Whitening toothpaste: reviews from dentists

How effective are whitening toothpastes?

It should be noted that not all shades of teeth whiten equally well. You will be able to notice a truly noticeable visible “before and after” effect only if the enamel of your teeth initially has a yellowish tint. Teeth of gray and brownish tones will simply be impossible to whiten with toothpastes (we are talking specifically about the brown tint of the enamel, and not about the brown pigment deposit on its surface). In this case, only professional whitening, for example, using the Zoom method, can help.

If you need the most effective whitening toothpaste, reviews say that the maximum whitening effect that you can achieve using toothpastes is 2 shades on the VITA scale (Fig. 2-3). The best effect can be achieved by whitening toothpaste with carbamide peroxide, but you should not trust advertising that says that any toothpaste can whiten your teeth by 3-4 or more tones (shades). This is simply impossible.

Teeth shades according to VITA scale –

If pastes with carbamide peroxide are considered the most effective, then how effective is an abrasive whitening paste - reviews say that such pastes allow you to lighten teeth by an average of 1 tone on the VITA scale. To get a more significant result, it is advisable to combine pastes, for example, use an abrasive bleaching paste for the 1st month, and use a paste with carbamide peroxide for the next 2 months.

Best whitening toothpaste: ranking 2022

We present the rating: The best whitening toothpaste 2022, compiled by the editor-in-chief of 24stoma.ru (a dentist with 19 years of experience). The rating is based on an analysis of the components of toothpastes, personal experience with use, publicly available data on the concentrations of active components and the abrasiveness coefficient (RDA) of each paste.

We have compiled 2 ratings separately. The first rating of whitening toothpastes is dedicated to pastes that work by chemically whitening tooth enamel (this group is the most effective, but the smallest in number). The second rating will be devoted to abrasive whitening toothpastes that work by mechanically removing contaminants from the surface of the enamel.

Important components of whitening toothpastes -

Whitening toothpaste (in addition to abrasive-polishing components and/or carbamide peroxide) may contain additional beneficial components that will increase its effectiveness. Some of these components help remove existing pigmentations, while others will prevent the deposition of pigments and plaque on the teeth (24stoma.ru).

  • The enzymes Bromelain and Papain are proteolytic enzymes that help loosen the already formed tightly attached microbial plaque, which certainly contributes to its removal by the abrasive components of toothpastes. This happens due to the fact that enzymes destroy the protein matrix of dental plaque (i.e., intercellular structures). Bromelain is obtained from pineapple, and papain is obtained from papaya.
  • Pyrophosphates and Polydon - these components are inhibitors of the crystallization of calcium phosphate (this is a mineral component of tartar). Thus, they prevent the formation of tartar, but do not affect existing tartar. By the way, citrates have a similar effect to pyrophosphates - these are salts of citric acid, which can also sometimes be found in toothpastes (usually sodium citrate is used for this).
  • Polyphosphates - polyphosphates include, for example, Sodium Hexametaphosphate and Trisodium Phosphate. These are excellent components that prevent pigments and plaque from sticking to the teeth and, accordingly, they help prevent the formation of tartar (but they do not affect existing plaque). Polyphosphates are found in some whitening toothpastes “President”, “Lacalut”, as well as in the “Blend-a-med Pro-EXPERT” series of toothpastes.
  • Hydroxyapatite – the deposition of a thin layer of hydroxyapatite particles on the teeth will prevent bacteria from attaching to the tooth enamel, and hence the formation of plaque.

Types of pasta

Not all product lines of the President trading company can be used by patients. Despite the high quality of the drug, it is necessary to select the paste wisely. For example, people with sensitive teeth will not benefit from whitening compounds, and vice versa. Choosing the most expensive product does not guarantee a quick therapeutic effect.

There are more than 10 varieties of pastes in the President line of products. All of them are divided into therapeutic and preventive.


It is worth noting several types of preparations intended for lightening tooth enamel. Indications for their use: darkening of teeth and the formation of stains on them, accumulation of plaque on the enamel, formation of tartar. The use of whitening compounds is recommended for smokers and lovers of coloring products.

The most popular whitening paste is Renome. It features a soft abrasive system, despite the average PDA level (75 units). Silicon acts as a cleaning agent in the product. It allows you to simultaneously combine whitening, polishing of teeth and a gentle effect on bone tissue. Water-soluble calcium allows you to clean the interdental spaces. The substance also helps to further strengthen the enamel. The cost of Renome President paste is from 120 to 145 rubles, depending on the pricing policy of the pharmacy and the volume of packaging.

The drug President Renome is available in black packaging

Gel President White is approved for daily use due to its gentle effect on enamel. The abrasiveness level of the drug is 75 units. This is enough to effectively remove bacterial plaque from the surface of the teeth. The drug also contains various microelements: phosphates, calcium, sodium compounds. The paste is available in volumes of 50, 75 and 100 ml. The price of pasta varies from 180 to 280 rubles.


The drug President ACTIVE is used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. It is recommended for exacerbation of signs of periodontal disease, gingivitis, and periodontitis. The gel contains antibacterial (triclosan) and strengthening (sodium citrate) components. The drug is also characterized by a hemostatic effect due to the inclusion of oak bark extract. The price of President Active paste varies from 100 to 180 rubles.


Paste also refers to therapeutic and prophylactic dental care products. A distinctive feature of the drug is the absence of aggressive components in the composition and a soft abrasive system.

Reviews of Parodontol toothpaste

The product contains the following ingredients:

  • peppermint oil;
  • chamomile and echinacea extract;
  • xylitol;
  • sodium fluoride.

The substances have regenerating, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties. The soft cleaning system Syloblanc effectively fights plaque on teeth. The price of the product ranges from 150 to 220 rubles. Depending on the volume of packaging.


The product cannot be used on an ongoing basis, because it belongs to a line of medicinal pastes that contain powerful antibacterial components. The drug is prescribed for the treatment of gingivitis, periodontitis and infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

The main component of the gel is hexetidine, which is characterized by a strong antibacterial effect. The instructions indicate that President Exclusive paste can be used in courses of 2-3 weeks with breaks in therapy. The cost of a package of pasta varies from 130 to 240 rubles.


The product is specially designed for people with hypersensitive teeth. The problem can be observed in a person throughout his life or appear periodically, for example, during the restructuring of the body or when the immune system is weakened. Most often, tooth sensitivity worsens during pregnancy and after eating hard, rough foods.

The abrasiveness index of President Sensitive pastes has been reduced to 25 units. This allows you to completely clean the oral cavity of bacterial plaque. In addition, the gel contains a component that reduces the sensitivity of enamel - potassium nitrate. This series of products can be used by both adults and children. The price of the drug is 150-220 rubles per package.


A distinctive feature of the drug is that it is produced without fluoride. The product is recommended for use by people living in regions with high levels of microelements in drinking water. The drug is also indicated for intolerance to fluoride compounds and for lack of calcium in the body. The price for a 50 ml tube of the product ranges from 130 to 150 rubles.

President Unique paste contains 3 compounds of easily digestible calcium. The enzyme papain helps eliminate bacterial plaque, and xylitol is responsible for preventing its re-formation.


The paste is recommended as an additional tool used in the fight against plaque and caries. The drug is especially suitable for those patients in whom, for various reasons, plaque forms on the enamel more actively.

President White Plus paste is not intended for daily use due to its high level of abrasiveness - 200 units.

The best whitening toothpaste for smokers –

As a dentist, I can tell you about an alternative whitening option that is especially suitable for smokers, strong tea or coffee drinkers, as well as patients with rapid formation of bacterial and pigmented plaque. This method will be much more effective than using conventional abrasive whitening toothpastes - even the best ones rated above. It will work for you if you have an Oral-b electric toothbrush (or if you are ready to buy one).

The working head of an electric toothbrush is exactly like the head that a dentist uses to polish teeth. In standard mode, the nozzle makes not only more than 8,000 rotating movements per minute, but also at least 20,000 pulsating movements. The pulsations allow you to loosen plaque, which is then removed with rotational movements. Patients using Oral-B electric toothbrushes develop much less plaque or tartar on their teeth than when brushing with a regular manual toothbrush.

Electric brush Oral-B –

You will whiten your teeth much faster if you use an abrasive whitening toothpaste with an electric toothbrush. Those. you are essentially receiving a dentist's tool that the latter uses for professional oral hygiene in the dental office. But! There are several rules here. For example, if you use toothpaste with RDA 100, then you can safely use it 2 times a day for 1-2 months, using an electric brush in the standard “Daily Cleaning” mode (from 8000 to 10,000 rotational, + 20,000 pulsating movements).

If you use a more abrasive toothpaste with an RDA 120 along with an electric brush (for example, LACALUT White or PRESIDENT PROFI Smokers toothpastes), we would recommend using such toothpastes only once a day for 3-4 weeks, or 2 once a day, but not more than 2 weeks. This treatment will significantly increase the effectiveness of removing moderately pronounced pigmented plaque from teeth, but will not cope with strong pigmented plaque and densely attached mineralized plaque (small tartar).

The most effective way is

The most effective way is to use a professional teeth cleaning product that is used by a dentist during professional oral hygiene. The paste is called Detartrine Z, although there is also regular Detartrine (which is different in that it does not contain zircon granules and is therefore slightly less effective). You can buy it in online stores, sometimes you can even find it on Ozon. These are professional pastes that can not only perfectly remove pigment plaque, but also cope with even small tartar.

Polishing pastes of the “Detartrine” series (France) –

The volume of the paste is 45 g, and this amount will last you for at least a year or two, given that you won’t have to use it more than once every couple of months. Cost from 2000 to 3000 rubles. The following is very important: this professional teeth polishing paste should and can only be used at low rotation speeds of the electric toothbrush head (for example, in the “for sensitive teeth” or “polishing/whitening” modes). There are no pulsating movements in these modes. In addition, it is best to use the “Precision Clean” type of nozzles - see photo above.

Detartrine Z paste contains zircon grains, which very well remove even a pronounced layer of pigmented plaque, and even small hard dental deposits. This is an ideal option for smokers and those who drink strong tea or coffee. But if you have a very thick layer of pigmented plaque or massive tartar, then such home whitening will not help you and you will need to see a dentist in any case.

A less effective way is to use a regular whitening toothpaste with an abrasiveness of 150-200 RDA instead of this polishing paste (for example, “PRESIDENT Black” or “PRESIDENT PROFI PLUS White Plus”). This can be done no more than once a month and only at low speeds of an electric brush - either in the “For sensitive teeth” or “Polishing/whitening” mode. More information about how the procedure is carried out is in the article at the link below.

→ Removing pigmented plaque at home

Customer reviews about President toothpaste - pros and cons, best products

President Toothpaste Unique, 75 ml customer reviews


★★★★★ Nazarova Olesya Nikolaevna
Pleasant taste
★★★★★ Yuryeva Elena


Good pasta.
The taste and the absence of fluorine declared by the manufacturer are pleasing, which remains on his conscience. Rating:
★★★★★ Ekaterina


Good pasta.
Specific taste.
I really liked this paste, like other products from this brand. The taste is not for everyone, of course, but the declared effect is there. The sensitivity and pain in my teeth, which were associated with a lack of calcium, disappeared.

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PresiDENT Eco-Bio toothpaste, natural, 75 ml customer reviews


★★★★ Nadezhda


Eco composition.
This brand usually contains methylparaben. Disadvantages:
Taste reminiscent of fennel.
Not for everybody. I like Natura Kamchatka more Rating:
★★★ Lily
Beautiful packaging, good composition (according to the manufacturer), I especially want to note as a plus the lack of mint taste.
The paste itself is mediocre; I didn’t notice any special cleaning, strengthening or other positive properties.
On the contrary, after switching to this paste, the gums of all family members became loose and swollen. Comment:
Previously, I periodically used different President pastes, but also did not notice any positive effect. Again, unfortunately, I fell for their new marketing hook - eco-composition, but I think that’s where my experiments with this brand will end.

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PresiDENT Antibacterial toothpaste, to protect against bacteria, 75 RDA, 75 ml customer reviews


★★★ Alexandra


Performs the stated function.
Darkening of the enamel.
This paste really keeps the mouth fresh even after a night's sleep, but the chlorhexidine included in the composition causes darkening, including when used in an irrigator. Apparently, it is meant to use a whitening paste of the same brand in pairs.

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PresiDENT Renome toothpaste, for healthy whiteness, 75 RDA, 75 ml customer reviews


★★★★★ Agapitova Natalia


pleasant smell of sweet mint, really whitens, the child had a brown coating, after a couple of uses - everything shines white!
★★★★★ Sergey Suvorov
Very good pasta
We buy it all the time.
The best pasta we've ever tried. Pleasant taste, cleans and whitens teeth well. Rating:
★★★★★ Chernov Sergey Classic mint taste, whitens well, foams well, protection for 12+ hours (from 18 pm to 6 am, teeth are smooth). I recommend.

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President Toothpaste “Renome”, whitening, 75 ml customer reviews


★★★★★ Anna, Moskvano found only in Ozone: President daily and weekly whitening pastes. Thank you!
★ Irina Olegovna Vinogradova
regular paste for 50 rubles.
whitens better than this one Comment:
There is a paste from this line with silicon that can be used once every 2 weeks.
Here she is - super. Rating:
★ Zhukova Daria Regular pasta, didn’t see anything special.:( Bleaching, alas, too.

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PresiDENT White Toothpaste, for daily whitening, 100 RDA, 75 ml customer reviews


★★★★★ Nikolay Levyakov Pasta is just the bomb!
I am a crazy fan of coffee and cigarettes, soda, and as a result, the enamel on my 2 front teeth has darkened in spots. The dentist said that it was possible to install veneers; nothing else, supposedly, would help. I tried a bunch of pastes, gels, pencils and finally found my thing! Gradually the plaque disappears (damn, even traditional soda and peroxide didn’t use it!). Highly recommend! By the way, there is also a more powerful President paste, but I can’t find it yet... But this one really whitens! Rating:
★★★★★ Nadezhda Safronova


The best paste
Soft, does not break out mucous
★★★★★ Eyubova Ekaterina


The paste cleans very well, but I can’t say anything about whitening yet.

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PresiDENT Sensitive toothpaste, for sensitive teeth, 25 RDA, 75 ml customer reviews


★★★★ alekseeva Angelina


Pleasant aroma, not strong

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PresiDENT Anti-Age toothpaste, fortified, 75 RDA, 75 ml customer reviews


★ Vladimir SLS as part of
★★★★★ Marina Yakhontova


Really good composition, like back in the 90s, only natural ingredients
Pleasant to the taste, very refreshing

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President Children's toothpaste “Baby 0-3”, raspberry flavor, fluoride-free, 30 ml customer reviews


★★ Alexander Ustinov


Pleasant aroma, cute packaging
I bought the paste after reading the reviews and description here.
I was considering it as a replacement for Rox for kids. After receiving the paste, I began to read the information on the box and was upset. This paste should not be swallowed. The manufacturer clearly wrote this on the packaging. The label for 0-3 years is misleading, so I’ll take off the stars for this toothpaste Comment:
Nice gel, but we don’t know how to rinse our mouth yet and will return to Rox toothpaste for kids, it is absolutely safe and can be stored open for only a month.
★★★★★ Maria Trofimova


It's more of a gel, transparent, bright raspberry flavor, slightly bitter for me, but my daughter liked it.
Good composition without fluoride. Rating:
★★★★ Alexandra composition, reviews, everything is super. Only for children from 0 years old the taste is too strong. my son 1.9 didn’t even want to clean it and was harsh for me too. Usually they took Silka, but lately it has been out of stock. Let's try a couple more times, it won't work, we'll have to look elsewhere

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President Children's toothpaste “Kids 3-6”, strawberry flavor, fluoride-free, 50 ml customer reviews


★ Alexandra
Allergy. Although it is written that it is hypoallergenic. The taste is too rich, unnatural.
My son immediately developed an allergy on his cheeks from it, although the baby is not allergic, and usually only gets a little rash from chocolate.
★★★★★ Margarita Smirnova


My daughter’s favorite pasta.
★★★★★ Ekaterina
Cleans gently, smells pleasant.
The paste is gel, colored red, tastes pleasant (I tried it myself), cleanses gently, smells pleasant, teeth are clean after it. I bought it in addition to an electric toothbrush, there is a result in removing plaque.

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PresiDENT White Plus toothpaste, intensive whitening, 200 RDA, 30 ml customer reviews


★★★★ Lyudmila
It whitens.
Since I was young, my native enamel was very white, you can see it in the dark)) but with age, many teeth went through dentists) incl.
made cosmetics with a covering layer. The paste did a good job of whitening those teeth that were not treated, but what was treated is not particularly amenable to whitening; it’s not the original enamel, but a composite. And now my teeth, untouched by the treatment, are much whiter than the treated ones ((I’ll have to stop using the toothpaste, I can’t walk around with multi-colored teeth. Rating:
★★★★ Alexandra


Whitens, economical
The paste really does whiten, I’d like to understand thanks to which component.
After use, the feeling of freshness lasts for a long time. The volume is 30 ml, a little expensive for such a little thing. Rating:
★★★★★ Elena


I've been using it for many years. Disadvantages:

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President Children's toothpaste “Kids 3-6”, cola flavor, 50 ml customer reviews


★★★★★ Urmaeva Ekaterina


the taste of cola, the children really like it, we use it every day, we try the whole series
high price, I buy it when there’s a sale
★★★★★ Andrey Sh
Good taste of cola, high-quality paste, made in Italy
High price for 50 ml
RDA 50 (paste abrasiveness index, moderate), fluoride 430 ppm, sugar free
★★★★★ Christina Cleans children's teeth perfectly. Pleasant taste.

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President Kids “Fruit Jelly” from 3 to 6 years, children's toothpaste with marmalade flavor (without fluoride), 50 ml customer reviews


★★★★★ Elena


Good pasta
We really like this company's pastes!
The quality is superb, it’s generally nice to buy such a paste at a discount. Rating:
★★★★ Alla
Interesting sweet taste
children didn’t like it (4 and 6 years old), refused to clean it
it depends on your luck, some like it, some don’t, I’m not happy with it myself, but I can’t say what a disgusting
★★★★★ — Olga —


One of the best children's pastes
I want to eat it:)
The paste not only has a healthy taste, but also has a kind of candy-like consistency, and not like a paste.:) I really want to eat it, I don’t understand how children can restrain themselves (or maybe not)

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PresiDENT Extra Active toothpaste, for teeth and gums, 30 ml customer reviews


★★★★★ Olga Schneider


Heals perfectly
I bought it on a recommendation. I have already used it twice for herpes on the lip, as you cannot use pharmaceutical medications during pregnancy. Heals and dries better than any zoverax and acyclovir. Great thing!!!

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President Baby “Caramel” from 0 to 3 years, children's toothpaste with caramel flavor (fluoride-free), 30 ml customer reviews


★★★★★ Elena


Pleasant taste, the child brushes his teeth with joy
Hard to find in stores
The only toothpaste that the child agrees to brush his teeth with.
It’s hard to find on store shelves, so I immediately order several on Ozone Rating:
★★★★★ Nina Titova


Pleasant taste and texture.
The child is very selective in pastes, I bought at my own risk, but surprisingly I liked everything!
I myself wouldn’t mind brushing my teeth with such a tasty paste. Rating:
★★★ Svetlana


: price, composition Disadvantages: too much foam, obsessive taste that remains in the mouth for a long time. We also took raspberries, the same story. After rocks, the child did not appreciate this paste and refused to peel it.

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President Kids "Lollipop" from 3 to 6 years old children's toothpaste with candy flavor (with fluoride), 50 ml customer reviews


★★★★★ Flint Vitalisa Vladimirovna
pleasant smell and color
I bought it for my three-year-old son.
Whatever you can do to instill a healthy habit in your child... He immediately liked the pasta very much, I even had to remind him that he shouldn’t eat it! It really smells like sweet caramel and its color matches. Now we brush our teeth with pleasure and 2 times a day, not 1. Rating:
★★★★★ Ekaterina Okopnaya


The child likes the taste, there is no mint (the child cannot tolerate it in any form).
The rda level is indicated. Disadvantages:
Didn't find
any Comments:
The taste of the paste is really the same as caramel, but it is designed for children of a different age and the rda is different here.
★★★★★ Urmaeva Ekaterina


My 4-year-old twins’ favorite pasta, unfortunately, the paste is not sold in stores, Ozone helped, thank you) Tasty, aromatic and does its job well.
Runs out quickly)

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President Junior “Choco” 6+ children's toothpaste, 50 ml customer reviews


★★★ Tatyana We bought it for a 7 year old child.
The tube smells like chocolate, but it doesn’t taste like it at all, I couldn’t use it. I don't recommend it. I'll give it *** for the composition. Rating:
★★★ Valeria


I really like this company's pasta.
The child refused to brush her teeth, says the nasty one.
My husband and I tried it, we thought it was just whims, how can you not like the chocolate taste - it’s really disgusting) in general, it doesn’t taste good for our family, but who cares. Rating:
★★★★★ Nikolay
Interesting, unusual, was able to surprise my son (7 years old). The child likes to brush his teeth with it (although his favorite paste is still President with lime)
small tube
Excellent children's toothpaste . You can buy it periodically.

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President Toothpaste Unique, 100 ml customer reviews


★★★★★ Nazarova Olesya Nikolaevna
Pleasant taste
★★★★★ Yuryeva Elena


Good pasta.
The taste and the absence of fluorine declared by the manufacturer are pleasing, which remains on his conscience. Rating:
★★★★★ Ekaterina


Good pasta.
Specific taste.
I really liked this paste, like other products from this brand. The taste is not for everyone, of course, but the declared effect is there. The sensitivity and pain in my teeth, which were associated with a lack of calcium, disappeared.

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PresiDENT Toothpaste “Pine Mandarin”, 75 ml customer reviews


★★★★★ Svetlana, Moscow Very stylish design, good for a gift for the New Year or February 23rd. The taste is predominantly pine-mint with a slight tangerine-orange flavor, looks like an orange gel, lifts your mood in the morning.

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President Exclusive Toothbrush, medium hardness, 6 mil customer reviews


★★★★★ Alexey
Large stubble that covers 2/3 of the upper and lower jaw.
May be too big for some people's mouth.
I once bought this brush in Raduga, and since then I can’t use standard brushes - I feel like I need to make 2 times more movements.
I recommend it. Rating:
★★★★★ Natalya Mishurova Very comfortable, moderately soft and at the same time cleans well.
Good for sensitive gums. Rating:
★★★★★ Maria


Comfortable, beautiful, cleans well.
Favorite toothbrushes!

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( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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