

It is recommended to do the following:

  • tidy up the skin of your lips - use moisturizing creams and other products to eliminate dry lips (pay special attention to the corners);
  • try to smile so that only the upper row of teeth is visible;
  • Brush your teeth regularly and use mouthwash to keep your breath fresh.

The ideal smile is sincere, no matter what it is: with only the top row exposed or both.

How to save teeth?

The difference between before and after the procedure for creating a Hollywood smile is very visible, but achieving such an effect is not enough; it is also necessary to preserve it and extend it as long as possible. To this end, you need to use several simple dental care methods:

  • Brush your teeth twice a day every day for at least two minutes;
  • in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations, select a paste;
  • floss after every meal;
  • do not exceed the period of use of the brush, which is three months;
  • visit the clinic twice a year for preventive purposes.

In addition, dentists recommend:

  • stop smoking;
  • do not eat seeds and nuts;
  • limit your consumption of sweets;
  • increase the consumption of foods containing calcium;
  • use an irrigator while wearing braces.

Contraindications to whitening procedures

It is better to resort to bleaching after consulting a doctor, so as not to provoke complications.

For the presented procedure, a list of contraindications has been compiled, which includes:

  • enlarged pulp;
  • increased sensitivity of teeth;
  • damaged enamel;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • the presence of a large number of fixed dentures, as well as fillings;
  • presence of tooth fracture, caries, gum disease;
  • reduced sensitivity threshold;
  • severe chronic diseases;
  • diagnosed temporomandibular joint disease.

To whiten your teeth at the dentist, you will have to sit for a long time with your mouth open. If this cannot be done due to the presence of a certain pathology of the jaw, then the procedure should be abandoned.

How much does a Hollywood smile cost?

In terms of price, a Hollywood smile is not a cheap pleasure, but you can talk specifically about the cost after choosing a method for solving the problem. The simplest and cheapest way is to bleach at home; naturally, there is not much to talk about high efficiency and aesthetics here. Only a dental clinic can answer the question of how to achieve a snow-white smile, although it will cost significantly more:

  1. Direct method. The price for one tooth will be in the range of 6 - 7 thousand, the total cost is easy to calculate: the upper jaw in terms of the smile line has 8 teeth.
  2. Indirect method. Here the cost will be higher, since you will have to pay for the services of not only the doctor, but also the dental technician, plus a lot will depend on the choice of one material or another.

Regarding the issue of materials, the average pricing policy is as follows:

  • ceramics - approximately 15 thousand;
  • zirconium - around 17 thousand;
  • glass ceramics - about 18 thousand;
  • lumineers - from 25 to 40 thousand rubles.

Attack on enamel

To find out the nuances of newfangled procedures, we go for a consultation with the chief physician of the Republican Clinical Dental Clinic Andrey Matveev
— Andrey Mikhailovich, how often do patients come to your clinic for aesthetic dentistry?
— Over the past 5-7 years, the number of such patients has increased and today accounts for about 10-15% of all visits. On average, we record about 15 million visits per year, which means about 1.5 million people come for aesthetics. Of course, women are more often interested in teeth whitening procedures, installation of veneers or composites, lumineers and implants, but there are also plenty of men who also want to get a Hollywood smile.

— Does the level of dentistry allow this to be done?

- Undoubtedly. We have all the dental equipment from the world's leading companies. We work with exactly the same materials as our colleagues in the USA, Great Britain, Australia, Russia, and Japan. That is, relatively speaking, we can do the same veneering as in the best dental clinic in New York. It all depends on whether the patient is willing to pay for the material.

— What do you recommend to those who dream of a Hollywood smile?

- Any smile - Hollywood or not - begins with healthy and beautiful teeth. First of all, such patients are recommended to take preventive measures aimed at improving oral hygiene - they need to heal caries and get rid of tartar. Without this, all subsequent procedures (whitening, veneering, compounding, implantation) are meaningless.

Whitening - laser or machine - is popular among many Belarusians today. All techniques are based on the use of atomic oxygen, which, under the influence of a wave of light of a certain length, reacts and produces oxygen, which affects the color of dentin (the hard tissue of the tooth that makes up its main part) and enamel. Perhaps I will express an unpopular opinion and seem retrograde to someone, but I still do not recommend this procedure in principle, since it has more disadvantages than advantages. If you stubbornly insist on whitening, do it only in the dental office. The Ministry of Health is often contacted by commercial structures who say that in Russia whitening is done in beauty salons in hypermarkets, and the so-called specialists who perform the procedures do not have a medical education. Then these entrepreneurs, along with their salons and instruments, disappear, and the person must go to the dentist to restore his teeth! Is it normal? Even those who carry out this procedure exclusively at the dentist need to know: tooth enamel is the hardest tissue in the body, but with frequent whitening, even its structure is damaged, its integrity and hardness are compromised, it becomes soft and begins to actively undergo carious lesions. As a result, after some time the question of using veneering arises, since the teeth take on an extremely unhealthy appearance.

— What should those who decide to install veneers or composites be prepared for?

— We recommend such microprosthetics to people who are dissatisfied with the shape and size of their teeth, as well as those who have increased enamel sensitivity, serious damage to it, or numerous fillings on their front teeth.

With proper care, veneers last about 10 years. In addition, to install them you do not need to remove teeth - this is the main advantage of this procedure. However, there are also disadvantages here: the first is the cost. In our clinic, photo composites start from 100 rubles, ceramic veneers start from 600 rubles, in private dentistry the prices are even higher. Veneering is an irreversible process; the plates can only be removed during their replacement. This means that about once every 10 years you will have to shell out a large sum of money. In addition, healthy teeth are ground under the plates.

Componeers cost from 250 rubles. There are many types of such onlays, so the doctor will be able to choose the most suitable tooth shade. Componers will help hide a defect both on one tooth and on the entire dentition at once. Installing the onlays only requires one visit to the dentist, since the dentist does not have to take an impression and wait for the dental technician to do his job. However, componers only entered the dental market in 2011, so their service life has not yet been established. Nevertheless, we can already say that their normal state will last less than that of ceramic linings. In addition, the color of the enamel may gradually begin to change.

— Cunning marketers offer to purchase cheap Chinese-made veneers on websites, which supposedly suit everyone.

— It would be interesting to hear the opinion of those who have already tried these “miracle new products.” How did they see their smile in the mirror? Each of us has our own anatomy of the dental system, and trying to put on veneers that “suit everyone” leads to dissonance in the picture of the natural and the imposed. You should not take this kind of product seriously.

— As for implantation, how safe is this method? The Internet is full of reviews from patients whose implants did not take root the first time, and this pleasure, to put it mildly, is not cheap - approximately 1000-1500 rubles for one artificial tooth.

— Approximately 93-95% of implants take root successfully, however, this procedure has contraindications: for example, allergic reactions of the body to titanium alloy, thyroid diseases and diabetes. Much depends on the general state of the patient’s immune system. This method of prosthetics has a lot of advantages: the installed implant does not allow bone tissue to dissolve, as happens in the absence of a tooth (after all, if there is no load on the jaw bone tissue, it tends to collapse). Also, during the implantation process, there is no need to grind down adjacent teeth and remove nerves from them. But even if the patient’s health is fine, the main condition for successful implant installation is sufficient volume and height of the jaw bone. Then it is implanted into the bone (for this a small operation is performed under local anesthesia), and after 2-3 months a permanent crown is made.

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