Comprehensive functional rehabilitation in dentistry

Electrophoresis in dentistry is a physiotherapeutic procedure when medicinal substances are introduced into the body through electric current. This method uses special compounds that, under the influence of electricity, disintegrate into ions, accumulate in the pathological area and have a targeted effect on it. Thus, maximum therapeutic effect is achieved.

Indications for the use of electrophoresis in dentistry

  • periodontitis;
  • pulpitis;
  • glossalgia;
  • glossitis;
  • purulent and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity;
  • dental cysts;
  • dental granulomas;
  • pathology of the facial nerve;
  • inflammation of dental cells (alveolitis);
  • lesions of the oral mucosa;
  • severe pain after treatment or tooth extraction.

Despite the rapid development of technology in dentistry, electrophoresis has been and remains one of the most effective and affordable physiotherapeutic methods for treating hard and soft dental tissues.


When prescribing physiotherapy, special attention should be paid to contraindications. They can be general, that is, they are not suitable for any physical impact, and specific - for each procedure there is a separate additional list.

Physiotherapeutic procedures should not be prescribed in cases of detection of these diseases:

  • Neoplasms or suspicion of their presence.
  • Tendency to bleed.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Heart failure.
  • Intoxication.
  • Cachexia.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Systemic blood diseases.
  • Individual intolerance.

Exposure to physical factors in the presence of general contraindications can lead to a sharp deterioration in health.

Features of electrophoresis for teeth

The procedure is performed in a treatment room and is comfortable and painless. Allows you to quickly relieve pain in the tissues, inside the dental canal, thereby eliminating foci of infection. Medicines are administered slowly, and the therapeutic effect lasts for several weeks. The risk of developing allergic reactions is minimal.

Medicines used in electrophoresis:

  • lidocaine;
  • iodine;
  • vitamin cocktails;
  • calcium;
  • a nicotinic acid;
  • novocaine, etc.

Purified water, dimexide, and buffer compounds are used as solvents.

Drug electrophoresis in dentistry is performed as follows:

  • a special pad is wetted in the medicinal composition;
  • the element is fixed at the site of inflammation;
  • when treating pulpitis, the teeth are pre-treated and the drug is simultaneously injected into the canals;
  • the tissues of the oral cavity are exposed to weak current pulses through the pad;
  • The patient is given an electric current with a gradual increase in strength until painful sensations appear. Thus, the optimal indicator of the power of impact on the zone is determined;
  • the procedure lasts about 10 – 30 minutes.

The average duration of an electrophoresis course is 10-20 procedures, which are performed daily or with breaks of one or two days.

Types of physiotherapy and mechanism of action

Under the influence of various physical factors, the physiological processes of the body are activated. With the rational use of physical therapy in dentistry, it is possible to control these processes and obtain the desired result.

Depending on the type of impact factor, there are different types of physiotherapy.

Physical factorPhysiotherapy
Electric current
(alternating, direct, high or low frequency, strength, voltage)
Galvanization and electrophoresis




Ultratone therapy

UHF therapy

LightLaser therapy
WarmParaffin therapy
Mud therapy
Air particles
Ozone therapy
A magnetic fieldMagnetotherapy
Oscillations (mechanical, electromagnetic)Ultrasound therapy
Microwave therapy
PressureMassage (hydromassage, vacuum, manual)

Against the background of activation of the physiological processes of the body, the following effects are observed:

  • Stimulation of the immunobiological system.
  • Desensitization.
  • Activation of the endocrine glands (pituitary gland, thyroid gland).
  • Regulation of hematopoietic function.
  • Improving collateral blood flow.
  • Abundant supply of tissues with oxygen.
  • Strengthening regenerative processes (fast wound healing).
  • Activation of the anticoagulant system.
  • Production of endorphins, which has an analgesic effect.
  • Activation of proteolytic enzymes and leukocytes in the lesion, which leads to a bactericidal effect.

The method of physical influence should be carefully chosen, taking into account both the local and general reaction of the body. The result for each patient may be different depending on the general condition and clinical picture of the disease.

Therapeutic effect

The use of physiotherapy methods allows you to achieve the following effects:

  • reduction of treatment time;
  • acceleration of the recovery period;
  • therapy has a healing, disinfecting, antibacterial effect;
  • reduction of pain syndrome;
  • healing, activation of tissue regeneration;
  • achieving positive dynamics in stagnant, chronic processes.

The first results are visible after the first or second procedure. But treatment cannot be interrupted; the course should be completed unless there is an indication for interruption. Therefore, the doctor must monitor the therapy and the patient’s condition.


Thanks to compact and universal equipment, physiotherapy can be carried out in a dental clinic, provided it is equipped. It is also possible to carry out the procedure in a clinic or hospital upon referral from a doctor free of charge.

Main actionIndicationsHow to do it
Laser therapyanti-inflammatory




caries, pulpitis, periodontitis
gingivitis, periodontitis, stomatitis

injuries, viral and bacterial diseases of the mucous membrane

dental surgery

A helium-neon or conductive laser is used. The radiation is directed to tissue and penetrates to different depths.
Depophoresiscleans and sterilizes root canals
due to the copper depot, it creates a tightness of the main and periapical branches

stimulates bone tissue regeneration

treatment of difficult canals
tool breakage

unsuccessful dental treatment

wide apical foramen

Three visits are required. A suspension of copper and calcium hydroxide is injected into the prepared canal. Using the cathode and anode, the current is increased until heat and tingling appear.
Galvanization and Electrophoresis absorbable action

improvement of metabolic and reparative processes

long-term effect of the drug

passage of medicine through the narrow canals of the tooth

trauma, broken bones


tooth sensitivity

non-carious lesions

implant installation

The effect of direct current and drugs occurs using the cathode and anode.
Amplipulse therapy
(SMT therapy)
improvement of metabolism

activation of the neuromuscular system

stomalgia, neuritis, glossalgia, neuralgia
salivary stone disease

muscle stimulation

The electrodes are fixed. They supply alternating current, constantly changing in amplitude and frequency. A slight vibration is felt due to the contraction of muscle fibrils.


acute inflammation of the mucous membrane
Electrodes are installed on the skin, and a cathode is installed in the oral cavity. Low current and low voltage are supplied.
regulation of metabolic processes

activation of regenerative processes


aphthous stomatitis

abscess, phlegmon

Vacuum electrodes are used; they create a pulsed current of high frequency and high voltage, but of low strength.
Ultratone therapy vasodilation

improved blood circulation

reduction of toothache


resorption of adhesions and infiltrates


wounds and ulcers in the mouth




Electrodes filled with neon are applied. High frequency current with a power of up to 10 W is supplied.
Ozone therapystrengthening local immunity
stimulation of regeneration


antimicrobial effect

wounds, ulcers, abscess, phlegmon, candidiasis, herpes





An ozone-oxygen gas mixture is supplied to the mucous membrane or gum through a tube under pressure. It is possible to use ozone solutions in the form of irrigations, applications, rinses and injections.
Microwave therapyvasodilator



gingivitis, stomatitis, alveolitis (chronic form)


It is carried out with an emitter of various widths. Apply to the skin in the area of ​​​​projection of the lesion and apply electromagnetic vibrations.
UHF therapyantispasmodic

increased salivation


injury to bones and soft tissues
periostitis, osteomyelitis, abscess, phlegmon


Capacitor plates are applied and an ultra-high frequency electromagnetic field is formed.
Aeroinotherapyacceleration of recovery processes
activates adaptation mechanisms

wounds, ulcers on mucous membranes

The patient sits and inhales ionized air.
Massage (hydro, vacuum, manual)improved blood circulation,
stimulation of regeneration


periodontal disease

Using a special nozzle, water is supplied under pressure or, conversely, a vacuum is created. Finger massage with honey will be useful for every patient at home.




activation of metabolic processes

periodontal disease

pulpitis, periodontitis

diseases of the mucous membranes


periostitis, osteomyelitis

The mucous membrane is coated with oil, then the emitter is passed, without coming off, along the transitional fold. The impact factor is ultra-high frequency mechanical vibrations.
Magnetotherapy decongestant



trauma to the oral mucosa

postoperative wounds

bone fractures

implant installation

It is carried out by an inductor that acts on a continuous magnetic field.
Diathermocoagulationprevents bleeding
reduces postoperative pain

prevents the absorption of microbes and toxins through the vascular wall




benign neoplasms

Electrodes in the form of a root needle, knife or ball are used. A current of high frequency, high strength and density is supplied.

Physiotherapy of teeth and gums should be carried out systematically, at least 5-15 procedures per course of treatment, since the accumulation of the dose and its potentiation in the future works.

Treatment of caries

Caries is the destruction of hard tooth tissue due to chemical exposure and the activity of pathological microflora.

Another example from practice. 270 patients underwent laser treatment, and Moscow dentists diagnosed multiple caries in 150 of them. The treatment was carried out using a RIKTA laser therapy device using dental attachments. Doctors acted on the affected teeth for 1-2 minutes with a pulse frequency of 50 Hz.

In case of multiple caries, radiation was applied to the submandibular and parotid glands. This effect stimulates the production of immunoglobulin and reduces the viscosity of saliva. The duration of the procedures is 2 minutes, with a pulse of 50 Hz.

Each patient received a course of 8-10 laser therapy sessions. Over the next year, 86% of patients did not develop caries. For comparison, in patients undergoing traditional treatment, this figure was 61%.

Benefits of laser therapy

Laser therapy has many advantages over traditional treatments. Let's list the main advantages.

  1. The laser beam acts locally and briefly, without irritating the dental nerves or causing thermal reactions, so patients do not feel pain.
  2. The painlessness of the treatment allows you to eliminate or reduce the amount of painkillers, which is important for patients with intolerance or hypersensitivity to anesthesia.
  3. The laser does not produce unpleasant sounds characteristic of a drill - patients in the dental chair do not experience stress.
  4. In combined treatment regimens, laser radiation enhances the effects of medications and increases the effectiveness of treatment in general.
  5. Laser radiation is detrimental to pathological microflora, so there are no side effects, including inflammation and infection of healthy areas.
  6. The rehabilitation period is reduced by 2-3 times.

Treatment principle

Laser treatment is based on the principle of local exposure of the beam to a specific type of tissue. The beam does not affect neighboring areas. Targeted action allows you to remove carious and inflamed areas without affecting healthy enamel, gum tissue and dentin.

Carious tissues contain more moisture. Under the influence of the laser, moisture evaporates from them intensively - tissues affected by caries are gradually destroyed. In 3-5 therapy sessions, the doctor removes all diseased tissue without affecting healthy areas.

When treating periodontitis, it is necessary to remove infected areas that have changed their structure. To do this, the dentist treats the gums with a special solution that reacts with the affected cells. The solution stains the pathological areas, after which the laser acts on them. It evaporates and destroys them without damaging healthy areas.

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