Silver spoon for the first tooth: what is the meaning of the long-standing tradition and is there any benefit?

Is a silver spoon suitable for a baby's first feeding? This is a question that concerns some mothers. Especially those who are raising their first baby. Should we believe the grandmothers who give us a silver spoon “for the first tooth?” Let's figure it out.

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Among folk traditions, a special place is occupied by those associated with children and different stages of their development. Such stable signs include the first spoon for a baby, which is usually given as a gift for the first tooth. The tradition has been preserved, but, as often happens, no one remembers why and why it appeared, or whether it makes sense in our changed world.

Who gives a silver spoon for a baby's first tooth?

Now anyone can give a silver spoon to a baby. And earlier, when the tradition was strictly observed, only godparents could present such a gift. In rare cases, this could be the mother, since she is the first to notice the erupted tooth.

Nowadays, the custom of choosing godparents and the rite of baptism itself is often neglected, considering it unnecessary. Therefore, anyone can give the child the first spoon at the parents’ choice - themselves, grandparents, close relatives and even family friends. Today this is not so important, the main thing is that the gift is given with love and from the heart.

Who should give?

Previously, certain people had the right to give a silver spoon to a child. Today, folk traditions are not adhered to so strictly. This type of cutlery is presented by family, friends and acquaintances.

According to the rules, a silver spoon is given to the baby by the godfather and mother for baptism. When the first tooth appears, such a thing is given by the person who first noticed the eruption.

It happens that the baby is presented with silver cutlery on the day of discharge from the maternity hospital. Usually such a gift is given by grandparents.

If there is a silver spoon in the family, which is inherited, then the mother and father give it to the child.

Benefits of a silver spoon for a newborn

Silver is not only a noble and precious metal, but also useful. Its properties to destroy germs and bacteria and disinfect water have attracted people since ancient times. For this, the metal was credited with healing powers and a magical effect on the human body and soul.

Therefore, for a newborn, a gift in the form of a spoon became not just the first expensive product, but also the first necessary and useful thing. During the teething process, parents begin to feed the baby, and it is much safer to do this with a silver spoon. Silver destroys most harmful bacteria and has an antiseptic effect.

From a medical point of view

Silver dishes are not only attractive in appearance, but also beneficial for health. Modern medicine has long proven the fact that silver ions destroy pathogenic microorganisms. Silver has disinfecting properties, and its effectiveness is many times greater than the popular but unsafe chlorine and lime.

Among folk recipes, the use of “silver water” is very popular. It is obtained by soaking silver items in water for many hours. The liquid is used to prevent colds, improve general condition and strengthen the immune system.

Silver spoon for christening

A silver teaspoon given to a child for christening symbolizes the wish for a prosperous and smooth life, health and longevity. On the handles of such spoons, as a rule, church symbols, the faces of the Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ or the saint in whose honor the child was christened, are depicted. Family incest is a delicate matter.

The history of this tradition goes back to the moment when the wise men came to the newborn Jesus Christ with gifts. Thus, from the moment of baptism, the baby is introduced to the sacraments of the church.

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Why do people give a silver spoon at christenings?

According to tradition, it is placed in the crib of a baptized child. Such a spoon is considered a protective amulet against the evil eye and protection against dark forces. In addition, our ancestors believed that a product made of noble metal would attract good luck, happiness and health to the child.

Who gives a silver spoon to a child at christening?

The spoon is given by godparents - those people who are responsible for the spiritual upbringing of the child. Moreover, the girl was given a spoon by her godmother, and the boy by his godfather.

The tradition of giving silver spoons now elegantly combines practicality and religious mysticism. This gift is not only a talisman, but also a good investment: vintage and antique silver spoons have considerable value.

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Why do they give a silver spoon for christenings and for the first tooth?

Thus, a spoon for the first tooth is given to the baby for happiness, good luck and health. It is believed that if you tap such a product on an emerging tooth, further eruption will be quick and painless.

It is also customary to give a silver spoon for discharge from the hospital, christening, or birthday. There are many reasons for such a present. It is important to buy high-quality products that are safe for children. To do this, you should contact trusted stores and know the criteria for choosing such a product.

Why is it customary to give a silver spoon?

A spoon as a gift is a sign of care for a newborn baby. And it doesn’t matter at all what holiday it will be presented for. Of course, it is better to give it as a gift for a christening or the first tooth - then there is not just an element of a beautiful gesture, but also a great benefit for the baby.

What motivates people who give a newborn a silver spoon?

  • Practicality considerations. Everyone loves to receive gifts that are not only beautiful, but also practical, which can not only be hung on the wall, but also, as they say, “to cover a hole in the wallpaper.”
  • Benefit. Everyone knows that silver is a metal that our ancestors used to purify water.
  • A good omen. There is a popular superstition that giving a spoon means attracting good luck.
  • A strong amulet. Also refers to superstitions.
  • Tradition. Many people don’t even think about why they should give a spoon. It’s just the way it should be and that’s it!

Let's figure out what the real benefit of such a gift is from a life, practical point of view and, of course, how the Church actually relates to such a gift.

Practical meaning and application

Silver is an unusual metal. Its unique properties have been known for a long time. For our ancestors, this was the only opportunity to disinfect the water you drink. After all, silver is capable of destroying bacteria, so a silver object was often dipped into water and thus made it safe.

Properties of silver:

  • destruction of pathogenic microorganisms (silver solutions are often used to gargle, wash the nose, and wipe wounds);
  • protection against intestinal infections (often used to disinfect the oral cavity, for example, in toothpastes and rinses, and also used in sorbents and suspensions to restore water balance;
  • improves the taste of water.

When a baby begins to explore the world, he often puts all sorts of objects into his mouth. The problem is especially aggravated when teething, then it is almost impossible to control the child, especially since he begins to crawl and roll over. You can give your baby a silver spoon, and he will “scratch” his gums on it (you need to be careful and not move away from the baby to avoid injury). At the same time, all microbes collected in the oral cavity will be affected by silver ions and eliminated.

Starting from six months, the question of a silver spoon becomes even more practical. It is from this time that the little person begins to be introduced to complementary foods and needs his own personal spoon. Silver is ideal for the reasons stated above.

Thus, a silver spoon, as a gift for a newborn, has positive and practical properties:

  • harmless when licked or bitten;
  • disinfects, “kills” pathogenic microbes;
  • frees parents from the need to choose the first spoon for the baby;
  • teaches the child to be independent, because this spoon will be convenient for learning to eat by himself;
  • is the first investment for a child.

So, from a material point of view, a silver spoon is a symbol of caring for the baby’s health. How does the Church view this gift?

Ecclesiastical meaning and application

Let us repeat that the Church does not oppose and even approves of a gift in the form of a silver spoon for christening. However, it reminds us that it is sinful to worship any thing or endow it with magical properties. A spoon is just a spoon. If a prayer or the face of a saint is carved on it, this does not mean that the child is protected from all troubles. From infancy, faith and love for God should be instilled; only these forces can protect in difficult times and save from trouble. A silver spoon can become a symbol of faith only if there is such faith. Of course, engraving with holy words or a patron icon on the handle helps to show the child’s interest in the Saints, their deeds and prayers, which should be encouraged in every possible way. This is how the moral and spiritual side of the personality develops.

Such a spoon can become a good symbol of faith for a child - every time he looks at it and remembers his God and the need to pray.

If you raise a child correctly, then his faith will nourish the silver spoon from an early age, and it will bring positive energy to the owner. Of course, such an accessory cannot become close to a person, such as a ring or an icon, but there is nothing superfluous in life if it reminds one of the Lord.

Thus, the Church has a positive attitude towards the tradition of giving a silver spoon at baptism, but reminds that endowing an object with any magical properties is superstition, and superstition is a sin!

Types of spoons for godchildren

You can now find a huge number of silver spoons for baptism or for the first tooth. The variety makes your eyes wide open and it is very difficult to choose something specific right away. To make your choice easier, we will tell you what types there are and their differences.

So, firstly, the product differs in weight and size - you can roughly find:

  • small spoons (they play the role of a souvenir and do not exceed 6-8 cm in length; you won’t be able to eat with such a spoon);
  • medium, coffee spoons (their weight ranges from 11 to 19 g, this type is also more decorative than practical);
  • standard teaspoon size (weight more than 23-25 ​​cm, ideal for starting complementary feeding);
  • large spoons corresponding to a dessert spoon (weight more than 35 g, suitable for older people, can be considered as an option, but keep in mind that they will be heavy for a child; this can be given to an adult who has decided to be baptized).

Perhaps the most important thing is to decide on this criterion, which directly depends on the purpose of your gift - decorative or practical. After that, you can think about other characteristics.

Images of the faces of saints and other religious subjects

If you are a respectable Christian, then, of course, you will be attracted to silver spoons, the handles of which depict various Christian subjects. As a matter of fact, it is precisely the presence of symbolism that distinguishes ordinary silver spoons from those that are customary as gifts for baptism. As a rule, any subjects are depicted either by skillful embossing on silver, or by using enamel (enamel is allowed, provided that it is on the handle of a spoon - parents simply will not give it to the baby until they are sure that he understands where to bite it is forbidden).

On the spoon there can be the faces of patron saints (it’s usually not difficult to choose by name, but you need to use not the worldly, but what is given at Baptism), the Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ, scenes from the Bible, Angels, Apostles. From the simpler, but no less significant and beautiful - angels, Christian crosses, Christianity, bells, cathedrals and churches.

Decorations and engravings

The Church does not prohibit decorating silver spoons with any Christian designs. He even welcomes you, because the child will look at beautiful drawings and faces with his own eyes and cultivate respect for faith.

To prevent the spoons from seeming too serious, you can decorate them with skillful carvings, all sorts of decorations (flowers, birds of paradise, butterflies) and simply beautiful monograms. But you should give up inlaying with stones - no matter how hard the craftsmen strengthen the stone, children run the risk of simply picking it out.

You can also purchase a spoon without any decorations, or with minimal inclusions. But this spoon is more suitable for adults than for children.

Engraving is not prohibited. It is recommended to include the child's name and/or a simple prayer. Let the first words that the baby consciously sees be words of appeal to God.

For boys

Boys are dynamic and active; they cannot sit still. You should not give them spoons with complex, intricate patterns. It is better to choose something simple, without pretentiousness. A simple coinage in the form of an icon, a patron saint or a cross is the best option that is suitable for boys. Another interesting point: boys are more picky than girls. Therefore, you should not choose options for them in which the design is located on the concave part of the spoon - they may simply refuse to eat with it!

For girls

Girls love more detailed drawings; they can spend hours looking at a story from the Bible, or a delicate, skillful engraving. More monograms, birds, butterflies, hearts - this is what a grown-up baby will like. An option with a beautifully engraved name is a win-win for children of both sexes. Writing a name makes the item more personal and special, which kids love.

Important! If you are timing your gift to coincide with the Sacrament of Baptism, then it is still better to choose more traditional, canonical subjects and Orthodox saints. For the first tooth, you can move away from the topic and choose a more frivolous gift.

How to choose the right silver spoon?

In jewelry and church shops the selection of silver spoons is quite large. A coffee spoon no larger than 13 cm can be used as a device for introducing the baby's first complementary foods. A teaspoon size spoon is used when the baby grows a little and begins to eat on his own. The size of such a product should be up to 16 cm.

Having decided on the size, you need to pay attention to the quality of the product. Children's spoons should be well polished and free of sharp edges and protruding decorative parts. You need to choose them from trusted manufacturers. Quality must be confirmed by a certificate and seal.


Silver has certain properties - it darkens and tarnishes when it comes into contact with food, water and even air. Therefore, in order to return the product to its brilliant and festive appearance, you need to periodically perform simple manipulations:

  1. When cleaning, forget about using various sponges, brushes and other objects that can scratch the surface of the spoon. Washing and wiping it is allowed only with soft cloths and gentle products.
  2. For clarification, use a soda solution. Take a liter of clean water for 1 tablespoon of baking soda and boil the product in it for several minutes. To enhance the effect, you can add regular dishwashing detergent or salt to the liquid.
  3. Keep a clean spoon in a dry place.

Caring for a silver spoon

As with any other silverware, a dark coating may appear on the spoon. The process is accelerated by regular contact with juices and food. You can clean it with a special solution or cloth. They are purchased at jewelry stores. If the product has gilding or enamel, then it is better to rub it with a soft cloth without aggressive agents.

Store a silver spoon separately from stainless steel cutlery. Steel is harder than silver and may scratch the product. It is better to keep the spoon in a special case with soft padding inside. After each use, the product is cleaned and wiped dry.

Silver spoon for the first tooth

According to the signs of our ancestors, with a silver spoon given as a gift “for the first tooth,” you need to lightly tap the first tooth that has erupted. Then all the rest will erupt easily and painlessly for the baby.

Why do people give a silver spoon for their first tooth?

It is not known for certain where this tradition came from. Most likely, it is based on two facts:

  1. Silver ions have bactericidal properties. That’s why wealthy people used to eat and drink from dishes made of silver—after all, it killed pathogenic microbes and disinfected water, thereby reducing the risk of infectious diseases. This is especially important for a baby - to protect him from disease.
  2. Silver is a fairly soft decorative metal. Products made from it not only look beautiful, but their fairly soft structure will not harm the baby, even if he chews this spoon and plays with it.

Attention: if you plan to use a silver spoon as a cutlery and not as a souvenir, you must request a hygiene certificate for the product from the seller.

Who gives a spoon for the first tooth?

Previously, this was done exclusively by godparents. However, now “for the first tooth” the spoon is given by the one who first noticed it in the baby’s mouth. Also, such a gift to a child can be given by any person related to the child - uncle, aunt, grandmother, grandfather or family friends. And even the baby’s parents themselves.

Final points

A silver spoon, presented on the first tooth, becomes not only a useful cutlery, but also a talisman.
An item that is given with good thoughts and charged with positive emotions will protect the child and symbolize a prosperous life. The first feeding is very important for the development of the child and is a whole event in the life of the baby. It is necessary to take care of the baby’s safety and do everything to ensure that the process is successful. The material of the first dishes and cutlery is also important. If silver is used, an additional barrier is created against the development of pathogenic bacteria in food and in the baby’s mouth.

What you should definitely pay attention to when buying a children's silver spoon

  1. Hygienic certificate.
    Be sure to check the availability of a hygiene certificate for the selected silver spoon. Otherwise, this spoon is a souvenir silver spoon and its use for a child to eat can simply be dangerous for his health. When obtaining a hygienic certificate, requirements apply not only to the alloy from which the silver spoon is made, but also to the production process and premises.
  2. Silver sample.

    Even the presence of the sample itself on a silver spoon already speaks of its noble origin. You should know that the sample value shows what percentage of silver is in the alloy from which the silver spoon is made. For example, 925 silver contains at least 92.5% silver and no more than 7.5% something else(?). The higher the grade, the slower your silver spoon will darken, but the easier it will be to break.

  3. Silver alloy composition.

    The composition of the alloy from which the silver spoon is made, and what chemicals were used in its manufacture. You will not find out this in a store; such information can only be obtained from the manufacturer of the silver spoon. When making silver spoons, Skoblinsky's Workshops use 999 standard silver in bullion from the Bank of the Russian Federation and oxygen-free edible copper. Accordingly, no less than 92.5% silver and no more than 7.5% copper. Souvenir silver spoons are most often allowed to be used only for dry bulk items, and this is probably no coincidence.

  4. What is the spoon scoop covered with?

    What is covered with the part of the spoon that you will place in your child’s mouth? After all, to prevent products made from low-grade silver from tarnishing longer, they are usually covered with protective coatings. The safest way is electroplating with pure 999 silver, that is, without violating the beneficial properties of silver. But there are useless decorative and even harmful coatings.

    • Gilding (gilding). Applying a thin layer of gold. Beautiful? But the beneficial properties of silver are lost.
    • Blackening and enamels. Applying original ornaments to souvenir products. Beautiful!

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