Positive and negative points when eliminating dental problems in Heihe


Increasingly, the high cost of dental treatment in Russia forces residents of the country to pay attention to foreign medicine.

In search of a state where they can quickly, comfortably, and most importantly, at an affordable price, they can treat or restore teeth, Russians more often began to opt for clinics in China.

According to the latest statistics, the city of Heihe has become a popular destination for medical tourism among Russian residents.

A little about dentistry

The clinic in Heihe is a multidisciplinary institution. Its state status guarantees the provision of decent quality services to foreign patients, including our compatriots.

The Ministry of Health exercises strict and constant control over the activities and level of service provision in the clinic.

The Department of Dentistry of the State Hospital is a member of the International Dental Association. The second floor is assigned to him. The bright, spacious rooms are equipped with the most modern technology: endoscopes, 3D tomographs, endodontic equipment and instruments, devices for sandblasting teeth, etc.

The clinic’s specialists use only disposable instruments in their practice, which eliminates the possibility of clients becoming infected when performing medical procedures. Pain relief is performed only with licensed foreign drugs.

Recognized specialists in the field of dentistry have been invited to work - orthodontists, surgeons, prosthetists, therapists, implantologists. Among them there are graduate students, candidates of science and professors.

Treatment is available to all segments of the population, regardless of age. The hospital also has the necessary certificates and licenses to receive and serve patients from other countries.

Patients, as part of individual treatment programs, may be provided with hotel rooms, excursions and walks to the main local attractions and scenic spots. The hospital provides, upon prior request, a meeting with patients and an interpreter.

Important! Dental treatment in China is famous for the use of the latest innovative techniques, high quality of treatment, individual approach to each patient, polite attitude towards people. And all this at prices that are 2-3 times lower than the cost of services in Russia.

What problems can be solved with the help of composite bridges and design options.

Come here to learn more about soldered dentures.

At this address https://www.vash-dentist.ru/protezirovanie/nesemnyie-p/koronki-np/steklokeramicheskimi.html you will find a detailed description and characteristics of the glass-ceramic crown.

Chinese dentistry

Dental treatment in China is at its peak and for good reason. It has long been possible to forget about medical instruments that resemble instruments of torture. Chinese dentistry is the most patient-friendly:

  • the patient feels comfortable during the procedures,
  • the result corresponds to expectations.

Every dental clinic in China is vehemently opposed to tooth extraction. Chinese folk wisdom: “Always use what the creator gave you.” The patient is first offered to restore the aesthetic beauty of the teeth using the restoration method. Clinics are helped in this by technology that cleans dark spots from the surface of the tooth and smoothes out chips, cracks and irregularities. Only as a last resort will you be asked to remove your tooth, but such cases are becoming less and less common in Chinese dental medicine. But even then the removal and implantation procedure will be painless. This is how Chinese dentists fight congenital dental defects.

“Chinese dentists remove teeth only as a last resort”

Scientists, practicing doctors of science and other specialists are part of state dental hospitals. In the treatment and prosthetics of the oral cavity in China, specialized equipment from the following countries is used:

  • Germany,
  • Korea,
  • USA,
  • France,
  • Norway,
  • Spain.

Some clinics offer loans for dental services, and you can also pay in rubles or currencies of other countries. Almost all hospitals work with children and treat teeth that are bothering them.

All public clinics in China provide a guarantee for their work: 2, 4, 8 or even 10 years. Moreover, for such a guarantee they will not take a single ruble from the client. All procedures are painless and quick, given the automation of almost all processes. It takes just a few days to make the prostheses. The patient can relax and enjoy the sights of China while computer technology shapes and creates the prosthesis.

Dentistry in China is represented by a network of commercial and public clinics. When deciding on a suitable dental medical institution, the client must take into account not only the cost of treatment in rubles, but also other criteria. An important factor will be popularity among the local population and reviews from patients from Russia. A low price is not always “good”. Because in the end you can get cheap materials and results from a dentist with basic qualifications.


Dental treatment in China is easy. To do this, you need to follow several unspoken rules:

  1. When choosing a clinic, pay attention to where the Chinese themselves go. This nation has the most developed “word of mouth” and if a person received poor reception or poor quality service, then this place is closed over time. Moreover, this applies not only to dentistry, but to all services, cafes and shops in China.
  2. Change some amount of rubles into local currency in advance. Even if the hospital accepts domestic banknotes, then rubles will not suit you for daily expenses.
  3. Choose your hotel in advance as you will have to wait approximately seven days for your crowns or implants to be made.
  4. Beware of fly-by-night companies, choose government clinics.
  5. The Chinese are a wealthy people, but they love to bargain, so feel free to try to get a discount on any service: making an implant or inserting a new tooth.

“To avoid poor-quality treatment, choose only public dental clinics in China”


The main dental problem of our time is tooth loss as a result of a lack of calcium in the body. Dentistry in the Celestial Empire offers effective treatment for any diseases of the oral cavity, and if the tooth cannot be saved, then prosthetics will help. Dentures can be installed at any age - they are invisible, comfortable to wear and do not require maintenance.

Artificial teeth solve the aesthetic problem of the oral cavity by hiding gaps in the dentition. Prosthetics in Chinese dental hospitals allows you to get rid of the following diseases:

  • problems of the gastrointestinal tract as a result of poor chewing of food - occurs in case of missing teeth,
  • poor bite as a result of long-term jaw reduction,
  • slurred diction due to missing teeth,
  • tooth displacement defect (teeth tend to occupy empty spaces).

Dental prosthetics in China are carried out in 1-2 weeks, and the prices for such a service are lower than in Russia.


Implantation in China is more in demand than prosthetics. There are several reasons for this:

  • the installation does not affect the patient’s healthy teeth in any way,
  • the ability to install any number of teeth, up to restoring the entire row,
  • installation of quality samples from Japan, USA, France,
  • guarantee of gum health and improved aesthetic properties,
  • increased service life.

The main advantage of implantation in China is low prices. For a low cost, you can install Japanese implants and crowns for them, but additional implantation procedures will not be possible. When a patient installs an implant in Russia and orders crowns from Chinese dental hospitals, wanting to save a couple of thousand rubles on moving. Doctors in the Middle Kingdom will not make crowns for other people’s implants. Because if they don't fit, the blame will fall on the crown manufacturer.

“Implantation in China is an inexpensive pleasure that will make you smile more often”

Approach to prosthetics

Dentistry, and in particular dental prosthetics, are those few areas of medicine in which the knowledge of national medicine is not applied. Priority is given only to a modern approach to treatment, with quality comparable to European ones.

Heihe Hospital provides all types of dental prosthetics. The most popular of them among patients is the restoration of missing elements with crowns based on gold, titanium and cobalt.

In addition, you can install nylon, clasp and acrylic prosthetic structures. Russian patients undergo implantation less often, which is explained by the high price and duration of the process (up to 6 months with mandatory 2-3 visits to the hospital).

Among the features of prosthetics in China, it is necessary to highlight the following points:

  1. For work, only proven and reliable designs from well-known manufacturers are used, with a guarantee of at least 20-25 years.
  2. Short term for prosthetics (without compromising quality).
  3. The method of restoring the completeness of the dentition is selected individually, based on the characteristics and condition of the patient’s oral cavity.
  4. Only advanced prosthetic techniques are used.
    Most of the manipulations are carried out using a laser system, which ensures the accuracy of all actions and minimal blood loss. Air-kinetic technology helps prepare abutment teeth for the installation of a prosthesis without pain. Chemical-mechanical techniques make it possible to quickly and painlessly remove affected tissue.
  5. Dentures are created in our own dental laboratories, which are equipped with high-precision European equipment.
  6. All consumables and tools are purchased from well-known brands.

Important! Foreign patients, including Russian ones, have already appreciated the benefits of prosthetics in China. In addition, all types of prosthetics are guaranteed. Its minimum term is 5 years.

Why Heihe National Hospital?

There are many hospitals in China, but Heihe National Hospital is reliable. You get the desired result by paying two or even three times less than if you go to a dentist near your home.

Note! It is best to sign up for treatment in Heihe three or better five days before you arrive. This time is enough to organize arrival and escort to the hospital.

The range of dental services provided is wide: from therapy to prosthetics, implantology, orthodontics, etc. But most often people come to China for the following indications.

  • It is necessary to preserve a dental unit that has begun to decay.
  • There are problems with the shape of the teeth. Specialists take on the solution of any cases, even if they are congenital.
  • It is necessary to restore the integrity of the dentition or strengthen loose teeth, etc.

There is a wide choice of crowns: a specialist will recommend which ones should be installed for a particular problem. Their cost varies between 1900 – 7000 rubles. A guarantee is provided: 6 or 20 years - it depends on the country of manufacture and the material used to make the particular crown.

Reviews of dentistry in Heihe confirm that the results of treatment are invariably pleasing:

  • smile aesthetics,
  • the dentition looks as if no dental work has been done,
  • not a single tooth is “knocked out” in shade,
  • durability, strength of the result achieved during treatment in Heihe,
  • complete biocompatibility.

Features of treatment

Heihe Hospital (in the dental department) provides a full range of services, namely:

  1. Diagnosis. All diagnostic activities are carried out using high-quality European equipment.
    There is an X-ray diagnostic system “KaVo” from the manufacturer of the same name, which allows you to take panoramic images of problem areas of the oral cavity, three-dimensional tomography and any section of a 3D model.
  2. Prosthetics. The service is provided for any number of missing teeth. All prosthetic models come with a long-term warranty.
  3. Therapy. Treatment of dental pathologies identified during diagnosis (cysts, caries, stomatitis, pulpitis, etc.). All manipulations are painless, quick and high quality. Tooth extraction is resorted to in extreme cases.
  4. Implantology. Materials used are from famous world brands and some local companies. Implants of any cost are installed, for any needs and for different anatomical cases. Operations are performed using equipment from KaVo Dental GmbH.
  5. Aesthetic dentistry and restoration. This service is focused on improving the aesthetics of the patient's smile without the use of crowns or implants. Componers, lumineers, veneers, and other technologies are used.
    Teeth are restored from cracks or chips of varying depths, or from darkening of the enamel coating.

    Professional cleaning, whitening, decoration, artistic and classical restoration, adjustment of the height of the dentition and individual units, and elimination of interdental spaces are performed.

  6. Orthodontics. Defects formed during the formation and growth of teeth are corrected. This is crowding, improper occlusion, deformation, or displacement of the jaw arches. To correct defects in the dentofacial apparatus, braces, plates, removable and non-removable devices are used.
  7. Periodontology. Measures are being taken to prevent and treat periodontal tissues. Problems with periodontal disease, gum disease, etc. are solved.
  8. Children's dentistry. Children are received in a comfortable environment for them. Doctors who work with children know how to find an approach to any child and know child psychology. The materials and equipment used are of particular importance - they are all absolutely safe and hypoallergenic.
  9. Surgery .
    Services include cosmetic surgery to improve the appearance of your smile and remove decayed and missing teeth. Jaws are also adjusted after facial injuries or deformities associated with various anomalies (cleft palate, cleft lip). Using a laser and modern micro-instruments, cysts, abscesses are removed, and phlegmon and intussusception of the salivary ducts are eliminated.
  10. Orthopedics . Dental prosthetics of any volume and degree of complexity are carried out. Bridge structures, crowns, removable and partially removable dentures are installed.
  11. Endodontics. A highly specialized area that deals only with pathologies of the root system of teeth and bone tissue of the jaws.

In addition, the hospital operates its own dental laboratory around the clock, specializing in the creation of crowns and bridges.

Only modern and safe materials are used for work. The manufacturing process takes place using 3D technologies on new generation equipment.

All services are provided in the shortest possible time. Thus, the production and installation of crowns and bridges takes no more than 4-5 days, most treatment procedures are completed in 2-4 days.

Due to the fact that the clinic uses only innovative equipment and all manipulations are performed using the latest technological methods, the rehabilitation period is as short as possible.

Valuable properties of Shofu metal ceramics and service life of products made from this material.

In this publication, we will look at the features of stump inlays made of cobalt chromium.

Here https://www.vash-dentist.ru/protezirovanie/nesemnyie-p/dizayn-ulyibki.html read all the most important things about digital smile design in dentistry.

Advantages and disadvantages

The growing demand for dental care at Heihe Public Hospital is explained by:

  • quality provision of services;
  • high level of professionalism and training of medical staff;
  • impeccable compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards and requirements;
  • decent level of service;
  • almost 24/7 reception of specialists;
  • affordable cost of services;
  • using only the latest equipment to eliminate the possibility of medical errors, advanced technologies and high-quality certified materials;
  • carrying out dental treatment in combination with the improvement of the body;
  • providing a long warranty period;
  • short terms of prosthetics and treatment;
  • individual approach to each patient;
  • the possibility of combining treatment with acquaintance with the sights and culture of the city;
  • visa-free entry into the country;
  • almost 24/7 patient support;
  • presence of Russian-speaking staff.

Additional bonuses for foreign patients are a free initial appointment and selection of an individual treatment regimen, and a refund of money spent on accommodation and travel to Heihe.

The huge number of advantages of dental treatment in China is overshadowed by several disadvantages:

  • the presence of a language barrier , which is why foreign patients have to resort to the services of intermediary companies.
    Employees accompany the patient during the entire period of their stay abroad, from the meeting to boarding the transport for departure home. Such a service naturally affects the cost of dental treatment, significantly increasing it.
  • one more point - the warranty right to the service provided , for example, to install an implant, is retained only if the patient strictly follows medical recommendations and regularly visits the hospital for 6-12 months.
    to control the dynamics of engraftment. This means that you need to come to the hospital every month for at least six months to secure the warranty right to use the structure.

Also, in the event of complications or other unforeseen consequences, the person will have to immediately arrive at a Chinese hospital or seek help at the nearest local clinic. All this entails additional travel costs or payment for assistance.

The path to a perfect smile

To receive dental treatment at Heihe Hospital, you must:

  1. Call the hotline toll -free number to clarify the date of arrival, receive clarification of questions about treatment, or organize a trip, get acquainted with the conditions of stay in the country.
  2. Arrive in Blagoveshchensk , where you will be met and helped with filling out declaration documents and clearing customs by representatives of the clinic.
  3. Get to China , where employees will also meet you and escort you to the hotel.
  4. Undergo a series of dental treatment or restoration procedures, taking on average no more than 5 days.
  5. Accompanied to return to Blagoveshchensk.

Receiving dental care in Chinese hospitals is a decision that many Russian citizens today make because it is very convenient and financially beneficial.

Chinese medicine, including dentistry, is an advanced, accessible and open niche of medical tourism.

The video provides additional information on the topic of the article.

We are traveling from Irkutsk to Heihe

It is not possible to get from Irkutsk to Heihe directly. However, if the trip is organized by a hospital that takes care of all the organizational issues, the trip to Heihe State Hospital will be easy, pleasant and inexpensive.

First you need to get from Irkutsk to Blagoveshchensk in a convenient way: by plane or train.

  • A direct flight, about 4 hours in flight, will cost from 11,860 rubles. You will be met at Ignatyevo airport.
  • Train, 56 hours travel. The cost of travel in a compartment is from 8,665 rubles, in a reserved seat it is cheaper - 3,600 rubles. At the Blagoveshchensk station you will be met by the hospital manager and together you will go through customs control.

From Blagoveshchensk you will go to Heihe, to a free hotel, and from there to an initial appointment with a dentist.


In recent years, China has become Russian in terms of receiving dental care. High service, affordable cost, world-class quality and the possibility of combining treatment with recreation attract Russian citizens to this state.

The incredibly huge number of positive reviews only confirms the obvious that Heihe Hospital is an ideal option if you need treatment, implantation and dental prosthetics.

If you have experience undergoing dental treatment in a Chinese hospital, please share your impressions regarding the quality of services provided and the level of service by leaving a comment on this article.

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