Braces: what to do if something happens to them

Braces are non-removable orthodontic structures that remain in the oral cavity throughout the treatment process.

The duration of correction ranges from several months to two years. Braces cause some discomfort at the beginning of treatment, but later their presence becomes almost unnoticeable. However, every patient thinks about the day when it is time to remove them.

Thanks to modern technologies, it is possible to correct malocclusion or other dental anomalies at almost any age.

When will it be possible to remove braces from my teeth?

To change the position of the teeth in a row, you will have to wear braces for quite a long time - at least several months, but positive changes will appear much faster. By assessing the results of treatment with braces, the orthodontist will be able to indicate to you the expected completion date of the bite correction course.

The timing of treatment will depend to a certain extent on you: if you want to remove braces from your teeth as quickly as possible and at the same time acquire a beautiful smile with straight teeth, you must strictly follow all the orthodontist’s recommendations and not miss visits to the clinic to monitor the results of the correction.

Calculate the cost of treatment by taking a short test in 20 seconds!

Do not delay your treatment, because in this matter time plays against us.

Cost of dental braces removal procedure

The average price for removing braces in Russia is 10,000 rubles ($154 at the time of writing). In general, prices vary depending on the clinic and city. The lowest price we were able to find was 3,000 rubles for one jaw (about $46), the maximum was five times more. Unfortunately, the pricing policy does not always reflect the quality of the services provided.

Cost of removing braces

In Ukraine, such services are much cheaper. For example, making a retainer will cost you 700 hryvnia. That's about $27. In St. Petersburg, the production of a retention mouth guard will cost 7000-8000 (108-123 usd). The cost of a mouth guard also depends on the material. For example, if it contains a reinforcing metal arc, such a product will be more expensive than an analogue made from a biopolymer without metal parts.

Average prices for orthodontic treatment:

Consultation1140 rubles
Casts1140 rubles
Braces (1 dental arch) metal34200 rubles
Braces (1 dental arch) ceramic64600 rubles
Braces (1 dental arch) lingual88160 rubles
Arc installation3420 rubles
Re-bonding the bracket1216 rubles
Removing the bracket2660 rubles
Teeth whitening (using aligners)11400 rubles

Removing braces: how to remove the orthodontic structure

Where can braces be removed and how will the procedure take place? These questions concern many people undergoing orthodontic treatment or just preparing to wear braces. Many people think that it is painful or unpleasant, or mistakenly assume that they can remove braces themselves, at home. In fact, it is impossible to remove braces without visiting an orthodontist’s office. This is a simple and non-painful procedure, so there is no need to be afraid of it. To remove braces from your teeth, the doctor will not have to perform any complicated actions; the removal process will go through quite quickly. Lingual braces are removed within an hour, conventional vestibular braces are removed even faster - in 20-30 minutes.

How does the process work? We will describe to you the procedure for removing braces from your teeth in detail. So, to remove your braces, you will go to the orthodontist, and the doctor will do the following:

  • Install a retractor in the oral cavity, which will protect the soft tissues of the mouth and mucous membranes during removal of braces;
  • Remove the braces system. To remove the structure, the orthodontist will first remove the arches and ligatures, and then the braces themselves.

But simply removing the braces is not enough - after removing the orthodontic structure, be sure to remove any remaining adhesive from the dental surfaces, grind and polish the tooth enamel, and then treat it with a special remineralizing compound.

When are braces removed?

After installation of the system, the patient visits the orthodontist at least once a month. The doctor adjusts the effects of braces and monitors the effectiveness of therapy. When the planned result is achieved and the risk of relapse is unlikely, the orthodontist will notify the patient that the correction phase has ended. During the next visit, he assigns the patient a day to remove braces, explains the stages of preparation and describes the procedure itself.

The duration of the dental treatment process is influenced by the following factors:

  1. Complexity of the clinical case. If the problem is only a violation of the location of individual units of the dentition, then it can be corrected in 0.5-1 year. In case of multiple anomalies and pathologies, the duration of the correction course increases.
  2. Age. The peculiarities of the structure and maturation of the dentofacial apparatus in children make it possible to achieve correction of occlusion and the location of teeth in the jaw with less effort and twice as fast as in adults, who have inertia in plastic processes.
  3. Type of orthodontic structure. Vestibular metal braces exert intense, uniform translational pressure on areas of the skeletal system of the jaw, which leads to a pronounced result and a reduction in the correction period. You need to wear classic braces 1.5-2 times less than lingual and ceramic braces.
  4. Accuracy of installation and adherence to therapy rules. The specialist selects the type of structure, calculates mechanical forces, elasticity of the arches and develops a correction scheme, which affects the effectiveness and duration of treatment. The course also depends on the patient’s compliance with the doctor’s recommendations and the timing of visits to the dental clinic, maintaining oral hygiene, and proper care of the device.
  5. Planned effect. The duration of the correction course is influenced by the result that the patient expects to receive. He can be focused only on the aesthetic appearance of the teeth, especially if other deviations do not cause him any inconvenience, and refuse to continue wearing the orthodontic structure after achieving the desired result.

Taking into account the listed factors, the period of correction using braces can range from 1.5-2 to 3 years. It is impossible for a non-specialist to visually determine that the treatment is completed and it is time to remove the orthodontic structure, so you should trust the doctor’s decision and complete the correction course.

No special preparation is required for the removal of orthodontic structures. Braces can be removed in one session or several - it depends on the complexity of removal, the individual sensitivity of the patient, and the duration of the procedure.

Does it hurt to remove braces from your teeth?

One of the common questions from braces patients is: does it hurt to remove braces from your teeth? No, this procedure is painless and can be performed without the use of local anesthesia. Of course, some discomfort during removal of braces is not excluded, but it can be withstood without an anesthetic injection.

If you have a low pain threshold and high tooth sensitivity, warn your doctor about this. Then, before removing the braces, the doctor uses local anesthesia so that the removal procedure takes place without pain or discomfort.

Do teeth with braces hurt a lot and what can you do about it?

Fixing braces is a painless procedure. But after the orthodontic archwire is installed in the braces, pressure will be placed on the teeth. Therefore, for several days after installation and each new arch replacement, the teeth may ache a little.

How much your teeth will hurt depends on the characteristics of your body and its pain threshold. According to statistics, 10% of patients’ teeth do not hurt at all, more than half report minor pain, and only 5% of brace wearers report severe pain.

In any case, the discomfort goes away after a few days, and the orthodontist will advise which painkiller is best to take if the pain greatly ruins your life.

So putting on braces is not painful, but rather a little unpleasant. But for the sake of the beauty of your smile and your own health, you can endure a little.

Can I remove braces myself?

One important thing you need to remember is that it is impossible to remove braces safely at home. In order to properly remove braces without damaging tooth enamel and soft tissues of the mouth, you need to have special knowledge, skills, and have dental instruments at your disposal. There are articles on the Internet that tell you how to remove braces at home, but do not follow the instructions given in them: this will not lead to anything good, you can damage your teeth and gums and provoke the development of an inflammatory process.

In addition, removing braces to complete orthodontic treatment is not enough. After the braces are removed, special structures are placed on the teeth - retainers, which secure the result of the bite correction and prevent the teeth from moving apart again. Retainers cannot be bought on the Internet or in a store, and what’s more, they cannot be installed correctly and securely on your own.

It is also impossible to remove the braces yourself because after removing the structure, the glue that was used to fix the plates remains on the teeth. To remove it, the surfaces of the teeth need to be sanded and polished. Remineralization of tooth enamel is also required to restore its structure after wearing braces for a long time.

Why you can’t remove braces yourself at home

Without special knowledge and tools, it is strictly not recommended to remove braces. Today there is enough provocative information on the Internet about removing braces yourself, but you should not follow the lead of unqualified people. Independent intervention can lead to damage to the mucous membrane, teeth, and gums.

Even if you have some knowledge in dentistry, you should not remove braces yourself, because after that you will need to install retainers. It will not be possible to purchase and install correctly without special equipment. Also, without a drill it is impossible to remove residual glue from tooth enamel. Intervention will lead to damage or complete elimination of the therapeutic effect.

If one “lock” comes unglued, you should not remove it yourself. This will cause damage to the structure. It is recommended to visit your doctor as soon as possible, since the failure of one element will lead to a decrease in pressure on the teeth, which will reduce the effectiveness of treatment. If it is not possible to make an appointment, you can temporarily secure the braces with medical wax, which can be found at the pharmacy.

Is it possible to remove braces if the system breaks down?

Braces are durable structures that can withstand heavy loads well. But if the patient does not follow the doctor’s recommendations, the braces may come off. Even under these circumstances, you should not attempt to remove braces yourself! Such attempts may cause you to damage the entire system!

Therefore, there is no need to bother removing braces; your task in such a situation is to get an appointment with an orthodontist as quickly as possible, since the absence of even one element in the system disrupts the balance of the structure and significantly reduces the effectiveness of braces. If you cannot get to the orthodontist in the next day or two, visit the pharmacy, buy medical wax and use it to secure the bracket on the surface of the tooth from which it fell off.

The process of installing braces for adults

The installation of braces takes place in several stages: preparation – installation – activation. The orthodontist tells the patient in detail how braces are placed before the procedure.


Preparation for the procedure begins with a consultation with an orthodontist. Before installing braces, the doctor always carefully examines the patient and sends him for x-rays of the upper and lower jaws. After establishing the final diagnosis, he draws up a treatment plan. First of all, the sanitation of the oral cavity is carried out: all teeth subject to treatment are treated, those not subject to treatment are removed.

After this, an impression is taken of both jaws to make a plaster model of the jaw in a dental laboratory. The doctor, together with the patient, selects the most suitable bracket system in terms of design and price.

Stages of installing braces

The installation of braces on teeth is carried out strictly in accordance with the developed protocol. She may be:

  1. direct - the clasps are glued directly during installation to each crown;
  2. indirect - first a plaster model is made, the finished structure is assembled on its basis and immediately installed in the oral cavity; This method is faster and more efficient.

Installation steps:

  1. Installation of a labial and jaw retractor. These mouth expanders allow access to the dentition of the upper and lower jaw. The patient can completely relax.
  2. Cleaning and protecting teeth. The surface of the tooth crowns is thoroughly cleaned, polished and dried.
  3. Installation of locks. Using special cement, a clasp is glued to the surface of each tooth. The cement is dried with a lamp with ultraviolet radiation, and its remains are removed. Braces are installed first on the upper jaw, then on the lower jaw. Indirect installation allows installations to be carried out much faster.
  4. Installation of the arc. After the cement has hardened, an arch is pulled through each lock and secured using a ligature (using rubber bands) or non-ligature (snaps into the grooves of the locks) method. On the lateral abutment teeth (6 or 7), the system is secured using locking rings.

The entire process of installing braces is painless and takes no more than an hour.


After installing braces, under the action of the tension force created by the arch, the teeth gradually move in a given direction and change their position. As their position in the dentition changes, the tension force of the arch decreases. This condition requires correction, called braces activation. When installing classic ligature braces, the doctor adjusts the tension force once a month. With non-ligature braces, control is required much less frequently; the orthodontist individually decides how often control should be carried out.

How to tell if braces are installed correctly

This can only be determined by a qualified specialist who has experience installing various types of braces. Experienced specialists work in the St. Petersburg dental clinic “Yulistom”, this allows for high-quality installation of braces with complete elimination of the possibility of error.

What happens to my teeth after braces are removed?

One of the reasons why braces can only be removed in a dental clinic is the poor condition of the teeth. After removing braces, glue remains on the surface of the teeth; there may be noticeable cracks and white spots formed due to insufficient nutrition of the dental tissues while wearing braces.

It is important to understand that wearing braces negatively affects only aesthetics, but not the health of your teeth. Aesthetic defects will be easy to eliminate: to do this, it is enough to remove the braces, grind and polish the tooth enamel, and conduct a course of its remineralization. Usually these measures are quite enough to completely restore the aesthetics of the appearance of teeth.

But if you want to get the perfect Hollywood smile, then after removing braces, you can put veneers on your teeth, carry out the procedure for whitening tooth enamel, and resort to any other artistic restoration methods.

How to get used to the braces system?

Any braces are a foreign body in the oral cavity. And in the first couple of weeks after their installation, the body will be uncomfortable with them. Then addiction will set in, and the braces system will no longer cause inconvenience.

During the habituation period, you may experience:

  • increased salivation,
  • impaired speech clarity,
  • The braces system can rub the mucous membrane.

To reduce these negative effects to a minimum and quickly get used to braces, we recommend:

  1. Rinse your mouth with astringent solutions - decoctions of oak bark, shepherd's purse, drink tea with viburnum, water with lemon - this will help reduce saliva production.
  2. Practice pronunciation by speaking tongue twisters or simply reading aloud. This way your speech apparatus will quickly get used to the new working conditions.
  3. Use orthodontic wax to cover interfering clasps. Your orthodontist will give out the wax immediately after fixation. If the braces are rubbed and inflammation appears on the mucous membrane, use a healing ointment. In this case, Solcoseryl will work well.
  4. Always have a travel hygiene kit with you so you can brush your teeth immediately after eating.

What procedures will be performed after braces are removed?

Removing braces does not mean ending the course of orthodontic treatment. First of all, the doctor will restore the aesthetic appearance of the teeth.

For this purpose, the following procedures are carried out:

1. Hygienic cleaning. This procedure allows you to remove residual adhesive, tartar and plaque from the surfaces of your teeth. Deposits actively accumulate under braces during the treatment period, and in order to keep teeth healthy, they must be removed.

2. Remineralization of tooth enamel after removal of braces. It is carried out by treating the surfaces of teeth with fluoride and calcium preparations, which saturate the weakened enamel with nutrients and restore its healthy structure.

We wrote above that after removing braces, you can do whitening to get a perfect smile. However, we advise you to remove your braces and wait about a month to whiten your teeth. During this time, the enamel and dental tissues will be sufficiently restored. If you whiten your teeth immediately after removing braces, there is a high risk of tooth hypersensitivity and even pain.

What can you eat with braces?

There are no big prohibitions on certain foods during orthodontic treatment, but it is better to adhere to the following rules:

  1. In the first days after installation and activation, while your teeth ache, it is better to eat soft and liquid food - porridge, puree soups, smoothies, yoghurts and curds. This will make it easier to get used to your new state.
  2. There is no need to eat sticky foods that can get stuck in the braces and damage them. And even if they don’t damage them, it’s difficult to clean them out later. Therefore, toffees, caramels, chewing gum, as well as cookies, baked goods, and other foods that become sticky when chewed are prohibited.
  3. Do not eat hard foods - crackers, nuts, pieces of meat, etc. — they can easily damage your braces. For the same reason, cut raw vegetables and fruits into small pieces.
  4. Don't forget that products such as tea, coffee, colored drinks, beets, blueberries, etc. may change the color of some types of braces and ligatures on them. And sitting in a cafe with a brace system full of, for example, red beets is not very aesthetically pleasing. So think about it.
  5. If your brace system has thermo-active orthodontic wires, then you cannot eat ice cream or drink ice water. The fact is that at ordinary temperatures a thermoactive arc can be given any shape. Then, under the influence of a person’s body temperature, it “remembers” the shape that was put into it during production and begins to work. And here you are with your ice cream...

Why do you need to remove braces and put retainers on your teeth?

Many patients are upset by the fact that it is not enough to remove the braces and complete the course of bite correction: after removing the braces, they will need to wear special structures on the teeth - retainers. Wearing retainers helps to consolidate the achieved positive result in correcting the bite, because if you remove the braces and do not put on the retainers - without the pressure that the brace system puts on the teeth, they will tend to return to their previous position.

Retainers will hold your teeth in the correct position and prevent them from moving. After your braces are removed, your orthodontist may suggest that you install removable or permanent retainers.

Fixed retainers

They are the thinnest wire that is glued to the inner surface of the teeth from the tongue side. Filling materials are used to fix the wire; it will be absolutely invisible to prying eyes and will not cause any discomfort when worn.

Removable retainers

When you come to the orthodontist to remove your braces, the specialist may offer you removable retainers.
These structures can be in the form of thin plates or silicone mouth guards and are worn over the teeth while you sleep. After removing braces, retention mouthguards are made according to an individual impression and their use requires a certain amount of discipline from the patient - if you don’t put the mouthguard on every day and forget about it, you can nullify all the positive results achieved from wearing braces. How long will you have to wear retainers after your braces are removed? Let's answer honestly - the retention period after removing braces is usually quite long; its duration can exceed the duration of the correction course by 2-3 times. And besides, some patients will have to wear retainers after removing braces for the rest of their lives to maintain a beautiful smile with straight teeth.

Which braces are better to choose?

Currently, several types of systems are produced. You can choose the most suitable model for adults, teenagers and even children. The orthodontist and the patient decide which braces to install. Prices for individual types also vary: from inexpensive to VIP models. All models are divided according to the type of design, method of attachment to the teeth and material of manufacture.

By type of design

Based on this feature, there are two types of models:

  • Ligature (classical) braces. In these models, the locks do not have caps, and the arch is fixed using special fasteners - ligatures. The advantage of these models is their ease of manufacture and inexpensive price. Disadvantages - difficulties during installation: the doctor must clearly calculate the force of the arch on the dentition and, at certain intervals, increase or decrease it, depending on how the treatment process is going. To achieve this, the patient must visit the orthodontist frequently. The treatment period may increase due to difficulties in calculating the force of impact on the dentition. Design features also make it difficult to maintain oral hygiene. The price, depending on the material of manufacture, is 30 - 45 thousand rubles.
  • Non-ligating (self-ligating) braces. These designs have caps on the locks that secure the arc. The system has a gentler effect on the dentition and does not require constant correction by the orthodontist. Price from 25 – 30 thousand rubles. There are two types of non-ligature braces: active – the caps covering the locks have an active effect on the arch, increasing its strength in the desired direction;
  • passive - lock covers do not affect the arc; this is a more modern type of braces; They are easy to install and there is no need to calculate the force on the arc.

Ligature and non-ligature braces

One of the most effective non-ligature passive models is the unique Damon System brace system, introduced into practice in 2000. This is a completely self-regulating, reliable system that acts gently and effectively, and does not require frequent monitoring by the orthodontist. Metal models are available (Damon Q - 80,000 rubles) and aesthetic, more expensive ones, made of transparent polycrystalline aluminum (Damon Clear - 90,000 rubles). Oral hygiene is easier with the Damon system than with other systems.

According to the method of attachment to teeth

The bracket system can be attached to the teeth in the following ways:

  • The vestibular method is the most common; the clasps are attached to the front surface of the dental crowns. The system is reliable, time-tested, but its disadvantage is that it is not always aesthetically pleasing. This type of fastening is used mainly in the treatment of adolescents. The price of braces is from 10,000 to 60,000 rubles. depending on the material used.
  • Lingual method - clasps are installed on the inner surface of the crowns facing the oral cavity. In such cases, braces are outwardly invisible, which is why they are preferred by adults. Disadvantages: These are more expensive models and after installation, speech problems may occur for some time. The price of lingual braces is from 100,000 rubles.

Vestibular and lingual braces

According to the material of manufacture

Bracket systems can be made from different materials:

  1. metal - the most common; made of titanium and some alloys with hypoallergenic properties; advantages: reliability of fastening, ensuring minimal duration of treatment and relatively low cost; cons – not very aesthetically pleasing, used mainly as braces for children and teenagers; price from 25,000 rubles;
  2. ceramic – locks are made of white hypoallergenic ceramics; the shade can be matched to the color of the patient’s teeth; advantages - almost invisible in the mouth; cons - less reliable and more expensive than metal ones; these braces are preferred by adults; price from 50,000 rubles;
  3. plastic – the locks are made of hypoallergenic plastic; advantages - lightweight, inexpensive designs; disadvantages - they break easily, are stained with food coloring and fail; most often used in pediatric orthodontics; price from 10,000 rubles;
  4. sapphire – made from transparent artificial sapphires; advantages - no less reliable than metal ones, have an aesthetic appearance; cons – high cost, from 60,000 rubles;
  5. combined - ceramic clasps are installed on the front teeth, metal clasps are installed on the side teeth; this reduces cost and improves reliability.

Types of braces by material

Will my teeth hurt after my braces are removed?

You need to prepare for the fact that you will experience physical discomfort for some time after your braces are removed. It occurs because the teeth, after removing braces, tend to return to their previous position, and retainers prevent this.

High tooth sensitivity may also occur, explained by the fact that while wearing braces, tooth enamel becomes thinner and weakens. Therefore, pain may occur when drinking hot/cold drinks and food.

The orthodontist must warn you about such side effects before removing braces. In addition, the specialist should advise you in detail on the proper care of your teeth and oral cavity after removing braces and installing retainers.

How braces are removed at DDClinic

Removal of a classic ligature apparatus begins with the removal of rings and locks, continues by removing the arches and detaching the braces from the teeth, and ends with cleansing the tooth enamel from the remnants of the fixing material. The whole procedure takes a few minutes.

In the case of a non-ligature system, the lock on each bracket is first opened, and then the same manipulations are performed as when removing the ligature system.

Lingual braces are attached to the inside of the teeth, so they take a little longer to remove - approximately 30 minutes.

How to properly care for your teeth and oral cavity after removing braces?

After removing braces, weakened tooth enamel and tooth tissue need time to fully recover. This is why it is so important to ensure proper oral hygiene. It is imperative to undergo professional teeth cleaning and teeth remineralization procedures - they are performed in a clinic and may require several visits to a specialist’s office.

At home, after removing braces, you must regularly and thoroughly brush your teeth, use an irrigator or dental floss to remove plaque from the interdental spaces, and use balms and rinses to prevent gum inflammation. In all these procedures it is necessary to use gels and pastes, which the orthodontist will recommend to you. Usually, pastes with a high fluoride content are prescribed, as well as special remineralizing gels, which are used to treat the teeth after brushing.

Calculate the cost of treatment by taking a short test in 20 seconds!

Do not delay your treatment, because in this matter time plays against us.

Painfulness of the procedure

The main concern of many patients is the pain that occurs during the process of removing the retainers. But in fact, when removing the brackets, the dentist does not interact with either the enamel or gum tissue, which eliminates any pain. The only chance to experience physical discomfort is to constantly twitch and fidget in the doctor’s chair, sooner or later forcing him to touch open areas with forceps.

Polishing tooth enamel is also a painless procedure. All that is required of the patient is to remain persevering and calmly endure the prescribed activities.

Is it possible to remove braces from teeth ahead of schedule?

It is possible to remove braces ahead of schedule only if the process of correcting the bite went faster than initially predicted. But such cases are very rare. More often, the need to remove braces ahead of schedule arises under the following circumstances:

  • Conservative orthodontic treatment does not give a positive result. In this case, it is advisable to remove the braces and correct the bite with surgery;
  • Braces will have to be removed if the system breaks down or if the patient has an allergic reaction to it.

Other reasons (including special occasions, significant events) are not considered valid for removing braces. Of course, if you insist, the doctor will remove the braces from your teeth and put them on after some time. But at the same time, you will have to install a new structure, and the treatment time may increase significantly. In addition, early removal of braces can have a negative impact on the functioning of the maxillofacial joint.

If you know that after some time a significant event is planned in your life, you lead a public lifestyle - it is best to initially make a choice in favor of aesthetic and invisible types of braces on the teeth - ceramic, sapphire, lingual brace systems. Then the braces will not have to be removed, and you will be able to complete the course of treatment without unnecessary expenses and visits to the clinic.

Using retainers

So, the braces are off - what next? And then you need to consolidate the result. After all, no matter how long you wear braces on your teeth, you need to use retainers. They come in two types - removable and non-removable.

  • Braces for children

Removable and non-removable retainers

A permanent retainer is a special arch that is installed, this time, on the inner surface of your teeth. Most often, fangs are chosen to fix it. If you choose a simpler option, the doctor makes an impression, on the basis of which mouth guards are made from plastic material. They, unlike braces, are removable. But this is the main catch. Many people, either accidentally or intentionally, do not wear a mouthguard. This leads to negative consequences.

Retention mouth guard

Aligners (clear aligners) are worn 22 hours a day. They can only be removed when eating and brushing your teeth. That is, you will have to wear them to work, school, and even on a date. Otherwise you will have to suffer much longer.

The choice between a removable and a permanent retainer is made by the orthodontist. If the correction was performed on both jaws, then a combined option can be used. That is, an aligner is placed on the jaw with minimal defects, and an internal brace is placed on the other jaw. The installation of retainers itself is a simple, quick and painless procedure. As for efficiency, it is still better to install an arc. This way you will know for sure that you will achieve results. Because statistics show that a large percentage of people forget to wear mouth guards.

Retainers after braces

Video - Types of Retainers and what they are needed for

Early removal

The need to remove the structure before completion of treatment may arise for several reasons:

  1. Allergy to the material used in the manufacture of braces.
  2. Wearing it does not have the desired effect.
  3. Urgent intervention is required due to complications.
  4. Structural failure due to mechanical damage.
  5. Replacing one doctor with another.

There are often cases when patients themselves ask to remove their braces for a while so that they would not be seen in this form at a public event. This procedure is possible, but impractical for several reasons. A device that has been previously used cannot be reinstalled. It needs to be purchased and installed again, adjusted to the parameters of the previous one. Because of this, the patient will lose money and time, and will also delay the final result.

The decision to discontinue use is made solely by the dentist, since early removal entails zeroing out the result, and as a result, the teeth will quickly return to their original irregular shape.

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