They don't have their own smile! Stars who wore braces and corrected their bite. Expert opinion from the show “Reloaded”

These stars took care of their teeth in time, and now they have a perfect smile. We’ll figure out who did what together with the dentist, expert of the “Reboot” show on TNT, Ruslan Sabanov.

Let’s clarify right away that braces are special brackets for correcting the position of teeth in case of malocclusion. They are different and differ in the method of fastening, installation location and the materials from which they are made. For example, there are metal (the most popular today), sapphire (the most beautiful), ceramic (they are invisible on the teeth), lingual (they are often called “invisible”, since they are invisible and are installed on the inside of the teeth).

Veneers are special plates (a kind of “onlays”) that allow you to create an ideal smile, correct the curvature and shape of teeth, close the gaps between teeth and improve their color.

Tom Cruise

The actor had a very difficult case. “Tom clearly underwent complex orthodontic treatment, had surgery on his gums, and wore braces,” emphasizes dentist Ruslan Sabanov. – And then, using implants, crowns and veneers, I changed the size, shape and color of my teeth. And even now Tom’s smile cannot be called ideal, since the center line is shifted to the left, and therefore the teeth are not completely straight.”

Installation process

The installation of an orthodontic structure is a very complex process; it requires great concentration and preliminary preparation. The installation is carried out in stages and is carried out only after all the necessary studies of the dentofacial system have been completed, as well as the obligatory sanitation of the oral cavity. The sequence of work usually looks like this:

  1. Impressions of the jaws are taken so that specialists in the dental laboratory can make a plaster model, on the basis of which an individual treatment plan is drawn up.
  2. The braces system itself is being manufactured.
  3. Next, the oral cavity is prepared, which includes sanitation, polishing and drying procedures.
  4. Fixation of braces using a special adhesive to each dental unit.
  5. The final stage will be the installation of the arc itself and its activation.

Sometimes a patient needs to install the system on both jaws at once; then the arch is initially attached to the upper jaw and only then to the lower jaw.


Now Madonna can easily afford to wear gold dental jewelry, because she has excellent teeth. Although before her smile was far from ideal. But at the same time, the singer never appeared in public with braces. “Most likely, she wore internal (lingual) braces, which helped her correct her bite and slightly correct the gap between her teeth,” emphasizes dentist Ruslan Sabanov.

Duration of treatment and principle of action

It is impossible to name the exact duration of treatment without conducting thorough research. It depends on a very large number of factors, among which the main one is the severity of the bite pathology.

This also includes the patient’s age and some individual characteristics of his bone tissue.

The fact is that the principle of operation is based on the fact that the teeth in the sockets, although firmly fixed, are surrounded by tissue, which can, with constant exposure, change its properties - become less or more durable. Braces apply slight, constant, long-term pressure on each tooth in a specific direction, causing it to move.

On average, wearing such orthodontic structures takes about one and a half to two years. Sometimes, in very simple cases, 5–8 months is enough, and sometimes, on the contrary, treatment lasts up to three or more years.

Demmy Moor

It is quite possible that it was thanks to Demi’s new smile that she once managed to win the heart of Ashton Kutcher. “The actress’s missing teeth on the sides were clearly replaced with a bridge, which was later replaced with implants,” says dentist Ruslan Sabanov.

Read also

Braces: everything you need to know before installation

Celebrities who wore braces

Inexpensive braces

If the aesthetic side of correcting dental anomalies is the least of your worries, then there are systems whose treatment will be cheaper. These are metal braces: price, efficiency, possibility of use for various pathologies of occlusion, minimal treatment period, increased strength and reliability make them the most popular among all types of brace systems.

Widely used Damon Q self-ligating bracket systems are made of medical grade stainless steel. Doctors at the “Full Order” clinics will select the most effective equipment and methods of bite correction for everyone. Our orthodontists always achieve positive results!


Among American and European stars, malocclusion, yellow or crooked teeth are not at all a defect in appearance, but a kind of highlight that helped them become who they are.

  • Brigitte Bardot. The world-famous beauty, whom millions of men prayed for, had not previously been distinguished by her attractive appearance. As a child, Bridget had strabismus, which she was able to cure. But the incorrect bite and, as a result, a slightly protruding lower lip remained with the actress forever. However, the skillful Bridget was able to turn her disadvantage into her main advantage, arousing admiration from society.

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  • Vanessa Paradis. This singer and actress not only did not correct the diastema (a gap between the front teeth), but also made it a fashionable feature.

Interesting! Many girls specially sawed out their gap in order to resemble their fashion idol.

  • Kirsten Dunst. The peculiarity of this actress is her protruding fangs, which she is not going to part with. At one of the interviews, Kirsten said that her mother repeatedly tried to tidy up her smile, but Kirsten did not follow the dentist’s recommendations and simply threw away the plates, which she does not regret at all today.

This is interesting: Teeth hurt from braces: how long after installation does the pain continue and what to do with severe pain

  • Johnny Depp. This actor has everything perfect except his smile. Johnny not only did not treat his teeth, but also disfigured them even more. Then he couldn’t part with the image of Jack Sparrow and wore decorative metal teeth, and then even put on gold grills.

  • Kate Moss. Another star for whom crooked teeth are not a problem. Kate, thanks to her unconventional appearance and charisma, was able to break into the world of modeling and take one of the leading positions there.

  • Amy Winehouse. The late singer had a very terrifying smile. Her teeth were crooked and her bite was wrong. After a while, when Amy began to abuse smoking, alcohol and drugs, her teeth began to fall out. As it turned out later, almost before her death, Amy began to visit the dentist and get her smile in order.

  • Keira Knightley. One of the highest paid actresses of our time is not at all embarrassed by her overbite and always smiles broadly at reporters. According to Kira herself, she has never been a fan of the perfectly straight and unnaturally white teeth that American celebrities love so much. The girl visits the dentist regularly, but only to keep her teeth in order.

  • Kate Middleton . The Duchess of Cambridge had an overbite and several uneven teeth. This state of affairs did not bother her at all until she married Prince William and became a victim of paparazzi ridicule. Kate couldn’t make up her mind for a long time, but not long ago she finally visited a famous French dentist, who gave her a natural, even smile.

Interesting! In honor of the wedding of William and Kate, a coin was issued in England with an engraving in the shape of the bride's face with a protruding chin due to an incorrect bite.

  • Karl Lagerfeld . The late designer, whose clothes all women in the world dreamed of wearing, never smiled. And all because his teeth had long since rotted and fallen out. And those that remained were crooked and yellow.

  • Benedict Cumberbatch. The performer of the role of Sherlock and Doctor Strange has always disliked his appearance, and especially his crooked teeth. However, such self-criticism did not affect his acting abilities, which overshadowed all of Benedict's shortcomings.

  • Katy Perry . For this singer, crooked teeth have become a real flaw of which she is ashamed. But Katie is in no hurry to correct this defect. She believes that braces will not suit her, and this is not an adult thing. Therefore, Perry tries to hide such a hateful smile behind his antics and constant changes of image.

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  • Madonna. The bright highlight of this singer has always been a small gap between her front teeth, which she recently corrected, giving herself the notorious Hollywood smile.

  • Lindsay Lohan. Since childhood, the actress had beautiful and perfectly straight teeth. But after she began to lead a rather wild lifestyle and became addicted to smoking, her smile became yellow-brown. Lindsay periodically removes plaque, but the effect of visiting the dentist is short-lived.

  • Ashley Smith. Her gap can be called “royal”, since it is much larger in size than Paradis’s. For the girl, the diastema also became a peculiar feature, which “let her in” to the world of modeling and made her one of the highest paid models.

Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie is considered one of the most beautiful women on the starry Olympus. The actress was helped to achieve such success in her field not only by her unconditional talent, but also by her excellent natural abilities, charm, charisma and, of course, her orthodontist. As a teenager, Angelina wore braces, like many of her peers.

Angelina Jolie

Prince Harry

It turns out that even members of the royal family are no strangers to the problems of ordinary mortals. For example, Prince Harry once suffered from severe crooked teeth. A favorite of the fair sex and, perhaps, the brightest representative of his family, at the age of 15 he was very worried about ridicule about the iron braces that adorned his teeth at that time. But now the prince impresses with his brilliant smile and continues to collect the hearts of handsome men from all over the world.

Prince Harry

Gwen Stefani

Distinguished by her unusual character and perfect teeth, Gwen still resorted to the help of orthodontists. At the age of 30, she installed a system with metal locks on both jaws.

There was no need for this, but in this way the actress decided to attract the attention of fans and the press . Simultaneously with the construction, Gwen dyed her hair provocatively pink, shocking the audience.

Unlike many, Gwen has always been attracted to such devices, which is why she chose them to increase her popularity, as an aesthetic element. Such a PR move sharply increased the artist’s rating and excited journalists.

Katy Perry

In one of her conversations with journalists, Katy Perry admitted that she is proud of her slightly crooked teeth in the lower jaw and is not going to correct this “zest.” However, the singer explained that she perfectly understands the importance of wearing braces in the presence of severe bite defects, and therefore respects orthodontic treatment. To support teenagers during the difficult period of wearing braces, the singer starred in the Last Friday Night video and showed the whole world that a girl with iron braces on her teeth can also become the most beautiful and popular in school.

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Katy Perry

Tom Cruise

The artist is in the first place of the TOP, since there is a big difference between today's smile and what it represented many years ago. During the period of change of bite, Tom Cruise experienced severe separation of the anterior incisors.

In addition to everything, at a young age there was an accident that ended with the breaking off of a significant part of the incisor. At the first filming, the artist appeared with an unaesthetic smile.

Having restored the lost part of the tooth, Tom no longer worked on correcting dental defects. Already married to Penelope Cruz and having a child, he thought about orthodontic correction.

The reason for this was a visit to the dentist to determine the child’s bite. It was then that the orthodontist advised the artist to undergo treatment with braces, which would completely transform his smile.

Heeding the doctor's advice, Cruz installed braces in 2002.

He went through a multi-stage treatment process, during which the diastema between his incisors was first eliminated, and only then they began to restore the aesthetics of his dentition.

Drew Barrymore

Photo: Drew Barrymore before and after bite correction

Acting in films since the age of 7, Drew had uneven teeth. The great popularity that came to the girl after the release of the film “The Extraterrestrial” led her parents to the idea that it was time to prepare her for a big career in cinema.

One of the stages of preparation was treatment with braces, which Drew installed at the age of 11 . She noted separation of teeth and changes in their position. A few years later she was able to boast a perfect smile and worldwide popularity.

The actress has never discussed the topic of her orthodontic correction. But judging by her negative reaction to the temporary fixation of the system for the filming of one of the films, her feelings were not the best.

Danny Glover

American film actor Danny Glover got braces for himself when he was already an adult man. In 2006, he appeared at a photo shoot dedicated to the release of the film “Rehabilitated,” giving everyone present a smile decorated with iron orthodontic brackets. The actor once again proved to everyone around him that braces can be worn not only in childhood.

Danny Glover

Nicolas Cage

Famous actor Nicolas Cage decided to undergo orthodontic bite correction in adulthood. The man was not afraid to show off his “iron” smile during one of the ceremonies in Beverly Hills in 2003. First, the actor installed braces on the lower jaw, and after some time he supplemented the corrective apparatus with plates for the upper teeth.

Nicolas Cage

Emma Watson

Emma Watson proudly holds the title of one of the highest paid actresses in the world. Today it’s hard to believe that as a child, little Hermione from “Harry Potter” considered herself an ugly duckling because of problems with her teeth. By the way, it was precisely this feature that gave her a pass to the world of big cinema, when the little girl was casting for the role of a little sorceress. Later, Emma Watson resorted to the help of an orthodontist and got herself braces. Now the actress happily shows off her flawless smile on the red carpet.

Emma Watson

Cindy Crawford

One of the first artists to undergo orthodontic adjustments as an adult is Cindy Crawford. She allowed herself to correct the position of her teeth and bite during active filming .

At that moment, in addition to films, she starred in Pepsi commercials and often performed on the catwalks. Cindy's face with a wide smile in metal braces in 1995 could be seen on television screens and advertising stands.

Many argue that the model’s image did not suffer at all, but became even more interesting.

Carrie Underwood

Only at the age of forty-five did Kerry decide to start correcting her bite. Today, the socialite openly demonstrates her braces, presenting them as decoration .

Having opted for a transparent sapphire model, she did not lose at all. The locks emphasize her aristocracy, and in combination with the jewelry that Kerry wears every time she goes out, they make her look unique.

The star justifies her late decision by saying that as a child she was terribly afraid of any, even painless, dental procedures.

Only now has Underwood been able to consciously cope with her fears.


The twelve-year-old daughter of the famous singer Madonna was always under the watchful eye of her mother, who carefully monitored her health. But this did not help to avoid the development of malocclusion.

The girl had an abnormal position of the anterior teeth. To correct the situation, it was decided to install braces.

Positive results were not long in coming, since 12 years is considered the optimal age for orthodontic correction . Today, Lourdes's bite is of the correct shape and she can safely boast of the beauty of her smile.

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Let's sum it up

The question of why adults need to get braces on their teeth disappears when the patient becomes familiar with the possible consequences of malocclusion. There are many designs that differ in appearance, material of manufacture, visibility to others, cost and other characteristics. Before settling on a specific option, it is necessary to undergo diagnostic tests and consult with an orthodontist. It is likely that wearing the system in a particular case may be contraindicated, so you need to carefully consider the preparatory measures and listen to the opinions of various highly qualified specialists.

Famous beauties with braces

No one will argue with the fact that almost every woman wants to look perfect. Models, film stars and singers - celebrities who often have to be in the public eye - take especially good care of themselves. Let's find out which famous beauties wore braces.

Dakota Fanning

Already in her teens, the actress became known as a great fashionista. The girl admitted that she was happy to put braces on her uneven teeth. She really liked the way they looked. Gold, multi-colored, silver, with rhinestones, square, round or classic - braces can be anything. With the right approach, they will become a real decoration. Take a look at the photo to see how beautiful Dakota is with braces! What other celebrities wore orthodontic systems?

Cindy Crawford

Cindy is a very iconic figure with braces. The model was not afraid to show off her orthodontic teeth while performing on the catwalk. In 1995, Cindy starred in a Pepsi commercial, during which time she was still wearing permanent braces. Which other star could look so natural with braces? Look at the photo and see for yourself that the model’s image has not suffered at all.

Drew Barrymore

Her debut role amazed audiences back in 1982, when she played in the film “E.T. The girl grew up and at the age of 11 she decorated her teeth with metal braces. Few of the stars then could boast of an original accessory. Now Drew can be congratulated: she did not have to walk around with crooked teeth in adulthood. If you're wondering which other celebrities have had permanent braces, keep reading our article.

Emma Watson

For some time, this sweet girl had to live with an incorrect bite. However, crooked teeth have never graced a single woman. Emma is far from the only celebrity who endured a little discomfort for the sake of further transformation. In 2005, during breaks between filming Harry Potter, the actress who played Hermione wore braces. The girl’s teeth were decorated with a classic model. The actress did not hesitate to show them off. Only self-doubt makes people look down on others, braces have absolutely nothing to do with it.

Gwen Stefani

The forever young beauty wore orthodontic systems at the age of thirty. With suspenders, pink curls and bright clothes, the girl looked like a teenager. At that time, modern, almost invisible braces had not yet appeared, and Gwen wore large metal structures.

Baby Lourdes

Lourdes, Madonna's charming daughter. When the girl was twelve years old, she began wearing vestibular braces. Lourdes had an incorrect bite, so the star mom rushed to fix it. Who doesn't want to enjoy their child's beautiful smile?

Carrie Underwood

A forty-five-year-old socialite looks dazzling in a dress, necklace and braces. It looks like the celebrity wore them as jewelry. Carrie admits that she was very afraid of the dentist as a child, and now she has consciously decided to get a permanent dental implant. Carrie looks amazing with braces.

What is dangerous about malocclusion?

When answering the question in what cases it is necessary to install braces and why this is necessary, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the consequences of ignoring the pathological process. Many people mistakenly believe that the lack of timely intervention only affects the patient’s appearance, so it is not so important whether to leave everything as is or still resort to the help of a professional orthodontist.

What will happen if you don't fix it?

What do these anomalies lead to:

  • problems with the speech apparatus;
  • difficulty swallowing, chewing food;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • headaches, migraines;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • loosening and loss of incisors, canines, molars;
  • frequent oral infections.

How to film

Removing braces is also not too difficult a task for an experienced orthodontist. All elements are removed from the surface of the tooth enamel. After that, a special solution dissolves the remaining glue and hygienic teeth cleaning is carried out.

Patients are often concerned about the question: does it hurt to remove braces? This procedure is completely painless and takes only a few minutes.

You should remember when your braces are removed that further treatment is aimed at maintaining the achieved effect. Therefore, you will have to wear retainers or special mouth guards for some time.

It will be useful: How real doctors remove braces

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