Lacalut Extra Sensitive toothpaste: features, composition and reviews

  • December 15, 2018
  • Other drugs
  • Tatyana Andreeva

Good comprehensive oral care helps maintain a beautiful smile and healthy teeth for a long time. The Lacalut Extra Sensitive line of rinses and pastes was created specifically for the care and prevention of sensitive teeth.

Many negative factors daily have a harmful effect on the condition of the enamel. This includes harmful habits, excessive consumption of drinks and food that destroy tooth enamel. According to many dentists, improper daily oral care also plays a significant role. This is due to incorrectly selected personal hygiene products, low-quality pastes and brushes. All this leads to thinning of tooth enamel and special sensitivity of teeth, and also provokes the development of caries and other dental diseases. In this article we will talk about Lakalut Extra Sensitive toothpaste, which is ideal for solving the above problems.

Therapeutic effect and indications

The paste increases the enamel's susceptibility to acids, reduces its sensitivity and creates protection against caries. In addition, it restores and strengthens the enamel structure, and thanks to the light abrasive components included in the composition, it copes well with plaque without damaging the tooth coating.

  1. Aluminiumlactate (aluminum lactate) reduces gum bleeding and has an astringent effect.
  2. Chlorhexidinibigluconas (chlorhexidine) fights inflammation.
  3. Sodium fluoride and amino fluoride strengthen the tooth structure and serve as an excellent preventive measure against caries.

Lacalut Extra Sensitive toothpaste is used for hypersensitivity, tartar, plaque and enamel restoration processes after a tartar and plaque removal session, as well as after a whitening procedure.


All Lakalut pastes have a creamy structure, which allows for gentle cleansing of all areas of the oral cavity.

These products will help get rid of a number of problems associated with teeth and gums due to the active ingredients:

  • Aluminum lactate . The main component. The substance significantly strengthens the gum tissue and makes it denser, eliminates bleeding, and has a beneficial effect on tooth enamel, reducing its sensitivity.
  • Aluminum fluoride . This compound allows you to mineralize weakened tooth enamel and prevent the development of caries.
  • Chlorhexidine bigluconate . Antiseptic medicinal product. Successfully breaks down plaque of any consistency and prevents its formation.
  • Allantoin . Colorless crystals that are considered non-toxic and hypoallergenic. Ideally heals damaged tissues in the oral cavity, eliminates inflammation of any complexity.
  • Fluoride compounds . The fluoride-based system allows you to improve the condition of the mucous membranes of the gums and oral cavity, strengthen the enamel of the teeth and provide reliable protection against the harmful effects of various acids.

Pros and cons of the Waterpik WP 450 irrigator and its technical characteristics. Read reviews about Sensodyne toothpaste here.

At this address we will tell you about the principle of operation of an ionic toothbrush.

Treatment and prevention

Sodium fluoride and amino fluoride present in the composition form a protective film on the surface of the tooth, which is a barrier to the formation of caries and protects teeth from the negative effects of the external environment - hot and cold drinks or food, foods with high acidity, and also reduces sensitivity.

When the enamel is damaged, the likelihood of tooth decay increases. This is due to increased bacterial growth. Chlorhexidine helps cope with this problem by preventing the development of pathogenic microorganisms. To prevent gum inflammation and strengthen them, Lacalut Extra Sensitive contains aluminum lactate. Abrasive substances polish the surface, gently remove plaque, but do not damage tooth enamel.

Composition of Lacalut Sensetiv toothpaste

The composition of Lacalut Sensetiv is enriched with a combination of fluorides, which, upon contact with tooth enamel, remineralizes its layers. The paste also contains: hydrated silica, propylene glycol, flavor, hydroxyethylcellulose, aluminum lactate, titanium dioxide, glycerin, chlorhexidine digluconate, sodium benzoate and limonene.

The main component that clogs open tubules is sodium fluoride. The effect will not take long to appear. Already after the first uses, you can feel a decrease in the severity of pain when eating cold and hot foods.

Despite the fact that the issue of fluoridation of toothpaste is acute in many medical communities, it should be noted that fluorine, which is poisonous to humans, has a gaseous state of aggregation - that is, it is dangerous if it enters the respiratory tract, and from there into the blood.

Fluorides, which are part of toothpastes, are completely different chemical compounds that have fluoride ions in their structure. They play an important role in the fight against caries and the prevention of the problem. Mainly used in dental products:

  • sodium fluoride;
  • tin fluoride;
  • sodium monofluorophosphate;
  • aluminum fluoride.

Fluorine ions in all these compounds perform the following functions:

  • reduce the number of bacteria by increasing the pH of the oral cavity, which makes the environment less acidic than after eating;
  • restore the mineral composition of tooth enamel, sealing calcium on its surface;
  • reduce the rate of formation of soft layers of primary dental plaque, due to which the teeth remain smooth longer.

Global studies have proven that with the advent of fluoridated toothpastes, the incidence of oral caries in the population has decreased significantly.

Emergency dental care

Increased sensitivity and deterioration of teeth are often accompanied by severe pain and discomfort. In this case, you need to choose the right toothpaste and rinse aid. Dentists recommend using special products whose effects are aimed at solving these problems. These include lines of oral medications that reduce excessive sensitivity.

Lacalut Extra Sensitive copes with this task perfectly. It helps you feel the effect almost instantly. Relief is felt after the first use - sensitivity decreases and pain disappears. This result is given by two active ingredients - sodium fluoride and amino fluoride. The first component is an inorganic fluoride compound and helps not only strengthen and protect the enamel, but also assists in the mineralization of teeth. The second component is an organic fluorine compound. It protects the tooth surface and makes the formation of caries more difficult, and also makes the enamel structure stronger. In combination, these two substances help to immediately reduce sensitivity.

Rinse aid

If tooth enamel causes a lot of discomfort and is highly sensitive, oral care should be more thorough. Experts recommend using not only a special paste, but also a rinse aid. It will complement its action throughout the day and help create a more lasting effect.

The mouthwash from the Lakalut series enhances the effect of the main drug and provides protection for teeth between brushings throughout the day. It is recommended to use the product up to three times a day. This complex combination will keep your teeth snow-white and healthy.

Can you trust the Lacalut brand?

Lacalut has been producing dental products for decades. Its history began in 1925 and continues to this day. Manufacturers spare no expense in investing in research, research and development to ensure products are as safe and beneficial for oral health as possible.

The cost of Lacalut toothpaste cannot be called low, but at the same time it is not overpriced. The price at the pharmacy may be slightly higher than the cost of a similar product in a store that offers promotions for this type of product. Dentists who are not interested in increasing sales of Lacalut brand toothpastes argue that the price of the product is justified, since their quality fully explains the costs.

Lacalut, expanding its range, developed a new product in 2022 - a cream that fixes dentures. Experts are confident that when one company does not engage in many multi-directional projects, but specifically moves towards one goal - ensuring dental health, cleanliness of the oral cavity and helping to care for it, such a company succeeds in all its endeavors.

Lacalut Extra Sensitive: reviews

Reviews from people who prefer Lacalut products in their daily oral care are mostly positive. According to most consumers, after using toothpaste for a month, the sensitivity of the enamel noticeably decreases. Every day, teeth begin to react less and less to hot drinks and food. It is noted that after just a couple of uses, the pain that occurs when consuming irritating products disappears completely.

It is also indicated that Lacalut Extra Sensitive cleanses teeth perfectly. After using the paste for a long time, the mouth remains feeling clean. In addition, many noticed a slight whitening effect, which indicates a truly professional removal of plaque and yellowness from the enamel.

“Lakalut Sensitive” also has a positive effect on the gums. Consumers say that after just a few brushings, their gums stop swelling and bleeding. This, in turn, is the prevention of cervical caries and the appearance of tartar.

Many people consider toothpaste to be economical. A very small amount of product is needed for one application, so the packaging lasts for a long period of time. The paste also freshens breath well and has a pleasant aroma and taste.

What to do if you have tooth sensitivity

Increased sensitivity has its own name in dentistry - hyperesthesia. In order to get rid of the problem, you need to find out the cause of its occurrence. Until the cause is determined (only a doctor can identify it), it is recommended to exclude acidic foods from the diet:

  • lemon;
  • marinades including vinegar;
  • green apples;
  • champagne.

At the same time, you should not eat sweets, as sugars contribute to the destruction of enamel. After each meal, it is necessary to remove food debris from the mouth by rinsing. It is recommended to order a special Lacalut dental rinse for this.

Doctors remind us that sensitivity is primarily affected by the lack of proper hygiene. The accumulation of food between the teeth and a constantly acidic environment contribute to the erosion of the enamel and its thinning. Against this background, it not only becomes painful to drink hot drinks and eat ice cream, but also significantly increases the risk of caries, which can easily be caused by pulpitis.

Other reasons for increased sensitivity are:

  • mechanical damage to the enamel as a result of the wrong choice of toothbrush (with high-stiffness bristles), abuse of whitening pastes containing hard microparticles, erosion);
  • progressive periodontitis, exposing the root of the tooth and its neck;
  • disorders of the nervous system and diseases of the endocrine system that disrupt metabolic processes in the body, as a result of which calcium and other nutrients cannot be absorbed.
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