Tartar - how to remove, causes and prevention

When the compound described above interacts with the salts that make up saliva, its mineralization occurs—hardening. At the exit we get tartar.

Why does this happen? All paths converge to one reason - poor oral care. Skipping a daily mandatory procedure, brushing too quickly and inattentively, not having dental floss and mouthwash on hand, overusing products with coloring pigments and smoking - and plaque, and a little later, tartar is ready!

Sea Fresh

Tartar paste “Sea Freshness” was created by manufacturers based on salts and minerals of the Dead Sea. The blue-green algae and aloe vera extract it contains help to effectively dissolve deposits, and calendula, echinacea, grapefruit seed extract and other extracts of medicinal plants will help strengthen the gums and relieve inflammation that accompanies the formation of tartar. Systematic use of Sea Fresh paste helps protect teeth and gums from plaque formation, caries, and bad breath.

What types of formations are there?

Is it possible to remove tartar ? It all depends on its type. Hardened dental plaque contains organic and inorganic components. About thirty percent of the components are organic: microorganisms, protein, etc., and inorganic components include calcium salt.

Hard plaque is classified according to where it accumulates. Separate the stones:

  1. Above the gums. They can be noticed when smiling; the shade of such plaque is dark or yellow. Removed quickly.
  2. Under the gums. They form under the gum and are therefore difficult to notice with the naked eye. The tooth looks completely healthy.

As a rule, such formations can be seen if you look at the gums - hard plaque makes them turn blue, swelling and bleeding appear. Stone in the space between the gum and tooth root can cause minor local suppuration.

Noticeable hardening signals a lack of hygiene, and subgingival formations are associated with a disruption of the connection between bone formation and gums, which destroys all tissues. Formations under the gum can only be detected by a dentist using special instruments. Finding them and removing them is a very difficult task, which not every specialist can handle.

If you are wondering how much it costs to remove tartar , then the price depends on its type and the complexity of the procedure. The minimum price in the CIS is 20-30 dollars.


The uniqueness of Radonta toothpastes is that they are produced taking into account the needs of morning and evening teeth brushing. This is perhaps the only pasta that is available in morning and evening versions. Radont contains extracts of medicinal Tibetan plants that help monitor the condition of the oral cavity, removing pathogenic bacteria and plaque and thereby protecting teeth and gums from negative influences. Morning paste "Radonta" has an abrasive structure, which helps to better cleanse teeth and gums of plaque, whitening them. Evening has a gel structure, it is more gentle on teeth and gums, soothing them. The special formula prevents the formation of plaque, has a mild analgesic effect, and strengthens the vascular system of the patient’s gums.

Proper brushing of teeth to remove plaque

Bass technique has been developed to remove food debris from the gum area. It is performed according to the following algorithm:

  1. Apply paste to brush
  2. Rinse your mouth with water
  3. Position the brush parallel to the teeth
  4. Slightly tilt the brush approximately 45 degrees.
  5. Move the device without pressing
  6. Then move in a circle, trying to get the bristles between the teeth
  7. Go over the entire jaw 15-20 times
  8. Move in a circular motion along the side teeth
  9. Do not ignore your tongue; 80% of pollution accumulates on it.
  10. Remove plaque from tongue
  11. There are brushes with a rough or bumpy back wall, specially made for cleaning this organ.
  12. After the outer part is completed, it is necessary to move on to the back wall of the incisors and molars. To do this, the brush is placed vertically with its bristles.
  13. It is recommended to carry out the procedure near a mirror to see the correctness of your actions.

As you can see, problems in the oral cavity and teeth occur in most cases due to non-compliance with hygiene rules.

Residues of food and the accumulation of bacteria on them create a plaque that hardens over time and cannot be removed by regular cleaning.

This is not only an aesthetic defect, but also serves as the basis for the development of dangerous diseases.

Brushing your teeth twice a day and regular dental check-ups will help reduce the risk of formations.

Global White

"Global White" also has a whitening effect and is excellent for everyday use. It perfectly removes stains and plaque from the enamel surface without injuring or scratching the enamel itself. Systematic use of Global White will not only help get rid of plaque, but also prevent the formation of stone. The silica granules included in the composition gently polish the teeth, making them white and shiny. In addition, this paste contains pyrophosphate and fluoride, strengthening the enamel.

It's all due to poor hygiene

Hard plaque is a special mineralized film that consists of many microbes. Poor daily brushing leads to their proliferation and promotes the growth of a soft, invisible film on the teeth. It, under the influence of microflora, begins to actively mineralize within fifteen hours.

Mineralization is completed after 7 days, and after 6 months full-fledged stones appear on the bone formations. The outer protective shell of the coronal part of the tooth, which is overgrown with plaque, begins to darken, but this is not the only negative aspect: hardened plaque (dental deposits) is the main infectious center and becomes the basis for the appearance of a number of diseases, which cause many troubles, including tooth loss.

Thus, cleaning hardened plaque is not only a hygienic aspect. This procedure can be called tooth-preserving, and competent treatment at the dentist is rarely complete without it. Before: replacing a lost or irreversibly damaged tooth with an artificial implant; installation of orthodontic braces; whitening or other procedures, the specialist carefully removes the stones so that the procedure leads to a positive result.



Sensitive toothpaste, intended for sensitive teeth, not only perfectly removes pathogenic bacteria and cleanses the oral cavity of plaque, but also protects teeth from the formation of tartar. Systematic use of this paste helps reduce increased bleeding of the gums and stop the inflammatory process. The pure silver included in the composition has a pronounced antibacterial effect, which helps remove pathogenic bacteria and improve blood circulation in the gum tissue.

What is tartar

Tartar is a formation that is a keratinized plaque consisting of poorly removed food debris, calcium, phosphorus and iron salts covered with a biofilm of dead bacteria.

You can find fossilized food deposits over the entire surface of the dentition, but most often the concentration is on the lower incisors, closer to the gums and on the sides.

Please note that tartar can penetrate the back wall and inside the gums. It is usually found in hard-to-reach places where it is impossible to remove food debris with a toothbrush.


Toothpaste with silver “Silver” not only protects teeth from the formation of plaque and tartar, but also helps protect the oral cavity from pathogenic bacteria. If you brush your teeth daily with Silver toothpaste, they become whiter and brighter, and bad breath disappears forever. It is especially effective and indicated for those who like to drink tea, coffee and other coloring drinks that leave unaesthetic stains on the surface of the enamel. The silver contained in the product helps fight pathogenic bacteria, aloe vera extract has soothing properties and helps relieve inflammation in the gums, mint gives a pleasant fresh taste and smell.

What is the secret of toothpaste

Toothpaste for removing stones on teeth and hard deposits must have a special composition. Namely, it should contain an increased concentration of abrasives. Usually on the packaging this parameter is marked with the letters RDA, and this abbreviation means titanium dioxide, calcium carbonate or silicon dioxide. The higher the indicator, the more effectively this product (at least that’s what the manufacturers claim) will clean the enamel. In addition, the composition will help fight enamel pigmentation, i.e. will give a brightening effect.

In pursuit of a beautiful smile, many people forget about safety rules and regulations. They use anti-plaque toothpaste uncontrollably. For example, they increase the number of cleansing procedures to 3 or more times a day. Or they use similar compositions for more than a month, on an ongoing basis. But this is absolutely forbidden. The enamel will not become whiter or cleaner, the hard stone will not dissolve, but you will damage the enamel, violate its integrity (microcracks will appear) and strength, making it sensitive and thin!

In fact, only ultrasound can help deal with such an unpleasant phenomenon as hard mineralized tartar. Toothpastes, no matter how high-quality they are, will only cope with soft deposits. But the miracles of advertising make people believe that miracle compounds today are capable of anything.

How to choose the right toothpaste?

“If the patient does not want to experience enamel abrasion at a very young age, then in principle I do not advise him to never use a paste with an abrasiveness index above 120 RDA. But if you really believe in a miracle and want to, then no more than twice a week maximum and no longer than a month as a preventive measure. For people with sensitive enamel, the threshold is generally 25 RDA. For children, there can be no talk of any abrasives at all; all this is very dangerous both for teeth and for health in general,” notes dental hygienist V.N. Kashaeva.

Well, the editors of the portal decided to consider the TOP best toothpastes for stones, which, according to user reviews and the opinion of dentists, cope with this task a little better than others.

New Pearl

New Pearl toothpaste helps to cope with all the main dangers that threaten enamel. It effectively protects against caries, helps avoid inflammation and bleeding of the gums, prevents the formation of tartar, fights increased tooth sensitivity, eliminates bad breath, and gently whitens the enamel, removing stains from its surface. “New Pearl” is a series of toothpastes that is ideal for the whole family. Anti-caries products will perfectly and reliably protect your teeth from bacteria that cause caries. Complex paste contains fluoride and calcium, which helps strengthen tooth enamel. Whitening pastes “New Pearl” will carefully remove all deposits from the surface of tooth enamel without damaging the enamel itself. “New Pearl” effectively removes stone from the enamel surface and prevents its re-formation.

"Liquum-gel" from SPLAT

The manufacturer is very careful about this toothpaste. He emphasizes that it works against tartar, i.e. prevents its formation due to natural papaya derivatives and a high-molecular polishing system.

It turns out that if you already have hard dental deposits, then it will not remove them, but if you had professional hygiene at the dentist, and now you are maintaining the result, then it will help in this difficult task and will cope with its mission with a bang. Studies have also proven that within four weeks of use, the composition can lighten the enamel by one shade, which is also very pleasant. Plus, due to bioactive calcium, the enamel will strengthen and its sensitivity will decrease. The asking price is from 155 rubles2.


Jason toothpastes appeared on the modern dental market relatively recently, but immediately won the sympathy of both dentists and patients. They are completely harmless to your teeth, but at the same time they perform many positive functions. First of all, Jason is an excellent preventative against caries, protecting your teeth from pathogenic bacteria. Also, this line of toothpastes perfectly cleanses and polishes the surface of teeth, carefully removing plaque and other deposits. Jason contains no preservatives, so they do not have a negative effect on the microflora of the oral cavity. The fluorides included in the product destroy pathogenic bacteria and strengthen the enamel. Perilla extract prevents dental plaque from firmly attaching to the enamel surface. That is why Jason pastes are considered one of the most effective means of combating stone and other deposits.

Removing stones at home

Today you can read various recipes online, following which, it seems, you can cleanse your teeth of unwanted formations without the help of a specialist. In addition to the fact that they will not bring the desired effect, such methods can additionally injure the teeth and cause additional harm to them. The use of soda or mineralized salt is not considered the best folk remedies. Cleaning teeth from stones is the task of professionals in their field. The only thing you can do is to follow preventive measures and prevent stones from appearing.

Royal Denta Silver

Royal Denta Silver toothpaste is very popular among customers, as it provides an excellent therapeutic effect thanks to the silver and gold ions included in the product. Systematic use of toothpaste allows you to quickly restore the natural whiteness of teeth, remove tea and coffee stains, as well as various deposits from the enamel surface. A pleasant bonus from the systematic use of “Royal Denta Silver” is the removal of bad breath.

Medical Internet conferences

Relevance. According to official WHO statistics, 60-90% of school-age children and almost 100% of adults have dental caries, and inflammatory diseases of periodontal tissue are found in 15-20% of middle-aged people (35-44 years) [2]. An important and mandatory component of the prevention of these diseases is professional oral hygiene. One of the stages of professional cleaning is the removal of pigmented and soft plaque, the formation of which is facilitated by modern nutrition, lifestyle (frequent consumption of coffee and tea, smoking and eating food that does not require intensive chewing) and neglect of individual oral hygiene. Therefore, to select effective abrasive pastes, it is necessary to know the main characteristics of the components included in their composition.

Purpose: comparison of special pastes for professional dental hygiene in terms of composition and abrasiveness.

Objectives: 1) study the composition of various abrasive pastes for professional hygiene, their abrasiveness, indications for use;

2) conduct a comparative assessment of abrasive pastes for professional hygiene.

Materials and methods. In the process of work, the content of dental journals was studied, an analysis of domestic and foreign articles, as well as various websites and brochures was carried out.

Results and discussion. Recently, much attention has been paid in dentistry to the study of plaque on teeth in both adults and children. It has been proven that soft plaque plays a significant role in the development of dental caries and some periodontal diseases [5]. Therefore, professional oral hygiene is an integral stage in the work of a dentist. An ideal abrasive paste should combine a high degree of cleaning with simultaneous polishing (smoothing the surface of enamel and dentin). In the process of removing plaque with abrasive pastes, the enamel is polished, resulting in the ideal smoothness of the treated surface, which further reduces the risk of tartar formation and plaque retention [3]. However, it should be remembered that removing plaque with abrasive pastes, if used incorrectly and if the paste is selected incorrectly, can lead to damage to the enamel, the appearance of roughness and cracks on its surface.

The speed of abrasion and polishing is determined by the following factors: speed, pressure, amount of paste applied, shape of abrasive particles, size and hardness of abrasive particles [1]. The effectiveness of the abrasive paste generally depends on the last three factors. The speed and pressure are monitored by a physician and should be kept to a minimum. The shape of the abrasive particles also affects the rate of abrasion. Round or oval-shaped particles abrade more slowly than sharp, irregularly shaped abrasive particles. An important indicator is the RDA indicator - radioactively measured dentin abrasiveness [8]. The lower the RDA number, the lower the abrasiveness. The higher this number, the higher the abrasiveness [7]. The hardness of an abrasive agent is determined by the Mohs hardness scale. To prevent damage to the enamel, while at the same time achieving effective cleaning, the hardness value of the abrasive agent must be less than or equal to the Mohs value of the surface being cleaned. For effective polishing, the abrasive must be equal to or 1-2 units higher on the Mohs scale than the enamel [6].

Abrasive paste based on perlite

The paste is intended for both cleaning and polishing procedures and is available with and without fluorine. Unlike traditional professional dental pastes containing pumice, one of the components of the paste is perlite, which is a natural volcanic glass. Perlite particles have the shape of flat plates; initially they act as an abrasive and clean the surface of the teeth [10]. A few seconds after application, under slight pressure, the perlite particles disintegrate and their edges become more rounded. Thus, 7 seconds after the start of use, the cleaning paste turns into a polishing paste [9]. Therefore, there is no need to first use a highly abrasive paste to remove plaque, and then another paste to polish the surface of the teeth. The rapid change in the shape of the paste particles significantly reduces the risk of excessive abrasion of the surface of hard tooth tissues (average RDA value is 169). A toothpaste containing fluoride helps prevent tooth decay.

Silicon dioxide abrasive paste

The paste contains silicon dioxide as an abrasive and has a purely mechanical abrasive effect, which allows you to remove dental plaque without damaging the enamel. Indications: finishing treatment after removal of dental plaque; removing tobacco and food stains; polishing fillings. Cautions: Risk of allergy to formaldehyde. The average RDA is 150. Available without fluoride.

Abrasive paste based on zirconium

The abrasive paste contains crushed zircon, silica and plant essences. The paste has an abrasive effect, which is explained by the special structure of the zircon grains it contains. Under a microscope, these grains are visible in the form of flat scrapers, the surface of which is divided by sharp partitions of great strength. When this powder is ground on an uneven surface, it is these sharp partitions that eliminate roughness. Thanks to this property of crushed zircon, the abrasive paste removes tartar without damaging the enamel [4]. The essences included in the composition give a feeling of freshness; in addition, the essences have a slight anti-inflammatory effect, so they easily relieve irritation that may appear after removing tartar. Indications: removal of tartar (indicated for smokers, as well as patients with lithiasis); for polishing filled teeth. The average RDA is 200.

Silicon oxide abrasive paste

Contains silicon oxide as an abrasive. Indications: treatment of enamel before restoration or teeth whitening, before sealing fissures; removal of soft plaque. Average RDA 130.

Pumice-based abrasive paste

Ingredients: water, pumice, glycerin, xylitol, sorbitol, sodium aminofluoride, dye and fragrance. They differ in composition and abrasiveness (coarse, medium and fine). The preventive effect is provided by the addition of aminofluoride and xylitol. The RDA value ranges from 7 to 83.

Aluminum hydroxide abrasive paste

Pastes containing aluminum hydroxide are available in varying degrees of abrasiveness and may contain fluorine compounds. Pastes differ in RDA values: RDA 250 (blue stripe) - for removing dense plaque, rough processing, RDA 170 (green stripe) - for removing dense plaque, RDA 120 (red stripe) - fine paste for removing light plaque, RDA 40 ( yellow stripe) is an extra-soft paste for final polishing of teeth and fillings.

Titanium dioxide based abrasive paste

The paste contains titanium dioxide, sodium silicate, as well as NovaMin - calcium and sodium phosphosilicate. The paste is intended for professional cleaning and polishing of teeth before and after scaling and root planing procedures, which are part of preventive treatment performed by a specialist. In addition, desensitization of the tooth and closure of the dentinal tubules is ensured due to the release of calcium and phosphorus, the precipitation of calcium phosphate on the surface of the dentin, followed by the construction of a new hydroxyapatite-like structure on the surface of the exposed dentin and in the dentinal tubules. RDA value 311.

Highly abrasive pastes are suitable for professional teeth cleaning for patients with dense plaque and pigmentation. The advantage of pastes containing perlite particles is the ability to simultaneously use both teeth cleaning and polishing, without wasting time replacing highly abrasive plaque removal paste with polishing paste.

Conclusions: 1) composition of abrasive pastes: water (solvent), abrasive filler, preservatives, binding agents, fragrances, dyes, flavoring agents, active agents (F). They differ in the abrasive component and the abrasiveness value.

2) the composition of abrasive pastes, the characteristics of the abrasive component included in their composition, as well as the abrasiveness value of the pastes significantly influence the result and optimize the process of mechanical cleaning of the surface of the teeth. Based on the analysis data, perlite-based paste can be considered a universal and effective abrasive paste for professional teeth cleaning.

Dabur "Carnation"

The peculiarity of Dabur-Gvozdika toothpaste is that it is a completely natural product that does not contain dyes or preservatives. It contains extracts of medicinal plants that help to gently and carefully clean and protect your teeth. Neutralization of pathogenic bacteria helps to normalize the microflora of the oral cavity; the presence of natural anti-inflammatory drugs helps to cope with inflammatory processes in the gum tissue. This paste is suitable for the whole family, including babies, since it does not contain chemical ingredients that could harm the health of your baby. The cloves included in the composition are an effective local anesthetic, which helps relieve pain in teeth and gums during hygiene procedures.

Types of Tartar

Fossils on enamel come in different types depending on location. So they distinguish:

  • supragingival stones – formed on the first molars (lateral) and front or lower teeth;
  • subgingival - hard areas that penetrate soft tissue;
  • stone bridge – covering the main and adjacent teeth.


Detarthrin toothpaste is intended specifically for removing tartar from the surface of the patient’s teeth. It contains crushed zircon, which is an excellent abrasive that cleans the surface of teeth from deposits without damaging the enamel. Zircon plates, resembling scrapers, very carefully and carefully scrape tartar and other deposits from the surface of the teeth. Essential oils, which are included in the paste, freshen breath, cool gums, and give a feeling of freshness and cleanliness for a long time.

Indications for the use of Detarthrin toothpaste are the need to remove stains from tea, coffee or tobacco, polishing composite fillings, and treating teeth after tartar removal. Most often, Detarthrin paste is used by dentists for professional teeth cleaning.

Blend-a-med PRO-EXPERT for deep gentle cleaning

The paste is positioned as a product for deep gentle cleaning of enamel. Thanks to tin fluoride and phosphates, you can use it to cope with soft plaque and prevent the growth of tartar, as well as lighten the enamel to several tones. And the price of the issue is not so high compared to competitors, you can keep it under 150 rubles.

Additional selection criteria

  • Expiration dates are a less serious, but important nuance. Always check the manufacturing date and expiration date; you may not be poisoned by expired toothpaste, but its effectiveness will be reduced.
  • RDA value - this value indicates the amount of abrasive materials in the paste. The higher this indicator, the more thoroughly it cleans the tooth surface, but also damages the enamel layer. If you are not buying a special whitening paste, make sure that this indicator does not exceed 100 for an adult toothpaste and 50 for a child’s toothpaste.

Terms of use

It is very important to carefully clean hard-to-reach areas and the furthest places of the mouth.

Cleaning tooth enamel should be done twice a day. A thin layer of paste should be applied to the brush.

Using the correct pattern of movements (smooth without strong pressure), the surface of the tooth enamel is carefully processed.

It is very important to carefully clean hard-to-reach areas and the furthest places of the mouth.

When using a cleanser that contains an abrasive substance, it is necessary to avoid pressing the brush on the enamel when cleaning.

This will protect the surface from scratches and damage. For daily cleaning of the oral cavity, you will need a brush of medium hardness.

Step-by-step instructions for brushing your teeth

Customer Reviews

Veronica: I often buy Dabur paste.
I like its smell and am attracted by the presence of natural ingredients in the composition. For me, the last quality is the most important, since not only my husband and I use the paste, but also our kids. Svetlana:
I've tried a lot of cleansers to clean my teeth. When tartar developed, the dentist advised me to use Albadent. And indeed, it saved me from an unpleasant problem and gave me fresh breath throughout the day. I am very pleased with my choice and now I only buy Albadent.

Angelina: I really like using Detartrin paste. I am satisfied with almost everything about it - composition, price, health safety. The paste clears plaque on enamel, strengthens my gums and eliminates the problem of bleeding gums.

How quickly does a stone form?

The rate of stone formation varies from person to person and depends on hygiene skills and factors contributing to stone formation. In the absence of brushing your teeth, within a few hours after eating, a thick film of a huge number of bacteria feasting and multiplying on food debris forms on the surface of the tooth. After a week, the film thickens due to mineralization processes. On average, it takes about 4–6 months to form a dense stone. Therefore, a preventive examination by a dentist is necessary at least once every six months.

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