Is it possible to have dental prosthetics during pregnancy?

Dental implantation is a responsible operation, the recovery period after which is associated with the use of medications. For this reason, implantation during pregnancy is contraindicated. In addition, hormonal changes during pregnancy weaken the body, which has to adapt to new working conditions.

Dental problems often appear during pregnancy. Hormonal changes in the body also negatively affect dental health. A woman should definitely undergo a medical examination.

Dental implantation is prohibited for pregnant women, even if it is necessary to restore 1 or 2 teeth.

Removable prosthetics with complete edentia are also prohibited. Pregnancy should be planned after implantation.

Why is implantation prohibited during pregnancy?

  • The operation itself, in which a titanium root prosthesis is installed into the bone (takes place with anesthesia), is prohibited for expectant mothers. After the operation, the doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory and pain medications, most of which should not be used by pregnant women.
  • If complications arise during the period of osseointegration, additional therapy will be required, and this will negatively affect the child’s health. Any worries during pregnancy can have negative consequences.
  • During pregnancy, the immune system is weakened, so the inflammatory process, which under normal conditions can be quickly cured, can last for a long time in a pregnant woman.

Dental treatment during pregnancy

Timely dental treatment during pregnancy is a guarantee of peace of mind and the absence of unnecessary emotional worries. Toothache itself is unpleasant and causes some discomfort. And toothache during pregnancy is doubly unpleasant, as it puts extra emotional stress on the pregnant woman and her unborn child.

Pregnant women are susceptible to a number of oral diseases that can develop during pregnancy due to a lack of beneficial microelements and insufficient oral hygiene. These are the diseases.

  • Gingivitis is inflammation of the gums. Accompanied by a feeling of itching in the gums, pain when eating, and then bleeding. Treatment of gingivitis must be carried out necessarily, since if the disease is ignored, gingivitis quickly “flows” into periodontitis.
  • Periodontitis is a complex inflammation of the tissues surrounding the tooth. Characterized by the formation of gum pockets and loose teeth. Periodontitis can result in tooth loss. Periodontitis is dangerous for the proper development of dental tissues in an unborn child, so treatment of this disease is mandatory.
  • Caries. During pregnancy, the expectant mother's teeth are very susceptible to harmful bacteria, so caries develops at a rapid pace. Untreated caries can be passed on to the baby, so you need to see a dentist. In this case, dental treatment during pregnancy is mandatory.
  • General weakening of gums and teeth. Due to a lack of vitamins and microelements, pregnant women experience weakening of tooth enamel, acute tooth sensitivity and bleeding gums when exposed to mechanical stress. In such cases, again, it is necessary to consult a dentist to exclude the possibility of developing oral diseases.

Is it possible to combine dental implants and pregnancy?

  • During pregnancy, the immune system is weakened, so it takes longer to recover, and infections develop quickly.
  • Any surgical intervention is stressful for the body and is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women.
  • The preparatory stage includes a mandatory x-ray examination, which is undesirable for the unborn baby.
  • Pregnant women should not be given anesthesia or take anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Treatment of possible complications after implantation will also require medication.
  • If surgery is already planned and the woman finds out she is pregnant, the surgery should be cancelled.

Implantation in the first trimester of pregnancy is dangerous. All vital organs are formed in a woman’s body, and the operation will not only negatively affect this process, but can provoke an interruption.

Immediately after childbirth, implantation is also undesirable, since the body needs time to recover. About a year.

Treatment in different trimesters

In the first trimester, which is considered to be 12 weeks of fetal development, the formation of the main organs in the body occurs, the placenta is formed. At this stage, it does not yet reliably protect the baby from external influences, so it is better to postpone any treatment to a later date. To relieve pain and inflammation, topical medications, for example, Miramistin, can be prescribed.

The second trimester is suitable for dental procedures, but extreme caution is still required. The placenta can already protect the baby, even with X-ray examination, the risk of negative effects on the fetus is minimal.

The third trimester (after 25 weeks of development) involves the appearance of increased sensitivity of the uterus to any drug treatment. Also, a woman is more susceptible to stress at this time, so it is best to refuse serious interventions from the dentist. However, in emergency situations, treatment of caries and inflammation, as well as the administration of certain anesthetics, is allowed.


The period of breastfeeding is also a contraindication for implantation, as well as during pregnancy, a woman is prohibited from taking medications. It should be borne in mind that the lactation period is associated with the body’s weak resistance to bacteria, which can develop due to caries or gum disease. The body has not yet been rebuilt, adaptation has not occurred. The medications used can negatively affect the child’s health.

Implants can be installed if lactation has stopped and the child is bottle-fed.

To avoid the need for emergency implantation during pregnancy, it is necessary to eliminate problems in a timely manner, immediately after the discovery of caries and gum disease.

Modern dentistry uses innovative technologies to provide treatment to pregnant women. The doctor will not only eliminate problems in the oral cavity, but will also advise the expectant mother on proper care of her teeth and gums.

Currently, it is possible to use effective drugs that do not cause negative consequences, and replace the radiograph with the use of a dental visiograph.

A woman should ask her doctor about precautions for the upcoming procedures.

Is it possible to have dentures during pregnancy?

The problem often arises: is it possible to have dentures during pregnancy and does this cause harm to the fetus? Due to the rapid development of medicine, almost all acceptable dental services exist today.

In this situation, you should undergo a mandatory medical examination, including a trip to the orthodontist. Immediately during pregnancy, difficulties with teeth begin to appear. Sometimes doctors resort to the last option to replace lost teeth. So, the question arises: is it possible for pregnant women to have dentures or have the procedure done after childbirth?

Dental prosthetics for pregnant women

Previously, doctors said that it was necessary to go to the dentist only after childbirth, but today medical science is at the highest level of development. Therefore, there are innovative technologies that allow pregnant women to undergo dental treatment.

It is important to know! In the first trimester, you should notify the orthodontist about your condition, since it can harm the formation of the baby’s organs. For this reason, it is preferable to postpone dental treatment until the second trimester, when all significant systems are developed and there is already strong protection against various harmful conditions. Factors include the use of medications, including anesthetic relievers.

Also, during this period, hormonal modification of the body is completed, which negatively affects the condition of the teeth. When a pregnant woman experiences a complication with her teeth or the appearance of inflammation, dental surgery cannot be postponed, since such a condition will cause pain.

Without any worries, go to an appointment with a specialist who will not only treat your oral cavity, but also tell you about dental care during pregnancy.

Today, it is possible to put teeth in position with the help of effective, harmless drugs , and a regular x-ray is replaced with a dental visiograph.

However, do not forget to take the initiative on your own and ask your dentist about the precautions for all upcoming procedures to treat the oral cavity, since during pregnancy a woman is more vulnerable to the influence of various bacteria and inflammatory processes. In any case, your baby is not in danger , and there is no need to fear for his health.

To install a crown, certain operations are performed:

  • Grinding the enamel;
  • Depulping;
  • Root canal treatment.

Safe anesthesia must be used.

To obtain an x-ray, you should use a device with a low radiation dose.

If prosthetics are performed on the front teeth, you can install ceramic crowns, which do not cause irritation, since the material does not contain metal components.

Paracetamol is used as an anti-pain drug.

In practice, prosthetics for pregnant women are performed only according to strict indications, taking into account the possible risks from the use of medications.

Postponing the installation of crowns is also not the best solution, because the absence of a tooth causes changes in the entire oral cavity. This manipulation is usually performed in the second trimester of pregnancy.

Planning a pregnancy requires certain preparations, including dental treatment. If there is a need for treatment during pregnancy, it is not recommended to postpone it for a long time, since the development of infection will negatively affect the health of the child and mother.

Prosthetics and tooth extraction

Most procedures require the use of anesthetics. Pregnant women are allowed to inject drugs that cannot cross the placental barrier and are harmless to the fetus. Also, such substances should not affect blood vessels. During the entire period of pregnancy, it is prohibited to use Lidocaine, as it often causes a decrease in blood pressure, as well as spasms and cramps.

For pregnant women, tooth extraction is undesirable, since this process is associated with a strong psycho-emotional load on the body. In addition, the operation involves the use of anesthesia. Removal is possible only in emergency cases, for example, in case of a fracture of the tooth root or its apex, in the presence of a cyst and acute pain.

As for prosthetics, it is allowed to install crowns and bridges during pregnancy, but it is best to refuse implantation. This is explained by quite a lot of stress for the body during the procedure itself, as well as the need to take strong painkillers and even antibiotics during the rehabilitation period.

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Installation of veneers during pregnancy: for or against

Veneers are one of the most popular methods of restoring the aesthetics of a smile.
Nowadays, veneers are installed not only by media personalities, actors and pop stars, but also by ordinary people, since it is thanks to veneers that you can radically transform your smile, make it bright, snow-white and attractive. Modern dentistry offers veneers:

  • made of ceramics;
  • from zirconium dioxide;
  • from composite materials.

Each of these types of veneers has its own advantages and disadvantages. But most patients, namely women, are interested not only in the qualities of various veneers, but also in the possibility of installing them while bearing a child. Is it possible to get veneers during pregnancy, what is the procedure for installing such structures, and how to properly care for teeth with veneers during pregnancy? Read on for answers to these questions.

Features of the use of anesthesia

Many popular anesthetic drugs contain the hormone epinephrine (adrenaline), which prolongs the effect of the anesthetic itself by constricting blood vessels and slowing blood flow at the injection site. But adrenaline also penetrates into the blood - and can provoke uterine hypertonicity, increase blood pressure, and disrupt the formation of internal organs in the fetus (if this hormone was taken before the 12th week of pregnancy).

Therefore, in the treatment and prosthetics of teeth during pregnancy, other substances are used for anesthesia. For example, “Ultracaine D” (which contains only non-toxic articaine) or “Primacaine” with articaine and a minimum concentration of epinephrine (10 mcg). Also, pregnant women can use the anesthetic "Sevoran" - but only under the supervision of an anesthesiologist-resuscitator. The effect of articaine is about 20 minutes, and in combination with epinephrine – up to 45 minutes.

After considering all the important features and limitations when providing dental treatment to pregnant women, we will tell you how prosthetics are done during pregnancy, with what dentures and according to what rules (indications and features).

Types of dentures

Dentures can differ in the time of fixation - temporary and permanent, in the type of installation - removable and fixed, on your own teeth and on implants, as well as in size (how many teeth they replace). Orthopedic structures are also classified by material - acrylic, nylon, polyurethane, with and without metal inclusions (nickel, gold, titanium), ceramic, glass-ceramic, zirconium dioxide and others.


Re-prosthetics with an acrylic bridge on a metal frame (all included) up to 12 units.
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Can I use painkillers during prosthetics?

When planning a pregnancy, it is necessary to make certain preparations - a trip to the dentist and dental treatment. However, when the woman did not have time to undergo treatment earlier, anesthesia can be performed in position, but following the rules. Often, expectant mothers categorically refuse the services of a doctor, believing that the substances used are harmful to the fetus.

Anesthesia for implantation

However, there is no need to delay treatment until the postnatal period, because the infection can negatively affect the health of the mother and baby.

A woman may lose a tooth or get periodontal disease. Before choosing a harmless anesthetic, you need to think about whether its use is necessary? For example, when curing ordinary caries, anesthesia is not needed, but when removing a tooth or inserting teeth, pregnant women cannot do without pain relief.

When choosing a drug, you need to know how it works . The medicine is a medical substance based on adrenaline, which blocks pain and stops bleeding.

However, it can provoke an increase in uterine tone and pressure, which is very risky for miscarriage. Nowadays, substances with the lowest dose of the drug are used, which makes it widely used for pregnant women.

The most common substance in this category is Ultracaine, which does not enter the placenta and milk. In any given case, the doctor chooses the right dose, based on the girl’s personal characteristics and the period.

Is it possible to get veneers during pregnancy: indications and contraindications

Before we begin to analyze the issue of veneers during pregnancy, we will determine what are the indications and contraindications for the use of these structures. Veneers are installed in the following situations:

  • for mechanical defects in the teeth (chips, cracks, etc.);
  • in the presence of pigment spots on the enamel;
  • with fluorosis;
  • in the presence of diastemas (gaps between teeth);
  • with mild malocclusion;
  • if the tooth enamel is worn away after wearing braces and other orthodontic structures.

If we talk about contraindications to the installation of veneers, it should be noted:

  • moderate to severe malocclusion;
  • lack of chewing teeth;
  • bruxism (night grinding of teeth);
  • absence of more than 50% of the tooth crown;
  • increased tooth wear.

For these diseases and pathological conditions, veneers are not recommended.

Can pregnant women get crowns on their teeth?

Is it possible to put permanent crowns on pregnant women’s teeth in the first three months of pregnancy? Strictly prohibited! However, temporary crowns will not cause harm. You can wear these crowns until there is a need for implants to heal.

But, if they are installed in the first trimester, a negative effect on the formation of the embryo may occur. Thus, the procedure for dental implantation in pregnant women can cause a miscarriage.

When it comes to pregnant women, non-permanent crowns can be worn until the start of breastfeeding. Next, you need to go to a competent doctor to carry out dental implantation for pregnant women, install crowns, and removable dentures.

There are no direct contraindications to dental prosthetics during pregnancy . But you need to consult the doctor who will treat you. The 35th week of pregnancy is the period when the baby has already formed the rudiments of absolutely all organs. Therefore, such a period is completely harmless.

Crown on a tooth

But do not forget that pregnant women have a crown placed on their tooth, taking into account several additional operations - grinding of enamel, removal of the dental nerve, filling of root canals. Such manipulations must be carried out under safe anesthesia. And in order to take an x-ray, you should use a unit with the lowest radiation dose .

It is recommended to install a ceramic crown on the front tooth, which not only looks aesthetically pleasing, but does not contribute to irritation (due to the absence of metals). Thus, we have already dealt with the question of whether pregnant women can have teeth inserted or not.

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