Best Mouthwashes for 2022

Author of the article:

Soldatova Lyudmila Nikolaevna

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Clinical Dentistry of the St. Petersburg Medical and Social Institute, Chief Physician of the Alfa-Dent Dental Clinic, St. Petersburg

Fortunately, modern dentistry has created many ways to treat periodontitis, including conservative therapy with a rinse. Let's figure out what products are suitable for the treatment of periodontitis and how to use rinses for inflammation of the mucous membranes.

Why is periodontitis dangerous?

Periodontal tissues include not only the gums, but also the surface layer of the tooth root, the ligamentous apparatus, and the bone walls of the socket. All these tissues perform support-retaining, shock-absorbing, trophic, nutritional, and barrier functions. Inflammation of periodontal tissues provokes disruption of the intergingival junction, which causes loosening and tooth loss.

If not treated in a timely manner, periodontitis can lead to intoxication of the body, and, consequently, diseases of the cardiovascular system, infection of bone tissue, and the development of osteomyelitis.

The best rinses for bleeding gums

Bleeding gums can be caused by various reasons, including smoking, injury, poor diet, and weak capillaries. Products for treating the oral cavity for bleeding gums contain extracts of herbs, berries and other natural ingredients that help prevent inflammatory processes. Such substances are not used for hygienic brushing of teeth or instead of it. Their task is to prevent inflammatory processes. Below is the TOP rinses that can be used for bleeding gums.

Forest balm (oak bark) for bleeding gums

A product based on herbal and plant extracts with the addition of bioactive fluorine. It contains aloe, fir extract, oak bark, resin, decoctions of several herbs, and juniper. Natural herbal components strengthen blood vessels and help normalize blood circulation. The use of a mouthwash reduces bleeding of the gums during hygienic brushing of teeth.

The product can be used frequently, since it does not contain aggressive antiseptics that can upset the balance of microflora. Herbal extracts give fresh breath, the product has an antibacterial effect and nourishes the soft gum tissue. Forest balm helps in the prevention of periodontitis and gingivitis.


Average price, ₽300
EffectFor bleeding
Manufacturer countryRussia

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Does not contain antiseptic components;
  • Soft, gentle composition based on natural plants and herbs;
  • Helps solve several problems at once;
  • Application efficiency more than 90%;
  • It's inexpensive.
  • Fluoride content requires periodic breaks.

MEXIDOL “Dent professional”

Russian development with a unique composition to reduce bleeding gums. The use of the product gives an anti-inflammatory effect. The presence of licorice root helps reduce plaque formation. Mouthwash is a means of caries prevention. The amino acids in the composition help moisturize and soften the oral mucosa. The antibacterial effect prevents several problems that may arise with teeth.

The absence of fluoride in the composition makes it possible to alternate the product with other rinses that contain fluorides, or use it as the main means for treating the oral cavity. Among the components there is alcohol, which makes the drug not suitable for use by children. Its use is also undesirable if there are wounds in the mouth.


Average price, ₽300
EffectFor bleeding Strengthening enamel Whitening
Manufacturer countryRussia

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Solves several problems at once;
  • The absence of fluoride makes it possible to use the product as an everyday product or alternate with other substances that contain fluorides;
  • Softens and moisturizes the mucous membrane;
  • Moisturizes and softens the mucous membrane.
  • The alcohol in the product does not allow it to be used for children or in the presence of damage to the oral cavity.

SPLAT "Complete"

The mouthwash does not contain antiseptic components or alcohol. It also contains no fluoride, making it ideal for long-term use without interruption. Natural herbal extracts help freshen breath. The product has an antibacterial effect and helps reduce plaque on teeth.

Despite the gentle composition, a slight burning sensation is felt in the mouth when using the product. But as many positive reviews say, after prolonged use it no longer feels that way. And the effectiveness of the application significantly covers this inconvenience. Many customers praise the rinse aid packaging. It can be used as a comprehensive daily remedy.


Average price, ₽150
EffectFor bleeding
Manufacturer countryRussia

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Lack of fluorine in the composition;
  • Does not contain alcohol or aggressive antiseptics;
  • High efficiency;
  • Reasonable cost;
  • Good packing;
  • Helps freshen breath thanks to the content of natural herbal extracts.
  • When used, a burning sensation is felt in the mouth, which may become habitual after prolonged use.

Types of diseases

Dentists, first of all, classify periodontitis according to the prevalence of the inflammatory process:

  • generalized inflammation spreads to the entire periodontium of the jaw;
  • localized - in the area of ​​one or two teeth.

According to the duration of the process, acute and chronic periodontitis is distinguished.

Why do you need a rinse aid?

Liquid rinses have antibacterial and other properties. Unlike a toothbrush, the liquid enters the interdental space, gently affecting the gums. With its help, you can delicately get rid of leftover food. The rinse aid solves several problems at once:

  • Antibacterial action. A lot of bacteria accumulate in the mouth and one toothpaste in the morning and evening will not be enough. Prevention by such means will be disease. The antibacterial effect allows you to solve other dental problems.
  • Fluoride in many oral medications helps strengthen tooth enamel.
  • Due to the antimicrobial effect, these products can eliminate bleeding gums . Some mouthwashes contain special substances that increase blood clotting. Destroying bacteria with the help of such means is an excellent prevention of caries and tartar.
  • Preservation of the natural color of tooth enamel, which darkens over time.
  • Thanks to special aromatic substances and the removal of food residues, the mouthwash freshens breath.

Such a set of useful properties could not pass by the buyer unnoticed. Many people use these oral cleaning products to maintain healthy teeth.

Causes of periodontitis

Factors that provoke the disease include:

  • unprofessional, illiterate dental treatment;
  • illiterate prosthetics (wide crowns);
  • mechanical gum injuries;
  • inattentive oral care;
  • disturbance of the rate of metabolic processes in the periodontium;
  • malocclusion;
  • reduced load on the dentogingival apparatus due to eating predominantly soft foods.

Which mouthwash is best?

All nominees for the expert review cope with the main tasks - cleanse, prevent diseases, increase local immunity, whiten and refresh. Recommendations from will help you choose which mouthwash is best and what to buy from the list:

  • Biorepair 4-action mouthwash is an Italian preparation with “liquid enamel” for the treatment of sensitive teeth;
  • Asepta Active – powerful anti-inflammatory effect, instant pain relief;
  • Listerine Expert Gum Protection – antibacterial solution with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory components;
  • OCS Double Mint – hypoallergenic formula, safe even for children, active remineralization without fluoride;
  • Global White Whitening – oxygen bleaching, prevention of plaque, stone, caries;
  • Lacalut White – protection of tooth enamel, antibacterial effect, noticeable whitening.

Before choosing which mouthwash will solve your problems, visit your doctor and find out the weak points of your teeth and gums. Analyze your budget to understand how much you are willing to pay for care. Compare costs with the effectiveness of the drugs to find the ideal ratio.

Treatment of periodontitis with rinses

Mouth rinses, of course, cannot replace brushing your teeth. However, properly selected high-quality drugs have antimicrobial, antiseptic and antibacterial effects and can quickly relieve unpleasant symptoms of inflammation and heal tissue.

An excellent assistant in the treatment of periodontitis, even in advanced stages, is the unique two-component mouthwash ASEPTA ACTIVE. This combined action product provides instant antiseptic, soothing, antimicrobial effects.

The only rinse with a combination of chlorhexidine + benzydamine, ASEPTA ACTIVE, for the treatment of inflammatory periodontal diseases reduces gum inflammation by 41% and reduces bleeding by 43%.

The use of rinses for periodontitis allows not only to relieve inflammation, but also to prevent further destruction of the periodontium, improve blood circulation in the tissues, and also suppress opportunistic microflora of the oral cavity.

Rating of mouthwashes for adults

What are the criteria for choosing a mouthwash for an adult? According to the Control Purchase version, the popularity of models is based on the ratio of price, quality and volume of product. The choice of flavors and aromas pleases with its diversity: from the most traditional - with mint, to unusual ones - with magnolia, cherry or bergamot. We offer you a rating of high-quality rinses, the best for 2022, which will help you decide which rinse aid and which company is best to buy.

Lion Thailand Systema Cherry blossom

Manufacturer: Thailand

Volume: 250 ml.

Average price: 244 rubles

Ingredients: water, sorbitol, PEG-400, xylitol, PEG-60 hydrogenated castor oil, sodium benzoate, flavoring, sodium citrate, sodium lauryl sulfate, methylparaben, sodium fluoride (fluorine not more than 0.15%), citric acid, biosol, dipotassium glycyrrhizinate, sodium saccharin, witch hazel extract, dyes.

Characteristics: protection against harmful bacteria, strengthening gums, eliminating odor.

Lion Thailand Systema Cherry blossom


  • quality;
  • delicate cherry aroma.


  • price;
  • Sold only in special stores.

Levrana "Antimicrobial"

  • , Russia.
  • Volume: 300 ml.
  • Average price: 350 rubles.

Ingredients: sorbitol, natural sorbent, tangerine extract, lime essential oil, citric acid, peppermint essential oil, eucalyptus essential oil, magnolia extract, sodium benzoate, xylitol, genipa extract, safflower extract.

Characteristics: destroys bacteria, prevents caries, whitens, reduces tooth sensitivity. Suitable for daily use.

Levrana Antimicrobial mouthwash


  • pleasant unusual magnolia scent;
  • refreshing effect;
  • natural herbal composition.


  • price.

The product is new, so it has not yet gained popularity.

AltaiBio for sensitive teeth “Linden-Calendula”

  • Manufacturer: AltaiBio, Russia.
  • Volume: 200 ml.
  • Average price: 100 rubles.

Ingredients: tripotassium citrate, complex of extracts of calendula, chamomile, clover, linden, flax, rose hips, menthol, sodium fluoride.

Characteristics: reduces sensitivity, components with calendula and linden have an anti-inflammatory effect, refreshes.

AltaiBio rinse for sensitive teeth “Linden-Calendula”


  • price.


  • very liquid;
  • the effect is subtle.

Herb'l (Dabur) "Lime (Lime) whitening

  • Manufacturer: Naturelle LLC, India.
  • Volume: 250 ml.
  • Average price: 350 rubles.

Ingredients: castor oil, lime.

Characteristics: comprehensive gum protection, caries prevention, whitening effect.

Herb'l (Dabur) "Lime" whitening mouthwash


  • pleasant lime taste;
  • natural ingredients;
  • does not contain alcohol.


  • price.

Listerine "Fresh Mint"

  • Manufacturer: Johnson & Johnson SpA, Italy.
  • Volume: 500 ml.
  • Average price: 240 rubles.

Ingredients: essential oils of menthol, thymol, eucalyptus and methyl salicylate, sodium fluoride.

Characteristics: comprehensive care for the entire oral cavity, destroys bacteria that cause inflammatory processes and various dental diseases.

Listerine Fresh Mint Rinse


  • removes unpleasant odor;
  • healing effect.


  • composition with surfactants;
  • inconvenient bottle;
  • pungent taste.

Proaqua with oak bark

  • Manufacturer: Zolotaya Bort.
  • Volume: 275 ml.
  • Average price: 192 rubles.

Ingredients: oak bark extract, St. John's wort, propolis, menthol, mint essential oil, sorbitol, sodium benzoate.

Characteristics: oak bark has an immunostimulating, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect, St. John's wort and propolis treat gums.

Proaqua with oak bark rinse


  • comprehensive care for teeth and gums.


  • pungent taste.

Forest balm Triple effect “Chamomile and birch sap”

  • Manufacturer: Unilever Rus, LLC Russia.
  • Volume: 250 ml.
  • Average price: 125 rubles.

Ingredients: chamomile extract, birch sap, aloe juice, decoction of 5 medicinal herbs, mint oil, bioactive fluorine.

Characteristics: thanks to its mild herbal taste with fragrant chamomile, it freshens breath for a long time, is suitable for everyday care, strengthens gums, protects against caries and reduces plaque.

rinse Forest balm Triple effect “Chamomile and birch sap”


  • pleasant taste;
  • analgesic effect.


  • contains sodium fluoride.

Antigingivitis "Orange Peel"

  • Manufacturer: Natural Dentist, USA.
  • Volume: 500 ml.
  • Average price: 500 rubles.

Ingredients: aloe vera, vegetable glycerin, echinacea, citric acid, calendula, grapefruit seed extract, potassium citrate, vegetable juices, natural flavors, saponins.

Characteristics: Reduces and prevents gum bleeding and protects against gingivitis

Antigingivitis rinse "Orange peel"


  • without alcohol and artificial flavors and colors;
  • orange taste.


  • price;
  • taste is not for everyone;
  • Some people feel like they rinsed their mouths with orange juice.

Colgate Plax "Altai Herbs"

  • Manufacturer: Colgate-Palmolive Company, USA.
  • Volume: 500 ml.
  • Average price: 200 rubles.

Ingredients: cetylpyridinium chloride, sodium fluoride, propylene glycol glycerin, sorbitol, preservative sodium benzoate, polysomer, potassium sorbate, sodium menthol charinate, flavorings and colors, extracts of chamomile, sea buckthorn and mint.

Characteristics: effective in destroying bacteria, viruses and fungi, regulates water balance, eliminates and prevents inflammation in the oral cavity.

Colgate Plax "Altai herbs" rinse


  • persistent refreshing aroma;
  • does not contain alcohol.


  • effective only for the period of use.

ROCS "Grapefruit and mint"

  • Manufacturer: Russia.
  • Volume: 400 ml.
  • Average price: 280 rubles.

Ingredients: calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, kelp extract, xylitol.

Characteristics: made on the basis of natural ingredients, improves the condition of the gums, eliminates bleeding, inflammation and has a pharmacological effect, provides additional protection against caries, whitens.

ROCS "Grapefruit and mint" mouthwash


  • suitable for children;
  • pleasant grapefruit taste;
  • does not contain fluorine, alcohol, dyes.


  • price.

Natural rinses

Decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs and plants will be excellent helpers in the fight against periodontitis at home. For a therapeutic effect, you should rinse your mouth with fresh infusions up to 4-6 times a day. Here are the most popular recipes.

  • Walnut leaves.
    Pour 2 teaspoons of leaves into a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour, strain. You should rinse your mouth with the resulting warm infusion up to 6 times a day.
  • Oak bark
    , linden blossom. 20 grams of dry plants should be poured with 1 glass of boiling water and left for 1 hour. You should rinse your mouth with the resulting mixture up to 4 times a day.
  • Blackberry leaves
    , St. John's wort. To create a decoction, pour 3 tablespoons of the dry collection with 1 cup of boiling water and leave the mixture for 2 hours. Then the mixture should be strained, poured into a thermos and rinsed with the resulting warm mixture twice a day.
  • Calamus root.
    To create this very effective rinse, add 0.5 liters of vodka to 100 grams of calamus root and leave the mixture for 2 weeks. Pour 20 grams of propolis into another container and also add 0.5 liters of vodka. The mixture of these two components is infused for two weeks; the resulting composition should be rinsed in the mouth for 2-3 minutes for a month.
  • Pine rinse.
    To prepare it, add 2 tablespoons of washed pine needles to two glasses of water. The infusion should be brought to a boil and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes. The decoction should be filtered from the remaining pine needles and used 3 times a day.

Compotes made from cranberries, lingonberries, raspberries, and rose hips will help saturate your gums with useful components and strengthen them. They can also be used to rinse your mouth (up to 4 times a day) or drink in concentrated form in the morning on an empty stomach for 2-3 weeks.

It is important to rinse your mouth with periodontitis with compositions at room temperature. Too cold or hot mouthwash causes cracks in tooth enamel and mucous membranes.

So, now you know which rinses will be effective for periodontitis. Take care of your gums and remember: it is impossible to cure periodontitis solely with rinses. The disease requires careful attention and comprehensive treatment prescribed by an experienced dentist.

The best rinses with whitening effect

Another pressing problem that rinses help fight is plaque and yellowing of the enamel. Use solutions after every meal, drink, and cleansing paste. Among the variety of preventive and therapeutic liquids, VyborExpert identifies 3 leaders based on positive reviews from doctors and their patients.

Global White Whitening

This nominee is represented by a Russian brand that manufactures products according to European GMP and ISO standards.

The active formula consists of sodium perborate - an intracoronal bleach, a source of oxygen that penetrates into the enamel and dentin to remove dark pigment.

Sodium fluoride is a mineral component that prevents caries. Magnesium sulfate – strengthens the enamel, resulting in the formation of a film that repels plaque and stone.

Packaging: 300 ml transparent polymer bottle. Pleasant consistency and a refreshing mint taste and smell.


  • General hygiene;
  • Effective refreshment;
  • Pleasant consistency;
  • Prevention of stones, caries;
  • Enamel protection;
  • Package design.


  • Does not whiten pronounced yellowness;
  • Price.

Rinse your mouth with liquid for at least 15 seconds per procedure. Repeat it 2 times a day or more often as needed. In addition to oxygen bleaching, the drug treats sensitivity, prevents caries and stones.

Fluorodent (Avanta) Whitening

The product made it to the top list due to the fact that all products of the Fluorodent brand are the most budget-friendly option on our market. One bottle with a blue label contains 240 ml. It states that the composition excludes alcohol.

The solution performs several tasks - whitens enamel, protects against caries, freshens breath.

For ease of dosage, there is a plastic measuring cup with 15, 20, 25 ml divisions. The active ingredients are essential oils. Lemon has antibacterial properties, mint has capillary-strengthening and anti-inflammatory properties, clary sage has antiseptic, astringent properties, and anise has painkillers.


  • Natural base;
  • Whitening;
  • Protection against caries;
  • Suitable for sensitive enamel;
  • Measuring cup;
  • Cheap.


  • Strong taste;
  • More likely to prevent yellowness than to eliminate it.

Use the product after meals, drinking tea or coffee, as well as in the morning and evening in addition to brushing your teeth. Keep the liquid in your mouth for at least 30 seconds. Allowed from 6 years of age.

Lacalut White is the latest to present a product from a popular German brand for consideration. It is intended for complex use together with paste and thread to increase their effectiveness.

The plastic bottle contains 300 ml of blue liquid without alcohol, there is a beaker dispenser.

The formula consists of several active components. Sodium fluoride protects teeth from caries, zinc chloride fights unpleasant odors, and eucalyptus oil acts as an antiseptic.

Pyrophosphate guarantees a whitening effect, cetylpyridinium chloride eliminates inflammation, thymol freshens breath.


  • Effective whitening;
  • Prevention of stone, plaque;
  • Strengthening enamel;
  • Protection against caries;
  • Suppression of bacterial growth;
  • Refreshment.


  • Taste;
  • Price.

The standard method of application is to keep 10 ml in your mouth for 30 seconds in the mornings and evenings. Also clean your mouth after every meal and drink that stains your enamel.

consumer reviews

Optimist123 (

Mouthwash Vertex "Asepta" - An excellent product for oral hygiene

Asepta fresh is what you need for daily use. There is no strong taste, but a very mild minty taste. No alcohol, so no burning sensation in the mouth. No need to breed


what you need for every day and at a good price


for me there are no cons


  1. Article “Treatment and hygiene features for mild and moderate periodontitis” by S.B. Ulitovsky head Department of PFS, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, A.A. Leontyev Associate Professor of the Department of PFS, Ph.D. PSPbSMU named after. I.P. Pavlova
  2. Evaluation of the effectiveness of treatment of chronic generalized periodontitis of mild and moderate severity using Asepta antibacterial agents (S.I. Gazhva, A.I. Voronina) S.I. Gazhva, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Prof., Head of Department A.I. Voronina, aspirant, dentist, Department of Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy"
  3. Article “Comparative assessment of the effectiveness of treatment of chronic generalized periodontitis of mild and moderate severity using Asepta antibacterial agents” (Parodontology, No. 3, 2009)
  4. Study of the clinical effectiveness of treatment and prophylactic agents of the Asepta line in the treatment of inflammatory periodontal diseases (A.I. Grudyanov, I.Yu. Aleksandrovskaya, V.Yu. Korzunina) A.I. GRUDYANOV, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Prof., Head of Department I.Yu. ALEXANDROVSKAYA, Ph.D. V.Yu. KORZUNINA, asp. Department of Periodontology, Central Research Institute of Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery, Rosmedtekhnologii, Moscow

Selecting a rinse aid

You need to choose a mouthwash depending on the nature of your dental problems, since auxiliary, preventive and therapeutic drugs differ greatly in composition and effect. It is also worth paying attention to such criteria as price, safety, composition, taste, smell. To maximize the benefits of the product, you should consult your dentist before use.

Purpose of the rinse aid

The classification of drugs depending on the task includes 6 types:

  • Antiseptic. They rid the oral cavity of bacteria, fungi, spores and other pathogenic organisms, and eliminate the odor caused by their vital activity. Used after dental procedures, for stomatitis, mechanical damage to the mucous membrane. Stops the development of infections and speeds up recovery. Since such drugs can have a detrimental effect on the beneficial microflora of the mouth, they must be used strictly according to the instructions.
  • Plaque inhibitors. They inhibit the activity of bacteria, thereby slowing down the growth of biofilm on teeth and preventing the development of caries and gum disease. Designed for regular use after brushing your teeth (but cannot replace it). Contains antibacterial components and essential oils.
  • Preventive. They contain fluoride, which helps strengthen teeth, prevents caries and destruction of enamel. Regularly used by people with an increased risk of dental diseases - patients with salivation disorders, users of irrigators, and lovers of sweets.
  • Mouthwashes for dry mouth. Rarely used, they are used against specific problems caused by medications, radiation therapy, and autoimmune diseases. Rinsing is carried out daily in long courses.
  • Reducing sensitivity. Reduce the sensitivity of teeth to hot, cold, sour foods, eliminate pain and discomfort. The products should not be used without consulting a doctor.
  • For whitening. Helps get rid of plaque and surface stains on the enamel. Used in short courses under the supervision of a dentist. Long-term use can lead to irritation of the gums and the development of hypersensitivity.

It is necessary to choose a liquid taking into account current needs. It is not recommended to be used without reason. Doctors cite the following facts that explain why mouth rinses are dangerous:

  • the drug causes irritation of the mucous membranes;
  • provokes a lack of nitric oxide, necessary to regulate blood sugar levels;
  • along with pathogenic bacteria, the products kill the natural beneficial microflora of the mouth and upper esophagus (there is no selectivity in the destruction of microorganisms).

Considering the possible harm, you need to choose a mouthwash with the help of a dentist. Preventive products are suitable for daily use - they will remove bad breath in the morning or after eating, restore a feeling of freshness, and reduce the risk of developing oral diseases without significant risks or side effects.

Parodontotsid® - rinse aid, 250 ml

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The Best Fluoride-Free Mouthwashes

Fluoride undoubtedly has beneficial properties, it strengthens tooth enamel and creates a protective layer on the surface, however, products containing it are, alas, not recommended for use by everyone.

4 Biomed Well gum Mint antibacterial gum health

The selection opens with Biomed Well gum Mint antibacterial mouth rinse for gum health.
This product has anti-inflammatory, strengthening, refreshing and antioxidant effects. The formula is distinguished by an abundance of components of natural origin, there are 98% of them. Available in a plastic bottle with images of plants and the brand logo. The color of the liquid is translucent, with a subtle light green tint. The taste is pleasant, with eucalyptus notes, sweetish.

The product boasts an extensive composition. So, it contains zinc, magnesium, copper and L-arginine. These substances strengthen the enamel. The formula is enriched with beneficial extracts: anise, eucalyptus, cloves, cedar and rosemary, which have anti-inflammatory, protective and bactericidal properties. Among other things, bromelain is also found, a substance obtained from pineapple that helps remove protein plaque from the surface of the teeth. Thanks to its safe ingredients, the product can be used by children aged 6 years and older.

Customers surveyed are satisfied with the mild effect on the oral cavity. Biomed's fluoride-free mouthwash was especially appreciated by lovers of natural ingredients and delicate formulas. Among the dissatisfied were only those who expected a longer-lasting effect of fresh breath.


  • There are many valuable components in the composition.
  • Large volume.
  • Economical consumption.
  • Gentle action.
  • No parabens, alcohol or fluoride.


  • Not everyone liked the fragrance.
  • Fresh breath does not last long.

Biomed mouth rinse Well gum Mint antibacterial gum health

3 ROCS Double mint

Next in our selection is a fluoride-free mouthwash from ROCS - Double Mint.
It has a complex effect: strengthens enamel, reduces inflammation, and helps prevent the formation of caries. The product is produced in a stylish “pot-bellied” plastic jar with an impressive volume of product inside - 400 ml. The packaging is decorated with a laconic green manufacturer's inscription on a white background. The rinse itself is transparent and tastes like mint chewing gum.

Laminaria extract, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus are responsible for the beneficial properties in the composition. These components protect the surface of the teeth from caries, strengthen the enamel and neutralize inflammatory processes. The manufacturer also promises to give freshness to your breath. In addition, when used regularly in combination with toothpaste, bleeding gums are reduced. The mouthwash is not harmful if accidentally swallowed.

Buyers highly appreciated the quality of ROCS products. Most were pleasantly surprised by the reduction in inflammation and brightening of the enamel. Almost no one complained of a burning sensation during use. However, some did not have enough fresh breath.


  • Valuable composition.
  • Reduces inflammation.
  • Doesn't sting.
  • Pleasant taste.
  • Brightens enamel.


  • Short-term freshness of breath.
  • No mint in the list of ingredients.

ROCS rinse Double mint

2 Innova suspension Liquid enamel

One position was not enough for INNOVA's fluoride-free product to become the leader of the rating.
A suspension called Liquid Enamel is perfect for those with sensitive teeth, because the unique formulation allows you to seal open dentinal tubules, providing a long-lasting feeling of comfort. The product is available in a small, “pot-bellied” bottle with a volume of 220 ml. The design is made in white and blue tones, quite pleasant. The texture of the suspension gently envelops the teeth during use, and the pleasant aroma of mint gives a feeling of freshness.

The formula is enriched with hydroxyapatite (nanoHAP), this is a unique component that strengthens and restores enamel from the first use. Additional components include red grape seed extract, vitamin E, Eucalyptol, Anethole, Thymol. The presence of these components provides protection against caries and teeth whitening. It is noteworthy that the effectiveness of the product has been clinically confirmed; it has been proven that tooth sensitivity is reduced by 96%, and enamel is restored by 64%.

Those with sensitive teeth leave rave reviews for the INNOVA Liquid Enamel suspension.

Innova suspension Liquid enamel

1 Biorepair Gum Protection

The best fluoride-free mouthwash in our rating is the product from Biorepair - Gum Protection.
The product has a strengthening effect on enamel due to the presence of a unique MicroRepair component in the composition. Release form: “pot-bellied” bottle with a volume of 500 ml. The mouthwash has a thick texture and a subtle aroma; there is practically no taste. This may initially confuse a consumer accustomed to burning compounds.

The main active ingredient in the ingredient list is a chemical mixture of hydroxyapatite microparticles called MicroRepair. This component starts the process of natural restoration of enamel, enhancing the natural protection of teeth. In addition, due to the closure of the tubules, sensitivity is reduced. The product serves as an effective prevention of periodontitis thanks to the hyaluronic acid included in the composition. The special thick texture is able to carefully envelop each tooth, thereby creating a protective barrier.

All those who have tried the unique composition from Biorepair note the fact that the price here fully corresponds to the quality. People suffering from tooth sensitivity have noted a significant improvement in their condition from the first use. Most of those who appreciated the effect of Gum Protection began to use it on a regular basis.


  • Fresh breath.
  • Decreased sensitivity.
  • Strengthening enamel.
  • Help with gum disease.
  • Nice texture.


  • The price is higher than analogues.

Biorepair mouthwash Gum Protection

The best anti-caries mouth rinses

PresiDENT Classic Plus

Rating: 4.8

This product provides excellent protection against caries. According to reviews, after use the teeth become less sensitive. It's all about the effect that the rinse aid has. It affects the enamel, mineralizing it. In addition, it promotes the destruction of tartar and resists the formation of plaque.

PresiDENT Classic Plus also provides excellent protection against gum irritation. According to reviews, fresh breath lasts for a long time. This result is ensured by the composition: natural ingredients in the form of extracts of chamomile, sage and refreshing lemon balm. An advantage is the possibility of using the solution for an irrigator if it is diluted 1 to 3. It penetrates into the most inaccessible places, providing maximum comfort from use.


  • protection against tartar and caries;
  • resists inflammation;
  • long freshness.
  • there is no alcohol in the composition.


  • more expensive than some rinses, but this is justified by the cost-effectiveness of the product.

Elmex Protection against caries

Rating: 4.7

A worthy place in the ranking is occupied by Elmex “Protection against caries”. It is interesting that the rinse does not have any noticeable tastes, but it leaves freshness after use and lasts for about an hour. Users rated Elmex based on its properties. After regular use, tooth enamel is protected thanks to a special component - amino fluoride. This substance creates an invisible film that protects teeth from destruction.

There are no antiseptic components in the composition. Therefore, the liquid is suitable for long-term use. And the absence of alcohol makes it accessible to children, albeit after 6 years.


  • resists the appearance of caries;
  • creates a special film on the enamel that protects against destruction;
  • has a safe composition.


  • short-lived and weak feeling of freshness.
( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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