Pomorin toothpaste: what problems does it help solve?


In pursuit of a beautiful smile, consumers do not always know which toothpaste to choose for themselves, given the variety of toothpastes on sale. Some people prefer American and Japanese manufacturers.

We will look at different types of Pomorin toothpaste , which is often recommended for use by dentists in clinics.


The Bulgarian company began producing Pomorin pastes relatively recently - since 1954. These are a variety of remedies to solve a variety of oral problems.

Since its founding, the company's employees have put a lot of effort and effort into researching the variety of problems with the health of teeth and gums.

The production lines use components not only for the prevention of these diseases, Pomorin pastes are also used for treatment .

They cannot always be purchased immediately, since they are effective and suitable for many groups of the population, from children to the elderly.

About the manufacturer and its products

Back in 1954, the Pomorin brand was born, the production of which was opened by the Bulgarian company AlenMak Bulgaria.
The main specialization is preventive products for oral health. From the first day of its existence, the company's employees have worked to create high-quality products, using new tools, recipes and technologies. The result of such efforts was the appearance of Pomorin toothpaste.

For its production, components are used that have a therapeutic and preventive effect. The main active substance of the entire series of pastes is Pomorie lye. It is extracted from a mud lake located in the city of Pomorie on the Black Sea coast. Thanks to the name of the city, the name of the toothpaste itself appeared.

This substance is a real storehouse of microelements. Lye contains 35 elements that are beneficial to the human body. Lye also contains a large group of mineral complexes and organic substances, including chlorophyll and various enzymes. That is why Bulgarian manufacturers chose this element as the basis for creating an effective toothpaste.

Here are just some of the medicinal properties of Pomorie lye:

  • due to the stimulating effect, salivary enzymes begin to actively work;
  • healing of gum tissue occurs at a rapid pace;
  • immune mechanisms of the oral cavity are activated;
  • This substance is characterized by an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • has antibacterial properties.

Eloquent reviews from consumers (you can study some of them below) who were lucky enough to use Pomorin toothpaste for personal hygiene confirm its effectiveness. In application, this paste is no different from the others. It is intended to be used twice daily.


When releasing its products, the Bulgarian company monitors the results of using oral care products.

A distinctive feature of the manufacturer is the use of one important component in all types of products. This is Pomorie lye.

It is not very accessible; it is produced only on the mud lake of the Black Sea city of Pomorie.

This component is the highlight of the manufacturer, as it has many useful characteristics.

Positive aspects of its use:

  • It is multi-component - when using this substance, you can solve several problems with the oral cavity at once.
  • Contains approximately 35 microelements , most of which are: calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, zinc, iron and others.
  • The presence of organic components in the composition helps natural remedies to have a healing effect on the organs of the oral cavity. It contains chlorophyll and most of the essential enzymes.
  • This lye stimulates salivary enzymes , due to which the gums become healthier and immune mechanisms are activated.
  • Dentists note the miraculous effect of lye in the oral cavity, as it prevents bacteria from multiplying .
  • Pomorie lye promotes more thorough oral care. It removes plaque, protects enamel from tarnishing and prevents the development of gum disease.

Our next review is about the features of Colgate whitening toothpaste.

In the next article we will talk about proper dental care with braces.

Follow the link https://www.vash-dentist.ru/krasota-i-uxod/zubnyie-pastyi/ot-parodontoza.html you will find reviews on the effectiveness of toothpastes for periodontal disease.

Due to such a rich and active main active ingredient, the paste is actively used for various diseases of the teeth and gums.

There are no analogues to such a remedy, again, due to the main component.

Some areas of prevention and treatment with Pomorin products can be replaced with Parodontax and Forest Balm. But, when the first symptoms of illness or acute pain appear, the pastes will have a narrowly targeted effect.

Using Pomorin, you can solve several problems with the condition of your teeth or gums at once , since there is no substance similar to Pomorie alkali.

Additional components contained in the paste are calcium carbonate, which helps to thoroughly clean the surfaces of the teeth and the spaces between them, sodium saccharide, foaming agents, humectants and other substances.

They also contribute to achieving the main goal of maintaining dental health.

A little bit of history

For the first time, the well-known Bulgarian brand Pomorin was officially introduced to the market in 1954. The manufacturing company Alen Mak Bulgaria was founded back in 1892.

The company's developers have been engaged in scientific research throughout the entire period of its existence, which has made it possible to obtain high-quality oral care products based on Pomorie alkali.

Biologists, chemists, and pharmacists worked on this product. Research and production were supervised by Professor Stransky.

They have paved a long way to great success, which was based on various studies and experiments on the salts and minerals of Lake Pomorie.

1954 was the time of the opening of Pomorin toothpaste, but the Bulgarian company continues to work on expanding the line and improving the quality of oral care products.


Each paste is produced separately and has its own properties, but their main actions in the oral cavity are similar, due to the active substance they contain.

All 3 pastes actively influence the condition of the gums, tone them, protect against the growth of bacteria in the oral cavity, and prevent the formation of stones on the teeth.

The manufacturer’s method of extracting the active substance of the pastes is interesting. It comes from a fairly deep place in Lake Pomorie and only in a certain place - the isthmus connecting the Black Sea and the lake.

This “passage” is very narrow and has its own fauna and chemical composition. In terms of trace element content, this part of the lake strongly resembles the chemical composition of the Dead Sea. Many people know how important cosmetics from this sea are for the body.

The lye extracted from the lake is an environmentally friendly product and can be used by most people.

There are no contraindications to the use of pastes, except for individual intolerance to the constituent elements of the product.

What to look for when choosing toothpaste, watch the video:

Pomorin against periodontal disease

Pomorin Anti-Parodontosis is a specialized toothpaste designed to combat periodontitis and periodontal disease, the formation of tartar and eliminate bleeding gums.

Photo of the packaging and tube of Pomorin Anti-Parodontosis toothpaste:

Paste composition:

Oral hygiene plays a very important role in the prevention of gum disease. At the same time, dentists themselves often recommend various salt pastes with minerals, or products based on herbal ingredients (for example, with extracts and decoctions of various medicinal herbs). Examples include Parodontax and Forest Balm toothpastes.

As for Pomorin Anti-Parodontosis toothpaste, it also contains Lake Pomorie brine (however, this brine contains only 10%). Helps improve blood circulation in the gums, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, stimulates metabolic processes, and eliminates bleeding gums.

The price on the official website is still the same $3.99.


“I’m over 50, my dentist recommended Pomorin to help me get rid of bleeding gums. I was surprised and had already forgotten about this paste. Before that I used expensive modern ones, but I decided to follow the doctor’s advice, he knows better. And I must tell you that the effect exceeded expectations: the condition of the gums has actually improved, and now I have even stopped spitting blood into the sink in the morning. The only problem is that you can only buy this paste from shuttle shops. We were lucky that last year we bought several tubes while on vacation in Crimea, but not everyone can go to Crimea to buy paste.”

Clarissa Pavlovna, Rostov

Line overview

All pastes are suitable for everyday use. There is no need to apply them generously, since even with a small amount on the brush, the active substance will have a sufficient effect on the teeth and gums.

They differ in cost, purpose and amount of active substance in the tube.


This product contains 50% Pomorie lye. This means that a person’s teeth and gums will be exposed to calcium, sodium, zinc and other trace elements and vitamins.

The active substance also contains microalgae extracts, biostimulants and enzymes. They gently cleanse the surface of the enamel, nourishing the tooth from the inside with its microelements. This is an environmentally friendly product.

Classic paste is suitable for twice daily use . It tastes a little salty due to the active substance.

Clinical studies have proven that the paste is highly effective in the treatment of gum disease.

When using it, it is noticed that the number of bacteria in the mouth is noticeably reduced. Due to this, much less plaque accumulates on the enamel, and your breath becomes fresher for a long time.

The product is also used for increased tooth sensitivity, making it much less pronounced.

To achieve maximum effect, it is better to brush your teeth after eating.

The cost of the paste is low, so it is accessible to many buyers. Its average price is 80 rubles .

Read whether it’s true that toothpaste helps with acne in a new publication.

In this material we will give recommendations on the care of dental implants.

Here https://www.vash-dentist.ru/krasota-i-uxod/zubnyie-pastyi/ot-kariesa.html we will discuss which toothpastes are best to use to prevent caries.

Maximum Protection

This paste is used to solve several dental problems. It actively affects the enamel, reducing tooth sensitivity.

Thanks to its composition, this product can even restore enamel (remineralization) . It contains 36% of the active substance.

From the name of the paste you can understand that the product is intended for maximum protection of the entire oral cavity. Its use is especially recommended for people with enamel microcracks.

The product prevents the recurrence of tooth sensitivity. In addition, the paste carefully takes care of the condition of the gums.

Rapa (a solution of Pomorie lye), which is included in the composition, actively affects the gums, restoring normal blood circulation in the tissues. The paste not only has a preventive effect, but is also used for treatment.

For this reason, the price of this product differs from the cost of classic paste and is approximately 360 rubles .


Pomorin paste against periodontal disease is considered a highly targeted, specialized paste. This paste is actively used by many periodontal patients. It prevents the formation of tartar.

There are two types of this dental lesion. External ones are visible and can be cleaned at home or at a doctor's appointment. The internal ones, which are hidden under the upper part of the gums, cannot be seen with the naked eye.

This greatly complicates the process of removing them. They do not arise on their own, but accumulate during the formation of external ones.

External stones are formed as a result of the accumulation of plaque in places that are difficult to reach for cleaning.

Positive properties of this paste:

  • Used as a prophylactic - salt paste with minerals is ideal for preventing the development of diseases in the mouth.
  • Enriches teeth and gums with useful substances - contains 10% brine from Lake Pomorie.
  • Helps improve blood circulation in the gums, while strengthening the walls of blood vessels, which lose fragility and become elastic.
  • Helps stimulate cellular metabolism, eliminating bleeding for a long time.

Patients note effectiveness within a short time after starting use.

Pomorin paste against periodontal disease protects the enamel surface on all sides with proper care. Freshness is maintained for up to 12 hours, during which time bacteria cannot actively multiply in the oral cavity.

The price of the paste is approximately the same as the previous one, starting from 360 rubles.

Popular types

For wider use of Pomorin, the manufacturer decided to launch three different types of product on the market at once.

Each paste differs in its properties, due to which the consumer can choose a product in accordance with the characteristics of the oral cavity.


This line is considered preventive, as it does not contain fluoride. Its action is aimed at comprehensively improving the condition of gums and teeth.

The products are used both for preventive purposes and in the treatment of minor inflammatory processes.

It also helps reduce the sensitivity of enamel, which is additional protection for teeth and perfectly freshens breath for a long period.

As for the composition, 50% of it is made up of lake minerals. The medicinal properties of the product are aimed at the following actions:

  • Normalization of saliva functions;
  • Reduction of dental plaque;
  • Reducing the number of bacteria that provokes the development of caries;
  • Fighting gum swelling.

Pomorin Classic should be used at least 2 times a day. A prerequisite is to brush your teeth after eating. The composition without fluoride is safe , since for many people this component has a destructive effect on the condition of the enamel.

The cost of one tube averages 160 rubles per 100 g. The cost may vary, since the paste is transported to many countries around the world. Cheaper options can be found in online stores in the CIS countries.

Maximum Protection

This type is presented for deeper and higher-quality care with increased sensitivity of dental elements.

This option is often positioned as a means for remineralizing enamel. In other words, this means that the composition is able to restore the damaged protective layer.

Maximum Protection is a good choice for those people who have microcracks in the enamel and also suffer from severe tooth sensitivity.

The composition contains less brine – 36%. This concentration allows:

  1. Restore acid-base balance.
  2. Reduce the proliferation and activity of bacteria that contribute to the development of caries.
  3. Increase gum elasticity.
  4. Reduce sensitivity.
  5. Reduce bleeding.

The manufacturer does not set restrictions on the frequency of use; the only condition is that the use of the paste by children is not recommended.

The official website of the company offers to purchase this option for 340 rubles 100 g.

Anti periodontal disease

Pomorin Anti-Parodontosis is a specially developed composition that is able to resist the development of periodontal disease and periodontitis.

These diseases have a destructive effect not only on the gums, but also on the inert organs of the jaw rows. If treatment for oral diseases is not started in time, you may be left without teeth completely.

This product is aimed specifically at preventing and treating gum disease, as it has the following properties:

  1. Resists the formation of tartar.
  2. Increases the function of saliva in protecting gums.
  3. Strengthens gum blood vessels.
  4. Reduces their ability to damage.
  5. Inhibits cariogenic microflora.

During the treatment period, it is advisable to use the composition after each meal. As a preventive measure, it is enough to apply twice a day.

All properties of the product have been proven, as it has undergone multiple clinical studies. The composition includes only 10% brine from Lake Pomorie, therefore it carefully strengthens the gums.

The cost on the company’s official website also does not exceed 350 rubles per 100 g.

The range of Lakalut toothpaste and expert reviews of popular products. In this publication we will talk about the composition of Sensodyne toothpaste.

Here https://dr-zubov.ru/krasota-i-uxod/sredstva/zubnye-pasty/parodontaks-effektivnoe-borby-s-zabolevaniyami-dyosen.html let's talk about the relationship between the quality and price of Parodontax toothpaste.


Long-term use of toothpastes does not leave customers indifferent: some like them and buy more, others remain dissatisfied and do not recommend using them to other people.

If you have had experience using one of the three Pomorin pastes or tried to use all 3 products, share your impressions with the readers of the magazine in the comments to the article.

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Tags Pomorin toothpaste care teeth cleaning

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The entire range of Pomorin toothpastes

The Pomorin product series is represented by three toothpastes, each of which contains Pomorie lye:

  • Pomorin Classic is a fluoride-free preventative toothpaste that promotes healthy teeth and gums, reduces enamel sensitivity and freshens breath.
  • Pomorin Maximum Protection is a product created for high-quality oral care for people with sensitive teeth, has an antibacterial effect and, in addition, promotes remineralization (restoration) of enamel.
  • Pomorin Anti-Parodontosis is a toothpaste whose composition is aimed at preventing the development of gum diseases, enhances the natural protective functions of saliva, strengthens the walls of gum blood vessels and eliminates their bleeding.

It is also useful to read: Forest Balm series of toothpastes: their composition, properties and reviews of use.
All of these products have undergone appropriate clinical testing, which has proven their effectiveness. In particular, it has been shown that with regular use of Pomorin pastes, the frequency and severity of pain in the gums, as well as gingival bleeding, are significantly reduced, and cariogenic microflora is inhibited.

On a note

Generally speaking, due to the similarity of the composition of different types of Pomorin pastes, one should not expect strong differences in their properties: after all, the component that determines the basic properties of the product is common in all three pastes, and otherwise the compositions do not differ in the presence of any particular significant ingredients. So dividing the line into three types is more of a marketing ploy than a real necessity.

Write a comment

  • Larisa

    November 23, 2016 at 1:19 am

    I used to use this toothpaste often: it’s inexpensive and cleans my teeth well. But for some reason I haven’t seen it on the shelves of our stores for the last year, so I switched to “Forest Balsam”. In general, I don’t have much hope regarding the therapeutic effect of toothpastes, even though manufacturers promise us protection against caries, periodontal disease, and sensitivity. My opinion is that toothpastes are a purely hygienic product.

  • Andrey Ivshin

    November 24, 2016 at 11:45 pm

    I have tried so many toothpastes. Both expensive and not so expensive, with various medicinal herbs, and even with microhydrin, but the effect was the same. And only after trying this wonderful pasta did I become convinced that not all was lost. After a week of use, I began to feel how my “tired” enamel was brightening, my gums stopped bleeding, and now I don’t worry about fresh breath at all all day long. I am very pleased not only with its effectiveness, but also with its reasonable price, because advertised “useless” brands cost much more. For me, this is the best value for money.

  • Elena

    November 26, 2016 at 2:44 am

    I also used this paste, but then switched to cheaper ones. I think that there is no point in using expensive toothpastes, since they all have the same effect and effect. To prevent diseases of the teeth and oral cavity in general, it is better to use herbal decoctions. You can whiten your teeth using regular baking soda if you brush your teeth with it regularly, once a week.

  • Inna

    November 26, 2016 at 10:42 am

    Pomorin is an excellent toothpaste, although inexpensive. We are used to thinking that the more expensive the toothpaste, the better and more effective it will take care of the oral cavity, but having tried many expensive toothpastes, I still settled on Pomorin toothpaste. The effect of Pomorin is the same as that of expensive pastes, the taste is pleasant - I don’t see the point in overpaying for expensive brands.

  • Tanya

    February 7, 2022 at 4:19 pm

    I have bought this particular toothpaste more than once, the manufacturer is certainly a great guy, the quality is at a fairly high level. I don’t always use it, but only when small wounds appear in the oral cavity, the paste promotes rapid healing. I also noticed that after using this toothpaste, the enamel becomes much stronger, the teeth do not react so much to cold and hot.

Where can you buy Pomorin today?

Today in Russia Pomorin toothpaste cannot be found on official sale. It is sold, perhaps, by private traders who bring it from abroad to order, but in general the manufacturing company does not conduct direct sales in the Russian Federation.

However, Internet users can always buy (order) any product of the Bulgarian brand on the official website of the manufacturer, as well as in Ukrainian or foreign online stores, including even eBay. Given the light weight of each tube, delivery will not be expensive, it is only important to place an order in advance so that the new package is delivered before the stock from the previous one runs out.

Well, for now we can only hope that after seeing the number of shipments to Russia, the manufacturer will once again resume sales of pasta in our country.

If you have personal experience using Pomorin toothpaste, be sure to leave your review about it at the bottom of this page.

Interesting video: how to choose the right toothpaste so as not to harm your teeth

Choosing toothpaste according to problem

When choosing a toothpaste, base it on your current dental situation or problem that is bothering you. Use different pastes in the morning and evening. For example, in the morning - whitening, in the evening - restoring enamel. Change pastes over time - you shouldn’t use the same favorite one all your life.


Even with healthy teeth and gums, you need to remember about prevention. Daily high-quality cleaning of plaque helps to avoid many problems - unpleasant odor, tartar, caries and gum inflammation.

Strike after strike - discord. Everyone has a mild bacterial plaque, and any good paste should cope with it. But there is a tendency to increased plaque formation or persistent pigmentation due to smoking, coffee, red wine and other coloring products. And this already requires special hygiene products.

It is important to remember here: if plaque is not removed well, it will turn into tartar. You can deal with plaque on your own, but you can deal with tartar only in the dentist’s office.

Choose pastes for daily use with an abrasiveness of no higher than 80 and a fluorine or hydroxyapatite content of at least 950 ppm. Complete your care with an irrigator and mouth rinse.

Unpleasant smell

Bad breath (or halitosis) causes self-doubt for many people. A slight odor from the mouth in the morning is normal. A sharp unpleasant odor that persists throughout the day indicates the presence of some kind of pathology.

The cause of halitosis is the formation of volatile sulfur compounds in the mouth, which are released by bacteria. This happens due to poor hygiene, caries, gum inflammation, and smoking. Halitosis can also be associated with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system and kidneys, diabetes mellitus, taking medications, etc. If serious causes of halitosis are excluded, you can cope with it on your own.

Many manufacturers say that their pastes eliminate bad breath. In reality, they simply disguise it for a while.

Choose antibacterial paste. The composition must contain active components that eliminate volatile sulfur compounds. First of all, it is zinc. Only then will the paste not mask, but actually solve the problem. The composition may also include eucalyptus and thymol oils and charcoal. It is worth supplementing the care with a mouthwash containing the same ingredients.

Sensitive enamel

The problem of enamel sensitivity requires careful and gentle cleaning - any strong impact can cause pain and make it worse. If your teeth react to hot, cold, or sharp things, low-abrasive pastes with an RDA of no higher than 30 are suitable for you. For particularly sensitive enamel, choose pastes with hydroxyapatite, fluorine or calcium in the composition. They will strengthen the enamel, reduce its sensitivity and prevent the problem from reoccurring.

Sensitive gums

Irregular and poor oral hygiene is one of the main causes of inflammation and bleeding gums. An integrated approach is needed here.

Choose pastes containing chlorhexidine, plant extracts (oak bark, sage, chamomile, etc.), allantoin, essential oils (menthol, thymol). To pair with the paste, choose a brush with soft bristles. And don't forget to change it every 3 months. Complete your care with a rinse for sensitive gums.

In the later stages of periodontal disease, pastes with more powerful antiseptics are used: triclosan, chlorine dioxide, zinc. They help remove unpleasant odor, protect gums from inflammation and slow down the accumulation of bacteria. What they all have in common is that they destroy not only pathogenic microorganisms, but also, over time, beneficial microflora. Such pastes can be used in courses of no more than 2-3 weeks, in rare cases - up to 1 month. Otherwise, they can cause oral dysbiosis.

Color change

The reasons for darkening of the enamel can be very different - poor cleaning, smoking, frequent consumption of coffee, tea, red wine. For darkened teeth, a toothpaste with a whitening effect is suitable. If you want to restore natural whiteness or prolong the effect of professional whitening, choose pastes containing papain, bromelain, and carbamide peroxide.

Plaque from coloring products should be removed with abrasive pastes, and the dentin under the enamel should be lightened with the help of peroxides. Thus, carbamide peroxide is the most effective whitening component. And if the paste contains various strengthening and restoring substances, you get not only a whitening effect, but also comprehensive care.

Prevention of caries

Caries is the most common disease in the world. This is a pathological process of destruction of hard tooth tissues. It begins with a white spot and ends with pulpitis and various septic processes with inevitable tooth loss.

The main cause of caries is bacteria that produce acids. They wash fluoride and calcium out of the tooth tissue and weaken it. Frequent consumption of sweets accelerates the development of carious bacteria: carbohydrates are a favorite environment for their reproduction. Teeth with thinned enamel are also at risk: through microcracks, bacteria penetrate into the dentinal tubules and begin to destroy the tooth from the inside.

The most important stage in effectively combating caries is early diagnosis of the problem and, of course, prevention. Remove plaque at least once every 12 hours. Use pastes that contain sodium monofluorophosphate, sodium fluoride, amino fluorides, calcium glycerophosphate, xylitol. They strengthen enamel, fill microcracks and can even cure caries at the white spot stage. Supplement your care by using an irrigator to clean the interdental spaces - the place where a brush fails and where caries most often begins.

Prevention of caries is especially important during pregnancy, when the body actively spends a huge amount of calcium. Therefore, you need to select a remineralizing, anti-caries paste. It should not contain SLS, parabens, synthetic dyes, or a high RDA index.

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