Sunflower seeds - good for mood and bad for teeth

The main task of enamel, the hardest tissue in the human body, is to protect the crown of the tooth from negative influences. Cigarettes, soda, caramel are just a small part of what disrupts the alkaline balance of the oral cavity and harms the enamel.

The destruction of enamel is accompanied by the leaching of minerals and trace elements, which is reflected in the appearance of the tooth: microcracks form, the shade or even color of the tooth changes. At the same time, sensitivity increases: teeth react painfully to cold, hot, spicy, salty.

In severely advanced cases, there is a threat of tooth destruction due to the formation of caries.

Until recently, it was believed that dental health depended primarily on heredity. However, recent studies by foreign scientists have shown that a healthy lifestyle, in which a person monitors diet, physical activity and habits, can change the “genetic code” and reverse the trend of frequent visits to the dental office.

Antistress from a bag

What is the reason for such ardent love? Psychologists explain this phenomenon this way: peeling seeds has a calming effect. In a stressful state, the monotonous chewing of shells plunges a person into a state akin to meditation - he relaxes and stops thinking about problems as something terrible. A handful of grains helps you calm down and regain control over your emotions. And since it is known that modern people face stress at every step, it becomes clear why the popularity of this product is so great.

A storehouse of useful substances

But the benefits of sunflower seeds don’t stop there. They contain many substances necessary for humans:

  • saturated fatty acids

    – reduce cholesterol;

  • B vitamins

    – improve skin condition, protect against depression;

  • vitamin A

    – good for vision, prevents skin aging;

  • vitamin E

    – supports heart health;

  • vitamin D

    – takes care of the skeletal system (sunflower kernels contain approximately the same amount of it as cod liver);

  • trace elements and minerals

    – magnesium necessary for the heart, zinc useful for immunity and appearance. And also selenium, phosphorus, silicon, copper and a number of others;

  • approximately 20% of the grain composition is protein

    . One glass of the product is enough to provide the body with half the daily requirement of proteins;

  • dietary fiber, or fiber (about 5%)

    - a necessary part of the diet. Stimulates peristalsis, causes a feeling of satiety, and prevents gastrointestinal diseases.

When buying vitamin complexes, many do not even realize that almost the entire list on the label of an expensive drug can be attributed to an ordinary bag of seeds.

Sunflower seeds are a means of preventing diseases of the cardiovascular system. Beneficial for the liver and biliary tract. (They activate the secretion of bile, so if gallstone disease has already been diagnosed, they are contraindicated).

Is it possible to gain weight from roasted seeds?

They can make you fat

Sunflower seeds may have health benefits. Nutritionist Tamara Pruntseva stated this in her interview for Sputnik radio. According to her, the seeds
contain a large amount of vitamin E, which is very necessary for healthy skin, hair and nails.

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Can seeds be dangerous?

Those who want to improve their health with delicious grains should be aware of the nuances of their path to store shelves.

  1. When buying a product in “factory” packaging, we do not know exactly how it was processed. Some manufacturers use diesel fuel to dry the sunflower crop, during the combustion of which the carcinogenic substance benzopyrene is formed. The longer the raw material is stored in the warehouse, the more benzopyrene settles on the grains. Closer to the new harvest, its quantity may exceed all norms, especially if the raw materials were initially wet - in the case of a rainy summer, for example. An indirect sign of the presence of non-opyrene is considered to be a greasy coating on the peel.
  2. When producing seeds on an industrial scale, it is possible to store the crop on asphalt sites. If the air temperature is above 30 degrees, harmful compounds evaporate from the asphalt and are absorbed into the product.
  3. Growing sunflowers is rarely possible without the use of phosphorus fertilizers containing cadmium. Its presence cannot be determined without special research - it does not affect the taste of the kernels. Small amounts are not harmful, but chronic consumption of foods rich in cadmium can cause kidney and bone problems. Cadmium accumulates in the body and is eliminated from it over decades.
  4. Grains may contain lead if the fields are located near roads.

These features cause sunflower seeds to be harmful to health. It is clear that it is caused by processes accompanying the industrial processing of raw materials. Sunflower grown in environmentally friendly places and processed without the use of toxic substances is absolutely safe.

The most beneficial for your health are grains that have not been subjected to heat treatment. The most that can be done with them without significant damage to their positive properties is to dry them in the sun. Once in a hot frying pan or in the oven, “rosy” fried sunflower seeds contain nothing but fiber and a huge amount of “empty” calories. If they are seasoned with salt, then the benefit to the body tends to zero.

Who should not become a “rodent”, or contraindications

If you have a history of stomach ulcers, colitis or enterocolitis, you should treat this delicacy with caution - it can aggravate the disease. Gout is also a contraindication, as is gallstone disease, as already mentioned.

When the shells are cracked, their fragments, similar to tiny slivers, enter the oral cavity. Such a “splinter” can seriously damage the mucous membrane and vocal cords. That is why singers and announcers do not allow themselves to “indulge” in unpeeled sunflower kernels.

What foods are harmful to teeth?


Sweet carbonated drinks are harmful to the body, especially to the teeth.

So-called soda and juice packages contain a lot of sugar, which not only destroys enamel, being a breeding ground for harmful bacteria, but also changes the chemical composition of saliva, saturating it with glucose, which also has an additional detrimental effect on dental health.

In addition, such drinks contain additives that can disrupt metabolic processes in the body.

Since sweets are harmful to teeth, you should not get carried away even with freshly squeezed natural juices, sweet fruits and berries. The fruit acids and glucose they contain can destroy tooth enamel.

Plain water will help prevent the negative effects of natural juice: just rinse your mouth with it.


Sweets can not only destroy a tooth, but also interfere with its natural restoration, because... The sugar they contain interferes with the absorption of calcium.

The only permitted sweet product can be dark chocolate, but only with a very high cocoa content. This chocolate can even prevent plaque because it contains antibacterial substances.

And if you really want to, please don’t forget to use dental floss after eating and rinse your mouth with water after eating.


This seemingly useful product, from the point of view of dental health, has a significant drawback - the viscosity of the product structure. This causes them to stick and get stuck in your teeth. Therefore, after eating dried fruits, you should not forget to use dental floss.


Coffee and other drinks containing caffeine dehydrate the body, interfere with absorption, and lead to vitamin and mineral deficiencies (including calcium). If you find it difficult to give up coffee, replace it with chicory.

Many people do not know that caffeine is found not only in coffee, but also in black and, especially, green tea. So if you like green tea (or black), try replacing it with herbal tea.


And again about sugar. It is found not only in sweets and sugar. Simple sugars are part of starch, which, among other things, consists of potatoes (which is why dishes made from them are so unhealthy), and high-grade white flour.

If you find it difficult to give up flour products, switch to products that include whole grain flour.


When drinking alcoholic drinks, try to dilute them with water, if possible, and then brush your teeth. In addition to the fact that alcohol contains a lot of sugar, which has a detrimental effect on enamel, it also causes dehydration, which means that the production of saliva, an important tool for protecting teeth and oral microflora, is reduced.

Just like alcohol, some medications can cause dehydration, so be sure to drink plenty of fluids while taking your medications.

Roasted nuts and seeds

Only fresh nuts and seeds, in particular, are good for the body and teeth. Fried ones, on the contrary, are harmful. And here's why: the beneficial substances contained in the fresh product are destroyed during the frying process. Moreover, harmful substances are formed in large quantities.

If you can't avoid roasted nuts or seeds, it will be less harmful to your health if you buy them fresh and only lightly roast them yourself at home.

Sunflower and figure

The idea that a bag of grains can be used as a snack is wrong. A 100-gram pack contains on average 550 Kcal – that’s how many calories are in sunflower seeds. This portion is equivalent to a full meal. Each nucleolus is a source of fat, since it consists of almost 70% of it. With this knowledge, you can take care of your figure and continue to pamper yourself with your favorite delicacy - you just need to consume it in moderation and reduce the nutritional value of the rest of your diet by the corresponding number of calories.

Use the seeds as a snack for movie night or a party with friends.

The calorie content of seeds and other popular snacks - chips, crackers, store-bought popcorn - is approximately the same: from 400 to 550 calories per 100 grams. But the composition and set of useful elements are different. The seeds do not contain carcinogens, flavorings, flavor enhancers or other additives. But there are the necessary vitamins, fiber and protein. Also, because the seeds need to be peeled, you will eat them longer, which means you will eat less.

Djinn seeds are available in five packaging options: from 35 grams for one person to 350 grams for an entire company. In the store you will recognize these products by their bright and durable packaging, which does not allow moisture to pass through and retains the aroma. It comes in three colors: yellow - classic high-quality roasted seeds, blue - seeds with sea salt, green - pumpkin seeds.


Nutcrackers risk damaging teeth

Constant use of certain areas of the incisors leads to thinning and even splitting of the enamel. You can “crack” seeds for years without much harm to it, and one day you will encounter an overly strong specimen that will make a hole in the enamel that is visible to the naked eye. But more often, tooth damage is the result of many years of grinding down the enamel, which simply does not have time to recover.

What happens next? There are two options.

  1. The “Nutcracker” goes to the dentist, who fixes the problem and convinces the patient of the need to give up the bad habit or learn to “disassemble” sunflower seeds with his hands (by the way, stimulation of the fingertips rich in nerve endings has never harmed anyone).
  2. He continues to chew “for his own pleasure”, changing the localization of the “working” areas on his teeth. There are “craftsmen” who crack the shell with their molars and, manipulating their tongue, separate the kernels from the husk. The latter is evacuated, that is, spat out. The condition of the oral cavity after such a meal leaves much to be desired, but abrasions on the mucous membrane and chips of the enamel do not bother the “seed eaters” until significant harm is caused to their health. After this, it is time for the first option.

You should not put off visiting a doctor, because a violation of the integrity of the enamel is:

  • ugly smile;
  • painful reaction to frosty air, cold and hot food;
  • if the pulp chamber is damaged, pain occurs that interferes with chewing food properly;
  • when the nerve is exposed - toothache even at rest;
  • possible source of infection;
  • the likelihood of tooth decay and loss.

Peeling sunflower seeds with your teeth is dangerous because small chips and cracks that do not affect the dentin do not cause noticeable pain. Because of this, the patient delays his visit to the dentist and may experience unpleasant complications. And to eliminate them, additional means are needed - both therapeutic and financial. You need to remember this when planning to watch your favorite series with the treasured little bag in your hands.

Use a blender to clean the seeds quickly

Using this method, you can separate a whole kilogram of seeds from the husk in 10 minutes. All you need is a blender, a sieve, a deep plate and the seeds themselves: they must be well fried. You only need to complete three steps.

  1. Place the seeds in a blender. Grind them for about 3 minutes in pulsating mode: first at low speed and then at high speed. Shake the seeds periodically so that the top and bottom layers change places.
  2. Pour the seeds into a plate of water and wait 5 minutes: during this time, the husks will float to the surface and the seeds will sink.
  3. Remove the husks with a spoon, separate the seeds from the water using a sieve.

Peeled seeds can be dried, placed in a container and put in the refrigerator: there they can be stored for up to three months. Take a little sleep every day and take it with you as a snack to work or school. Seeds are a nutritious snack: one serving (35 grams) contains about 6 grams of protein and almost 4 grams of fiber. This combination will charge you with energy for a long time.

Genie seeds can be easily peeled with a blender or by hand due to their quality and size. The manufacturer grows sunflowers in its own fields in the Krasnodar Territory, Adygea and Altai. Then the seeds are sorted in the calibration workshop: only large ones are sent to a plant in the Chelyabinsk region for further processing. They undergo a multi-stage cleaning system: they are separated from debris and impurities, washed with water, dried, fried, and cooled. The bright, recognizable packaging of this brand contains only seeds that have passed a rigorous casting: the largest, most aromatic and tasty.

Learn more about seeds

After seeds – rinse and clean

Another aspect of eating sunflower grains that affects the condition of the oral cavity is the particles of kernels and husks remaining after eating them. The former are an excellent environment for harmful microorganisms, while the latter, with their sharp edges, injure everything they come into contact with. To minimize the harm of these factors, after the “meal” you need to brush your teeth, after rinsing your mouth generously with water. Otherwise, pieces of shell will become a traumatic abrasive during cleaning.

It has long been known that food can be useful and harmful - it all depends on its quality, portions and the presence of a culture of consumption. This fully applies to sunflower kernels.


When treating a wedge-shaped tooth defect, the doctor first restores its integrity, then prevents its further destruction. If necessary, dentists of narrow specializations are involved in the treatment of a wedge-shaped defect: therapists, orthodontists, orthopedists.

The following will help restore the condition of the tooth:

  • Installation of seals. The doctor removes the altered tissues in the cervical area, and installs filling material in their place. When restoring medium and complex defects, the doctor uses a light-curing fluid composite and compomer materials. They are quite elastic and can partially compensate for the load on the teeth. The best fillings are installed using the sandwich technique: the bottom layer is made of dental cement, the top layer is made of composite materials. For better aesthetics, your doctor may suggest installing ceramic veneers.
  • Fluoridation and remineralization. The procedures restore the mineral content in the enamel, this heals the tooth and slows down the process of destruction;
  • Prosthetics. If the tooth is severely damaged and there is a risk of fracture at the base of the crown, the doctor will be forced to install a denture. Usually this is permanent prosthetics made of metal-ceramics or using ceramic crowns.

If the wedge-shaped defect has just begun to develop, the following will help slow down the process:

  • Remineralizing therapy. Applications with calcium and sodium preparations are applied to the affected part, and the patient is recommended to take a course of vitamin-containing complexes. Remineralization courses must be repeated regularly and they only help at the initial stage of the disease;
  • Fluoridation. Effective in cases of deep damage to the enamel, applications with fluoride preparations seal the tubules of the tooth tissue and reduce its sensitivity;
  • Laser therapy. Reduces tooth sensitivity and inhibits the development of the disease. Laser treatment is recommended for pregnant and lactating women and patients with allergies.

For home care, the doctor will recommend pastes and gels enriched with a special mineral composition.

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