Toothpaste for sensitive teeth Sensodyne without fluoride

Sensodyne toothpaste is an excellent product for caring for teeth and gums, which can compete well with expensive drugs with the same effect. If you want to maintain a beautiful and healthy smile, then you should take a closer look at the product of this particular company. And so that your doubts disappear, today we will find out what people think about this pasta, what their opinion is about it. We’ll also find out what types of this advertised drug for caring for teeth and gums are.

How to use?

“Sensodyne” is a toothpaste, the composition of which is always indicated on the tube. It is very easy to use. So, if you follow the instructions described below, you can achieve exactly the effect that the manufacturer guarantees.

  1. You should brush your teeth 2 times a day, no more.
  2. Squeeze a small amount of paste (about the size of a pea) onto the brush.
  3. Brush your teeth according to all rules.
  4. After the procedure, you should rinse your mouth thoroughly with water.

“Sensodyne” is a toothpaste, the instructions for which state that it can be used by adults, as well as children over 12 years of age. It can also be applied to children under 12 years of age. However, you should first discuss this point with your dentist. Please also note that if irritation occurs, you should immediately stop using this product.

Quick results

Sensodyne Instant Effect toothpaste eliminates microbes that cause caries. Also, this personal hygiene item instantly covers dentin with a special protective layer. The product from the Rapid Action series heals wounds on the gums, helps to cope with plaque, and also returns whiteness and shine to teeth. The paste has a mild taste, so it can be used every day.

This dental care product is also prescribed by dentists in cases where there is an urgent need to localize pain. And to achieve this, you should squeeze out a little paste and rub it into the painful area. Just 1 minute of exposure is enough to reduce pain. After this procedure, you can safely eat food to which your teeth previously reacted painfully.

The manufacturer of the product recommends cleaning no more than 2 times a day. After this hygiene procedure, you should rinse your mouth thoroughly.

User feedback about Sensodyne Instant Effect paste

People's reviews of Sensodyne Rapid Action dental care product are mostly positive. Many people are happy about this unexpected effect. According to them, the paste can reduce tooth sensitivity already on the second day of use. Some people previously doubted and did not think that such an advertised remedy would actually have such an effect. But, as it turned out, the producers did not deceive and wrote it exactly as it is. Sensodyne Rapid Action toothpaste helps people get rid of sensitive teeth and gums, and also perfectly cleanses them. Among the disadvantages, users note the high consumption of the product, since it does not foam, as well as the high price compared to other oral care products.

How to choose a toothpaste for sensitive teeth -

Toothpastes for relieving tooth sensitivity (hypersthesia) have specific characteristics. Firstly, toothpaste for sensitive teeth usually has a fairly low abrasiveness within the RDA range of 25 to 35 (RDA - abrasiveness index). For example, for ordinary therapeutic and prophylactic toothpastes the RDA index is 75, and for whitening pastes it is usually 100-120.

The second important point to pay attention to is the active components. Different manufacturers use ingredients that are different from each other, which have different mechanisms for reducing tooth sensitivity, and as a result, have different effectiveness and different speed of onset of effect. Based on the mechanism of action, the following groups of components can be distinguished...

Active components in toothpastes for sensitive teeth -

  • Potassium nitrate, potassium chloride - these components block the transmission of nerve impulses.
    The transmission of nerve impulses is based on the exchange of potassium ions (located inside nerve cells) with sodium ions located outside the nerve. By increasing the concentration of potassium ions around the nerve endings, we disrupt this exchange, which leads to the absence of pain in the teeth - in response to thermal and mechanical stimuli. The advantage of these components is that the effect of their use develops very quickly. However, the result will last as long as you use them. Thus, potassium nitrate and chloride can quickly relieve pain, but they do not eliminate the very cause of hyperesthesia.
  • Fluorides, strontium chloride, zinc citrate, hydroxyapatite - these components affect precisely the cause of the development of dental hypersensitivity - the accelerated movement of fluid in the dentinal tubules, which leads to irritation of the nerve endings.
    Fluoride compounds (sodium fluoride, aminofluoride, monofluorophosphate), strontium chloride, zinc citrate, hydroxyapatite - all of them clog the dentinal tubules, preventing the movement of fluid in them. In addition, strontium chloride also promotes the deposition of replacement dentin and the compaction of its structure, which also helps reduce hypersensitivity. However, the downside of all these components is that the effect from their use develops more slowly than from the use of potassium nitrate or potassium chloride.
  • Arginine and calcium carbonate combination - a combination of Arginine (an amino acid) and calcium carbonate in toothpaste - is also very effective in treating dental hypersensitivity.
    Arginine facilitates the deposition of a layer of calcium carbonate on the surface of the teeth, which in turn stimulates the deposition of phosphates on the surface of exposed dentin and in the dentinal tubules, contributing to their clogging and reducing the movement of fluid in them. However, although it reduces sensitivity well, it does not solve the problem of demineralization of enamel and dentin. It should be noted here that the layer of calcium carbonate with arginine will be inactive, and calcium from this layer will not penetrate into the hard tissues of the teeth. This distinguishes arginine carbonate pastes from pastes with fluorides, after the use of which an active layer of calcium fluoride (CaF2) is created on the tooth surface. In addition to the fact that CaF2 also clogs the dentinal tubules on the surface of exposed dentin, calcium and fluoride from this layer are able to penetrate into the hard tissues of the teeth, strengthening them.

Conclusions -

Precisely because some components are capable of providing an immediate effect, while others (although their effect develops slowly, they eliminate precisely the cause of pain) - most toothpastes for sensitivity are made with a combined composition. Where potassium nitrate quickly relieves pain, and fluorides, hydroxyapatite, strontium chloride, or a combination of arginine and calcium carbonate clog exposed dentinal tubules.

However, there are also effective monocomponent products for use at home. Such products contain a very high concentration, usually of only one component, for example, potassium nitrate or sodium fluoride. In this way, they resemble professional means for reducing sensitivity that dentists use in their work. Examples of such gels are PRESIDENT Sensitive Plus and Colgate® Duraphat. How they can help you - read below.

Whitening paste

Do you want your smile to be as radiant as that of celebrities? Then you should use an oral care product such as Sensodyne whitening toothpaste. What are the advantages of the product from this series? Below is a list of the advantages of this whitening paste.

  1. Can be used for a long time, since the composition does not contain harsh abrasives. This means that the paste will not destroy tooth enamel.
  2. The product perfectly removes plaque from teeth, preventing the appearance of a new layer of dark film.
  3. The paste prevents the formation of caries, and it also makes the enamel stronger thanks to the sodium fluoride included in its composition.
  4. The product reduces tooth sensitivity due to sodium nitrate.
  5. With constant use of Sensodyne Whitening paste, you can clean your mouth gently and without problems.
  6. The result of using the product can be replaced after 2 weeks of active use of the drug.


  • Sodium fluoride is contained in all types of Sensodin, except Classic, and is the main building element for gum tissue and tooth enamel, and has an antibacterial effect.
  • Potassium nitrate and potassium chloride relieve painful sensitivity of nerve endings.
  • Silicic acid is involved in the restoration of enamel.
  • Glycerol is an important element for cell life.
  • Calcium pyrophosphate is a building material for enamel and prevents the formation of stone on teeth.
  • Silicon is an abrasive substance.
  • Cocamidopropyl betaine – fights dental plaque.
  • Strontium acetate promotes the accumulation of calcium in the tooth and blocks pain impulses.
  • Sorbitol maintains the consistency of the paste and helps the absorption of microelements.

User feedback about Sensodyne Whitening

Sensodyne Whitening toothpaste has flattering reviews. People like the effect of this remedy: indeed, it begins to act after 4-5 days. And after 2 weeks, users notice that their teeth have noticeably whitened by 1 tone. And this is an amazing result. This is difficult to achieve with regular toothpastes, which is why people are delighted that they are releasing a teeth whitening series. People also like that this product is quite economical in consumption due to its foamy structure. And, besides this, the pasta is soft and pleasant to the taste.

Acid Erosion Protection

Bad teeth mean incredible difficulties and suffering. Sensodyne Pronamel toothpaste can improve the beauty and health of dentin and enamel. The main feature of this type of oral care product is its unique composition, the action of which is aimed at restoring the structure of the teeth. In addition, Sensodyne ProNamel paste performs a number of other tasks.

  1. Relieves a person from pain and hypersensitivity.
  2. Protects against the dangerous effects of acids ingested through food.
  3. Prevents damage to the protective layer of the tooth.
  4. Restores enamel hardness.
  5. Provides a gentle effect on teeth and gums due to the absence of such a component as sodium lauryl sulfate.


There are several types of Sensodyne, each of which combats hypersensitivity, but differ in different compositions and can solve associated dental problems (additional cleansing, enhanced formula with fluoride, gum protection, and others).

Classic Sensodyne

Designed for daily dental care. Its distinctive feature is the absence of fluoride in the composition, so you can use this paste every day without interruption.

It carefully cleanses plaque, freshens breath and strengthens enamel. Classic Sensodyne can also be used by children from 6 years of age, the amount of paste for one-time brushing of children’s teeth is about the size of a pea. It is recommended to brush your teeth 2-3 times a day.

Sensodyne F

A paste containing fluoride (sodium fluoride), which perfectly protects against caries. Sensodyne F reduces sensitivity already on the second day of use.

This paste is low abrasive and cleans very gently, so it is suitable for daily use by people with and without hyperesthesia (hypersensitivity).

Comprehensive protection (Sensodyne Total Care)

A paste whose action is aimed at treating hypersensitivity and concomitant inflammatory processes in the gums. The composition includes a whole complex of active substances: fluoride, potassium chloride (blocks nerve pain impulses), vitamin E and B5 (have an anti-inflammatory effect on the gums), zinc citrate (has an antibacterial effect).

It is recommended to use the paste for at least two months to achieve lasting results.

Acid Erosion Protection (Sensodyne ProNamel)

This paste effectively restores areas of enamel damaged by acidic conditions. It also contains fluoride, which strengthens enamel, and potassium chloride, which reduces pain sensitivity.

Additionally, Sensodyne Pro Namel protects against the effects of acids on enamel. Also suitable for daily cleaning due to its gentle action. The paste has an option for children (for children), which can be used from 6 years old.

Sensodyne Whitening whitening paste

It can gently whiten teeth (by 1-2 tones), remove age spots and protect against the appearance of new ones. It is ideal for people who have undergone professional whitening to maintain white teeth. Sensodyne Whitening gently cleanses enamel, relieves sensitivity and is suitable for daily use.

Sensodyne Gentle whitening

Whitens teeth very gently and leaves a protective film on the surface that prevents the enamel from darkening. Designed for daily use. In addition to preserving the whiteness of teeth, it eliminates sensitivity, protects against caries, and freshens breath.

Sensodyne Instant effect Rapid Action

It has the fastest effect on tooth sensitivity. To relieve painful sensations, the paste needs to be rubbed in with your finger for about a minute; this procedure will create a protective shell on the tooth from irritants.

You need to brush your teeth with this paste for 3 minutes twice a day, which will provide a noticeable reduction in sensitivity, protection against caries, and restoration of the enamel layer.

User feedback about Sensodyne Pronamel paste

People leave only positive reviews about this product. They like the effect of this paste: indeed, it is able to cope with the aggressive effects of citrus acids on enamel. Those men and women who have tried this remedy on themselves claim that they have stopped forming root stones.

The paste really brings the effect that is expected from it. People also like that this dental care product doesn't have a cloying bitterness, isn't abrasive, and doesn't leave an aftertaste. In addition, Sensodyne, a toothpaste whose reviews are on numerous forums, perfectly refreshes the oral cavity and removes unpleasant odors. Even after eating savory foods like onions and garlic, the aroma does not remain. People like that they can use this toothpaste every day. Manufacturers also took care of children by releasing a special product for them.

Care sequence for sensitive teeth

Expensive toothpaste may not always give the desired result. At the same time, even with a cheaper remedy you can quickly cope with painful sensations. Therefore, we have prepared some tips for increasing the effectiveness of hygiene products.

Nutrition adjustments

In the vast majority of cases, acute pain is caused by certain foods or their temperature during eating. Therefore, first of all, you need to exclude irritants from your diet:

  • carbonated drinks;
  • citrus;
  • alcohol;
  • dairy products.

At the same time, monitor the temperature. Freshly prepared food should be cooled, and frozen food should be warmed to room temperature.

Reduce mechanical stress

During the cleaning process, the bristles of a hard and medium toothbrush have a rough mechanical effect on the enamel and periodontium. When they touch exposed dentin, a pain signal is instantly transmitted along the nerve endings. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is replace the brush with a soft one.

If, due to hypersensitivity, it hurts you even to touch the surface of your teeth with a brush, you need to relieve acute manifestations. Take a paste containing potassium nitrate, apply it on your finger and massage the gum. When sensitivity subsides, brush your teeth using a toothbrush.

Extend the effect of toothpaste

The components actively block the dentinal canals while they act on them during cleaning. If you increase the duration, the effect will be better. But brushing for more than three minutes can lead to mechanical irritation. Therefore, at the end of the procedure, before spitting out the foam, you need to rinse your mouth with it for a longer time.

In the article, we analyzed in detail which toothpaste to choose for sensitive teeth, how to use it correctly and which brands to give preference to. It is important to understand that such problems require consultation and monitoring by dentists. Hygiene products are only a way to maintain the effect after medical care.

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Classic pasta

If anyone is in doubt about what type of dental care product to choose, it is better to start with a typical sample. Classic toothpaste is intended for everyday use. It does not contain fluorine, which is very important, because this component is quite toxic. Therefore, Sensodyne toothpaste for sensitive teeth can also be used for children. Now parents don’t have to worry that their child accidentally swallowed some of the product. Since there will be no danger or any allergic reactions against this background. However, in any case, when it comes to children, they should brush their teeth only under the supervision of their parents, even though it is a safe classic Sensodyne toothpaste for sensitive teeth. After all, it is harmless only in a certain dosage. Well, if the baby starts simply squeezing it out of the tube and eating it, this can lead to bad consequences.

Which brand should you choose?

There is a wide range of oral health products on the market. Most of the compositions are suitable only for hygiene. A small part of the drugs has a medicinal effect. At the same time, there are expensive branded and budget products. But saving is inappropriate here.

Some specimens contain components in the recipe that can quickly eliminate symptoms. You will feel relief immediately after use. But this is not enough. We need a complex impact. It is the development of such formulas that significantly increases the cost of products. At the same time, you not only relieve symptoms, but also treat your teeth. We list the most popular products recommended by dentists:

  • Lacalut;
  • Splat;
  • Sensodyne;
  • PresiDENT;
  • Colgate;
  • ROCS;
  • BLANX;
  • Vitex.

Toothpastes designed for sensitive teeth have a number of features:

  • Low abrasiveness index (RDA). It varies between 25-35 RDA. For clarity, let’s say that preventive products have an index of about 75 RDA, and whitening products have an index of 100-120 RDA.
  • Use of active components. The most commonly used substances are zinc, strontium, potassium, calcium and arginine. Their presence in the composition is one of the signs of quality. But the elements have different mechanisms of action, which means they differ in effectiveness.

People's opinions about the classic Sensodyne paste

Users speak favorably of this tool. Sensodyne toothpaste for sensitive teeth receives positive reviews for good reason. After all, in addition to the excellent effect, it is suitable for the whole family. Thanks to its delicate pink color, even children enjoy brushing their teeth. There is no need to ask them to take care of their oral hygiene. Boys and girls are used to white pastes, but here they have a different color and they really like it. And parents like the fact that their offspring finally began to take care of their teeth on their own, without unnecessary screams and hysterics. This is the optimal paste, which has only positive reviews.

Comprehensive protection

Another type of dental care product from the Sensodyne series is Sensodyne Total Care. Its main difference from others is the complete stop of inflammatory processes in the gums. Sensodyne Restoration and Protection toothpaste ensures full preservation of a healthy and fresh smile, as well as a gentle effect to eliminate pain when reacting to irritant foods. This remedy has a complex effect, namely:

  1. Protects against tooth sensitivity.
  2. Removes plaque.
  3. Prevents the formation of caries.
  4. Strengthens gums.

People's opinions about Sensodyne Total Care teeth and gum care product

Sensodyne Restoration and Protection toothpaste has mostly positive reviews. People like the product from this series. Indeed, the effect is obvious: plaque disappears after the first cleaning, gums become stronger after 2 weeks of regular use.

However, there are still people who did not like this product. Some users did not like this paste because it stings the tongue and lips. Although the reviews from the same people about other types of Sensodyne are positive. And some even note that after using this paste, wounds appeared on the inside of their lips and on their tongue, and it even became painful for women and men to speak. It turns out that there was an allergic reaction to this paste. This can really happen, and the manufacturer does not deny this fact. Therefore, when choosing Sensodyne Total Care, you need to be extremely careful and if you experience any unpleasant sensations, it is better to stop using it.


Sensodyne toothpaste is sold both in pharmacies and in specialized household chemical stores. The price of this oral care product depends on several factors: the type of paste, the location of the establishment where it is sold, as well as the store’s markup. Thus, the price of the drug can range from 140 to 290 rubles. Sensodyne toothpaste for sensitive teeth, reviews of which say that it is truly excellent, is one of the most expensive. Its price in various pharmacies ranges from 290 rubles. And the cheapest type of this product is Sensodyne Complex Protection paste. You can purchase this drug for 140 rubles.

Now you know what Sensodyne toothpaste is, what types it comes in, and how it affects the oral cavity. We found out what people think about this product and realized that it is actually one of the best products for caring for teeth and gums. And depending on what problems a person has with the oral cavity, the appropriate Sensodyne paste is selected.

Product line

The Sensodine company produces a large number of pastes aimed at maintaining oral health. The general purpose of these products is to protect sensitive teeth.

In addition, each paste performs additional functions - it lightens the enamel, fights the formation of caries or reduces bleeding gums.


Sensodyne “Classic” is recommended by dentists for daily use with a slight increase in the sensitivity of teeth to temperatures.

This paste does not contain fluoride, so it can be used not only by adults, but also by children.

The product effectively removes soft plaque, helps freshen breath and fights inflammation of periodontal tissue. There are no restrictions on the use of the paste - it can be used three or more times a day.

The average cost of Sensodyne “Classic” paste is 150-170 rubles.

Sensodyne F

Sensodyne F contains fluorine, so it is used to prevent or treat deficiency of this element in the human body.

Most often, a lack of fluoride manifests itself in reduced enamel strength, its tendency to form carious lesions and increased susceptibility to various types of external influences.

Sensodyne F toothpaste saturates the enamel with the missing elements, increasing its strength and relieving pain. Due to its low abrasiveness, it removes plaque without damaging sensitive enamel.

The cost of the product starts from 160 rubles.

Gum Care

The product, called Sensodyne "Gum Care", is designed to eliminate periodontal inflammation and protect gum tissue.

The paste fights microbes that cause damage to the mucous membrane of the gums, prevents their accumulation and further reproduction, and also protects against recurrence over a certain period.

With daily use for two months, the trophism of the gums significantly improves, their regeneration occurs and the risk of recession is practically eliminated.

The average price of the product is 180-200 rubles.

Total Care

Sensodyne “Comprehensive Protection” is positioned as a remedy that prevents and stops the inflammatory process in the oral cavity, reduces the sensitivity of the enamel and eliminates plaque from it.

It contains elements such as zinc, fluorine, potassium chloride and vitamins of group E. The combination of these components relieves pain by acting on the endings of nerve fibers.

To get the effect, the manufacturer recommends using the paste daily for two months.

The cost of this product ranges from 270-300 rubles.

Complete Protection

The drug "Complete Protection" has a complex effect on the oral cavity due to the high content of active components.

This paste saturates teeth and gums with essential vitamins and minerals, reduces their sensitivity and bleeding, prevents the development of caries and stops inflammatory processes occurring in the mouth.

Daily use helps reduce pain when eating cold and hot food and drinks.

The cost of the product reaches 380-400 rubles.

What is catarrhal gingivitis and how to get rid of it. Visit here to learn more about oral leukoplakia.

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Full Protection

Sensodyne “Full Protection” provides maximum protection of the oral cavity from negative external influences.

It is aimed at performing the following tasks:

  • removal of soft and hard bacterial plaque;
  • saturation of dentin with minerals;
  • elimination of enamel darkening;
  • relief of pain;
  • reducing tooth sensitivity and increasing their strength;
  • long-term provision of fresh breath.

The cost of such a treatment and prophylactic drug is about 450 rubles.


Sensodyne “Whitening” is a low-abrasive toothpaste, the purpose of which is to remove plaque and pigmented areas of enamel, as well as prevent their further occurrence.

Thanks to the sodium nitrate included in the composition, the sensitivity of molars is reduced and they are protected from external irritants.

Sodium fluoride present in the preparation strengthens the tooth surface and prevents the formation of carious lesions on it.

The cost of such a product is 150-170 rubles.

Gentle Whitening

Sensodyne "Gentle Whitening" contains a minimal amount of abrasive substances, so the product is recommended for use by people with sensitive teeth.

The product provides a slight lightening of the tone of the tooth surface. The first result is noticeable after two weeks of daily use.

The price in stores and pharmacies is 280-300 rubles.

Extra Whitening

According to the information, it is a product intended for whitening the tooth surface by several tones in a short period of time.

Thanks to a large number of active elements, this paste eliminates pain and sensitivity of enamel to different temperatures, and also protects against the formation of carious cavities and destruction.

The manufacturer recommends using the paste at least twice a day. Its cost reaches 400 rubles.

True White

True White is a relatively new product in the Sensodyne line. A specially selected complex of components allows you to combat enamel darkening resulting from frequent use of coloring products and smoking.

Substances that block nerve endings prevent pain and hypersensitivity.

In addition, regular use of the paste helps to soften and gradually remove mineralized deposits on the enamel surface.

The average cost of this product reaches 550 rubles.

Repair & Protect

This Sensodyne brand product is designed to restore damaged enamel, remineralize it and strengthen the upper layers of the tooth.

Dentists recommend using this paste for patients who have undergone in-office teeth cleaning, as well as for cases of damage to the outer and inner layers of dental tissue.

A month of using the product leads to a decrease in the sensitivity of the enamel without further returning to its original state.

The cost of the drug is 320-350 rubles.

Rapid Action

The “Rapid Action” dental product is designed for instant relief of pain symptoms and is often prescribed by dentists when the enamel is highly susceptible to various irritants.

To get quick results, you can rub a small amount of the product into the tooth enamel - this will help block nerve endings and eliminate pain.

For medicinal purposes, the paste is used for at least three days. The frequency of brushing your teeth should not exceed twice a day.

The cost of the product averages 250-280 rubles.


The special composition of the ProNamel paste allows it to prevent the process of enamel destruction and restore damaged areas.

Thanks to a carefully selected set of elements, when brushing your teeth, a protective film is formed on the tooth surface, which promotes the remineralization of enamel and prevents the impact of bacteria and their metabolic products.

Dentists recommend using this paste after reaching 12 years of age due to the fluoride content it contains.

The cost of the product is 350-450 rubles.


In addition to relieving the sensation of pain, Sensodyne “Fresh” paste provides fresh breath for 10-12 hours after its use.

Depending on the variety of this product, the mint flavor may be more or less pronounced. The paste is indicated for daily use and can be used by both adults and children.

Its cost in pharmacies ranges from 170 to 250 rubles.

The video presents a dentist's review of Sensodyne toothpaste.

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